HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-12, Page 24DRESSED GEESE and ducks. Mrs, Allan Miller, 528-2299. -'-44tfar • 130r $ BAUER JUNIOR Supreme skates, size 5, excellent condition, $20,00. Phone 528-3721. -45x CLEARANCE OF 1980 ELECTROHOME HUMIDIFIERS 1 Only Waterwheel Type • with decorator cabinet $119.95 GREER T.V. & ELECTRIC Lucknow, Phone 528-3112 -45artf DISHES, collectible, anti- ques and used furniture at This and That Store, Main Street, Lucknow. Phone 528- 3723, Lenore Glenn. -41ff CHOICE HEREFORD BEEF Hinds, $1.74 lb. Fronts, $1.26 lb. Sides, $1.49 lb. Whole or Half Pork 94c lb. Prices include cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. RIPLEY MEAT MARKET AND ABBATOIR • 395-2905 395-2979 evenings • 6,47ar DO YOU HAVE A HOBBY/ Cedarhill Garden Centre has a spot for you. Bazaar items, gift articles, Christmas dec- orations, whatever--we would be pleased to display and sell on a consignment basis. Drop in or phone, Barb or Diane at 528-3017. -45,46ar ../•••••:••••04r.'4,0 • HELP! BUTTONS MEAT MARKET, Lucknow DESPERATELY need customers to return meat baskets in order for them to provide this service for other customer*. PLEASE HELP 14-40eknow Senfbielp WedoesOlOYI November 12, me BUY, SELL,TRADE RENT. Tit 01)014 THE CLASSII=IeD DS . w•n! 're); www 1. Articles for sale • .......... 4.r......................9.. OVEN READY year old roos- ters, 7 to 11 lbs., $5.00 each. r ---tiiitorn-Tcking,-ducks, geese and poultry. Call after 5 p.m. 529-7373, -4446 BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 Consign your unloved furniture and glassware. ; COME AND BROWSE i CLOSED MONDAY b0PP 1/2 mile north on hwy. # 4 [Site of Rintoul'S Luxury Pools] Phone Wingham 357-2628 METAL DETECTORS & Ae- cessories Mark II $79.95. Also Fisher, BountY Hunter. For information send $1.00 refundable on purchase. Bur- ied Secrets, 17 Main St. Catharines. L2N 4T5. -46nx WOOD STOVES Enterprise, Kosee, Hevac, Ashley, 'Woodking, Room- ate; Downdraft and air tight stoves and accessories; 4 models; Toyoset Kerosene heaters; Pro-Jet insulated chimneys. Discount prices. Shelter's Enterprise Sales, R. # 2, Lucknow (at St. Helens). -46,47 15 CU. FT. MOFFAT freez- er, white. White aluminum door, 34" x 80" new. Gordon Struthers, phone 52872626. -46 PAIR OF RADIAL SNOW tires, GR-15 on rims. From 1975-Ford Custom. In good LAWN TRACTOR with cut- ter, 3 months old, hardly used, 38" cut, !excellent shape. Original cost $1400.00. Best offer. Phone 528-2038, --46ar SAVINGS! SAVINGS! ELECTROHOME MICROWAVE OVENS From $399,,95 and up Greer T.V. & Electric 7893. -45,46x 4. ArtiCles wanted WANTED used"Piano in good condition. Contact Cheryl weeknights at 395-, 5142. -46 5. Cars, trucks for sale DELTA. Price reduced Sun - oco gas bar, store, mobile home park. Financing avail- able. Call Del Wilson 613- 928-2734 or 613-342-7693 Al- bert Gale Real Estate, Brock- ville. -46nx 9. Acorn. to rent TWO BEDROOM apartment in -Lucknow; one-bedroom apartment in Teeswater. Phone Gletuthaven Apart- ments after.9 p.m.,.528-3234. HOUSE FOR RENT, in Luck- now, available November 1, 1980, three bedrooms, carp- eted, insulated, references required, can be viewed. $200.00 monthly plus utilit- ies. Phone •528-2299 or 529- 7350. -45tfar COUNTRY BRICK HOME, three bedroom, bathroom, oil furnace, 1/2 mile west of Kinlough. Stewart Lane; 395- 5247. -43,44 6,000 FT. STORAGE space, boats, mobile homes, trail- ers, antique cars, etc. etc. Phone 529-7124. -39tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 528- 2113. -22tf TWO BEDROOMhouse in Dungannon. P,hone 395- 3255. -44-47x ROOMS FOR RENT, Phone 395-3545. -44-47ar SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment. Phone 528-3134. -46tf HOUSE FOR. RENT in Am- berley, available October 1. For information' call 395- 5305. -38tfar ROW DOES YOUR LAB- EL READ? 9. Accom, to .rent.' FURNISHED bectsitting paid, Available inunediafely. Phone 528-3723. -41tf GARAGE AREA, 20' x 30' 14' high. Furnace, water and QNE CAR GARAGE in Luck- now for winter.. Contact Ed- ward Brown, 528-2005. -46x CASH CROP LAND wanted for 1981 season. Top, prices. for large open fields.Apply James Ross, R, R.