HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-10, Page 4(
4. -Thursday, October 10, 1929.
At Work or at Play-
the man who recognizes real
values is all for Fashion -Craft
He likes the youth and smart-
ness c`. their style, fit and finish.
He tikes their good looks that
help him win his way --as good-
looking clothes can help.
And he appreciates how he can
depend on them for top-notch
performance to the very end.
Remarkable Value
- from $29.50 up
W. C. Pridham & Son
"The Store with the Stock' •
Phone 57 Goderich, Ont.
WESTFIELD tawny, of Crewe, and jr. and Mrs.
John Kilpatrbek, of Crewe, spent Sun-
day at the ate of their lrrent$ on
wES1' 1I ELI). 411,1' t -.Mr. and Mr. the 9th euw'eaalon of East Wawrw,sh.
Win. McDowell and Mr. nod Mrs. Alva Mr. and Mal Andrew Kirk. of i4ea-
MI.it..well iisit'i 111 Loteleslroro' un furl h, ap.eltt Wednesday with Yr. and
$uuoluy. 14"x. J. I). Beerrstt.
MIr. nod Mrs. \V'nt. Walden visited on Ml+ars Clare an,l Irene Waitaki'', of
$uudny at the intoe ut the latterb Hlyyh, visited with Miss Laura Robin-
sist.•r. K. /'amerol, of Luckuow•. sun on Sunday. -
Mi- 1..rg. SucII. Jr, was a DetroitMrs. Jas. Barbour nod Mr. and Mrs.
.u4", .aturday
Mlr. awl Mfr. .1 Iluw,nrd Campbell
are the proud itln•a1• Of a flue Itahy
boy. horn Tuesday. y "•1nI.er S. Con-
The W. M. S. of the We•tflrld United
church are bolding'
thelr(ttickin he
rangier un Friday.
basement of the church.
Westfield United church 14 holding
Its +uuticeretry services on Sunday.
t h•tolwr 1:4. Rev. .1. E. Hogg. of Clin-
,•n,, will tial. ehnrga of the serviees.
Mr. A. F:, Cook, at Toronto, expects
to he present and will take part in
the seance of song.
1,17'KNOW. list. R, -Mrs. Milan
Barris. of 4 blcag0, 1s visiting with
her sister. Mrs. Nell Murdoch.
The Lueknlw high School held its
annual field tiny on Wednesday. Fol-
lowing is a list of the inners: Girls -
senior champtttli hip. iteryl Gardner:
• n
runuer•up, Claraln4"a
,1Ntl1d. J11111,.r
championship. Gladys MacDonald;
runners-up. Myrtle Hamilton and
Frances ThomilSt.u. Buys --senior
clwmpitnship, Jim Stewart ; rnnurr-up
Arthur Andrew. Junior championship.
(lark Finley -son: runner-up. Jim Hen-
Mr. Harvey Naylor, of Port Huron.
14 -Peltiling a few days n ith hi-. mother.
Mrs. William Naylor, of town.
Mr, awl Mrs Edtar Holtyotan spent
Sunday with friend' in Cbesley.
Miss Petrie Nixon, nurse -In -training
at Victoria hospital. London. is holi-
daying at her home herr
Mks Helen Swan, of Clinton, 'lent
th,week-end with friends In town.
Mrs. (itev.. Craw ha+ gone t., \Tind-
swr to attend the l' uyincial convention
f the W. C. T. 1-.
FJMluoal Barbour and faulily tpeut Sun-
day wirh Mrs, lieu 11.41enaghan.
\1'FII and Joe Kelly, of St.. Augustine,
spent Sunday with their grandparents.
Mr. and Mr.. Ja.. Cornelius.
Sir. John Barker toad Mr. Morg.0
Jones. of Clinton, 'pent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Robs. M,'('iruaghan.
Miss R'luulfrel F'urrter•
Valley, spent the reek-ettyl with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. .Farrier.
Mr. Will and Mks Norma Murray. of
Walton. :swot Sunday with Mr. toad
Mrs. (:1tnion hUhwplr.
Mr. Harris'Punlou. of Detroit. spent
the week -end at his home.
Miss M. Adams. of %\'Ingham, visited
tin Sunday with miss Isabel 'Fox.
