HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-19, Page 22MR. AND MRS.
98 ACRES Hwy. # 4, 60
workable, no buildings,
land ' level, asking
100 ACRES on Hwy. #:4,
Teeswater area, ,next to
above property, 90 good:
workable acres, balance
buSh, older home, good
beef barn, asking
96 ACRES on paved road
in Morris Twp., 50' acres
workable, good '2 storey
house, barn, asking
MORRIS TWP. - 46 acres
on Hwy. # 4, 2 storey
three bedroom brick
home, large barn, steel
home on 8 acres in East
Wawanosh. Roof, siding,
interior with 2 bathrooms
all new and much more..
acres near Wingharn, 45-
50 acres workable. Beau-
tifully restored and restyl-
ed 3 bedroom 2 storey
brick home with new
added family room with
fireplace, 2 full baths,
drilled well, • many other
features such as modern
kitchen with custom cup-
boards. Owner, who has
been transferred, has lav-
ished money on this lux-
urious home.
Phone 351-3208
Rep. •L. W, Hutton
Real Estate Ltd.
Broker, Kincardine
528-2031 LUCKNOW
RIPLEY HOME - 4 bedrooms, electric heat, new roof
and siding, two car garage, mortgage available. Asking
$25,000.00, .
2 BEDROOM brick bungalow, attached garage, on
large lot, Whitechurch. Asking $45,000.
A 10 YEA;3L liedroPt bungalow, hot water
heating. A ticilee
totsemiial. Asking only $33,500.
3 BEDROOM HOME, Havelock Street, Lucknow,
COMPLETELY RENOVATED in 1974, three bedroom
bungalow on double lot. Asking $45,000.
KINLOUGH 3 bedroom, 2 yr. old bungalow, electric
rbeat. ASking $29,900.
LUCKNOW 6 yr. old split level, 3 bedroom; family
room, fireplace, games room, in ground swimming
pool, paved drive, garage, and many extras. Willing to
trade on a farm.
2 YR.. OLD, 6 unit apartment building, good income,
10 1/2% mortgage. Ripley.
ESTATE HOME, Lucknow, 4 bedrooms, 3 pc, and 2 pc.
bath., Close to main street. Asking $23,500.
100 ACRES - in Ashfield Twp., good buildings, 90
workable, highway location.
office. Make
GAI)Ot pot, 1 block from post
ft Wier,
NEW HOUSE - 4'/2 acres, large family room with
fireplace, 2 baths, creek crossing property, 1 mile from
We are in, need of listings
Res: 5294417 Res: 395-2880
Polite 22---tuelalow Sintiriel) Wednesday, November 19, 1980
a week in Ontario after
the wedding before
returning to their' home in
Calgary, Alberta;
St. Agnes Roman
Catholic Church,
Waterloo was the setting
for a double ring
ceremony on October 11,
Consisting of balance of
furnishings of Mrs. Mur-
ray Edgar, Garde, with
additions, to be held
through the facilities of
Neat to L.C.B.O.
Moffat 30" self cleaning
stove w.. corning , top;
Westinghouse dryer;
G.E.- wringer washer;
washer-spin dryer; period
dreSser; Sklar chesterbed
as new; Sklar 2 , pee.
chesterfield; 3' Laxy-boy
chola; 4 pce. bedroom
'suite; several occasional
and platform chairs; kit-
chen suite; washstand; 3
ice cream chairs; dinette
suite; 4 children's chairs;
Standard duplicating
machine; small record
player' and speakers;
bathroom space saver;
recreation room furniture;
stereo radio-record play-
or; old oak dining table; 2
wooden extension lad-
ders; 7' step leddnre Cor-
ona typewriter; electric
hockey game; toys; sevr
oral mounted fish • and
fishing gear; Winchester
gun, model 1875, 12 ge.;
Remington repeater, 22;
Stevens model 820B, 12
ga.; 22 Springfield model
gun; [Must have F.A.C.I;
apple peeler; flat Irons;
some 'althea Of interest;
dinnerware; glass, etc.;
electrical kitchen Utensils;
pots; pans; hand tools;
NOVEMBER 21, 2-5 &
Auctioneer, Tel. 357-1011
y weds
celebrant of the MaSs. He
was assisted` during the
marriage ceremony by
the Reverend T.
Gerharz, parish priest of
St.'Agnea Church.
Scripture readings
during the Mass were
read by Ralph, Austin of
-Calgary,: _friend, Of . the •
bride and grOoni. The
offeratory was presented
by Geoffrey•and, Carolyn
Logel. •.
Music` was supplied by
Marie Asnrits, sister • of
grooin, on piano,
organ and guitar. Soloists
were. Anne Boyle, sister,-
of the• groom, „Wayne
Berwick, nephe* of ttitY`
bride and Paul Garrett of
Edmenton, a friend of.the
bride and groom.
