HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL,
Coughs and Colds are Prevalent
We stock advertised Cough Syrups and Cold Remedies
11 the cough is hanging on, use Vitamin Tested
Cod Liver Oil
Campbell's Drug Store
Mine 90 Goderich
l4})\MtL1) H. Oct. 9. -'rhe Wometes
Association met at the paraonuKe on
Wedntektay afternoon. ArrauReltwnts
were made for the harvest thanksgiving
services and fowl rapper. Rev, Forbes
Itu0herferd, of Woodbaw, a former
pastor, will eonduot the special ger-
vitws ou Sunday, October 27th. A fowl
temper will be served on Monday even-
ing, October 2Sth. Announcement of
the program will be made later.
A social evening was held by the
young people last •Friday evening, and
the tate. was reorganized fur another
year. President : Carmen Stevens;
v let.- p res hien t Roes }'iaher;oc.•retary-
tretlrurer, Minnie Good; desisting, Eva
Dentinal; 4011%euor of Christian frl-
Iee44shij, department, Dorothy Walters:
401144•41or id lWrlstlau tujaslons, Evelyn
1.i,ug: ei,ut•elur of ('lirletlau citlzen-
rh1p, Gertrude Moughton: convenor of
11'hri-tion literature and recreation.
Stanley Snyder: pianists. Olite Hill
V1041111190111100111110 ST. :A t VC USTIN E and l k.r"wy " \Walt*'rs- A Hallowe'en
wusquerade party was arranged fur
4ki.A.e•r :rah, to which the young
Weide u( Smith's 11111 have been in-
ST.,.AI'/:1'STI'Nl'. cwt. N. -Mr. and
RE %Ir•. W. Healey, of Gosierich, were the
guest.. of Mr. and Mr-. 'r. Greaves en
Nibs Helen Page. of 4;oilerlch, v;I
the :neat 4.f the Miser. May and Rurua
Boy Ie e%4' r 1 le war .
Mr.. G. H. May. of IA/11110M spew
hast Werk with friend. here.
Mr. Ernest Duff uud sena .lrthur, of
Lea winged.. tailed on friend. bere•on
Mr. .1. and Mies Mary Greaves event
Tiwelty with Gielerich friend%.
Mrs. A. .1x%111113 null- daughter
Helen. Mrs. A. Aleseer and daughter
1larearet were the guest- of Misr, J.
Week of October 14 to 19
Monday and Tuesday-
t rese•nto another maeterpie•te•. You'll .r'l•
\ tenna as it will meet exist again.
1'1111'11 feel the pulsing lift- of the need
amazing wend aieirl the world Iota ev-
er known. You'll understand the queer,
and l..vrly r" net Won Ntrileiul las
evoked 1st tbis dazzling e•ncit.m-
• "The Wedding March"
Educrtionel Comedy
"Contented Wives"
F*rningn---adults 3.5r, ( hildren
MatInee Tttfrwla y at I p. nl.
Matinee- tdulte 25e. Children I:,e.
I. McAllister last week.
LEEBURN airs. J. H. Johnuton Is 1111Mr the shoe.. She enrriwl a -hotter imenite•t fin Auguet :tale I•rS. •lu 1:ele•rlch town
e•a.ctU. ut Nuuee4 rose. :nd maidenhair 4rna.�shlp uu Jauulary nth. 1�7u. rhe IN4•iuu.
Thursday, October 10, 1900.-5
Kitchener. There were 175 guise's tine UdL•ren motored from Port Elglu
present at the retepttou. The bride on Friday and ,*'pent the week -end with
wore a dread of shell pink georgette the former'' sister. Mesa J. Stirling.
and a rope of pearls. The hall wus who returned with them on Sunda)' to
prettily decuratt,l io mauve and cream. visit at Port Eight.
Music for dewing warn furnisher' by Mee G. M. Elliott left rill Sunday
the Raymond Redmond five -piece or. to alrend a t y
ehestra. Many beautiful gifts were
received by the young couple, testify-
IuK to the esteem lu which they are
IwId. At 441(111 to lunch was nerved.
Death of Mn. Balser. -There �ws,ed
away at her re-idenee. Thornldl , tint.,
on Saturday, u4.tober 9th. Isabella.
Jane Maize. w•i.luw of the late 11'111Iam
Kaiser. 111 her .errntirth year. The de.