1; I t-:RIOM 'r1N\NSHIP, Oct. S. -
Mrs. 1Vnrseil. of t:..te'rlch, la vItlting
at the home of Mr and Maw. Robe.
Dp c ddson.
Misses ,Marguerite Falconer. Bella
('11x, Eleanor Juba -4",+ and 1.ena 1'ul-
wrll int to I:r•:•etwld anti atleudwl
the young Ie.tt.lr• convention wht•h
was held there're' IIIy.
:he Colon I'ultwl
1 . 17tITFt'HI'RCH. (art.:. -Mr. and l'
IMrs. Melbourne Cox. of Wingham. spent the week -end .:
wtwday with Mr. and Mr. 4larent' attended the Ct..- . • II•••.v.itt welling.
Cox. Tear anuu;,t f '►w 1:,Mh•
Miss Gladys Garton left on Snuilay rich Township 11 . : .\nxali+ary4 :111
t.. visit Iter brother, Mr. Will Garton. be held at Mr 1 I • :.-teen's 1 W. T.
in Detroit, i Mnniey'p home ilia r..:ol. r„slr-
Mrs. Reid spent Sdnday with her Hell 4. on Thur •• tuber 17th. at
daughter. Mrs. Balfour. of Lucknow. . _,'611 A in.
.. -
Read the "Buy-at=HQme Directory on Page tIr.:1ud al Raymowl F'! 11' "'" -15111 IELT)
The M. M. s.. 1
church will weer Wed lleoiday after-
nxon at the Mono- .f Mra. tUbt. Mc-
ik'alll. sr.
311s. Ikmt Il:'rr.•u Is spending a
month lsttiug '.1, loctrult.
Attni'ersnry seniors are being held
urs t S1111.111, at. %••r 1:1. th 1'uiutt
Isobel church. : P. m. sad 7.119
p. m. Rev. E. I. v,,lrtw.n. 11. , ., at
Blyth, will I special preacher
for the measto r acre will he e•la'-
clat music by • •':•'Ir, twisted Iq
Mks Pentland. - • si the after-
noon se•' t4", n4" 1 .• .•4",.1 ..trews eiwir the house and
In marrlag'e to Mr. Gordon Pearson,
sun of Mr. Nelson t'ean.ou and the
hate Mrs. Pearson of Nlle. Her.
J. \V'. Hl8:,y' la former Nile minister;
officiated. The bride was becomingly
gowned in navy blue satin -faced crepe
with accessories to neaten. The young
,.sane will reside nt Nile. 'rtelr
many Mewl., wish thew 'lent voyage.'
iNll F:, (k•t. 10. --Dawes Jlt*.ttIght,
nn the boundary west of Nile, had the
misfortune to lose has Baru nod tet
by tire early 'Wednesday evening of
this week. The rause of the fare tw
unknown. The seasons crop and some
machinery that was to the hart were
destroyed. There was some insurance.
but not enough to cover the loss.
nett. Mr. and Airs. lleorgr 1)rruueu,
tit roneessita, were at Tees%ater .liuw
st week.
Mr. Jim !touch, of Detroit (checker
(sob Co., yelled on old friend. here
Saturday. Mr. Roach when a 'duan
1Mq came from [melon orphanage and
live) here at the Lome of the late
Mrs. Joanna Sullivan for several years.
Mr. blurry batman, ut Ih'tn,i1, 1-
xta•wling a fow-days with his grand
ch11d, Betty Haas, and bis sl -tern 4..
law, the Misses 1htyle.
Messrs. -Tum Ganey, Jr., and Jelot
Garvey Moline(' to Toronto 'hlesnh, y t '
Ile present at the marriage and reel
(ion of their brother oft Wednesday,
They took with theta their air..•, Glary'
Margaret Dalton.
Mr. (coon. ('Keefe and MIs brother
DO NOT NEGLECT Raymond v.1.41te1 !Amami one day'
At 011 time of life Is delay ur ne-
glect more serious thou at childhood.
