HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-10, Page 8(' S. -Thursday October 10, 1929. THE SIGNAL,, - GODERICH, ONT. Pastel Colors are in the designs of today, quite varied in character, in mauve, pale gold, and yel- low, with tufts of flowers and trees. These charming Papers of 1930 are priced from 25c per roll up. Cole's Book Store "SPAflB'S" FOR CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS. VEGETABLES. BUT- TER. EGGS, MEATS, FLOUR I VERYTll1N(; THE BF -T Silrerwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED for your protection Cali in, look around amt be d i l l 1• i ,deet, Where Cleanliness is Paranoid Sparr s Grocery stere .'t 'atisfI4ctio0" Hamilton Street Goderich ' Phone.146 ll'I' DELIVER iN T(I%VN Our Entire Stock of Men's Furnishings must be cleared in order that we may devote our time to Cleaning and Pressing and Made -to - Measure Clothing. Clearing Prices on all lines W. C. Snazel HABERDASHER AND DRY CLEANER WEST ST. PHONE 339 To the Electors of North Huron cel4wd The promised reduction _ et 1W' in muter 11(epse was refugee at the last lesion by the. Mtnlster of High- ways, yet given un the eve of an elec The 1'n'ciurlal rletlou will be dyed' tion. on October 30. just three weeks ahead. • School Reform North liuron is a big riding, making The prime allinister and Minister of s thorough t- Ii R.m lmpso.sSda 411' F,ducat1011 said uu the fl,or of the through the ntelluu1 of IIw,seam press Huuae that he was willing d, 5e 40 1 wish to place my'.w•I[ on record 1a Ile 'country and let lbw people be the regard to some of the outstanding judge of his record. No (echoed reform home of tyle eleetlan, namely : The Liquor Control Act, 010 Age Pensions, Hydro Rates, (;urs and Motor Tax, • Srhsd lteforms, Finances. First 1 waist to make it absolutely that the whole school svenem 1. 1n J. S. MacKenzie. Eyelet embroidery - or change has ve•1 taken place. but Mrs. J. B. Ma(rlienale, Ellet crochet, we have had more suggestions and ideas advanced by the Minister of tine -Grace Lockhart, Morn. •1. S. Mai: - Education in the last four years than Kenzie. Tatting -Mrs, Alt. Haynes, in the preceding twenty-tive years, Mies A. M. Carrick. Other baud -made only to he abandoned or shelved as late -No Let, Mrs. Alf. 'Wylie* 2nd. 0 1 tosltiuu developed. with the result Hand hemstitching --ages. Haynes, Mut WLTHER NAA jg HIND W. MacKenzie. 1'erenlal phlox -E. Solomon, Mrs. D. C. MacMorran.(Continued from page 0) Pansies -Mrs. Tremble, Elwood 8ulo- Mrs. Il. C. MaclMorrsn.' Tea cloth. man. Rnapdragons-E. Solomon, lire. hand work -,Mie A. M. Carrick. Mrs, W. Tremble. Stoeka-Mrs. W. Tremble. J. 8. MacKenzie. Serviette*, hand- E. Solomon. Zinnias --:Mrs. 1. Con- work-Mre. J. S. MrcKeuzl., Mr>. 1 e1- gram, Mrs. W. Tremble. l'arnatione- tch. Table dulltra, lmnd work --Mrs. Mrs, I. ('ungnm, F:. Solomon. Cullee- J. 14• MarKeuzle, Mrs. Leitch. tion -E. Solomon, W. 1. Miller. 11a - LADIES' 'WORK -FANCY (day armed, -Mrs. W. Tremble, E. It -Joh crochet -lees Alf. Hayuer, Solomon. Display perentala-E. Solo- mon, Mr.. C. Wyid. Rosen, whlte- Mra. W. MacKenzie, Mrs. C. Wyld. 11 state of nucertaIuty. The Minister Mrs, Haynes, Mrs. 3, S. MacKenzie. clear where i stand. 011 the temper - RD"' 41"4"'"‘"i• 1" the "et/ *lection ha• out the 1110 Mgr to go 'thea' .0 to Solid white embroidery -Nits. Harris. i opposed. as did the 1.11s•ral party. admit his nlletakes In the face of an Mrs- Alf, 'Haynes. Table teats, 1ut11(1 the proposal of the Government to election, but one returned to power work -No fire,, Mrs.1. S. llaeKenzls %crop the 4). T. A. and snhstitnte Go(- loans of his unworkable schemes will 2nd, Tea (rosy, hand work- Mrs. Alf. ernment sale of lhpw'r. I ,,wit. eL's•- Ie' plot in execUtIOn. Haylmell Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Pair toll on that platform awl as the repre-. 7uw"IWhlp school boards wilt again tray clottta-Mr%. ]. R. MacKenzie, -emotive of North Huron have I,.',Ii pe..h1)ruducedl, aeeording to his recent Mrs. Leitch. Buffet set -airs. C. Wyld. ;rte to my ,lecture. f ally still •'p- report. despite tow reception it received Mrs. -J. S. Mackenzie. R,' r...au towel, at many. trustee me'ti ngs. Two yearsembrol.lerel -.Miss A. M. '':ill -k. Mrs. ;w'-.41 444 ilte 1.. C. A.. Rs it ie. merely Government sale withont en1trol nod „f High S.