4444,441 was the elde.t daughter of the
late Mr. and Mr. William Maize. of
the 4111 eeneeesen of .A'Iltledd. and ger
Married in SonienI*wr, 14.1 lou the
lark day"). 4.' Mr. %Villi:uu Kaiser.
For many year, Mr. ,uul Mr.. Kalerr
reaped on the 4th eeneevdon of Ash- Quest of her brother-in-law, Mr. Fr alk
field HMI 441)011' 144441y-t14e• y1•/1r0 ager Keegan:
tele' moaeel h• 't.rk eveuuty. Their Mr. ltols•rt Itlack. u( Strathelai-
nilly ehlld, 'Edna flies. P1411Ne.). died 1Inu: 11r. 4p4.rre Black, of Pari:, and
*Neuf twenty year. ago and Mr. Kaiser 11r. 1:. Meek :old two daughter.. of
prole ceeseMI his %life alUult eine year.. Ave celled Ar\1'. ',1. F•„<trr': last were,
The deceased le 'oohed by one broth- Mr. Frank henry, of \Whit14•hurch.
4'r, Mr. AWoert MNlze, 1Nulga11uanl. nod %l.ite.1 h1, .1 ter, Mr.. W. .1. }'weer.
by two niece* and four itep11ew'+. The last %,ee•k.
funeral Hoek pl:ue !rota li,r re'ldenee. Rev. and Mn'. Clop•. Galrhwr left
Thornhill, on 'fiteela4 aftern.Nnt, t le on Monday for • imehester, N.V.. having
t.1N•r eth. The iuternwut was 111 Mou11t ',pent the peat six week. with the
4',w days at Laudon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, ofHamlitua,
spent the week -end with Mr. and ]Ins.
.1. Pollex•►.
Mr.ltolwrt Deigaty open; the week-
etul ut •Hensell, \rlth his slater, Mrs.
Sparks. •
Miss Nora Ferguson Lett 0u Monday
to spend .the winter In 1unduu.
Mrs. ltoey and eraI. Mrs. roue 111141
daughter. who haul %pent the pats•
month lu Jowett's4 rove, returned to
Detroit roit uu Sunday.
' ,Ira Newton and sou, of Detroit. err
Visiting her sister, Miss E. Weston.
Mrs. Geo. Weir, of Seaforth. 1. the
AUBURN 1 I t tart •n Toned. uformer'. brother, Juh11 •l' t:atnhler.
%8.,111 14'
MacKenzie -Bogie.- Knox I'rr.by- The Gu4erunweit lightl r sulgdy
AI'kl''RN, tk t. N. -.)1t-. and Mrs. teriuu ehureh wau.e. Go.lerieh, wit.. the boat anchored upIN.+lte the harbor
Gellxaer, of Wyandotte, Michigan. sem. of a ',Iwo %',.finis un \l evlue•+- 0111111 x /111111'k Saturday 1N rn.nl
vbeit.d at the home of her cousin, day-. (kilter "114. eke., miss tea., a 1 •h brought 111 material fur a
Mrs. John 4lfivatbn, rerrlttly.
Bogie, youngest :an:h'e•r of 11r. mid light w'hietl I. III be er14.1141 •. the
MIs. Margaret \\'llliam•, ut Clinton. Mr.. Rupert Iiuyi.•. of Shr•ptNlydt.m. south pier for the trenw•fit of the fi.h-'
la the guest of her •le. Mr. C. M. was mnrrled t.. Ii..uald :M,'Kruzle. rnuru.
Straughau. youngest sem fif th.• Iatr 11r. +old Mt .%n Okl Rawident Hwue,. -'\'here
Mra. J. Straughau, .of Goderich, l 1)oiald M,Ke"ie. of .1.IIttebl- Rev jw..ed to re•a oil 11'ei.lur.duy. tk•tolrer
t'• )feliei aid, intoor of Knex 21141, a highly respected citizen fif Itay-
church, performed the ern•mouy. '1'h,•.Ih•Id, Ile.. Itichurd Weston, who.
lotting Iter daughter. Mr., 4'. J1iurwn, r
Tie •1,ni ew•alo:rator is handling ,a brlele, 44hfi • wa. uwutrudwl, wfir4. u IN•- maiden 11141414' 4444- }•11zu1s'Ih IANd1y'.
