HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-10, Page 2THE SWNAL, GODERICH, ONT. 3.-1hutwtay. 111'1„lt'r lt. Ifr_".t- t WHY FEAR IMPORTS? By It. 1. Drachmas. Trsde,ia exehahge. semi] us eel - tons.The foreigner dues not tons. w•uollelln, lace+, embroidery, tlaotor cars and waellluery for nothing. Ile dew•, out ,.t ud n-, thea thing,' for geld. The vast*, vve receive froom the for- elguer. Are paid for h) the goodie ye -elk to the forriguer. Ti' fear the lin- port of mauls is as stupid as. to fear i , ruya•rit y., .lbuud lu. a 1s not to'he dreaded. 11 Is to ter welcomed. The nation will never he smote poor by !nllrrrte. Ito poets are a sign and ao•w)f of pros. perky. Place these two index windier. site by side. Clue is 41e Index number of etupl•2Yweut as published by the ilur• rule of Statistics. The other 1s the index number of imports. 'Elle former -htiwei the steady iuerease lu empluy- tut•nt--the other +howe the growth to itnlrtrte. tr imports Iw recce employment in- rtia. •r. If increased inHwuts restricted employment how was it that employ- \ / trent inerta•el as we iuereasel the I coluwe of imports? R •,Year Employment Imprrt• and 'l.ii!; •W)- in September and Oc•' F- :N('H UII IA1N4\T ILL , !r�,_' inn tort. totter,year Ater year. Jules to the ed1.11 former -French Amba' 100.7 107 reported 111'3 . . •d 'odor 1!rJN .. .. 1 ft c +�h r %tgneit Est ahtished 1848 (,ODERII'H : CANADA Umber of Canadian Weekly News yrs ;kasoriation Pub1i•btd every Thursday morr ning tatwriptiou price $2.00 p atrlctiy In ear advance. THE SIGNAL PKINTL' G ('0.. LTD. Tee,gj pe 33 : Goderieh, Out. W. H. Robertson, )editor, and )l,'eager Thursday. October 10, 1tr_")• EDITORIAL NOTES (• loss not the Ferguson Govern - Met, :he r toritt.l soldier, a chanty f ,. Jr- °,R ns the Federal i;overnmeut a . • Wr i rl „ grottiest hector fu 111• s.. • . •'ta 1 'air' is the weather 8 Ione '.y tta•ky bunch of +l,;it steer clear of we: • • d r t , the t'nitel Mame,, is 117 p 110 d'ouidu't this be the opp)rtalue time seriously ill fu Pana, France. As this r :.pose:•. frit) - 119 c.1orrn of the Fn•nch .diplomatic curdle H 2 R►► 124 6 1011.T 139 117.7 1 -ss to ask the Government to take user the h[tle 'h.. 1!r_,(. Blue Water I(ighw'ny'.—K:ncardlne He - IS.+ yerty•tour years of age, 1!E:7 .. , .. is heti] tor his recovery; var-1w view -Reporter. lit.'1 13(.7 107 N,•. let's wait until .Mr :iuc;air fe can I'n•n peer, and thrl. the t:ooPnnwent will ringside i *porting eve tflelddd, .corpse of liig meant to Great ar sBrit In Employment .i< tLc entire east. j: , tun .e ,f Qilkcllk•, tout.. "1 hiirI4e increase as Imports increase and em- • • • stops gal, `was • I (.1 e1I fu Ill'e,• stood' 1sloyntmt decreases Ar imports decrease. The out) women ,sii.iidwtt Ili chi• stir wt mod the Collegiate institute: The e•••n„mi•• truth task of it all 14 ete,'ti..0 are ,Lauding for:Toronto Pyle'• and In 1ST:i jt,inel the Montreal Tel!- that imports are halt for by exports. Yrs. 'grant •S.IlW is the ,, f•hsI graph Company at 4:•wle tel under the Whet, .ce•firing goats Into the country p.I tutelage of Ilse,') .trwann,g, agent and we wend goods out of the country to I,ilwrnl representative in 'St. t:eirge•'• operator. "My duties were varied." pa, for them aild people are employer! and '1)r Minerva 1peid, a former (some 'Laid Mr. Nodus in recounting Les tirst In the country, pralueing goods which seer:,'., ie an independent 1'ruhlbl• lttlb•rieue•. •'I Wass "Moe cleaner. lust- are exported to pec for the g•tode which t,,., ,•, lid:ite iu Iligh Park. tory attendant. nest+tart bookkeeper. are'lmporteti. collector, solicitor, with a little line itl'tither worts. trade la exehnnge-- • • • ' !imports are paid for by exla)rte. Failure " repairing thrown In. pill for tTt a month. Million d!olhlre -probably wore tl - c lr-is Onnui.i,. annual expeu- t! f.rr liquor. Imagine What it w•' •I mean tv'haye that aw•'Ui t 10' In” 'to the ordinary„ channels of ti leg.: for gonerles. and bw.t- ni au•I clothing. instead '.