•had work Bill be toned .1. 8. MacKenzie. Bedroom towels, other ..411 re's ' as the ,toady objective, en piddle ...bottle and 1'uiverslty work -Mrs. Leitch, Mrs. 4'. W%144. Nates jumped from $5,00010 leer tear 1,,,rk will be tonsil on High, Schools, Bath towel, trimmed -Mr- J. S. Mac- „ nearly $4tr.IMM),I4T1 ter 'the last fiscal all of 1`hic11 luenne in..rtarret taxa- Kenzle. Fancy stow•,, wean', ,car. The next liquor report is due till!: without .arrrt•.4saoliug belletit, work:race Iwxkhart, 31r W. F.. N.1cemlwh i, or the day after the el- • \!'hat we, ire sadly lu Iuddl 41f is a Leitch. B yule curtainMrs. J. 8. !(team); the election tieing held a year M(uister of Edunl cattuwho w'lll devote MecKeilzle. Dressler sum • •''I•. Mr-. Iwfore nwdwssary, deep'ite the fact' his whole time to the, school problem, J. S. MacKenzie. Mrs. t'..tt':.1. Ladies i that 11w Prime Minister asks time for fro• fr..iu party pr4itls, a 1115114 rode., embroidered \ . 1st. Mrs. the ,tet to make good. The answer 1s ep1„leut of tlo('atiuual needs 4'. Weill Sud. lardy'- sit rods•, too taI plow,. The next report will who will x441)11' holt] urban and rural other n•urk-Mrs. J. 1I !1 :cis, Mra. bele yrewily increased wolrs-heuw tar •)44444441011., and one who has ttte emir- .1. S. MacKenzie. Tea .. fancy- earlN,clee•lon. 1 will 'support null ages to amend and impr.1ce. Our press No ht, Miss A. M. • ,u•rirk 211d. work for any meaemre that will stop. rut school system is too. go el.h) scrap Wrist bag, not creche. lir-. .1. S. the manufacture and sale of liquor for for the uncertainties wldch•'have been MaeKeuzie, Miss A. M. , •'k. 1[and- b•cerUltr pltrisoe+, no matter by whosugge-'from Gine e to time by the kerchiefs. hand trine.:. tin-. Alt. ILtru1 i'l'l, By my record in rite present Minister of Education. Baynes, Mn, Leitch. R. slippers bloom and my' statement '111 1114 noes- Floantea lean Lyons. Sofa Land •hen 1 sal e"„11"1:"441 by the temper- The .otate of the aeon es alone is a:.. ' fore•s of the 1'roy1nce :yup ns ,.cough 41,/ condemn any Government -an li 1 ask Ole undivided sulgort of When the.I)rury Administration .quit tti„se ..ppwwd to the policy of control office the remind expendifltt.e was $37. - the Fergul.nl Government adopts in 4E1.IM0. Atinentl expewdlture' in Itr2.8 handling the liquor question. .1\,s .i5s.I9s,4Mo, Drury Government 'OW Age Petuiont '4sdleeted ill re%tome $34.110.000. Fergus-' J. S. MacKenzie. Singh. When the Fel'ral Government intro- on Government collected 111 revenue 111 ter}• -?yrs. J. S. Mai 1. '1141-.4 4110 measure it was intended 11r2s 4*1'.42611410, or an increase in fawn- 1.44•khart.s 5iNre'lettMry not R1tD0u(► 1 the l'11ristmll'i Table bouquet -;Mrs. NY, MacKenzie. Roses. crimson -Mrs, W. ,MaeKeuzie. Collection of cut bloom -Mrs. W. Wyld. Geraniums -Mrs. D. Huston, Mrs. MacMillan. Begonia, rex-Mrs. W. MacKenzie. Begonia, tuberous - Mrs. 1). Huston, Gram Lockhart. Begonia, other -G. Lockhart. Mrs, W. Thompson. Geranium. doubh-E. Sulomun. Fuchsias -Mrs. 1. Cougrani, Mrs. S. Alton. Prlmroae-Mrs. W. Tremble, Mrs. S. Alton. House plant In bloom -Mrs. I. l'ongram. Mrs. 1). Huston. Geranium. mingle bloom - Mrs. 1. Cougram,. Mrs. 0. Huston. Geraniums. double -Mrs. 1. t'ungram, Mrs. 1►. Huston, FOR SALE FOR SALE F( 54115 1)E FORE•S'P MDER HONEY P014. SALE. -FIVE: a Crorley Radio all ele.9ric let, at A cents s pound In your own contain• a snap. l'AMII'I4ELI: S D111'41 STORE. era at the Ilenmlller Nurseries, S'1'1 WART BROS., phone Carlow 2I5. F,OR SALE.-S}iEARIANO OXFORD F4011 Down ram lamb, ulxu twelve ewe lambs. F. 1.. YOt'NG. R. R. 5, G.wle rl('h. !'hone l'erlow 2118. j ANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. 