HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-10, Page 7r WHETHER It be a cut,
burn or scald, Zam-Buk
provides the handiest and
sweet means to quick,
perfect healing.
It Is from certain valuable
herbal aztracts that lam Biik
gets is power to subdue pain
Ind inflammation, Its germ -
destroying activity and fine
skin -growing property.
Zam-Buk Ia splendid for
chapped hands. frost bite, chill.
Wain., etc. Get a box to -day I
a bruise sprain,
1 �^I
County and District
The death of hiss Letitia Shell re-1longed on the farm. ('ousteble Moore
moved a lifelong resident of the Dash- went to St. Marys and brought back
wu4Id community. Des...et' was in her the horse sol buggy.
.Ixtyatuth year. Maros Bunted i
The lean drop ht South lluron 1• Thoma. Ward, 11th (obsession of
ao1•raglhg • al".ut lifur•w bushel. an Grey, 10.1 hk hare, with sixty -11%e
114rt•. The prlre Is 1.4"a11, however, 0.., tolls of hay and about fifty load. 01 '
the return i. fairly •xtisfacttr!'. , gratin, by tit •• 4111 Tuewtlay' ut Lt.'
The Brussels fair 4111 friday last was. week. 'flit. ha"n was one ut the beet
favored with a large -attendance, lu in the neighborhood. The (church cud
spite of chilly weittber. The exhibits, ...load nearby were threatened for d
were g1a"I suit the 'fair wet ,tt•hlerel I time. lusur•tee un., carried for 4'2,0011.
a ••net stwee.H. ton the barn and *2.701 alt lite coil
After tilt Illness of several weeks. lent,. int Iii- will u,.1 nearly 1.,'.•1
NI "I rga ret .hitt 1'01I, wife id Teter Me - 'the los..
I I...mall, I -t toue4.t.4.•rt M alorris town- i The lat•'ge bawl horn of Lorne llul,e'
-drip, diel bit W11E2h:nn ht.s(.►ta.l - "I. ha aI 'KIllop tovrnehLP northeast of
...ntr.inp. She wase i0 lair sixty•sWvw.1 Wiht!trot,. was destroyed early Tue.-
,. v1.1 las-ides her Itlsbanl 1e41,ves day- morning of last week. The MHz.
:1 -oh and it daughter... the latter b•tug started wheb a volt ►ma•ke.l it lantern
"I. the Itr,i-y1'i pubes. • 1.".I -tiff. trnut the well of the Hustle Into a ''
rasa! .trei(knt In 1Iulkll , Dile of hay. The lat.,, Was full of hay
.\ fatal aetidesi "oat ere.' at Lon- and Crain. which were burned. The
.'0-I"rro' or: Mo11day . Srpdeml"•r :10. 1 lo+• t• Isartly. coven"1 by to;nrau(e.
' Iiie siding• lacing John 111•.""11. 11.• Hl.l'rH
was. dna'.41u_ manure alien hl. Ihrec-
hors.• team leeitme frightiaatal and he
4vu. thrown (roto the spreader, ', .
In. -4 .truck heavlh. oil the r.s't of a i.t..oumw the engagement of their,'
41ree. e,usiug hrtait death. Ile leave. danlhsrr, Avis Louise. to 'William glut•-
. a widow 'mol two .laughter+. Ills.er rl: Swanson. sew of. Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
,.!Celtic 1111.1 Julia. lie was _I\ty•tw,1 •
uak111D-"ti..• V.
tligmmththr marriage to
tear- ••/ age Ituyd Taylor ,peat a fed' day.; s'1•1�
Native et Ilryadale 1Nes. his father. C. K. Taylor, while on bi-
t;w.r:•i• .1.. Itrisssu, brother of Iter. w.t tr.nu \1'lunlpr•g to laugaou t.•
!'.defer Itris•ou. pinai,r of Sacred Ilelrt ve.aue• ht. .sodic. xt tjae•u'. ['uiver
111 r'14. \Wind+.r. 411.•.1 suddenly Thurs.It '
d:n eyening hit at his haus• in Wind- '"Y.