•f cos;• •,the Honor store:. test= king announced) 1 ,,• -.:. that Sir henry Thnrltou, • •t:an awl p r.-.iteVlt .ef tlw .t nn - a :, National Ita;.cay„wi{l detinite- r.-�i:+fir in that p•+itiou for a I -I.- i s�c.••d n. ,i'hh•h nmealr. chaos 'e it Nat1,d1:1: itailw-,.vs 1•.•. h.•.•..me the greatest r,,Away :, r the' w,rtd.—Amher-Itbung c greater ra;l.yur N it. at the pre. i aeu he and several ambitions youths were to recognize this fact °Mantes t keenly waiting for toy j,h at all titoes. whole issue.. That 111.1•' not alter the 11 --.Wits the age of vya1,11 braises and validity of the flet. the telephone had just been inreuterl. ' olte of my great Privileges l.ehig the . stip , Ottawa and Toronto thrill of bearing' for tlw first time the41.011don Advertiser• - Iiiininn y1111. 1ranstu11te1'iu This ant- Taxes and debt coming .b soli at 01 ' tier. Mr. Minter. telegraph agent a; . lawn. Taxes and dela going .110 at Stratford. Was related to l'rofe••wrr 4511eenr- Park. heel and wished to test the isneeihiliths •o 'n•le•rieh and c nitford. A demou-trathin was pre ,Vi, pared at the G(wtc•ri• t office w' i 1 ••N.441114 helps to :isle mi.. pare of acre present the edpors "It the 1W11.spud more than a► clear conscience. - and et•iu 'alters, n !a•r ',rotund," r a militate to1.7 111' r.w•k : e -•mdse. I 1 •ryrkuu a p • I I .tnu-lr.•e r.. play.• i .not a. tr lid , Is This Promote Sobriety:• '' ' 1 held an a ,'Igloos den •the et rings. ' . t Barrie Exit miner That certainly wen- •oW1 of tlse earliest In t:r2+: Hou. H.nvard Fe•rgn.on estl- ,tPmlhs at !rug dl ta1i.. •lepltonil'C ,-;,(N0),1Na) a1• a '3a118ide annual Mr. X..1 1. went t Tor onto to 1�.. mate. and first gnu the ,inph], then sol.:expnnliture 'for liquor eonsnropwh1n .ilden,l a marvel. -Awl i was a proud' miller I:mert1meut control. It lo sniti - o•h.1 1 ts.ntd e•hd and re.'ive on that the. boat salty of, llyuor thn.ugn a't4"> . • - • • •l llontr••al dux." sir will he in the nPtghtxrrh. x1 of .:e •,f blip pnt,l. 4,f Mt•. f'hh•4,ir. Whew :o l':7:1 Mr. No!,Ie came to • torn, Is the .1rerhatIie rut.• - 1v 'lontreal to Join ft, then ihiminum A7a•IMa1,.1 •rio l d.we' Yr, .-etrrt15 Isom-. It 1'rugre..itee'as4 Fulled To!t•-4ea +i! Cowpony. the lite Mr. 4'. R. make Ills hnrua.iuire• with h,4 ct.Men- Ihsmer Nye, sols rh,t.•udrut. and lacer' thin clot Ise !.Meso,' Control Act 1- ' Warmer,' ,,n.) Pr•,: 1 onidg. Its I ••'!11 Mr. \, h .(4•ht t Now pork 1111 murk- promoting tempera: e. and• w. 1 rletr L1 dude I,• ..I..1 y:,tPrd would ver i l.•hiu11 e,! In the 5.5.'e -.•t41 Union. then Mewed, this Province: `� W.' rho lair iu tills el.""'''a alai secure ;at 19' Itroa•Iway. '1'ht• tinatleidtle• . all • Paris prelkte ankle -length s'ki'ts." til•• ,'.,•151101 I,•. Il.i•rn:tern torr. Pali -on In.•11!i4,n, os then •.sump Well. if t'ari' waItts lei ib• t.nvdiol►. n•• - i1• sours ,.i tilt's could run it- ht., nom - sued in 'this a put tion Mr. one sill .stop her.—T41ro1110 Mali repel Noble sus al;s a visit paid b)•my. t li- 1 n:n.t L Lr - as they liked without sea:. •who• warmly 2.1.211 shin) Weil F:1111 0 . f. .1 :1 tuita.rily. rei.rew•Ii- olio hid es•,rke,t with him iu earlier ' 7::::,g1.:5:114 r41 .t news Hutu tells of a Mcol•ls tutu, e� y eyp•rieu,+•+. 