1 Notice Is hereby given that the list of lands for (tale for taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof can be had at the office of the County Treasurer, and that the list la being published in the Ontario Gazette of July 20th, 27th, Aug. 3rd and 10th, and that to default in the payment of said laze' and costs, the laud will be sold on Monday, Oct. 21st, 1929, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the court house In the town of Goderlch. GORDON YOUNG, County Treasurer. Gotlerich, Ont., Aug. 7, 1929. AUCTION SALES 4'Rt'IT Alexander -A. McQueen, K. Cameron. AI'4'Tl/►\s SALE OF 'WARM ST(►l'K. Baldwin -W. A. Miller, T. J. Salkeld. Ben Davis -W, A. Miller, -{. Scheidt. DONALD FOWLER Culvert -%V, A. Miller, 1 Alton. Let 13. wnMeselun 3, West Waw•anu-.b Cayuga Red Streak -J, R. Hackett. lthreerpurters idle south ,ot Duu- Dueli ss -A. McQueen, ',Vm. Andrew. ga11uou I, will sell by public auctlou Tatman Sweet -T. A. Cameron, G. A. farm stcw•k• couslsting of to borers. 17 Greer. Cranberry Pippin -T. J. Sal- cat,:e• and IYe steep. on kelt!. Malden Bhesh-W. A. Miller, T. WEDNESDAY. 4R"IYIi4Elt 141 J lk II • i W Mill 1 xt 1 ' I k SA 'e 4 . Gras u- ..{. rr, conuuruc ug o (' of . R. G. Martin. Wealthy. -G. A. Greer. THOS. 1I'NJ►ILY & SI►N. , T. J. Salkeld. Canada Re1-W, A. Auctiune•rs. Miller, A. Schmidt. King of Tompkins County -W. .t,. Miller, J. R. Hackett. CI.I:ARING . Al'ITlON SALE OF Pewaukte-T. J. Salkeld, Dick Wea- N i1'I'E111011. I'l'1tEl,tlt'I:I* AN!) work -(;race Lockhart. ll: .t D. theriwad. Manu atiple-1V. A. Miller. 1114; 11-4 it.I4E M1I.K 4'4 'WS .1\11 Har- ris. Sofa pillow, other •I Mrs. J. J. It. Hackett. Wolf Iticer-V. m. HEIFERS. S. Man'Keuzk, Mn. W, Ilrudersun. %ndrew, J. 1' g. King Pippin -J. , AI-I)IN .%LLIN Single pita* fa II( _. dui• _ -all's, M: It. Racket,, T. ACameron. lleuhriw , will 14.11 by' public HMI 4011 at his farm 1 Pippin --R, G. Martlu, Wm. Andrew., at M.1;aw C. P. It. station, 5 maks Ritsstou Pippin --T. A. ('auwrou. Ote i rust of 4;alrrlch. on ( torte --R. G. Martin, , v. Andrew. Tt'F:SDAY.4'*l"P4►BEIt 15th, ltr )' 4;race Rhode Island Greening -T. A. Cameron.! ...unarming at 2,lat .6 -leek Mem: .:,bye foe Wm, Andrew•. IGixbt'ro Rosset -S.; Holsteltl cow, 3 years did. su14oSeL S•alkeh. Alton. Golden Russet -T. J. Salkeld, t.. frt•slwn 1)ewmb•r 1511; purebred E. Leitch, Mrs. J. 8, Ma. ie Single plew, crewhet-(;race I ':1rt. Mux cull r ld that theProvince edoplting the scheme tion in five years ut t<31,. n -honid pay fifty per cent, of the cast, snow five years .debt increased from Urs. Haynes. Linen .I Card Salkeld. T. A. Cameron. X 1r111.rn rued : paanl'rwl Holstein ,s'1, 4 y4rurs T1rnty'• per rent. .1{ 161s tut111 tvw: 4484C.4Ma1.(14)4"$3lrt,(MMI,4Mae--4144 II" re's'. J. S, MacKenzie, Jeal' 1••p<rtufe. Spy -MPI. Greer, Mel. Humphrey.' .1141! supposed to freshen April 154h: bus been saddle) on the cyanides, the of $,10,01110. M4): 10 ,1128 the Treasury table cover -Mn. J. 'dagrer-S. Afton, 1\'..{. Miller. Mac- 1 Hot -tens cow, 0 years old, Just fndth- I'nn'in.4• p:IyiuS t¢r other thirty per rt'(wtewl in new tax+uiuh $i.:,IM',1Me1 Mrs. Cham. Wyld. llln „rhbn intosh Red --T, J. Salkeld, A. Schmidt. i enel a short time; Holstein cows, II wilt. 'The 1'roclnre tons *'4rio,I. ways (rum the H Jean i yens Mrs J 1, I ri Pil I WANTED ALL KINDS OF LIVE POULTRY - purchased. DAVID BROWN, Gals- rich, • Mr+. W. A.' ]filler, Snow ap44,a --T. J. n.Lstt•In cul(•. 4 years ..1d• just fresh I.. A. #2.ISM)AMIC from y- r ••' • Any other fall variety. named -It. J. years old, supposed to freslwn Nevem• I the •cear vlosfn the clay _ luwcases, haul worked tl - %V. PIsJ• ` f'fr 'Inst^ i.enle -%! Om caws It chore of raisin_ revenue for their lure ,pro, and g Hackett T J • ajl.ell Any other A The 'rowdy share. which sidt•rable. most be relent by direct •-• - • %,tion #14141 the burden wail ince to ditional 2 else, gas tax: ' Increase,i' J: balked', Mrs. Chas, t) s .d Pillow- - enne w a .c, s. the work -Mr. t% F Leitch FEATHERS. - YOU CAN HAVE your feather bed made Into a 'anis tary roll mattress or dowu comforter. Highest -price paid for feathers. Drop a card to DOMINION FEATHER AND MATTRESS CO., Goderlch, and our agent will ea1L tf PUBLIC NOTICES N(YI'IOE.