The Ills of little ones eine quickly
and unless the mother Is prumlel lu
adwlui.+tering treatment • a . precious
little lite may he stttifed out almost
before the wullwr realises the baby
is III. The prudent mother always
kt•el,.. something it) Ile medicine
chest as a safeguard against the sud-
den 111urss of tier little 41114"'. Thou-
'wd of mothers have found. through.
experience. that there is no other
' ►w Tablets
welleltlr to equal Ilnbc' (awn
and that 18 why they tttWS •s -keep a
the Tal.lets uu hand --why
they always feel sate with the Tablets.
Baby's Owu Tablets aye a nt11d tut
thorough laxative whie h by regulat-
ing the IM*w•els and stomach banish
is.ii (11lxtluu and hnllgr+tlon ; break up
last week, having nce.wpanlwt their'
sister Aak•liue that far on her return
to Chicago. Mir. R. O'Keefe and his
sister Mrs. bong, atter visiting their
relatives, and friends here. leave to-
day on their return t.. the \Vrest. in-
tending No 1101 Cleveland, 4'hicug.. and
.0%..rra1 other dates on thelr way.
Masquerade Dauer.- The Kings -
Dramatic (club announce that
u marsiuerude titan•. 11'111 be held in
Klug'! ridg. ball on t rldny evening.
111.1 .ter 118th. Music by .1,rtbitr',. Radio
Orchestra. .ldwisslou $1. Good lunch.
Felicitations from the Old Home. -
We take pleasure this r4eek lu Offering
our beartle-t congratulations to air.
J.e' Garvey, a prominent young Liw•yer
1 i
n Toronto,- -who Marries on Wednesday
f t 7
morning at worthy young lady. Miss
Foley, of the 51101,• city. Mr. 4;nrvey
4 well and favorably kuowu in Ihrw•
part+. heing sen of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Garvey, anti as a y g boy
was a scholarship winner at the Code -
rich (collegiate- We abs, wish to ex -
cold' and simple fevers and promote tend ,Nor hest tIshw and con(rretula-
healthy. natural sleep. l'ua.eruheg (10118 10 Mr. John Lung, who The Signal
thrid. Mn. Isaac Sonia, 81. •1 iitelle, told us last• seek ens married in ih-
Ont.: writes: -"1 have, been using .trult 111 Septewlwr. Mr. lung was
Baby's Own Tablets ever slues' baby for seoentl years another of our well -
was a mouth old awl litre f 1 that thought -of and highly luteligett young
they reach tile spot and do more g.MMI men, Hr graduates in the (tear future
than any other medicine I have ever how the Detroit Sch....1 of Law'.' To.
trawl. C''+tlways keep, the Tablets in
both the young couples w4" wish a long.
would otitis• alt uthrr• successful. happy married life. NOW
mothers h, do wt." TIM• Tablets art. .Irl 115 hope that some of our ',resent {"
add by atwlielue tlisalen' tor he 111.111 young • me.. ninny ut whom are os
at S, cents abut trues The lir. \'slier worthy n0 those who have left its. will iiatoilton Stract Goderich, Oat.
11se. Mellirine Cu., Bna•kvlltr. out. 'follow this good example. T. tical w4"
will have chnr_• um"' nt the
et ening service t esti Iia(, 1Ii 11W1on
1s txteadwt (0 c' • 40 .1 1-1e1141 theme
sr ry tees.
1 utas own h ut
%per and ....wen, ST IIELENs It will not Leu rhnriesrh eltflrr. K••.
,,, ,der l tfl, - • .Ir: •
Pentland +pweut
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get
when ordering your bread
from us. It contains the
purest - ingredients known
to bakers.
Buy a loaf to -day and
taste the difference
111 \Vest St.
$17.00 $17.00
6 only solid walnut cedar -
lined Chests at the remark-
ably low price of $17.00.
. • will .!11 loom thou c.11 ratuiate-- and
TtN• tvagreg.,
are having n f..
otl Friday even!
Miss Margar•-
f•.rr4. where she ST. IIF:LF:XS, 4A1. 7 :%hnN•eruIr'
services will 1e twit In Calvin r•,the.I ,
,•11nr•h next sitinday, 4k•tober 18. • Tete'
preacher for the day will be Rev.' A. 41. ,
ihotialI, of Shelburne. tint. Morning
service at 11 o'clock: evruliI sercwr
at 7311 Silesia' nn.ic• for the 'ley.