1(r Noble. whit slapped his wife as she slept. :lien . • e ¢ • r.tli,al den•Iol•tm•;i, Hurl-, are tett lint holder and holder. -I:ret'n-'� 1 "i:ldnu•a) yl, I,e, ,w vilhe Piedmont. • .. cal- w10•II at telegraph was toe 1:5,1 nag' to the pre -eat stmt'.,. f telephoning l.t•tween s; mat,,', Pear, of mind )lacKeur1. ' t11 1 I Roeder t'ith s Near. H at 41 eoiumuulty tailor.. a , Mer i .• • Nothing:• Ils..1 alw,Itt four goww tore+' •,.rwo 1-1 siuQ , tid•li.•r. The .lan.•r. c111, W 1'! t:ocenithent -el,tune's for the eurreut 1•: •. Minister of ':rest Britain I'r• .d,,nt'-rtrairer nt Witelt is l n, • -1) . Its'tisk .,f Lip iing nut-.•11ia g W Itl1 Ip• to- tile beginning of a slay ern it, in. tert,Ils .f '..aril. more than second-. '1'i..• .."111:.111.441:::::'11:.1-real” ati tout- Nlr na,',s :I that ht the .•rl)- elgh- tx+ tin• telephone woe, ulakiM9 slow )'orb nu.! 1\':r -h Indilt�'i) in Uoutrsnl, else local rr-' tntf•:u'toi; 41( n cl,:ingr beim; I.s•n,e ted i xt d.s.r t.. the toward. ftritaiu Ih,ntinhut Telegraph Company. in St. t2„„,,,iever, --i-m Franco', Xavier -'tart. whore the ••k faeh:ilith• Is new sltnate•I. .11 'Ivey -right Mr: Nolle t- retire. ternati.•nal rrelation',i w.1,. ,' .xsl lel:,t.t, by 1he people" or New itrt!on 1+'111 itself nn More genial feeling !hats 'omt•tltue' ba- it, t1t' United 5':te-. Ions1rod •: Mr. Nobe rrnlruei to.\ • • •ht The Farmers' rim hx'lieve. Ilia! Mr. r•u Ferguson his earned the critiei-tn he Joke•. on marriage are flume nilly is res•etr-Irig for his 111-11111(1 of dh•a111;9 t, with the snhJe•t of tow -u -hip school inally News. 11 remarked that be has not yet ae- sto oed himself to leisure. . so, those who :use not marred. -t'hl.ago buar.tis. ih say The hill to pro'hle township se11o..1 ' "Mho's Wm" In ('Mitral Slate; btnr,Is w111 again he laid 'before the The M1)flower Publishing 1'ump,tl Legislature In carter that every phase uf•1\Vlashington. Lt. 4.. has reeeutl) Of o0111.41. toe *111.1 Inot. may •be pub11she1 a volume for the Central eon/all/ed. ler. F'ereason states. That,' :states, which includes Arkansas, 11 - unhappily. like too many of Mr. Fr r- lino)-. Indiana. Iowa, Finn-;ls. Jlleld- guwm's er.onise- -.diad- dery well, hot gun. Mime+uta, NII. -,zeds Nebraska. actually what dote. It mean? in The North 1►akota, 0111o, i*1lnh•rtau, Soatli emu's rle•w it olotply mein' that iegi+- 1►:Ik1,111. 'Texas 111111 \\'isronsalu. giving Intion providing for township w•h,Md hiogrnphleat .kett•Ib•- ..f living inert and b,srds sal some Into ',rte. -1 wheaeyer women. 2411.., through merit and Itch - Mr. Ferguson wills that It shall. 'rhe '!e•veinent hay rattan's! re•0gnitlun In farmer candidates might well stress the their respct1-, mntimo lees 1n the 1s11e .,f P."11.11111 bouts, to MIL 1t she. Central States. adapting it eipt•lally rural people in the matin ore, with good as an :tattletale referents Iso.k to Meet ran-.•. immeaolrahly opposed. the h.,.st. of banks. mercantile honer, ------ . new -1,ap•r 411&e-. lotted.. e,lw•ntitunl GOT HIS FIRST TRAINING u, -dentins... unit 1tbrnrled. The 111 - AS TELEGRAPHER HERE '''1hhn11 (talo- ndwf+st.m to; MT,- in the Ventral State. Indy hj• Wk. can rem4an1M•r when the faintly clotlso•.tina•. was . Made ot wire cable ' lb.•Itn ce yrett strength w'a1 irepli reel 41f It':. -Kansas City Star. - A New fork physicist ,lnlni- no two olsio•te In the universe can use separated 1•c m.'r.• than :•1.,NN1,1NM/1NN1,1NN11MNt,- 1NN1 m1IIc•. That fellow never has travel-' tela detour.