-i WILL NOT -IIE R.: - l' slamsttle for any debts wit hew a written order after this date. Itl(11IARI) F'ISl1ER 4l•t. aril, 1929. 1N)TIC'E 4»' MEFn'I:NG. The Pettey Farmers of North Hur.•u will hull a nominating cunventlon 4u the Town Hall. %%'Ingham. on Monday. 4h-tJwr 14th. at 1.341 p.m. l'andlda•••s will 1'e nominated for loth I'rovin'ral and Dominion Ileuses. A large tit - reminisce is expected. '('1N/NIA S. 3V11,844N. 1t. J. 1'1'It111E. •President. Secretary N(YPI4•E 4)F REGISTRATION 441' BYLAW. Notice 1* hereby given that a by1.I ( Wills passed by the Municipal 4'oun••:1 of the Town of Go.lerieh 011 the lith day of Seetemher; 11)21). providing for the issue of debentures of the said ,euro to the amount of twenty thourland dollars ($20,090.4#)1 to provide fund'. for Hddlllons and extensl.1na 40 the ilydro Electrie Light and Power plant. and that suet) bylaw was registered In the' registry office of the county et Huron at Goderich un lir 311th day of September, 1909. Any motion to tithed) ur art aside floe same ur any pert of must b• made within three monis, after the first publientiop of this Gee and cannot he made thereafter Dated the 3rd day of'0.'tot'er, 1\►-^, L. L. KNOX. will be coil- after election a further ku•rease of 1*11. Mr*. J. S. MaeK•.:' ' Pillow- whiter variety. .lHn»dl-T •J. Salrorld.,;old. jut tresheuwl; HeIsteiu cow, (i ('ler;, S2I4O0(MM) will 11r ro•rivel be the ad- s'a'es, band worked in s Mrs. T. R. J. Hacke•tt. Three Tarietl. fall I years old, .«,-'sel t.. frevdwn 1►r1wm- apples-a%Ym. Andrew,. W. A. Miller.; leer nth; Holstein cow, S years old. A1'C1IONELRLNG be ' borne by an already ucert awl liyuur re sill 1' i1e reowl\•esp cease. other war - rs Five varieties winter apples -W. , - . , )ur- 4-.' barer:' The caller cost. should Yet muuiclpt11111es who e.,ntnlnmte all brace Lockhart. Cturateu, •sip, . e Miller, T. J. Salkeld. Best variety i kiln row, 7 years ukl, supposed to Lot. been %The en the I'r.1ciu(e, (hie ixx are r4y•ricin5 no additional •matte-s\o pat. Mex 1'. 11'>. hand- , Car named apples -W. A. Miller, T. J.1 freshen Ptd.nulry 1►; iwrebrwl Hol+teln t,eneflt sinew the Ferguwnl A,minis, work -Mrs. J. S. Ma• I:.nzie. Mrs. Salkeld. ('cab apples -W. A. Miller, cow. years old. supposed to freshen Hydro Rahe lou took oftioe. C. Wyld Fine sin_ •• pie,"- T. J. Salkeld. Fall pears -Mei. Hum -1 Deemlwr 11111; paln•l.rwl Holstein COW. phr.y. Mrs. Jas. Stanley. Peat -lie. --- I 6 years old, to freshen about time of T. J. Salkeld. Plums, blue-Itichanl :male; aged cow, supposed to freshen e rut' Holstein cow V { su{gs.wdl to freshen January Ath The Prime Minister has, )est be -1 fere an election, promised rein(,'' I1rleflp IsJ1ave tried to 5ice reasons Mrs. C. WyTd, Mt- ll. E. for seeking your support. A return of Leitch. Bedspread --Mir 1 -Wyld, hydro rates tci rural users.- Atwater, the F,krgnanm Administration with an 'Grace Lockhart. Serving ,e• on -Jean .•.1.44 o promise, if Hydro rates have increase In majority mean, disaster for D.y.1ns. Mrs. C. Wyld.Get-, towel by lowu based on cost, as we have al- the I'r'nince. -it wesuls endorsatoou of - member of Junior Instinl',• Ma r.aret ways been tolN, why the sodden re ail Is ftntfon, Ellzsl►etII Alton. Johnston. Geo. Hunter. Plums, red- May 1st ; pa red field a 'w 1, sou ► T. J, fsalkeld. T. A. Cameron. Plums, (Queen I*401 Henger r i 1 yellow -11. J. Hackett, Rich. John- wawa to freshen January 15th ; Hol - 4v:17 m? Who will my the deficit his liquor polic• y which which. after - stun, Riuw'heeof grapes --•W. 1. Moiler, stein cow, 3 years old; purebred 1101• 1 tile real Issue. end will be ea long ns S0HOOL C117LDItEN'S mfrs. W. PinneI (extra I. Bunches of i stein cow, :lyes rm old. just frr •11Puw1 1.r will It Ie. like the driver's permits the Government sell, liquor with rev- DF7I'ARTMEN'I' or t114• la.4 reduction In motor 1i(enses? q grittiest -W. 1, Miller, T. J. Salkeld. +dill. tela cow, 3 years ulp, freshened a Rural hydro rates are based on the elute as the objective. White apron, machine -made --Verna Bunches of •grapas,'any named blue %bort time and bred again; H.lstel; I l'an \meth Huron afford to Fend to a,.w•art Mac McMahon Specimen varlet' -Mrs I. Cnugram W A Mil -'ale 3 years old, just freshened; pure-Lii i charge to the urban (entre from Tempt., a supporter of the Fergut'sen I watch power La received. What we I AdnpL'stration7 need 1. a general downward revision I - C. A. ROBERTSON. to urban centre.'