HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-19, Page 13Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday; November• I9i 1980-=-Page 13
itechurch woman passes in London hospital
eples:11-16spital. He is on the;
4th floor, 'room. 450.
and. Mrs. Eric Evans
of Hyde Park ,,were Sunday
visitors with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Bill Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Fait
Goner ,of Sarnia ',visited on
SundayL--with his- mother,-
Mrs. Cassie Mowbray:..
Mr. and Mrs. sill Purdon
visited last week with (laugh-
ter, Barbara, Dr. and Mrs.
Ed Carey of Kitchener.
George MeQuillin of Tor-
onto, Miss Beatrice and
William McQuillin of West
Wawanosh were-Sunday yis-
itors with. Mr. and Mrs. Rill
Celebrating .birthdays on.
St. JOseph's Hospital, Lon- Sunday With r. and Mrs,
don, where she was a patient Walter Elliott and Karen
for 14 days after-surgery,.She • were Mr. and Mrs:. Norman
was in her 83rd year. FOr, a Stewart, Mark, Susan and
number of years she, and her Heather of Lambeth; Mr..
htishand had. been residents and Mrs. Paid Laidlaw,
of Whitechurch until ,they Miehelle and JaSon, London;
could not manage alone and Mr: and Mrs.: Paul Elliott
for a time they:resided with • and Jeffery, Brussels; Mr.
their son, Mr, and. Mrs. Joe„ and Mrs. David Elliott, List-
Tiffin and family.. She re- owel; Mr. and Mrs. Barry
mained with •Mr.land Mrs. Elliott and Ryan and Mr. Bill
FOrster. •
Weekend, visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan
Were Mr, and, Mrs: Irwin
McClenaghan of St. Thomas,
bringing his mother, Mrs:
MarY McClenaghan home
after a two week Visit, Mr.
and Mrs.' Alan' McIntyre ' of
Thomas• and ,Mrs, Eileen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul Parker, Exeter.
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig Mr., and Mrs. Sandy .Fair
attended the Royal Winter and Shaun' of Bluevale were
Fair at Toronto on Saturday.
We are sorry to report that .
Fred' Tiffin was admitted on
Friday to St. Joseph's 4-los-
Pital, London. The ,commun-
ity wishes him ';a. speedy
On Sunday Mrs, Fred
Tiffin,• Dave Gibb and 'Wil-
ford Clipperton were visitors
with Fred Tiffin at St. Jos-
Mrs, Elroy I:4(11w, , ed with her parents last week
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duch- and attended !ler late grand-
arme of
visited rec- mother, Mrs. Orville Tiffin'S
ently with Mrr ,. and Mrs, funeral
on Friday, returning
Elroy Laidlaw. home on Saturday.' .
Miss Colleen. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snow-
her- motheriL Bill-Jr;-of-Goderich-•
Adams were Sunday visitors • spent the weekend with her
with Mr. and Mrs, John parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Stewart, Blyth, to celebrate . Tiffin and Joey.
Margaret Anne's birthday. WHITECITURal W.I.
Brian Rintoul attended the , The Citizenship World Af-
Royal Fair from Sunday to fairs meeting of Whitechurch •
Monday. x ' WI: was held in the Com-
. Kimberley Rintoul showed,munity Memorial Hall Nov-
- a commercial-calf-in a class of • einber -12 -at-8.30-
10 and won second prize. Russel McGuire, .1st vice
Congratulations, Kiml president presided for open-
lug. exercises, membership tohe, paid for
Mrs. Farrier extended. a, Mrs. McGuire and Mrs,
warm welcome to• all, Mrs.' Visher. When the. Institute
Emerson; ,assistant secret- goes to visit at nursing
ary, read the. minntes. The homes, it was, decided , they •
Christmas dinner is to be take a treat for• patients. It
held in thee United Church, was decided that the Insti,
Wingham on December 10. tote does not cater on Sun,
The-qtdlt-quilted-ar-the-hall--days. -
was on -display. It was decid- A report of , the convention
ed to sell tickets it 50c for at Wiarten, October 1 and 2,
one or 3 for -$1.00...The was , given by delegate Mrs.
committee to look after tick Russel McGuire. Miss Merle
ets is Mrs, Agnes Farrier and Wilson gave a report of the
Mrs. Tom Day. A euchre rally held at Underwood,
party is planned for Monday, October 16.. A Geography
December 29 with the corn- match was held and lunch
mittee-Aeing - Mrs. Lorne was-served-by-Mrs. J.-Gaunt, ----
Durnin,3 Mrs. Tony Straker Mrs. Torn Day and Mrs.
and Mrs. Fred Tiffin. Life John Gaunt.