-•.r. Ile •auwe�` alao war fury•uin(' I NLNCH.tM
teen ••f are. wit, a unlit*. of ih.. \\oris for the
1,11. in Ills ••,out'. 1.111 had been a re.i Mrs. A. (o•t•us has returriel from Bork through. '1., morning honr�
.swot of the Minter Cities for the last Hu extended trip through the West. Work while the ..•4t i- sparkling:
^1•.•%011 years. carrying oil bw•lurss a• I ,pus visited Ja•p.rr Park. \'aurnuvrr• i itrk 'mid H,rurging slower.:
turruhaul Ile k •rrnic,.,p Icy hl•I\'lctoria Seattle, It:uff, Calgary :cad'\\-ork w'laik• tla. •I,t grow; rr;;;h:e
4 ate and fu. t hlldreu t other paint. 1 ueler g
Ih • ND' and airs. Edward C. LHnnd>
A Friend to Women
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
LyyaaooM...., U.S.A
.ed ciao ..rt, Ont., Canals.
a living soul, planted the tree of lite have something to gine away. I
for h1m and actthel head near by it. •'11 k wore ble+,Ietl to give than to
1 \\'e read, too, that (M1 ajl`uint(tI bin receive."
fondness and ewployalweut. From 2 Thessaluuiau+ 111.E se them dlr- I
Oita we sae. that. the husbandman'. *elle lit Giese verset
seeping is au ancient and Itutuhlu tenet• e•tluu, yvucentingt right iivlug. Some
hut; it was iterdful even in tat•ndlst. of the Thessalonians were 1411x. 1t
The garden sof Eden, though it need- may pmdi'bly have been that some
of these bearers had
(ad imat 111.11e. eo wer. miteded yet a afor thorns ttttlsnnee1, yet Chriet would toe s+horttly' that
It must 1t.• dn•-•wl and kept. Nature this served thew fur a pilrteu4e t..
for uthe improvein the ments of mitive tartrowl"tui !l1Ulothy again lwarns 1agalti44t Wiener -
for they. are not only idle but Int•'
foist•, *Peaking .[flog. which !he>
Exodus, 1,:ii --111 tit• 11outw111•: ougdt nut.
meiit Is .tarte41 a dentate period alttcii ell n 1141. 1::'ti.-I'uul In this clap
t. snitch -tit lu' whleb to loth serve i chap
and etre oursi-Ise.. Afterwards cum,,r 1411' .1 t.1 that cuutrrletlp
,1 .tuttvl tier ill 4 hi4ll 14 4cor+hil, 1111.1 s hou►d nut Ilse a. nnrou5tytwl 1 01.
tilts dit�. 111 this verse lie - Cant 1.0.
\ "'via agtiu;t the breakitag of the 4.1:1 1
\ehemtah iiii;t • 'l0 wile 4er.e we ...munau.1weut. Industry' In 1.,.41.
-1•r ghat situate NehewlnI tau tin huut•.1 way will keep•`il i1• out of
tit• w,•rk he was tutor. It war a teugtat tot. of tutor' 4rung• Nut *11>
gout w•a•k, that of b6.Idlug inp tl'I .u, but I1 i'‘.
411I ,•cable thele to be vkartl
scall• ill JOrusa0w `nod .t•t(tt►: o' Illy inclined toward• those 1n w:,r
the Bute. aLut11. N.olttng tau+I oleo., wooden -ea oudruv,I Prom \lattla4•w Ilrury e
him utt' true it, four slave hi- .•u-
rwie•s u•iwl to,ps•twu:ole hlw to jute .\ ;;irk 41111 always tell when ehe
thtmt 4111 sItt pretext or suotht•r. but ill love. tilt1 444 Ct.uOr•111r 41e••
every time hi- answer ult.. "'There, Iarrytteh.. \tet•kly.
is work t.. do that lou -t out N. ueg•'
lend." .luother any TO tort your vocabulary
Jule. •`•:17; ta:l. .It••n- "a* aeett'i t Is to dist-over what the dealer got for
uf- breaking' the. Wtbluith, 111 tit• the car you traded ti . Robert .)Mlles:
5.•r -a• he state, h{• defou,'r or what .
he Lad ,Deer. •'sly 'Father mor►eth ua riches that roam the S4111t 11
bitherto, nod 1 Work." The r•\ttbplt• .\(menu. diamond fields are wild to a
of t:..41'• rc-thig 4111 the •.tru1It JIay swallow• a few of the gems to aid
from all his work is, fu the fourth , their '•dt•ll.+nte'• digestion. .\ bind
I1y 1rAl: UI1T.e\.