. such as Goderich • 1 and N7nghnm. Then our rural rates i will he down niso, Gass ndHto T DUNGANNON o r ac -- A14 money collected by gas tax and DUNGANNON. Oct. 9. -Mrs. T. G. motor lichee should be spent on road ; Allen and daughter Miss Dorothy, of 1 construction and maintenance and not i Goderlch. spent the week -end with the pan. Frances Arm- mn Monogram - t.. other departments. The former''. daughter. Urs, Everett Finis g on lyes. D. C. MacMorran, r Mrs. D. J. May McMahon, Myrtle Hamilton. tiaras. Animals or group -Miss A. • estimated revenue for next year Sam !►AIRY AND T.%B1/E SI'•('j'LIES M. Carrick. Fruit and vegetables -- i le $15.04NI,(10), yet les,% than 54.000,000' Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eewly and fa -m1- Spur, ial collection of hotter-MrMINN A. M. Carrick. Any original of that will be spent on roads. Over 1, spent S1nday with friends at Mill-. P, J. MneMilhltl. lips. A. Gaunt Crock subject -Miss A. M. Carrick, Mr.. J. 511,000,(MM► wilr le used for other kink. or barter -Mrs .%. Daunt. sins W. D. Harris, Pastel, figure ur anlmal- purps 1 likem m r will be Mr and airs (3!.31. McKenzie and charged to the debt of the country, Ala -art . m m in pound print- Nn. R. Johnston. subject -Mrs. A. Haynes. Yrs, J. le for ,ash' The Provincial del', rhnr5Pnl,iP M road „u Saturday and ,lent the week end airs. A. Gaunt. Mr.. P. J. Ma4'M4Ilan. Harris. •,'rayon, colors -Mrs. A- ALWN Al1LJN, T. G1'NDI" ole SON, cuustrllctlon 1(moants to 1,t112.00(s Mat with friends. Honwmade bred' from Ileo blended- y Proprietor. {uctb'rI1YTm. .. t4. and vs ons n nom,.. .,r no).ntr Sepoy Haynes. hiss A. M. Carrick, Char- sirs.M of needle work -Marr Sal;.eld. Mer• ler. Collection of grapes -W. 1. Mlll•r, I breed Holstein cow, 4 year. old. .:up• garet Ritchie. Cott'' pillow -slip- T. J. Salkeld. Quinces -T. A. (*ameron. posed to freshen shortly; pure., Myrtle Hamilton ,'tells sUmcart Eight varieties winter apples -W. A. beets Holstein bull 3 years 014. Dam UR1'GLESS IRA(TiTIONER r1031.{8 (;1'.VD1ty, GODERI('n, as LIY■ WPOCK AND GENERA. £E TIONEIUIit TNephow No, 119. hales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes dlacounted. WESLEY W. FISHER, WESLEY Auctioneer, will conduct sales anywhere. My terms are reasonable and I will en- deavor to give satisfaction. Phone Carlow 1314, or ■ddrees R. R. 4, God- erich. Guest towel -Perna athwart. Hand- Miller, T. J- Salkeld, live varieties Menena Netherland I1.. au outstanding knit tmrticte-May ArMeann. Sped. X11 apples -W. N Ml R foun•lat un FINE ARTS her,%. and u.. Stewart. Margerer Salkeld. Iko(1.'e Land.w•npe from nature -Mrs. Wm. Pl., 3. - hat -May McMahen. Myrtle Hamilton. Percy. Scene, copy -Mrs. A. Haynes. Mre m Doll tastefully dressed -Jean McMil- Mrs• D. C. MacMorran. Marine clew - I R. • w in the 4)•A.('1 men crow: •(ticb, ' embroiders -Verna for de' mstrntlon par - milk per . '"o fat ; Em- Iking n,s.hine In good shape; double unit M. 'nnlwy pulsator; double unit Empire pulsator. You - will f111d this a first-class lot of ,sows. Everything must be wok], ss the proprietor Is giving up dairying. Tertys.-Twelve months' e-relib will be given uu furniehllg approved joint wetem, or a discount of 4,/r ____,_ht off rrrlltOPRA('Toii AND DROOL/I:S1 THERAPIST Goderlch, ('hone 341 Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treetmente and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous dioceses. Lady in attendance. Office hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 pm., excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment A. N. ATKiNSON Redden,', and office --Corner ,f 'see nn• n ° " 1 Humphrey, Mr- It. John%ton. Butter Miss A. M. Carrick. Sepid, originai South street and Britannia road. Un•col teetered to Port Huron and towel+ill. roads. thus relieving the I nh rlu' week -end at the home of the len. Hunter: Homemade bread coal -Mrs. A. 