Mr, Wilson \Vote,. took a trip to
Toronto, t:urlph :nod that on Friday.
MIAs .Nunn Stewart, of Toronto. 1- grace St. Tekpitose 105 Goderich
1 islthlg lace tt►.ttllrr. .Mrs. .V. `(teen
1.41 httru.ts returning to, Tile -441y.
ti Smartly Styled Ladies' and Misses
New Cloth Coats
.\SIiFIEW). .
11. N.. of ('ha:
Mope ,f Mr at
w'hrri• her mot
4"y 111.
Mr and Mr -
their daughte%
brut. R. X.. els
...4"•k -end.
1t. lbws.
• I i-itlug at the
11 n
I, M Icle•n:lu.
Mrs. J. Russ, Is
1i M1HtLt.tlhnu and
tai-• Auutr M1acL4•u-
•11 in Ashfield over the
ea .jlcii ' 41
and Mrs. Jas. Douglass au•l
d tngl,ter V\-audn, of Mltrhell. were
visitor+ recently with Mr. Mist Mrs
ugie . .101.0 ('macron.
ve Mrs. Thos. Keyes. of Grand Valley.
WW1 hits • Leen a most of Ler mush'.
alts. Alt WelA lett fur her h'mr un
Mrs. Armitronr. who w•,1' nt the 1w1•
.lde of her daughter, Mrs. A. t\r1.b. '
for a few weeks, hes returned to ht'r '
honer in Blyth. •
Mass IM+yllts llugtriie, of Toronto,
Is a visitor with Mr. and M. I:ott1►.n
I Mr. Chas -lived. of itroi-fir:d. as the
Gle-t of his sister.' Mrs. It. J. woods.
Mrs. Wm. Centeno) intends leaving
'meshy ..n n trip to the West. where
She :ill visit her daughter. Mars.I
Navarre. at So•Atil y. She will have
for her travelling congMtid11n front To -
root.. Mrs. Spurr. of McAuley.
MII-o. Mary R.tgers. 111 We.411ieli,. 1s
Mrs. Clark for a milt• of
Welnen's Institute Meefirta.-The' w.r•ki.
X Mrs. Auders•n, 114 llautlltou. I8 vl'lt-
Xi,..: her mai friends at lorhalsh told
X We have received another shipment.of ladies' and misses' Coats. Dominant 1M1
N for fall are the side and front flares that gracefully swing with every movement.
i although the straight line modes also achieve popularity. Large becomingly furred x
Xcollars, cuffs and bottoms. The fabrics are of the finest, the tailoring unexcelled.
The ladies of Goderich are cordially invited to visit our store and view the new
0 Coats. All are moderately priced.
'I'ite V\'. •••n'- Missionary So,iety 1s
tenet :c the home of- airs, Robert
MLt'fMn:ald. Klntall. on Wednesday
afternoon, :It 2 O.•lt ek.
Mn. Nt' it'th Mln••(.4"a1t ley rclwraesi
home 3f'• .kiting with her daughter.
Sir-. .1 '1'howt011. t:.Miericl,.
The 1 threshing is tlnl-had In
this .li- The crops hnr turned
ant fair well. In 'pile of the lung
dry siell A goal rain would i* w•r1-
,-onte nod. f,•r the fall wheat nn'i plow•
x Kdntail a •h of the Women's Insti- Death of Mlrs. G.A. Webb. -a►n Wel
A new shipment of ladies fall Millinery just received. The new Hats present tote (net are honer; of Mtrs. R. B1+- 11.-•.1;1y tn,.1nIng. 4h ooIcer '21111• nt 1"
set .m Thursday afternoon. ,Thr o'clock. MI r• 1:. .\. Weld, .1 St. Hel.•n-
more unique and clever modeling than ever. .)til pealed faith the president passed away Lasa' t'ttlllc. after an ill
We have a full stock of this popular line of
ladies' silk Hose. Some of the season's
leading shades are LIGHT GUNMETAL, , -
x Our new fall and winter Suits and Overcoats are now 011 display. They are
made of the newest materials and come in distinctive styles and shades. Splendid
values. Come in and look them over.