• Wing- ham, 357-3895. -34tf 14. Emp. wanted ...up mom mom 4•••••• of,e,•••••• Niro, mom Cecil Cranston R. R'2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMIVER BACKHOEING PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 -2tfar POLLOCK MUSIC-CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning Pianos, Panasortic Sound Equipthent. Recondi- tioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. -tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY -15tfar PAPER AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 3955079 or Joe Allison 396-7I73 -46tf RADIATOR,REPAIR And Recoring Service Phone Art Gilmore 528.3714 -43-50 FOR BEST IN - Signs, ban- ners, posters, calligraphy works .and calligraphy sup-, plies. Phone Classic Sign and Design, Elke Patrick, 396- 4319. -40ff . RICKS ROOFING We Do All Roofs Plus Barn Steel Free Estbnates CALL 395-3488 -30ff 12. Help wanted irW 'WNW !W. raIRWIALS For Sewing Plegliernes Vows Wilt EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOP- PERS! Need extra money? Good extra income available, working as Amwaellistribut;, ors a few hours a day. For appointment phone 395-3259 after 8 p.m. sow. 1,•••:.‘ tr,•• *mom 18. Services available EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand - Gravel Topsoil -'Paving Robert. Symes Contracting Lucknow 528.3047 Otfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar CUSTOM BUTCHERING - hogs, cattle, and lambs, Mondays. Reasonable rates: Contact Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings. -42tfar CUSTOM SULLDOZIN G Call: KEVIN COOK R.R. 3, GODERICH 529-7818 529-7368 SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS All makes and models, gar- den equipment, outboards, chainsaws and sharpening. Cecil Little, R. R. 3 Wingham (Whitechurch), phone 357- 1963. --21eowtf 20. Public notices 12. Help wanted ilonn ...to Ten. inn* inn. Pew onni LICENSED 'MECHANICS re- quired immediately, $12.36 per hour. Modern, fully - equipped 10 bay shop. Jerry, -Ford_ Sales, phone (403) 723- 4441, Box 39, Edson, Al- berta. TOE OPO. -46nx wan. vmook prola moon, s;•;••• - 19. Notice to creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE IVIAE PURDON ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Widow, who died on October 26th, 1980, ate, required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 29th do , of. November, 1980. After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont- atiO this 5th day of. Novem- ber, A.D. 1980. CRAWFORD MALL DAVIES & ELSTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. -46,47,48ar If your your Sentinel label reads November 6543270 your subscription is due 20 Public notices TEESWATER Ex Toggery has only six more shopping days left. We have a giant selection of mens, ehildrens and womens winter coats and other clothing. We close November 22. Money and unsold articles may be picked up on Tuesday, November 25, 2 to 4 or 7 to 9 and Wednesday, November 26 2 ,to 4. All unclaimed articles become the property of Cot- otatioe Rebekka Lodge, -46 -DRY SPLIT HARDWOOD" in cotd-I6ts. Phone-528:207ror" 528-2393 after 6 p.m. -42tf TRY C. & E FURNITURE, BEEF for sale. Contact Bruce new and used. Dial Goder- Colwell, 528-2177. -46x ich, 524-7231. ---40tf Lucknow, Phone 528-3112 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES USED FURNITURE ; SAVE ON 1980 MODEL SIMPLICITY WASHER AND DRYER $699.95 Greer T.V. & Wade Lucknow, Phone 528.3112 shape.-$70,00. Phone-5-24-- -45tfar 78. -46x t Articles for sale 2,. Mobile •Homes YOUNG HEAVY ROOSTERS NEW AND USED TRAIL- liveL57.eper th, dresioe_ERS., tenet- campers,_..truck_ $1.19;' also ducks- and, hens, caps. Large selection. -Also volume cliscourits available. parts and accessories, We Joe Detzler, 3926486. buy, sell and .rent. Morry's -46,47x Trailer Sales, It. R. 2 Walk- erton, 364-3748, -33tf DISTRIBUTORS: Official ----- lighting, Phone 528-2900 or tests at San Bernardino, 10' x 55' MOBILE HOME, oil 528-2919, -37ff - California showed improved heat, partly furnished, ask- englne-Perfarmance-and.gas. ing $3,500.00 Can be seen 10.- Wanted lo--rent " savings with our Patented near Port Albert. Phone 529- Fuel Induction System - easily installed in minutes and sells for $79 with a 30 day money back guarantee. No franchise fees invest- ment secured. by inventory. For details, write. Interna- tional Marketing Services, 3 3ook Rd., Grimsby, Ontario 3M 2M3 or phone 416445- i461. ---46nx 1970 BUICK, good tires, as' is. Phone 529-7449. -45;46x GIRL FRIDAY ..seeks posi- - tion, in Lucknow vicinity, 7. Real estate for sale experienced in bookkeeping and payroll, also medical ATHENS, Ideal executive office duties. Write to Box I, home for professionals. Of- c/a Lucknow Sentinel, Box flee.included. Four bedrooms , . 400, Liicknow,. NOG 2140. with many extras. Phone Del -45,46 Wilson 613428-2734, rep.' for Albert Gale Real Estate, 18' Services available Brockville, 613-342-7693. --46nx El1i40Y.SEINliVG? We are growing and need Diract Home Sales Personnet. 'Car essential. Full training provided. FoViinteri!iie•W;lellephorte. • 537-5447 Colleen ...Classified Ad Deadline--Monday, S p.m....... Classified Ad Deadline -MV 5 p.m...