'Haynes, Miss A. . taxpstcers, who pay too much in gas la'ter'. parents, Mr. end' Mrs, R. A. from Havelock flour -Mrs. Geo. Carrick. Kodak views - Mrs. Geo. Hunter. Mrs. E. e:ardner..homemade Hunter. Poster design -Mise A, M. .c .1)11 mwnlclpat tax r•'r nen• nt re- h h.....• To the People of Goderich and Vicinity Having disposed of my grocery business, I take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation to my friends and customers for their patronage during the past five years. and I bespeak for my successor, Mr. Geo. Price, a continuance of your busineti and confidence. You rt sincerer. Geo. W. Schaefer \Ire; S. J. Tonna. of G.slerlch. 1s bread., from 3L4plc Leaf flour- Mrs. Carrick. Single pleee, anginal -else ci"irin5 ber %nut. Mrs. ipnbt. Treleuceu A. Gaunt. Honemnde bread, from A. M. Carrick. Painting on china - 31r. Ernest Garvin, of Gwlericb, spent Pttrih flofr-Urs. A', H. Tremble. Mrs. Mrs. D. e, McMorran, •' n week -end with friende here. A. (taunt. Homs•ma•le bread, white% SCHOOL CHILDIDEN'Y •DEPART - Mr. and Mre. Will Alton returned Mrs. Peter Campbell:, Mrs. Wm. Th.1lnp► i MENT home Inst Friday from their wedding; mon. Homemade• nut hread-Mrs. Geo. Lost white bread -Jean M*e3llllan. trip. Hunter, airs. Wm. Thompwon. Home- Margaret Ritchie. Loaf nut Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McEachern and made bread. brown -lyre, W.H. Tremble IDra Stanley, Dorothy Mllkr. ('lain ,amid}, of 1,.rsl'n, spent the week -end bread - Mrs. A. (;sant. Collection of pwlefry• sugar (sokies-Myrtle Hamilton, Mel- vin flour -Mrs, .. W. Stanley. Five at the home of the I. dy'e pa)r'nrs. Mr. vin Johnston. Baking powder biscuits end airs. H. A. 31.u-Kenrle. o'clo k ts'a-Mn. Wm. I'innel, Urs. -Eva Staule •, Myrtle JlaniUton. ser Mr. Ernest Duff and sen .{rthnS1Jas. %%'ette'er: Vegetable salad+ -Yrs cake-)➢va Stanley. Abide plc-M:tr- motored nip from Le,mington last Fri- ' lt'm. Percy, Fruit salad -Urs. Wm jtaret Ritchie, Eva Stanley. Lemon I ercy. Coll•'etion homemade canAy- day to visit the farmer's sister. din pie -'Eve Stanley. Canned raspberries -Fred' }lose. They 1'0114mued on Ttaaaday. t tea. W. It. Martin, Mrs. Geo. Blunter, -31. Wyld, E. Solomon, Burets, sttjlrt Mr. Fred Trelenven, of Tnrnntn. • MIw. Wm, Percy. Maple 4ugaar-A. -E. Solomon, Margaret Ritchie. *kited hie molder, Mrs. Role. ?relea- Schmidt. Mrs. L ('0•,gram. Sauppwr far Onions- Jennie Gardner, E. Solomon. m, on T eulay a'orkln5man-ales. .Ins. %%'etmdter. Mrs. Carrots, shoed -E. Solomon, Margaret von, Mr. and Mrs. Badman %1111 fnnrly, 1%'. I'Innel, Homemade Duns -Mrs. of Toronto. are visiting the latter's I etre ('en►p'1'eIF: Mrs. A. Gaunt. llnmP- parent., air. stet Mrs, David Errington.. made 4d'euits-Mrs. Peter Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. 1V. iI. .Jollnmtotl, of Mrs. D.(•, MacMorran. Homema(k Exeter, who were vi.ltln5 friends in ; hrelllts, brown- airs, E. Gardner, this vicinity the past ten days. have re- Mrs. Wm. Percy. Homemade scon4e\- turned home. lir.. Jae.. Web"ter. Mrs. Wm. Plnnel. .Rev. R. A. Lundy, of Nile. p4eac•hed Gatmral c,w'klee.-ylra, D. l'. Mcalnr- Ln the United church last Sunday. Rev. cans 1:41 ;rti Cookies, 3 va - C. ('. Kalw main,,,' ann)cersary ser- irrlas- airs. .{• G14nnt. (:race Twwk- rice. at Leehurn. L.o•khart. Ialyer ,sake, light -stem. Mr. and Mn. A. P. ill -her maul %%m. MaeKenzle, Mr.. Wm. Thompson. Misses Maggie and Marlon anent time Layer cake. d'a'le -Mrs. A. (:Hunt. week -•4111 at Wlnrton. the guest, df Mn, Wm. Percy. Johnny cake -Mrs. their sem Delo.. Geo.. Hunter, Mr., S, Alton. Short- ltPy. H. A. and Mrs. Lundy, of N11e, bread-- ales, Wm Ma -Kenzie. Jars. diel,,' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; •L. S. MaeKeuzie. }mit cake --Mr.. A. B. ('ran ford Inst Sunriny. Gaunt. a'- Notice re Voters' List for Pro- vincial Election .. In order to give an opportunity to all voters in the Town of Goderich to be put on the lists, the Court