, • I . t
A ear Of Ktx.1inpt;lull K"•
Face Shingle.. just arrive,l
5x and 3x B. C. Shingles
Get our prireio before you hay
Robt. Standish
the I,•wii out
}large and Buggy Ikesrered The re.ga•nIng of \\'inglwm ruins' \fork. for the 1st l' t: cotit1it
4'4.iMxble 11 J. )h"ire. I•ueknow, ,.hurrh, after • rwlw•nrath.0 and the , t• dour.
when mous i••rl.
!act Ne•1•I• t..'tIwl ort, a farm near -t. ' installation of ar 1044 pipe organ.' w -ill.' A. 1.. t'oghll..
cl:ir?? a lo.rse, and boggy whteh were I Wke ware nu r'uuday ur\t. Iter. J.
ok�fa two week• le•forr truer John •\\'. llildett..'1 Lotlot. it forut•r pastor. PK.ft\F:K
Thursday, (I••tober 10, 13':9.-7
Painter and Decorator
F'e�ini�U+l��r painting, xull.�u�er�
cheerfully �� �� ��� re -
��iu+1 M
�e.leew. No. �. Rayfield Road
Telephone 259J
Fstimatta. for painting, wail -paper-
ing, etc., cheerfully girt on re -
Residence, No. 4. Bayfield Road
Brophey Bros.
- Tilt: I.E.U)INI;
Amoulnnce service at ail
hours, day or night.
PHONES: Stone 12V Red. 21;
t H E I11l' 11
w-omld 1t. tvor't
.quint .inch, wade the I,-ruuud of ••Intuit with diamonds
ore Chau its weight ht gold.
ob-t.w-lug it it, 11 day of nest. ru
Nutt t:,.4 rt. -1w1 only front such work
as le• had d • th.• 41AS. te•fort•:•
otherwise he worketit hitherto, he i-
vory day working. Sabbath day.
and wee t mthuldiug +111,1 guvella
Ittk all the treasure.. therefore when
we are a1l"4•utel to re.t nit the
Ln lb day. \tr err 11..1 •rt••traluetl tram
doing that whi4h lase- II .111.1 t•nd0u' y
1,0 tit.• glory. of (;cols
r ••1 mese work the work- or Iliut
that sent we." The Father. when he
�eut tib sou Into the world: gist IBM
work 10 du.• Ile 44 a. a works 1.rgetlt-
er' with foal. Christ, having laid ldint
sect( under obligation to do Illy work,
laid out 1lims'it with the utmost r1g-
hc ur 111111 h1du2: ry len work. ill
\I;a,d'h i t le.. sit I 411114•••••1;11111 /1( Huron will preach. ' our Hc:neul! _r :.: u. t
,dn•1.ip. \\'aiter''loore•• 11 11ou..' Ivo! , ntu4en1e11t h:t• 1.....n started fi.r the ge11 41f Thy H•• cors `' that we lir ttnaulMas of the mcdhturial,King-
! 4
\lug.1,rau icas to le• 11o1..• within Tile Ilmi:+ --
r thaw year•, disappeared o i
tonne to 104 40 x1 . r e n • thx1V we may
.,ria here . ..I time, and ii,- world.
1 the (nese IIobjective. . t tM+ 5 j I• I lets •211::13-::-•. Paull here tells the
.ho 11:1.1 he•u with 3101 N11.1.11 1171r10. 41f +. Mwutral sport• enol amt glorify 'rlu..