large quantity of apl,le+aud rmplfiylug ermine Kuw11•-id t"•a'-h oseoriett' with The decease.) was lu her eeventy-eight h
many hand. to 1 h
des•aur e c N re tat pr
Mk- Paterem. id Toronto, i• viAtlus alis, t:rx.e 1t1K.•uni.•, of 'curfiuto.I the bride ef'Helmet \\esn.11 :uud they
1.FE111'14\, (k•t. 1. .1n11Irer.ary at the home of 1)r. and Mrs. Weir. sister of the l.rid.•gr.s'l11. and Furl lived In ILslrrlrtl township, wttl( 4lw'
.ervieee were hell at lwebnrtt church on Sunday.,4k•tulwr 13th. the tilers Ibrgle'. brother 11f the bride•. were wit- exeept4'.n ,,f a few year. slsrot .In'
NputPly las. Thr day wa, fine and
awn! of the turd'++ Supper w•111 ts' oh- noises et the 14.1'111.10. After the mar- 4)r:ulgeville, 1111111 hey •teltn'li 111141
Ii. N..4' of them. o.4' tar watellIug shade and. bluets ' year. levying been 'wen In Itrea•kyille
Ile• altrudanc•e ut 1 tl .e•re14'1's rd I Knox 1're.btte..ix. Phue h.
wits very gratifyh'Q. lie•%. l Tlw plepart4
tmage the bridal party motored to the 11104141 to the village twenty -ren year,
N. a - ser' n
'. I'. Ka . ore .retire will he held burnt of the bride'. Iwre•ntf.' Mr. and .ager. For the lave year 11 r', pr.fun
NeNitKsrlay and 711urrday- Ine,x.t,l"11. u1tb-ht1141 at kelt ser- .011 Friday- evening pree•ediug. Mr.. Itoiwrt 11°.!ie of Nher.o•,r let, had out enjoyed good health. hill- slit.
4Fe.. and, gave at each a moat lu-plrinQ where a l''
NANCYCARROL-RICHARD •� Al r. and Illy J. Curter +old 1la:H•r .tens n11n• w,4lduag dinner was ,.e•rigusly ill only for n day IN•fon'
N e ,.,,ttrtlo, e•naon. The 11 ...1.. .-f Isom Digit., 4444.111 the week- 44:1: served. (41 4 •1*44' *1114 r1itirl•. tl • end rau14 elf quiet dislses ii
f r f i v - • - !one whit Mr. carter's parent.. gr. and of the bride and ri I I
i ...t. %%omens Iti-titute eill nee in eridet nkee, girl friends awl neht'i- bli.l.tind and tel.., el•Pdri...1.. rem e ,
all' wild' I the Foresters' Hall on TneedaY. 04- bore of the bride,. served lit 'Heiler, Ille.„ge, Wilthoo mid Edgar. „r !.
bright hght' gasses'•'' s•'•- - '
114•11.41'hy their attr11,Inute 111141 offer-
.' I''' ••,•••• The •ri,he ,,
tnht•r •,t 1, x 2.15
s'et'a ff iu;; •'1111dgr11ng Yourself,- by 11r•. -\• t:esMrielt, for Toronto. Mager.-F'nfl•. uses: Elizabeth. Al. honer 1.111 . �1..
{{ C, kt 1 wheel j +• 11 Ift. to the Shel- ,ld other taint-. for" a .bur.' -boort- '1'i ..-. 1)ili"n a, •K,t Ge derlrh t ..t g ';
nhattan oC a .' 11'41 Sunday nes sere t Ferguson.}•. rgtewol(Gr call. g
S 1 ill \I Jf .grldQc aIn-• maul file bell'' we:niug a tinsel 4'u- Mond a Iles. Ith4ir t, of hayfield, Mabel
"Playful Papas" and ' Big Ben111 I i tl
"ill !4' 114•!41 here )text , lou uy• - . ter. II"vteen. airs.
• Endo \%)rano I. 111111 I:ulm 1 Mr..
are inyitwi to lull 441111 the Nlte lre,gde 1\' 1 Ji It Tactor w11dde "t KAnal .Ire.. 11:1x' 1,1114, ,g:It 4 Mr..