- Visitors ;on • Wednesday
with Rev. and. Mrs, John Bell
were 'Mr. and, Mrs. ?Tan-
Jenkins of Bluevale, Mrs,
Stewart Forsyth, Mrs.. Roy
Mahood, and Mrs, Albert
- Zorgdrayer -of -Walkerton.
On Remembrance Day the
public schoolers had .a holi-
day and Dale -Jamieson of
Kurtzville' visited' with his
Whitechurch friends.
The community extends
their sincere sympathy to .
Mr. and Mrs Joe Tiffin, and'
family-and Mr. and.Mrs:Dati -
• Tiffin and family' of Wing,
ham in .the passing of their
mother, •Mrs. Orville Tiffin in
Joe Tiffin after the passing of
her late' husband, Mr. Orville
Tiffin. Sympathy is-also ext-
ended to - the other many
Alan Falconer is again.
attending the . Carpenter'
course in connection with the
nuclear plant held. at. Owen'
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan.
Dawson Craig visited on
Sianday with . Mr. and-.Mrs.
Gordon MeBurney and Hugh
of East Wawanosh, ash Hugh
soon leaves for Africa where
he will be flying a helicopter
until spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laid-
law, Michelle 'and Jason of .
London, were 'weekend visit- Mrs. McGlynn, Wayne
ors'vvith his parents Mr, and and Janet of Kitchener visit-
An Incredible
Attends thelijoyol
Robert Bregman attended
the Royal. Winter Fair in
Toronto on Saturday.
Sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to relatives of
the late Mrs. Orville Tiffin
who passed away in. London
Hospital last Wednesday.
Mrs. • Tiffin was the former
Lizzie McInnes. and lived all •
her life in the Langside and
Whitechurch, areas.
We are sorry to report that
Fred Tiffin of Whitechurch is
a patient in London Hospital.
We hope he will soon be able
-to return home-agairt. -
Mr..and MrS. Flank Breg-
man and family of Goderich
visited Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Breg
man and family.
Ken Young had a well.
drilled on his farm last week.
Students of P. E. Madill
School in Wingham are busy
writing exams this week.
Good luck to all.
The Whitechurch Young
People are holding a tea and
bake sale In the Whitechurch
hall next Saturday. We wish
them success with it.
Jamie Young of Sarnia
college spent the weekend
with his parentS, Mr. and
Mrs. nib Young and, family".
Kelly Coughlin spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Young. *
he Whitechnitch Presby-
terian Church:is being paint-
ed inside. Because of this,
church was held Sunday
morning in the 'basement.
[Intended for last week]
Mrs. Riek Jones held a',:.
successful tupperware party
on Monday afte,rnoon, Nov-
ember 3, with .eight ladies
present. Afterwards delic-,
ions lunch 'was served by ,the
hostess: Mrs, Prates Arm-
strong was tupperware dem-
Marlene Mann of Calgary
spent a few days *last Week
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Mann and other
relatives. •
People from this district
were glad to have the Yokis-
sippi bridge on the sixth of
Culross finished as many of
them travel this road to
• Teeswater.
Last Friday evening was-
graduation night at F. E.
Madill Secondary School in
Wingham. A large crowd at-
tended. Some of the students
from around this district
receiving diplomas were
`Marty Young, Secondary
School Honour Graduation
Diploma; JaMie Young, Alice
VanderKlippe, Lynn Nicol-
son and Beverley Bell, Sec-
ondary School Graduation
Diploma. Sandra Gardner of
Lucknow, granddaughter of
Mr. and. Mrs. Wesley Young
of Lucknow,, formerly of
Turn to page 15*
Each year at this time we like to take the opportunity to soy 'Thank-you'
to our valued customers in a special kind of way.
You're important and we mean to prove It.
This is your opportunity to save on everything in the
There couldn't be a better time to do your Christmas Shopping.
today and from the people at 'Peoples'—Thank-youl
Hurry in