I 1 *Tien:- ! I 11 ti I rrt. fu
••r 17. and at the ;now time \\'ingluuu, The nt lencruly joys. , ..reaching
1.,1 rt_ were Cour. 1."1141hle -art"rr• ...atwitter• w ill he a h.a•key length. Ler u:atue we. pray. \ • • peepie 141 it 10111 he W0. 1
rkwl.•,❑ the unsr nod found shirt a the 11..utng '11 111111I• tent •1 h:1r41•1111 fetor,
S. S. I,rSwyN FOR IN T. .2.1111. 1929 that he ueter aimed - at worldly
Lesson Topir-1 ...tut
er \tori at we:atili ibant
o iv,tba itere awl ny 11hn I1eln
/'eviction Indy. VI 1.1
Lesson Pattsage--Ilefte.is 2:15; VA- gat ,.,1 1 hristian rmt t(tafaith, who `%•noel
ora ::,1 ,meg! had Jaen k-fr on It for 1W\t snpanler.
'arm near St Mary. (ty a lad who hast - - --_---
orkel there for too 4111y. and then SE.1FORTH
lel"irt.•l• inking a bieyele witch 1 •
"glue 20:9: Neb.'yr
- The marriage 11f ala••. ,1\'iunilr'.1 11:9.1• .fovea 3tl::l:;
I'.. it. only daughter 'of 31r. othi,Mr•. 'all''' 4:"'"; R -.1..11
11 '1r1 E1'an•. 0i Seaforib. "t.. Allan Golden E 1
\h•rrison Pringle took plate oil gator- p ,
Sr, 'tarots';. lieu. -I:
I.. ll. t September ir. la. :t 1.1.111":-.1•18,' G.al
��huu•h, the rector. Iter. T. 11. itrowl. ion ot(+ /tar• •
ogi.ia'1ul. 31 r. uu.1,3I -'. ,l'Ijtta.• 4y. _I. henry. tP (. r-
make tb.•ir bare ill S.•xforth. out n[ eesmmou
I'a1•y Ilt.•liely. the 1I 11.• daughter "dere. Mme :"-_-
.•f lir. 1•'. J. and Mr.. Ite•heh-, w'ns
104.. ked down by a ear 114'1 r 110r 11.01110.the wheel iii Ing. utter lo•r leg and
imploring It between the klaa•e and the
for The Reef
Hand.or.e, int.
t,. ,.00f.esayW yo.K
1d roofs -permanent.
Get the tkp
facia. .k�
s simai
tug, t.11iag plaster; eOd
rn.tgbuy cracked cad.
tame. Easy to p
esuckly and once up they
army. Sodom or later.
Lay to dean or paint.
You will clever regret
dee porch/we of a
Sheet Suet CetL'aa•
t resist firs look
reeky. Add brightasw to
balls. stores. churches.
schools. kitchen.
etbathrooms. eau uDOthe prices
cad tail perm:WaR
foe Outwits Walls
Three attractive t -
terns. With building
paper are warm. dry
ten and paint y to psi
Effective September 3rd, 1929
A. NI. P. M. A. M. P. M.
Leave 7.00 4.15 Arrive Godtriclt Miles 10.15 600
•' 7.20 4.8:1 " Ilolltea+ville H 10 25 5.40
7.25 4.40 " Clinton 12 U120 5.35
7.45 5.00 - " i4enfnrth 21 ill:.11► :51.15
St. Columba?) 23 :15 0
7.50 5.05t.1 •- !L J.i 5.00
" 800 6.15 Dublin ;t-. !► :N► 4.4:1
" 8.15 5.311 " Mitebell
" .8.35 5.5(1 " , ithringville . ill 9 10 4.25
8.45 6.(11 Stratford 41 ' 8.41 4.15,
" 9.00 6.15 • Shakespeare 51 r. it► 3.45
9 10 6:25 Tovistoek .51 5,20 3.35
't •':, 6 4(I 11 iekson 641 505 3.20
Arrive!' 15 7.0I Leave Woodstock 65 7.15 3.00
1)irect coneetiotn at Stratford with Arrifw• Conches to St. Marys,
London, Kitchener. Guelph. Brampton. Toronto.
Direct connections at Woodstock with .brow Coacher for Brant-
ford, Hamilton, Oakville, Toronto.
1:111 il;.'.; sero... . .