--.1a4ko,,etle Jnrnal. ,irt,c of his nttninnwnts; no one e:lll Chal-I+•- Noble, Ilan 1111-r.1 :t 10.5*: ''slum'.' lois way Into this psrldiention. ('sever in C. N. Trlrgr:ysh seropus on Note 299 of said pnldientl'n 1s Thr Itt2101111tu ..f '1'h,• rigi . • , 1,togrnphh•n1 sketch of William NI/11'- 4"V" lneerawn the past vt.,'k to "II 1..11,, chile. lnw)er. born neem Nip which appeared'eiernl 111,,,c•,- I':n1,nla, 41111 of .14,1111 nut •lane: the 1':ulnQinli Nnti4,msl It,ll,,:: r .Loc .vl. 1*r,•ni 1►olg• t•lllealesl at the S tine annntu:Ping the rotirt'no•n• r„ ;• II• school and- Clinton 4..Ii giatc the ('. N Telegraphs' -elarl a 4,r i'i a, . I, -•, , Grn,ln:teti from loot r4,h Nntie, who a• a Iw1y Il.e,l its c:..1.7. , .•_ - 4,f 1.Iw with the dlezr.n' of e nd get hIsslie.t training here , I I It In 11Nr1. Tnnght •c, 11.".1 f•,1 1.:Pgrnph nitrrator ('haailee- Noble wit. ,•.•n )tient', prneltse,I Ins a: Sind. a +,n of Philo \..1.le, 1%ho •s.uln.•te,l , . . NI tile. Michigan; from 191,2 to' s tallering' hus;s,e-- in ti.wlerlels for 1',1'1 old In 'sort Ihlr..n •tr,.u, 1919• some ,vers,''. I'Itilri•-s Noble 111e1 J -t tt niril the pre4Pnt time. He owns suet are 24th Incl at Nlontrenl ands w;i- e1•'nt,.. tlw h• tnestunt 'nem, pvhere bilrieol 311 Montle .Ibsya1 cemetery 'i11 he we, horn, near Klplw'n, 1':1 roll: that ei!). The article in 1Ir l'oti ••p•etnlltting, In regl.terel pnrebre,'. atlas Ntit11.1191 Itnilwn)- Mawttlge use, catch• He •Io J2 11w•0her Of 41e° Mle11 as follows:WIli suit.. Iltar ' .5.ssa•tnthni. 11 . past ('hnre' Noble. dean .If tenth, snlw'r- mast•a• ..f- the Masud,. order ,far Otto. 1n the 5'ntiadl:t National Tele nearly forty years. a 11,,y al .jYrh graphs' ,ert•he, has rot1r.oI, completing %I -,sewn. a member of En -ten! Nus,'. a period of flfty•three yl,.n. whiells111. Crain. 5.Iadter of the Ornlge Osler. elapsed •1111•, he began In 1i7' with ell, White Shrine, an chhlft•Ilnt- -a I144.ek- ' Montreal Telegraph ('unjust,') )Ir. nil. n Forester. k 5.1'.wwln,t,. n I'A+t Nobe'- retirement wag mole- the Of pre'IIrtat of the 1'altei•mlnn !Celtic) eawlnn of a s,w•lal gathering at Mont- and A ntenllnr of the I:,wwl Towler... Peal. In which hes n'«w'Iate. Joined) to •('Inb of Part Huron. Ile I. a Pre.iiy- etpresw their appreciation of hl• work terlan In religion and a Itelmhllean 1n and gond fellowship. 1 politics. fie was married .ln'r 23rd Mr \nee hint an exMn•l•e career in' 141)2. to Mtge Lydia Penley : lin. two the telt•grsptl *Prcirs. Anti p+rrt,Ipaltet i ehildre•n. Janet Mw14,nren, aged 23, in many of the developments wile► I NIM .1,1111 1 ont.y. 21 441• ,,m,,,, I• in lis VP taken plate, while a, an "'rental.' the Kalil Block, 2215 Minot 11% 411110. k handled Avery ehatar,er of sense and hl' re ldenee at 171:., s.•••• iii eine. imaging from market," to press and I l'ort ilnron. Michigan ate, THE nerves are fed by the blood. Poor blood means starved nerve tis- sue, insomnia, irritability and depression. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will- enrich your blood stream and rebuild your over-worked nerves. Miss Josephine M. Martin, of Kitchener, Ontario, testi- fies to this : "1 suffered from a nervous breakdown," the write.. "t had terrible sick headache,, dvnnra: frit very' weak and could not 'drip: had no apps• tit,. 