of Revision has been adjourned to Monday, October 14th, at 8 p. m. Any complaints or appeals will be received by Miss Naegele in the meantime. The night session is for the purpose of giving persons employed during the daytime an opportunity of seeing that their names are on the Lists. E. N. LEWIS, Chairman Election Board Rev. Mr. William-, of 4'ranbrs.k.' will occupy, the pulpit in the Presby- terlan .hared, next Sunday. Rev. n. H. Mel )0111111r 1'141 1'011E1110anniversary services Ht t'rnnbrrok, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Crawford and' Mr. and Mn. Fred Rees• cl.ftel friends at Auburn of Wednesday. . Hero 111.. Pearl Newton, elocution - 1st. 141141 Mr. Mrl.ay, Scottish tenor. of Toronto. (k•t,.lwlr 114th in MacKay Hall. tinder anstate. Ilaptlst (;Idles' Ald. Work has marled at the former Standard Bank building. at the eorne'r of -Hamilton street end the Rewire, a bi-h I" , to be remodelled far roe- cnpency by the Royal dank. Wore -snide Sale. -Tin 8. A. Grey drygtwwls sleek hnr Iwen Imr.•haowl by. .Mr. Gro. Schaefer mt a discount and will he offered 14' 41e' public In to tinge stun' -aide sale starting Thursday moruing, (M1ober 174h. OUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER Tuwslay, 0,•tober 22 ('lraring enc. tion male of farm stock. Imp►lemenh, grain and poultry. property of Reg, Jewell, lot 7. cnniemelon R. Colborne township, one and a -half mike west of Carlow. a S rs a1 . 'm, 1'er-y-, Mrs. W. Plnnel. Tart ple--Mrs. ,A Gaunt. Pumpkin pie- Mrs, A. Goan'. Mra. Peter Camp- . I'outs-not. of honeys est. T. 3. Salkeld, Mrs. W. Pinney. Jan of can ne41 fruit-- Mrs. Win. Percy, Mrs. W. T. Gardner, Mrs. W. 11. Humphrey. .1,1r» pleklol fruit -Elwood Solomon, Mrs. .1a.. .Wc4etur. Mrs. W. II. Hum- phrey. Jars maned tomatoes --Elwood Solomon, Mrs. W Tremble. Mrs. I. ennIgr'am. Throe varieties mnrma1nde -Mrs, . ('0ngrn111. Elwowwl Metonym. Jelly. three vedettes --•Mr.. W. 41. Tren*de, Elwood Solomon. Maple synrl.--Mrs. 1'. J. MacMillan. Mrs. D. Congram. ('also -_Mrs. P. Alton. Mre. J. D. Harry. 4'ake, by member of Junior instltn•, %fargaret ilntton. Mary ('(wok, En.' l Martin. ('olleetinn Of Inking --Mrs, too, Hnnter. Dough - an" Mrs. 0'11. Minter, Mrs. D). ('. Macllnrran. r'mam pate -Mrs. E. (lardlwr. i•em.% pie Mr.. (;en. Hun- ter, Mr.. A. (tenni. F'Jedell;Rel Aster., rel -•MIs 1. engram. Mrs. D, H111N011A•tnrs, white --,Mrs. T. Congram, Mrs. rt, Huston. Amterm, Milk --No. 1st. F:Iwtln() !Solomon 2nd. Asters, blue --A. F. Roswell. Dahlias Mrs. r. Wyld. Gladiolus --A. E. Tins- we11, Mr.. J. D. Rsrrie. Marigold% -- Mrs, W. Tremlde, Elwood Rolrnrrrm, Aannal phlox -lin. W. Tremble. Mrs. Ritchie. Emsay ILucknow Vali Fair) -Gladys MacDonald. Fiances Thome• son. Specimen penmanahlp-Cath- erine Ferris, Florence Megulllln. Drawing .1f garden -May McMahon, Gladys Maef onald. ItARY 8110W Twine --1st Mrs. Barr, Holyrwwl ; 2nd Mrs. Irwin. Ktnloes. Single beby --list Mrs. (Dr. 4 W. M. Connell. and Mrs. Falconer. 3n1- Mrs. S. Campbell. 1101114E8110E PiTCHING First event- let Elliott and McKay, 2n4 McCall' and Clarke. Second event -146 Tiffin and Tiffin; and. Hamilton and McCoy. Members' e.mpetltion- 1st. Cameron and Nayier; 2n1. Alton and Agnew. CARLOW CLEAKING• AUCTION PALE OF FARM ST(N"K; JMP1.F.at1T'TS. (;RAIN AND POT`T1rRV, MR. RK`l; JF.WEf.i. •w'111 sell by pnhll, auetl'n at lot 7. come -elfin S, Colborne township, 11., miles west of Carlow, on TUESDAY. 4 N "IY )BER 2.2, 11.:9 commencing at 1.30 •.'-hw•k, sharp: Ilurseo.