! 'I'Lr..ltl0u• plate: crud rich furniture. tool wore
11. l "$ i.•rc g,,.,1 ,busies, and sonde a very
h.••s.doniau• :1:19. good nppearuuetr Paul was not
0r.o 44,; r initiation. to. live like theta. 114'
\ .. into 1"e gens- 1111111.1 119. eonuturtabiy anti Ns,tnhetr
. Ma 11 111/111 living great.- ill.
%':t- 111:1114. example out felly i11 corking 141 au
• .f pac1•1se hones rtuploynx•nt, than be mitt t
1 that malate hint '.e aIle to live atld at the saltie since
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Embalmer .
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 355W
Hamilton Street, G(derleh
the famous Fleury Plows, De Laval Cream Separators,
Frost Fencing and Gates
Lt{nden s Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Muir's
Windmills and Cement Mixers.
Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines..
Hatuilton Streit • (nderi'b, Ot ars.,
Robert Archibald 1• laid 1111 with u
broken leg. the re•wlt of a fall from
John McKenzie. of 'rnek.•r•mltli. haw
I,ur11haseri the mill -at the eta tion ;ruin 1
the 1'hnnls.01 t- '•Ice 1111.1 1• r.'" in
lir. chart... 111, •k:tv is reported to be
making siti•f:tetory progress at the
'Western hu+Ittaal. Toronto- where he
hu; leen tinder treatment.
William .\141hihatl.l. of Tuckr ...no
wino wenn the 4111110 .ehohtr;liip.
:our 111 I;nelph to take a 1141ura1 at
\grlenititri.l folie 1.'.
Sirs. 1). Fell. of this 10011. W110 with
Ser husband left by tr:.ill on Saturday
40.•11111g b. .pend the•- tT.lti�snitlt\.Wilt, 1
her si+ter. alts. 1Wl•r. a -at-'lino t, ex-
pired soddenly- fr.hu heart trouble
while on their way to the houu• of the
hatter.. -
tt4(CAN4 fall
P J• N A O A -
Si f'~
-C , C.,% ; :
' N
A r( :-' i
Mei 1-11`
• two
lit • Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Eric
on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada
WHFTHFR traveling h7 train or sum, enjoy in all night's ride on beautiful
Lke F n.. (AB 1.me Steamers re maan,th int floatinghnteht,with lammeeoae
forcible atatcrnnmt, e,cellent dining room wry. e int courteous attendants.
Music and Noun/ on the Fteai ship SFF.ANpata" gested roadway.Anaritts, rye a day t,AB Lint way. Avoid auks and miles of Cleveland DN.
aid Cleveland DiiuiesSnaky,
F.•ih way. evert niaht, le.vtn 0 9.00 I)ail7sna
ece.leaving Port Stanley,4 00
p m arriyiog 7 to s. m . (ff f T.) p. m. grown` Cleveland. 9 tup.m.. . m..
heal lit a November 1)11*. June )0th to Seta
Cwwwene.r at(]..stied ter Cedar RAM, Pet -M -gay Demi et PAM. Am., sed asatlaw.at
114.90 one wsv - BUFFALO m Cl.h'to'Fi.A Nn - ...SO rd. trip
NF I dal Auto' CerriANLFY to o -
Fires Is.aooneway -oto. tCarriek `1 240 and Rm-st.00rd.ulp
Trite 1 1 ` r /metes et. Col'IiLetb Tree
Port Scaler. Cased• Mash%;
I non .ntnt0111I111111I Il1lI1111Intir '.
t t
: nytlnnullll111111III111111I11uutIaui� .1
.loslah Itandt. an old resident of
Clinton. ,ILel S.'ptemlir 29th in hi•
sixty-eighth year. He 1s survived by
two dnnghters. a1rs. Fnrtils„ and 1.i1-
1Iti. tante of Clinton.
The mentis of Elizabeth 'Tate \It-
1\otght. a-ife•of Luke Lawson, °velure.'
September '211th at the age of fifty•
three years, Deceased was a native
of Hallett township. She a't, twice
married, ler first husband leeing 1-
rd Tasker..4 who diel In 11/10. Five
yearn ago site w11. married to ales
Lawson, who survives. Nillintn 11.1
Tasker, of Stratford, and Let11e Tasker.
.if Detroit, are ;nrvl.ing sous by the
first marriage.