. tunlH\ tar trlmnun--. hat and nth. r ac
Nl rnaglmu, and
•' Fred crane. .1 Ito -roil. She Is sur
`Her I ' f11 tl.elr tuu.iretwlry. Iter. It. 11, cum-
, urn- Kobimeon-Turner, - t )t, •'a with
-- - mice id Iteumlller w o• the 'les afternoon, September 'tali. at 3 40.4.4144i• vese.rie�4 to mal I. I' They will re-ide fin %Iv4.) also ley- twii sieter.. 11 n,. 11:trrt
Friday laid Saturday- ' minister. • lain \Tetley villi: united churcb. ('1t1,- the gr.wm's fares en :he 414* e•'nws.lol, \ rn14:.ti. I14'af .nl. anal tay ad. and 31rs nineteen
RODY I \1't• were lapels pie sed-tu Inti• with tun. Rev. J. i:. Hugs ierlJAl,rfned the of ...ield.'•,1../1't^ Albert
• yin •e Lonkse,
wu11nal ftrit'is I .m • e r of 11r. and Mrs.
tore prsfla tion. A tele n, r F nine h 1 Rev. Jain•- Hamilton. will. 44:1• for
lobo Turner. of Clhatutl,"mels Samna 4 late 1 011 Friday- aftPnuso4. 'I'L•
ft al most ,la,„..., ,d her riotous n..�.au. •'- waur year. Istster of tbie church. ' -1• it,d tie- .i . of .Aubnru. 'rhe bride s. yrs. A. weir. st•ra.ler was .•..adlle•tr.l by key, F. 11.
ecMadamoiselle Parley loo • It was rally deer in the Silaeday wits given In warrhig4• ,by her father. i1. 3'FIELI), tort.
4'1,"..1 last Sunday and the special' $ire wire gowutel in )teach georgette of I,And'', is the genet "t her Meter, Paull of the Auglica11 church, of whic1.
y \I • • 4'v a\11 �I 4'I F:` ,ret rt m11ut *sequin trir•tIDlugs and et. the 11111.•:,.11.! 44-x• 11 .ni 111114*'. 4'h., 4,,..
Iles. �. \W. Tipl
•• -n.1141001.1 iv.. 1114.1 -ix` 'great-gr.t,d
BAYFIELD ehkdrrn. The funeral. wheel. we-
I:ergety --.tH•udwl. 44ar held from lest
ow lie 1 n4' at the ulorulug 44'r%44.44 4411 Sunday .eremuu. melting Iu 11111*' 1.
f,.et it d in the wl4 T l lir.. 1. lt.tmilt"u, aiduw ut the to a ,14uer, e•ldtst dttnKhtr
" I.u.4nna provided 1.% the 1 t \filth lieu black
,c 1
"Delicious and Refreshing .1 religion• wluextl"l 44'x. nee!. .1
wore n black felt hat +wd block 'satin Mr. an,: )les. Feed Fualie and Law- fur hi. text Ilk• words "f 1 mini
rt- - .4.1x1 offering we. Iver. 1 1 retwe 1'uwli4,. .•: 1.oudou, ,i.eut 16.• ''Yeo. though 1 e..lL.throtee.:lie
"Her Gift .Nile 1 6 .has•. Nod retried tt bouquet 1f u 1 Tied
• Ilxmflt0u Clutton, who has been so • r„ �•pile bridesmaid a'xs Mi+« Tied- week -end with their Imre/its. Mr. and of the sh •w• of �deuth, 1 will fear no
Matinee Tues. at 4 p. m. III. I• impr,n•ing slowly, but by the' n1n Ksweeffe. who were yellow Keo*' 1I r.. J. Fenrlle, MF... France,. Fowik' evil, for tl..n net with foe; thy rodQo'enr' . orders l• *till ecaaiieel to Qette. with lint' and hose to match and returned to with them fora
l,ol..l..0 aand staff comfort 11x•." The retie!. sok!
Matinee Sat. at 3 p• m. Irl. (red. While kill AIM!, She file.4-urrird citta. aseistell by key, 11. )I. 11411/..of the
• • O • `• • • 1, 0 S 0 A The threshing of lnekwheat 1s the flowers. Mr. Robert Turner, brother Mr, r , .y 1(..44 t Cnhlera-nod -of M- l'nitrtl ehmr••h. The twillbe•,ri•r, WPM'.
lfi Ie \I J1Ir Il 3.• 11.,
hh ego.
mewl work tide week. f tl bride, mans Is• -t man. r.. •, taws.:' r. i .,.