-Brow a more. 12 years old, mtlpgo'wl to be In foal; Ray mare. 11 years'old, supposed to be lu fowl; Bay Perchernn horse. rising 5 year. 014:1 1(4on driving horse. Tattle. ----141114• roan ...w. ,i yearn to freshen December 44; Holstein row. 5 year+ old, to f('rshen Decemlwr 20; i tllereferd heifer.:I years old, to freshen December 24; Blur roan heifer, 3; years Mil. to freshen Ikeemie•r 214:1 Roan heifer, :t years% old. w freshen January 5; 111nck raw, 8 years old, due CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FRANK P. GiRISS. (MIA RTFIRI;I' lg Accountant, 102 Ontario street, Stratford. I'hone 1580. Rix 13303. a MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Pang. 58 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 287. At Hotel Redford. Goderich, 011 the evening of third Monday of each month till the following day, Tuesday. at1pis. L FAVI. RNEST M. LEE. April 111; Holstein cow. 7 years old. ,. Barrister and Solicitor fine April 25; dlols,eln heifer, 4 Years Sun Lite Building, Adelaide and old; 2 steers, rising 3 years; Black Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. heifer, rising 2 years; Polled Angus mteer calf; 4 ('ollel Angus heifer calves. Sheep. -17 Oxford awes; 10 choice Oxford ewP hobo"; Oxford ram, 3 years old Pigs. -Y urk now, bred 3 weeks; York now, ^with litter of 9; 2 (-hunks, about MO pounds; 0 chunk.. about , 75 ponuds ; 2 email chunk,. implements. The. - a1n•cty-Harrla drill, 1:1 -how' (nearly newt ; Niamey- Harri. mower. 6-8. rut ; Deering cults- . 11 tor; a1H1.ey-Harris rake; Wagon; Set 0f sloop /sleighs; Rubber -tired buggy; Portland cutter; 2 sets of har- row;s; S.-uffler; Twu-furrow Oliver 511415 plow.; Fleury walking plow; Gravel lox; Dicot polper; Stonehoat; Steck rack .idea; Pig crate; Fanning mill; Set of ing bunks; Wheelbarrow; Ill• LmcnI ,•renin srpwnratur; 2 seta of double harness; Stet of single harness: Forks, shovels. grain bugs. and Irnmcr- (111+ other articles. ilouseheld 'Effect. -Tour-burner oral oil stove with n*P11, Glass cupboard. Fall -leaf table, Ralrsem suite, Rooker. Ideal Incubator 41'O -egg sire 4. ('ani -oil brooder 1 1*41'•hlek mine I, Churn. /LAIn. About (Ma► bushels hurley: 44111.1111 I harvest thanksgiving ser• vires hove leen arranged at Smith's 11111 1'nitel church for November 3rd. at which Itev. J. 1.. Small, R.A., 14.0., of St. George. n former pastor. w111 preach. Op Monday evening, November 4411, the young people of Rayfield Uni- ted church will pr'aent their play, 'The Mystery of St. lh'es," Meet me at MacKay Hall, October 18. Mims :Newton will be there. DIED WIllkis 0N. -•At Rattrum, Rask., on Oc- tober 4th, Charlie, %Vllson, beloved hnehand of Annie iwolse Grimmett, formerly of (;olerieh. TO RENT P RIVATE, (;ARA(**; FOR RENT. Apply to MRS. JAR. Mo+P41F.4. Cambria road, 0(sMrich. TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR I grocery or office. imm dla(a pos- session Oren. Apply to CHAR. K. SAUNDERS, 0oderich. 2119 bushel. buckwheat; 1(0 brothels mixed grain. Pi on Derrell Ltnek hens. 25 Letthern hens, 40 Mitred Rock pullets. 45 Barrell Roek roasters. 2 goer. gander, 19 yonng geese. Everything will he 'Materiel of, am proprietor Ins 'Pairing the farm. Termor. --Grain and all sums of 510 and under. cosh; over that amount, 12 months' credit.. will be given on furniahlne approved bankable paper, or 5 per cent. straight allowed for cash. REG. JEWELL. T. (II Ni►RY A PON, Proprietor. Anctloneers. DUDLEY E. HOLICE:, Barrister, Etc. Office -Hamilton street, 0oderleh. Phone 27. FR. DARROW, BARRJBTER, E'rC. Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The lunare. Oodenel. 1Hape & *laps BARRI.R'zRa, ETC. R.O.HAYII-R.C.HAYS ,a., B.A Hamilton St., Godericn INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. McK1i.LOP MUTUAL. FIRE iN- S1'RANCE CO. -Farm and Imo laced town property irtettred. Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jas. Iran., Vice -Prem., Reeehwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -•A. Rroadfoot, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; John 0. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; William Rlnn, R. R. No. 2. Seaforth; John Rennewletr, Rrnd- hagen; (leo. M.Cartney, R. R. No. 3. Seaforth; Robert Ferrla, Harlock ; Murray OIMnn, Brneefield; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connally, (loderlch. Agents-- J. W. Ten, Goderich; Alex Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton John Mnrny, Seaforth; F Hinehley, Seaforth. Polley -holden, can mate all payments, and get their cards weird- er! at R. J. Morrlah'e Clothing Stare, Clinton; Galvin entre Groeery, King- ston street, 0oderlek, or J. H. Reld'. General Store, Bayfield.