Sarah Trtdnn1. widow of Alfred
Mikan'. passel away 5eptenther 29th
hi her seventy-fifth year. 1Nre:t- :l
was born In I;etl.a•irh low nshlp. but
slut•*. her ,marring"... hod reshk•d ill
Clinton. Her hn+hent died about sic
years ago, and several stepsons and
•tetelanghter.. survive. also a sister.
Mrs. F. Mc4'nrtney. nod .it brother.:
George and Jahn Tethutt, of 0041e -
rich township: Alfred of (;ralerlth:
Lewis, of Tutktrsmith: \Wn lga ter of
Druid, Sask.. and Henry. of it(eliam's.
air. aro airs. (1. 11. Paterson. .f
Brampton. were recent visitors In tows.
31r. i'a'er-.ell was formerly the narl-
enitnrat represent,' 1 v for Huron
The -the"d fair held here oh Friday
dries was a very roe.•.•+sful 05.•01. 'r110
sl"••ins prizes for the high...; twill of
...nits were tion by Frances F1110.011-
111 00., Gertrude lt.;ld laid 1 for th5
Cornish. of the 1011'11 .,'h.,41.. uuil
F'nne• I.ind*'.ty, \Will. Jervis and Jean
Corot .11 of the rural ti•h.nals.
WI11•11 prorpsilt) creme• lir tit tin•
door. radios ,seventh nut ttu• W11 11..0
Sciatica? Rheumatism?
T -R -C' ear* wonderful for Neuritis.
Mr. W. H. Davis of (trend Bend,Ont.,
Intl this so badly that hie wife had to
dress him. T -R -C's made him well.
He says, "My wife also used them for
Arthritis. She wouldn'tbe R� for
them." T -R -C's are equally Sciatica and
Rheumatism Neuralgia
Lumbago. trick. Safe. No harmful
drop. (At and 41.00 at your druggists
'1'.RrCe` T,
Io 1\I -I I.\It'1•.-'1\:lit\ tI,Ii
Durant, Hudson and Eises, jentral Motors Aatomo ,card Trucks
Expert on Electric Trouble We Speeiallae on • rake Service
,n un It.. I',.IVr. Insp"•ct"u wince they are `paired by u -
Automobile Supply. Electrical P*rfs for All Make of Auto. in Stock
-To anyone Nli'. eau ,.ring a ear wl• a -.
All -Electric eight -tube Neu-
trodyne for house -current
e;teration. Push -Pull amplifr-
rition. Dynamic Speaker.
l abinet of Walnut.
$ 16900
(Less Tubes)
Complete with Tabes, $195.00
But your new Freed Radio is pull-
ing in Denver, Omaha, Los An-
geles and other distant places as
clearly as when, earlikr _ in the
evening, you got your nearby
You.... never forget your first
night with a Freed. . you'll
get stations far beyond the range
of an ordinary set -stations you
have never listened to before.
Tested for every possible condition of atmos-
phere or locality Freed gives you a super
selectivity that will pick up any station you want
without interference from any other broad-
cast. It gives you 3 reproduction of rare
fidelity ---"latt at the microphone gets it."
The new 1929 Freed Models are masterpieces
of beauty and performance. They are made
by a firm which has created fine radios since
broadcasting began. Nothing in the world of
radio will give you such value as these wonder-
ful instruments.' Freed nc.t' models have
phonograph pick-up attaclim: nr . . . and
there is a model priced witla:n the reach of
everyone. -
Ask any of the following dCalrtst.••1e114.,o t1.•rc
the Freed to you.
All -Electric right -tube - Neu-
trodvne tut h:e streets
operation. Ptah run aml,ltai•
eatioh. fine. 24( ty'p• tubes
for richness of overtone repr6-
duction. bynames Speaker.
Phonograph pit up. ',rl(-
enrinse.l Highboy Console of
(Lest Tshrt) .
Coop:tie with Tabes, $104.00
`(lust as the Microphone (r(•t< It
Freed Radios are being shown to this district by
H. C. DU N LdP, Box 246
Diatnbutors fertOntsrle, D HDade" A Company, Ltd . Toronto and p nndnn, ()neerle
l ..