The +•heed chHdn•u have Tlwtwlay' Xtltl .lguew pince4l )TIP wt'lhliug music „pent u t .% 11:1444 I: -1 meet•
and Friday •hnllday.. till. we9e�t, op and the Metre). ,n. very 'prettily decor• and mr 1;. Klug.
herr llllt of the teacher.. .•nliVPtlt10n: 1 ailed with flowers and •greenerc• 7m-' 1U. Sid t'a•tte, of Nis
N e 111 our Barg anemic.' the Mr-' nN'lIi,lt Ply lifter the ceremony n re•, jnenlr for the• a•!ek-eli.' t
Kenzie litrgle w141di11� r14'lryrtlon held ,-111tIon was held at the Mime of the ,.r. olio ha. been 111.
u 1k111da1111''11 oil Tuesday night. bride'. jmrrnt+. Huron street, bullet' 1(t-'. Percy Johne
ND,. .II. McKay. .o( (;talerl,la, Kjreut reh11shne•nt. t'cing
served by the ep.-ut n H•%%' days la,
Tnesdny with her slam. Mrs. R. ('int- %,news• fit the staff "t the ('Halton' pithily let_*',
tau. ho.eital• of which the bride is n groan- 11rs. 11 m..1.aren,
•' ate. tater in the afternoon Mr. nnc1;
\Irs. Robinson left by motor for n
•hoteleet. trip Ir. Toronto, Niagara I
Fall-. Cleveland. -Ik•tri.11 and other'
1".1ut.. The bride claimers] for travel-
ling into a frock- of brown geergt•tte
with chiffon velvet trimming.. with
hnt And shoe• to match. and n brown
tweed rest with fur collar. The young
:entitle received many handsome gift..
among' theta being n Bible from the
INenrd. of Weeley--\WIIII. ,l,nreh. •chi-
- being 11111 first wedding in the' ehllreh
.ince it wile rebuilt. The groom's gift
to the brid*'.maicl wa. a sliver neck-
: lace and to the g ...en -matt silver ellfy-
link . To the bride be,gare n h:nd-
.oqu• ch14p14'. Mr. and Mrs. Robin'on
will reside on the groom'*' farm near
1 Anhnrll. (:Vests were pre.ent fron,
Auburn. Detroit, Toronto. ialekiere.
Zurich, Senfort1,. Varna. K114N•ll 1111.1
iia y-tield.
if any of you are dreading cold
And thinking dismally about red .lan-
nels and frozen water pipes.
Ve'hy not handle the question in a sen-
sible manner,
Anil then forget all about it?
The sensible thing to do is to make
-sure of an.ample supply of D.
L. & W. Coal, which is handled by
.he Heat Folks.
And when Hutt' coal ill safely in your
lin. you can forget your wor-
ries and enjoy your winter in
For Gond Clean Coal
e 31.1. Ti1P.
Phone 'tR - Goderieb
The Leading
Men's Store
Everything that's new in
Men's Wear
!land Tailoring and Special
Order to Your Measure
Chas. Black
Phone 21!1 (lodrrieh
Gethin Davies
A. 1.. C. M.: .�p11. C. M.
(Associate of Royal College of
Music, London)
Organist and Choirmaster of
St. George's Church.
Teacher of Piano. Singing,
Organ and Theory.
P. O. Box 462
Complete Comfort and GoodStyle
are Inked in the new
Footwear for Fall
The new fall 11104 1111/1 in F0111 W/114 show 1111%1 11111yh 81.1141 •1cIr ant hew
loveliness eon 1N' tau info a really con,fortahle shoe.
There Ste Shoes for every.necosion, town, c11Untry, slre t, ba•inr.sand
wed -fennel wear.
The moles popular leathers for this season are Patent, Black Kid and n
number of their". of bean. The eorrert style of heel for street weer
14, the tneili Cuban. They are nroinnten.hd for Meth style anal
Rmbb ers aux) the new slykes of Rainshoe Are now in Kock in the latheat
,(SIIFFE1,i) Iwt. s. --Mr. Thom.-
Shn,kletntt returned to hl. Movie het
week after n two month.' ,i'11
friends In Sala tehewau lIINI .\ils•rtn
11r. .3IM't•t 11111/4' s)N•l1t 1114• least ten
day• :11 Thornhill.:et *be twine of 111.
si-err. 11r.. hal-sr.
Ilia grace %I'Jlnzle, nmre•-tn-tr:lln-
i'q nt"1h*' Toronto General hu.plhtl.
-ls•nt two week.' Vara 11.11 at her home
the 4111 comas:lon. While on Taco-
-ion. she was prewna at the marriage
her endhrr, Mr. Donald McKenzie.
