HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-19, Page 38•.'
. 06„ii.
Bring Mots, Mail with $1.50
Print One Word Eac'ii Line
1. 9
2. 10.
3. 11
4. 12
5, 13
6 1.4 .
7. 15
8. 16
00 Christmas Messages must be
received boy Def. 10
There were eight tables of
cards being played •at the
first euchre of the season
held at the Agriculture Hall
on Wednesday evening.
High lady was. Adeline Alibi
With a score of 77., Alma
purchased the former Goal's and MM. Esther Gibson,
Sports, shop Goderich. Members of the Dungannon net week in mrs., Ross McNee cele- W.I., enjoyed a luncheokand''' ,
brated' her 94th birthday on afternoon of court .whist,
Tuesday, November 25th. hosted bithe Auburn W.1, in
Mrs. McNee resides with her recognition of the Year of the
son; Graham and wife, Bes- Womens Institute. Neighbor-
sie on William Street. • ing W,I. members were all
vi. o, End._ $th.. invited al well as area pres-
saw the bakery, the meat anirion room•
They also learned how to
and the loading dock.
make chocolate doughnuts:
and were treated to a dough-
On November 1.9 Mrs,
Worsell's glass visited the
Goderich .Zehr's store. They
Black was secoidhigdwith a ling, Harold and Ilsnielie of ident, Mrs. Gordan Papple of
70 score, Duane Rivett had a. Thamesville spent the week- Seaforth and district presid-
high score of 101 for high end with Betty's mother, ent, Mrs, William Porter of
man. Second high was Eldon Mrs. Elsie, Irvin. Goderieh township, who
Culbert with a 72 score; A' surprise party in the were both present. • UNITED CHURCH choir director in making this she has written. The people
Carman Pollock won the door form of an ()km house was CongratulatiOns to Tom Mr. Cowan spoke on a season to be 'remembered ' who heard her speech would .
prize. Another euchre will be held recently for Gordon and and EpPie Lawrence who eel "People and • Possessions" in Your- church. ' like to thank her very much
held on. December 2. Madeline Anderson at the ebrated their 40th wedding based on selected .readings Sunday, November 30 is for coming to our school. '
Mr., and Mrs. J. C. Alton home of their daughter, , Lynn. , allniYersarY on SinidaY-witil--from-leviticits-in•wilicit Ged. .....,the_first,Sunday, of ..A4Yent.- -- — - - - . - . ............ ..... . . , .._ ....
by facie Pae
A Canadian science-fiction
DUNGANNON practice and support the
author, Monica Hughes,
came on November n to
speak to us about the books
of Delaware visited with Jack and Steve Mann in. Lucknow,
and Donna Alton on the to celebrate their 35th wed-
weekend and attended ' ding- anniversary.
church services on Sunday at Mrs. Helen Black of Burn-
the United Church. aby, B.C. visited for a few
Bernice Glenn is a patient days last week with her
in Wingham. Hospital since cousin, Bessie McNee and
Tuesday. She is 'in the Graham. While here, other
isolation room suffering from cousins visited including El=
what is suspected to be ton. Orr and wife, Arvella and
hepatitis. son; Robert and wife, Mary,
Mrs. Marlene Godfrey vis• all of the Kincardine area;
ited with members of het Mrs. Joy Vella of Clinton,
family in Toronto for a few daughter, Debbie Malley and
days last week. baby, Crystal, of Londesbor-
We welcome to our corn- ough.
munity Dan and Gail. Clark,
who are residing in the home
on the corner of Clara and
Albert Streets recently vacat-
ed by Carol and Reg Jones
and family. Dan recently
• -
an open house at Carlovv 'speaks to Moses on Land Use
hall; hosted by their family, and distribution. Although
Mr. and MrS. Allan Mc,. thoSe old laws have not been
Nee, Edward, Paul and Alan- ohserved for centuries they
na' London visited on are ihought-proyoking even.