On account of the 1 lebrew Holiday this store will be closed
October 14th, re -opening Tuesday, October Pith.
fI _
on Monday,
Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich,
XXX tyc1 i
ng , • ..
Mrs. .\. IS+.kett, In the ctelr. The tte+s 44 ..,n•1 ternl.le duration. For the
roll alai was attsswered by usit_tte+- last four weeks "it• had t..•t, ,onfhlisI 1
rind+ tar n Hallowe'en 'fairly, Elide- to led, tart she we% very ch'erfnl and
states were 'appointed to 'Weill the' countertop.. patient in her s.nfferinv.
iIl.stt•ict convention to 44" b,•Id at Tees- i•ver thoughtful of titter who attended
war. it e deeit'1 t., hold n her. 14141 grateful for every kiudot--
11it11twe'en • nn'4iwrudt• parry and shown -her. She was widely kuouw
Qnntemin.th,• Klntall hull on the even- and highly esteemed. and n 114,1. sen....
Ing of Fridn,. November 1st. ot..w_hich t.f 1...1►
w is felt 111 her passing. .sefseol
1 metier - not 1,11p will Ile gleam. The le•fore Ier marriage was Miiss Margaret
Islim of gnu wens voted to the Child- .\rmstrong. She Is survived by her
reit.. Sheht-r at Goderich. and 9.; to linshnnal. one daughter. Greta. her
Alexandra llosplt.l. .\n hitt-resting mother. Mire. Armstrong of Blyth. and
programme followed, after which the n sister. Mlr. Wm. Phillips, acts. of,
Xmeting clos.st find file hostess served 1tivt11. 1h.rsympathy gone Out 111 thN
y n . 9111(4 -bitch. • The next meeting circle In their entree• and IM•renyt•mcnl.
tSti w'111 Is, held at the home of Mrs. John i The funeral tarok place from the resi-
tires' In St, Helens to Greenhill trm.•-
i tery. r.ucknnw, on F'ritlay afternoon.
' The servleivi were enndnctel by her
1 minister. Rev. 11. G. Whtttteld. of ('aivhi
t'ultei) titttrt•h, Aasistel by Het. It. VV•.
Handleap Social.- Oa 4n•tuler i'tl''
0Craw, ..f I:It.'ktw,w. h.•4" former 1t,stor.
Ht NJIr fl: .•d clntrch, under the nowAmong titre pre%ent were friends nod
pp 4"s or (:Iris' Guild. A one -act ,.,,. ,111 Goderich. Brantford.
Xpiny eutr I ••The Traveller."`i . ' 1,,. ,, r• ,,,I \'alley. ornngrrllle. War
Dicu! seb- . games and refry,' for: o. Myth and \V'lughaut. The pall -
4 cn.,•rs weir Messrs, :1. S. Dawson.
1'omt •ttJny n real !reit. n MI .,t; ,.,, s• root. Thos. R.)yea, Jas.
N"1L):. ', 9.- Mrs .1, I F:.4 t:4"; ::;.. I i : •'fold and W. 1. Miller.
f .\(nt .\ `our, ar•rnlnl,an.ied be tier
nephn•(•e. Mir. d MJohn
Mbi'ewIM.•. a ':14 titnienor pierAnWerk enrs.d Ar KI`GSiBR1I)GE
b , hent.• ..f M(r. Anti \Iter. 1V'nt. Yc-
1a;tin as ..itwtadIy, thry'left for (t.,4"- ICNXGSISI111N;1:. (tet. !. -Mr. and
Yi •n 17.t tied wits rrtnrn 110mt by way Mrr. 1'nla: and fntnlly spt•ut the week
f ,4 e , anti thre11ltrh tit• •St:itt•e0. end nt Mlr"..11m iM4t11is.
11' - 1' `, ..;.is Intends ,ale•ndlnz the Mr. The/hire And Mllssrs Marg....,.
r c4" h iiorldA. ' nod Hcltta Foley Sle•nt the w•twk .•n.l
a` \Ir. :mil Sirs. Chester itrow•n and 4 n1 t6elr htnoe here nntl•wlth them i.