The bride and groom
were, accompanied to the
altar by their parents and
The bride wore a floor
length 'gown of silk
chiffon over Satin with an
empire waistline, wide
scooped., neckline, full
sheer sleeves and a
cathedral length train. It
was trimmed with
alcenon French lace. A
Juliet cap held her
fingertip veil and she
carried a cascade
bouquet of pink .
sweetheart roses, white
carnations and baby's
The maid of honor,
Patricia Allard of
Waterloo, friend of the
bride chose a mid-calf
*dress of dusty rose silk
knit. Shp wore 'a white
carnation and baby's
breath in her hair and
ly treed lot for sale. Ask-
ing $7,000,00. W-4
Please call 11011
ford ' Realtor,
Gaderich, 5244097.
After hours, 524-
504 ACRES, appro?cimateiy 400 choice cash crop
workable. Homes and buildings are well maintained,
barns are well set up for beef and hogs. Fall , possession is
25 ACRES located in Huron Township, clear land, bush.,
rough _pasture—an
199 ACRES, Kinloss Township, approx. 130 acres
.woikable, balance pine cedar hardwood bosh Brick-5
-bedroom dome immaculate, hot water heating, barn'60
70 suitable for hogs and cattle.
150 ACRES, Ripley. area, 135 workable, 3 bedroOm
home, 2 barns and new implement shed.
100 ACRES, West Wawanosh Township, approx. 65
workable, 15 acres bush, balance requiring drainage.
4 BEDROOM brick home with large kitchen, living and
dining areas, family room and sun deck, located
approxiMately 1 mile from Lucknow. Approximately 17
acres of property with barn and river at the,back. Nicely
landscaped with trees planted. This home 'is
immaculate condition. This property would be hard to
TO CLOSE ESTATE, 2 bedrooms down and 2 bedrooms
up, extra large lot, exceptionally w ell cared for.
Immediate possession. Ideal retirement home. Asking
LUCKNOW - comfortable 2 bedroom bungalow, full
length sun porch, all electric heat, on an exceptionally
nice lot, Reduced to $17,000.00.
COUNTRY HOME located on approximately 1 acre with
a small barn, Pine River area.
DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom home with 3 extra lots.
Owner will consider your offer. Asking •$29,500.
GODERICH - 3 bedroom home nicely kept, built in 1952,
on good lot 50 x 132. Asking $29,500.00. Immediate
We have inquiries for farms, both large and
small acreages.'if you are thinking of selling,
give us a call, we would be pleased to talk to
Warren lit Terry Zinn,
PHONE 529-7350 R. R. # 2 LUCKNOW
uniting in marriage
Sharon Louise Logel,
daughter of Charles and
Leona Logel of Waterloo
and Michael Joseph
Boyle, son of Cyril and
Mary Boyle of St.
The Reverend James
Lammermeier of
Wallaceburg, friend of
the bride and groom, was
carried ' a cascade
bouquet of white daisies,
pink roses: and white
carnations, ,
firklesmaids, friends of
the 'bride, Dr.. Marie Gear
of Windham and
Kathl een Hogan of
Calgary, wore similar
-droases -to -the---maid,
honor's,.in shades of blue
and carried the same
Flowergirl, •Dana
Logel, niece of the bride
wore a white dress and
carried. a nosegay of
White daisieS. • .
:The groom -and -his --
attendants wore blue
grey suits and rose
boutonnieres. .
Best rn'an was' Leo
Redmond - of Calgary,
friend of the groom,
• The groomsmen were
Alex $inipson of Calgary,
friend of the groom:and
Joseph. Boyle, brother of
the grOorn.
A dinner and reception
were held at 'WOolner's
Lodge, Three Bridges,
following the cereniony.
The bride's mother '
greeted the guests
wearing a blue flowered
silk knit dress with an
orchid corsage.
The groom's mether
chose a teal blue sheer •
over taffeta dress with an
orchid corsage, •
The bride and groom
had several parties in
their honour. They spent
• north of GederiCh'. • ln..
cluded In, asking ' price;.
7011-,;.coifostalk -qUOta,
feed: and:. equipment. 4
berfrooni brick home,
Ilargo'barO.,3 silos, ttriVe•
shed and Workshop,
Nay,' reduced. •
,50 ACRES lust north 'of
Dungannon. Excellent
.cash cropland. Owner
will consider currying
.mortgagef •:;•-: • •-••-•-
100 . ACRES east • of
Dungannori, . 75
'workable; balance: in
hush...-Large driveshed,
good building site. Yen:-
dor.ciOdO for offal*.
bungalOW, must • he
seen.' Located , •the.
corner Of • Albert. , and
Williams, Dungannon.
Asking X21,000. , '
TIOH urgentlyr;reautrect .,
•In.Calbarner or Ashfield
Rea ty Wo
W. Realty Ltd. ;
41A YEAR OLD • bunga
low. Situated on a nicely
treed, lot in POint Clark.
Two bet:kaolin. Beautiful.
kitphen cupbbardS. Utility-
room lea& off kitchen.
1980 taxes V34,64. Phond
Chris Holloway '395-3448
or 529-7268. M-37
2 YBAR OLD brick and,
vinyl siding home. Reduc-,
ed.. $44,900.00 to
$31,900.00. 'Stone bre.
place in rec room. Three
hedroms. landscap-
ed. Located in. Dungan..
non. F-451
5 LOTS, 96' x 362' located
near Lake Huron. Asking
$10,000 each. S-5
Call Chris Holloway
395-3448 or 529.7268