Sunday with his parents,. Mr. in the tight of present day
and Mrs, Graham McNee. - developments. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ken .Girvin Helen Elliott sang a beaut.
have returned from their , iful solo, One Day At A Time.
honeymoon .and their recep- The children's time had the
tion will be held:Saturday theme, Why do we come to
night , at the hall.- church; and the question was
Mr. Stephen Park, son of answered by the 'verses` of a
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park, has song taught by Mr. Cowan to
been made manager of the the tune of If You're Happy
Mac's Convenience Store, and You Know It. The firdt
On Tuesday of last week located on the Ba3rfield Road verse began, Oh, we're here
Mrs. Willetta McWhinney, in Goderich. Stephen has to worship God, yes, we ,are,
Mrs. Alma Black, Mrs. Elsie completed his training in Christmas is coming. soon
Irvin, Mrs, Myrtle Kerr, Sarnia and hopes to take over with its special music that we
Mrs. Peg. Purson, Mrs. Ilia Monday at the Goderich loca- all lOve and enjoy so much.'
Crozier, Mrs. Bessie McNee tion. Please come out to choir
.Dungantion U.C.W. still
has a few church plates
which are now selling at a
reduced rate.
By.Janice Cook •
and Rhonda McMichael
Beverly Aitchison left Fri-
. day at eight o'clock in the
morning with her parents for
her trip, which she won to
wheeling, West Virginia.
One • of the events that
enthused her was shopping
at different stores. Saturday
night she went to a jambor-
ee. They arrived home the
following Sunday.
Op,. November 12, the
Grade six class visited the
Blyth Theathre to see the
Canada Brass Company.
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Cook who
celebrated their 50th wed-
ding anniversary on NoVern-
ber 12.
Mrs. Bill Slotegrass has
been ill in hospital in Lon-
don. We,,wish her a speedy
Congratulations to Larry
and Janet Wilkins on . the
birth of their new baby
on Thursday, November 20.
Hear missionary
speak on India
BY LORRA1NBMcGUIRE al prizes at the Royal Winter.
Mrs. Walter Black visited
last Wednesday with Mrs.
Katherine Riehl of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett
and family of London spent
the weekend_ at their-home
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Smith
of Ripley visited on Friday
evening' with Mr. and Mrs.
Ron McGuire, Christopher
,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steele
and family of London spent
the weekend at their farm
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Osborne
and family on winning sever-
La Leche
Leslie Martin, VVingharn to
discuss "Baby Arrives: Fam-
ily and the Breastfed Baby",
on November 18 at 8 p.m.
To begin the meeting, the
mothers shared in reading
the poem and showing the
photographs in the special
1981 LLL calendar, celebrat-
ing the 25th anniversary' of
La Leche League Interna-
tional. As each photo and
poem blend to tell their
unique story, each of us can
recall our own experience
vAth waiting (im)patiently for
an overdue baby, snuggling
a little one, delighting in a
toddler's exuberance for life,
or sharing a special moment
with a baby/child who is
growing up all too quickly.
A discussion on the diffi-
cult changes that come about
in lifestyle when a new b
arrives into the family, ended
a group-
A- number of people from
this area enjoyed listening to
Miss K. Metheral, a Mis-
sionary on •furlough from
India, 'at the United Church
P IeY°n Souf nyodalg ,,eve nopg1
Miss Metheral also showed
slides of India. Also enjoyed
from Pine River who sang a
few songs. .
CongratulatiOns --to Mr.
and Mrs. Steve. Donaldson of
Teeswater on the birth of
their wee son. • Mrs. Donald-
son is the former Mary
MacCharles, daughter. of Mr.
and Mrs, Sandy MacCharles,
formerly of the Olivet area,
les' night
with the conclusion • that
breastfeeding !uncle the , ad-
justment more rewarding
and the time spent with a
little one was well worth the
effort as seen in the maturing
Childbirth experience in
hospital surroundings were
described, ranging from Ces-
arian to natural childbirth
with the husband present.
The many choices available
in planning a hospital deliv-
ery were covered, and it was
noted that it is important to
talk over your decisions with
the doctor before the baby is
born. It was recognized that
co-operative, natural child-
birth was the most desirable
beginning to a nursing rela-
tionship and promotion of
family . ties.
A Couples' Night was an-
nounced for the evening of
December Mor all those
interested in a Christmas
pt a-1 n coup
La Leche League Belgrave
held it third meeting in the
series at the home of Mrs.