Mfr. i4 are;1 aie('anu. 11f Detroit. slant'; their allele. Mr. It. Foley. of 11,1r..1
the work+•,iiI at the home of Mr. and Mr. Fftink Mh•1'+.rthy motored le•lee
Mrs. j,,. bl,•meCann. ton Sa1'Inlay HMI has taken 111+ 11101 1, 1
NIS, sand, Yaillough land • sitter. 114 k 1% 1111 I1iu1. thrid she mac mike a
Mars Al,„,,ut T,neknnw. vlstte1 nt the; 11'tle vhdt aeons lair family .ln 1), '
b.:m.• of Mrs, Geo. (:len over the week- I (roil.
,,ii1Mtr. and Mrs, .\nae Kh+Ihntt. NIT-41er'
Mr- ntnl 'MakWm. Sprott].) And i hilly end little M1.u•y .\g:tthe. of We-'
0 .4,i ghtt•r Viola. of (:otlrrIell. •pent Stitt- `w•Annsh, -ls•nt smut/1y nftrrutn,n nt
,1:,4" "t-itli.yz at the home of Mr. and I Mfr. NI. .1. 414'onn(r's.
Mars. .las. McIntyre. Miss Maly Garvey Is spending 0 few
X' Mlrs.• .lutes Ttd,b Is In t: , lt•rleh nays In Toronto..
X 'hi. w.rk at the home of her slater, Mr. .1. 1•. Kamm. and his muffler. of '
Iles. y•.•n
Hamilton. motoredthrougho,torthrough herr on
'rV. Bt.rtte,ltuhn M{Fondayeller,, ,(k•toher 7th. to Saturday. They were aes)mpinlwl by
. \Ir. and - Niro". ,George 'I enann. A
.Innghter. ('ongr>AlPntlons.
\nnivenary seniors sal!! be held In
the 1'nttt,4 church here on 8 lnf.
Qy 414tnher 1:Uh. at 11 n to nil 7 pm.
,5tj[S Ito•%. 1t. I1 t'itmmtng, of Ht-nmtller, w•111
prenctt t it
fl r.lces. Sltrbtl muffle
Transportation Service
Long Distance - Short Distance
Goods in Transportation Insured
Furniture ('artfully 11Mndlei
Efficient Operator. (charges n•a-
aoabic. Satitdaction guarau tsd.
S. R. McMatb,
Phone tkllral, Clinton Central
1'o 1111> .1r
11 ,0 1 q4
w 111 lie el. en.
Pea1wen.,ysgnaa•- 4ht 'Friday. (k•t•
.doer Ili. at the MtnlfInnd street Bop-
APrise par -,nage. London, oatari'. \11as
Sylvia Nteataa, youngest oMItg111rr of
Mr. 101,1 Mien, E. Semis.. Ras Hilted
Mr. Jtx' Holten. .who spent Paisley
theme ide friend. herr.
Mr. J. J. Dean and Mr. and Mrs,
Tho Griffin visited In Dublin 4"m Run -
Mr. and ,Sirs. 'Bernard Chadwick
.'nl babe. of 1►etrnll d'ia'l Mrs. Ed.
Flynn recently.
Miss Gertrude O'Connor war home
Snelay. but left again her n short
Mfr. and Mrs. T. Drennen, Mr Earl
Mennen and Mr and Mrs Billy Dren•
If You Want
To Save Money
Buy your
New or Used Furniture:
Furniture Exchange
'a Ile amen, el ;siege
Hydro Arrears
Upon instructions from
the officials of the Hydro -
Electric Power Commis-
sion of Ontario, their rules
and regulations are to be
strictly enforced.
All Electric Light and
Power Services in arrears
will be cut off forthwith if
not paid.
ity 0.81)F';R t)F
The Water and Light
with a full line of
Fresh Fruits and
Kingston St. Phone 116
Special for Friday
and Saturday only
45 pairs of men's work
Shoes, in black or brown.
Leather or Panco soles.
Sizes 6 to 11. A real shoe
for work. Special
30 pairs of boys' school
or work Shoes in sizes 10
to 5 1-2. Special
Store closed on
Monday, October 14,
on account of
Jewish Holiday
The Most Complete Men's
Store in Goderich
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Leading house for high-class
Beds, Mattresses and
Store Phone 120
Residence 217