1 'rut always as :f some- thing i,-rr,hle were eoi8g to happen. :tater taking other treatment without success, on my .,.trr's advice, 1 tried Dr. Vt'ille4111s' 1'Ink Pills,..n,1 now all these symptoms are gone, and 1 am •trona and happy again." Ray i)r. Williams' Pink Pills now at your druggist's or any dealer in -medicine or hr mail, MO cents, postpaid. from the Dr. Williams Medi• cine Co., Brockville. Ontario. Pts 0Ox S29 • DrWilliamis' PiNK PILLS "a WCW•,•e, t• www• IN SI tae THE SIGNAL'S •'Ili"I(t' oderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of educational Through elle co articles in tilt endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and merchants in our town, and thus tit In Ing about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Slop Where '34 Ise Invited is Sop" J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director and Embalms Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w ' C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS "The - • .i .ih tin• moat" Telephone 57 Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines - Toilet Articles V'satkrPh.,no,;rnph. ■nd Records • —Kodak' and Developing - TELEPHONE 90 R. J. Howard Gent rad ..upply Store HARD\ AI:E, PAINTS and OIL Al'I1J ACCESSORIES TELEPHONE 304 w Brophey Bros. FURNITURE aad FUNERAL. DIRECTORS Telephone: St""10; Res. 217 'Keeping Up Appearances 1\ r naake it eaeicr for particular people frank H. Martin Tailor ini Hatte:Telephone 49 Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream Soda Fountain Service— HUNT'S CHOCOLATES TELEPHONE 393 W. ACHESON & SON --General Dry Goods and Read -to -Wear - Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery 'I'h.Co•Oic rot 1%. L'.tk, r Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 Geo. W. heckler PROVISION SHOP Groceries, Meats, Fisk Fruits and Vegetables •'(1ne Friend Tell- Another" —We to our „2411 delivering— Phone 368 WHO I8 YOUR MERCHANT? 1w, you realize what your merchant ween. to Gsderlelt :• I h, y*N1 ever consuls,' the conlldenee which helloes 'slaved to the town' He has invested his capital in his business, ahu•kell ills store with artit•les of every description to snit your eonteneu:e. 111s motley is tietl-dp In his bushiest' as an asset to the community. If you buy In other ',lads Oran t:nderteh his stock becomes old and nut of date. representing a wolletary loss to his. He will be forced to retire from buslrt'ss, and probably to leave the tuw•u a failure. 1141,. ealfldeute In your town .(ould be gone. His trust It you would be 'chattered. You were uuf►ihbful. 'Confidence stating residents of the same e,wwsmlty Is the fh la Hos of the t'Ivk strttc•ture. 1f confidence 4 destroyed; the cow inanity Is a failure. The mere•liant .loses money. hurt the resident lines tuostw. Tlw community loses its oxx1 name and:invite," ruin. 3VIlen Gcbleriel, can pint with pride to tl►e stability ..f its b.i.Inesx, thru the uwr.I,atlt is sate iu Ise•-•fiug au.l new Muslim seg ore jlwtinel In locating herr. link It over. 14111 are person• ally rt'-pmol:ihte for the sue,•.: 41r f1 hire i4 your t1.wn. Huy tnl - t elerich. Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. Fst side ••f r.lnan- PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm.B. "THE REXALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines. Toilet Artic:e►, Kodak', Stationery. Confectionery United Cigar Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Allison & Heitman 1I{ES11 AND C01REi) Meats KJ•:c i' QUALITY - TF I I PHONE Ne. 2 Bahbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goods, Hand Embroidery China and Pottery t I • Foil ALL OCCASIONS Phone 567 East Street Footwear and Repair Shop I Quality nlnl Comfort in 1(8122 err nn•I 11. !,airing W M. AHL, Proprietor Opp"s:t• Knott Church Phone 5051 F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 This Week's Special Write -Up MacEWAN & TEBBUTT t One of he best-known firm -it -1n the au'nuu *Idle bn-lure' in this district is /that of 31anEwan & Te'Lbutt, deniers- in t'heciulet tot 'old-mi,fi114. cars and proprietors of the hansoms au.1 well-mtulpp l gar::ge and -erode station at the (totter of Kingston and Victoria start.. A long list tit +atI+ned culoon►ers tesllfle. to the g'Oml work .1 Messrs. 