11r Frank Mel'nrtley. ..f 1h•trolt,
-1 rut the week -end ,U 111. Iw'uu• gn she
6t1, t•mn•••'fo11. IIn 111» return he WI. •
;1-,gnljNlule,l by hl. another. Mrs. 1Wi;-
Ilnm 11't'nrthy, who will cL.i• with her ,
,I,nighters there.
Mrs. r• ('iIft.n \I.IIn, Itoy 111141 Ed -
In Meyers and lite. Loretta lleyer•
-Nag 141110614 at ldyer+dal•, the gm....
11f 11r. Peter 1L'yer• find 31r. fund 31 r•.'.
.t 11uRnutu.
Itis wklee. are extended to Mr. and
\Ir.•.Tion4 \IeKenzie, whose nl:lrrlig.•
look pins fill 4).•t"brr 2111. .1 hearty
i,leotii, k+ given 11 r.. leKenzle Ue
her new home on tI,. 4t1i.
Thr member. of the N'. 1i N. of
•' *'ewe 1'nl'ed ehlIr,l, held their real;-
-.r monthly meeting in the rhumb en
late -day eft.. 4"n11 wit 1, :, K,"NI at•
vend 111111 of members.
Mi.. Alma reel re ake
e•ek-end title friend l t.t the
Mr. rind 1(r••. .1. 4l'('nnnnr hod su'
011.0. 011 Smldny I:1st 11^. +11111 Mrs.
.1 1'' I)nl'nu. alt. and Mrs. T..1-. Late
Mr. and Mr.. .18' Garrey and
Mr. and 11r•. Lents Dalton.
Pest• 4iipltal Rereptinn.- ;III Toe. -
,day e•tI'll ill I/ "f t1)i• milk n rMep!inn
t,ry 11011 In the perish hell. Dungan•
non, h1 h"11"r of 3(t-. 1 nil 3lrs. lhmnld
\IeKenzle. whine nmrrlage tinik place
n 4k•tober 2,141 31r. and Iles. \t-••
KrnMe retooled on Tuesday' evening
fruit,flirt►)44.IMynNN111. 11111,11 W11•1' 4'11 ,it NiaCRea }'a1144. Toronto and
dere:\ -1••1'44 ..ix :rend.o11-. 11 'y '' '•' - .
Ith Mr. Harold Wt --:.n.' 1h•'t•nh. \Wilmer
plait, Clayton and Fr.•a1
e Falls, woe. Bayfield. -Friends who attended the
Il Pied! funeral from n .1ista1114' were Nara and
Mr -.')real Weston, Mr-. Endo Nee ton
co:' Goderich. • :111,1 l441 Raymond. )Ir. and 31r.. 1- red
;e Ln th. yit- (lace ..ud Harold \Wt --!•14, tram De-
troit.. The scnipethy of the e.immnnity
■vel ('hrl•- 1. exten41ell to the iereaverl family'.
What a Test!
Nine Competing Radios
in one Room!
ON the evening of Friday, July 12th, the test was
made. , ,
Nine competitive'and leading makes, side by side . , .
All hooked up to the same aerial....
Same ground connection. Same room...
All in good working order. All new models...
And then they were tuned in, by means of a multiple
switch, one after the other ... to the sacro station, before
a dozen spectators.
Careful record was made of the performance bre'
each, for volume, for "pick-up" (sensitivity), for
clearness, for tone.
And then they were put to an even more severe test...
Each was given a turn of the dial, to record the
stations brought in, their volume and clarity.
There was in that group one Radio that brought
in stations with an unbelievably greater volume
and clarity than any of the others .. •
that one Radio was the Rogers!
When the others were barely audible with their fall
volume turned on, the 1930 Rogers, in several instances,
could be cut down one-frwrtb and every word and note
came in clearly.
The laboratorytest is more severe than any home
test It deals only with cold, comparative results. It
asks not that allowances be made for conditions; the
time and the place affect all alike.
{jest a few hours' test. but one that means years of
radio satisfaction to you.
The 1930 Rogers is offered to you with the hope
that you will expect much of it, with the promise that
you will not be disappointed.
The 1930 Rogers, all-new in construction but
"backe.l by a record of five years proven performance
and w ills guaranteed A -C tubes, comes to you with
the highest rating earned by any receiving set.
MAW Rdet ■
- - 9449[) ase tars
The Signal's Clubbing Rates Will Save You Money
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