'MIs mtt Atli] 3IseEw-an as dealer,. 1:1 urs• :ui•1, used t -ars. . They keep on hand n full Ila• of aeeem,rleo, and their repair service is prompt n1d mumble. Sono. of the lotted models of the ears they 'dandle are always on view in their showrooms. and they are alway- •prrpirtrl to show tn.tomers the reel xdyautnge ..f doing business 'Orli thele. Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., IFh:.1RT11.1' ENWINE THIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Town Grow Ueirersal Milliderr add hitt Shope Up•to-the-minute Millinery, Lingerie, Neckwear and Julian Sale Leather Goods. Gifts for all occasions Art Needlework, Linens and 11,iu:, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS Noah Sias et S.u•rs Goi.•"ch F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple - DRY GOODS Roliabl• Gods at R•a•osabl• Prices TELEPHONE 88 • W. C. Snazel Gents' Furnishings -Staff:Wade-to-measure (.'LEANING AND PRESSING TELEPHONE 338 The S. A. Gray Co. General Dry Goods, Ready -to -Wear and House Furnishings YOUR STOttf of Yak •E TELEPHONE 54 Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit .and Vegetables FRI:�1I i..\11.1- ( orw•r fast Street and Sawn I'H(1\IR 470 IP. M. MCARTHUR M.slern (,.udltlnpb•of life make neesstlry the eers-1ers of the ele•trir•al expert. and Cexleri.h is fortunate In having Frank me. Arthurto look after the needs of the eonimnhity in this lice. ler. McArthur will give estimates and take contracts for wiring and hr •talling eIcetrhmt fixtures. and at lite Afire sin West street (ueut the. lwsst0fi(e4 lie carrier an extensive line of ele,•trlutl ntTliiig. a0e1 'spryness Consult him on any prohenl in the eleetrleal -E. C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "QUALITY GIFTS'' Royal Crown Derby China TELEPHONE 136 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used and New Furniture "WE ‘IAV E VOt' MONEI"' PHONE 240 'G D. M. O'Brien FRESH AND CURED M TS and POULTRY DEU Y, PHONE 31 E. • Smith Baker and - C lsfectioner \ ''The Better Bak Bread - PHONE PHONE 184 WE BAYER Smith's Art Store Art Pictures, Picture Framing = English China— "GIFTS OF QUALITY" PHONE 118 British Exchange Hotel Huron Cafe in connection A Real Place to Eat acid Sleep) Known to be clean and up-to-date PHONE 162 J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Repairs on all maker of ears Gas, Oils, Tires, 'Accessories TELEPHONE 427 -F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OP/ICE PHONE 82 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Hay and Straw Agent BraMtford Roofing. Phone 350 Stnrdy's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits Everything Good f•'r the Talk" THIONE 211 Miller's Service Station Gsidyear Tires plus Service Worth While Oil Changed and Can Greased —MARMON MOTOR CARS— PHONE 258w M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties 1,1NtiSTON STREET Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A (.11K rLF:R PRODUCT Sales and Service Exp.'rt I3.'I,fllrs sold .5.11 Nikko'• of ('ars L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE General Motors Tracks Repairs on all 'takes of carr PHONEn 168-217 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories Repairs so all sakes d cars Telepbose 234 NASH 1`400" i.en11. the World in Motor Value The only Car of all the new carr with every new 11129 refinement SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales Phone 83 - H.C. Young South Street Pe