HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-12, Page 2page 3.441ucknOw Sentinel, W00PeS4Y, November 12 1080
ally passed on motion of
Councillors Cranston and
Hickey, This by-law author-
izes the Township to borrow
$50,000,00 to meet„required
expenditures until the taxes
are '6ollected.
IVIcitien. by Cotincillors
Hickey and Cranston, "That
West' Wawanosh Township '
hereby autherizes the issue
of a building permit to Albert
plasschaert for an, implement
The general accounts were
jmssed for payment on /no.
tion of Councillors Hickey
and Cranston.
, • •
West Wawanosh council approve tree removal
.. . .
- -•••• Glades . .41):i11 -,h old third
. ..
. :• •..
S .. :...• paper ..
d rive..:
West Wawanosh Town-
ship Council held the final
-• regular meeting for the pres-
ent term of Council on `Nei-
day afternoon, November 4,
1980, at the Municipal
flee, All members attended, ,
with Reeve Durnin: presid-
The, Minutes of the regular •
October, meeting and a spec-
ial session were read and
adopted on motion of Coun-
cillors Hickey and Seeger.
An application for, a Minor
Exception from the Huron
County Tree, by-law was ex-:
Amineci _by CounciL,_ Motion,.
by Cotmcillors Aitchison and
Cranston, "That West VVa-
wanoSh Township Council
hereby approved the applica-
*froth page 1
McConville, 413 and Maryse Cale, 337. Cale
was defeated for the three seat council.
Voter.turnout was light in Lucknow with
less than 20 per cent of the eligible voters'
casting a ballot. In West Wawanosh 38 per . . .
Armstrong defeats Ackert.
to supervise the waste man- Cranston and Hickey, "That
agement site. Iffest Wawanosh Township
By,Law # 17, 1980, was hereby authorizes the Reeve
given third reading and fin:, and. Clerk to apply for an
ally passed on motion of Interim payment of Subsidy
Countillers Hickey and Seeg- on road expenditures' to the
er, • This by-law is passed end of October".
under Section 35 of The The road accounts were
_PlalMing,_ &Lie_ .bave.:the_ _ ordered paid on .moflon_rif_,.
property owned by the Luck- Councillors Hickey and•Seeg-
now Christian School classif- er..
ied "Institutional". , By-Law # 18, 1.980 was
Bill Robinson approached given third reading and fin-
bill is a beef farm and the Huron COunty Federation consultants` such as ,survey-
of Agriculture Properties and
Land Use Committee report-,
ed on a meeting of his
committee and the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources
about the impact of the Pits
and Quarries Control Act On
this area. Local e concern had
been expressed that this• act
would encourage closure of
small pits and ° . result in
higher gravel prices. The
committee report accepted
by the directors meeting
made the following recom-
mendations: 1. That H.C.
F.A. urge O.F.A. to request
tion of R. Durnin for a Minor Council with an inquiry about
ExcePtien froM Huron; Colin- cleaning Up the fence bottom
ty E.ty-Lawit,67 1979, to'clear at the gravel 'pit on the S '
acres of soft .maple to make .° acres of Lot N1/2 25, conces-
the said parcel •of land goo 6, A defmite decision
suitable for agricultural put- was withheld 'due to the ab-
poses." sence, of the road superin-
The Clerk was directed to fendent at the 'meeting.
adyer - • . by ,Counci
cent voted and in kielosS a•little Iesi than 50
per cent cast ballots,
In Huron less than 25% Voted. Many
eligible voters in' Huron • are , : seasonal
residents however, which reflects a poorer:.
. turnout. About 50% turned out in Monday's
township director for Morris
Township: Lnuise operates a
sheep farm and is presideat
Turpberry Township Fed-
eration of Agriculture. Eiec-
utive members re-elected' are
Jim. Hunter and• Jim McIn-
tosh. Jim Hunter is a dairy
farmer from East Wawaricish
and is a director-at-large of
the County F, of A. Jim
McIntosh operates a poultry
farm in Tuckersmith Town-
ship and he is the I.S.M.
director for Huron 'West
Central. •President Gerry
• elects Count y executive
The executive of the Huron Fortune, first vice president, the Ministry of Natural "Re-
County Pederationof Agricni- John Van Beers, and second, sources to exempt pits with
lure -was-elected, at -a-direc- -vice - president, —Tony. Mcf'-_2_1ess_than..311;000 -.tOns_ from
tors meeting in Clinton on- Quail were elected at the the, requirements .of the Pits
NoVeinber 6th. The new recent Huron County annual and Quarries Act requiring
members of the executiveaie meeting. ) fences and • rehabilitation
Bill Fear and Louise Mania, Gordon Hill, chairman of plans prepared by expensive
ors and engineers. 2, That
Mr. Craig Laing arid :411e '
Ministry of Natural Resourc-
es •be invited to diseuss re-
quirements at an early mein-
' bets meeting of H.C.F,A,
The directors also decided
to send a letter to• James•
Auld, 'Minister of Natural
'Resources expressing eon-
ceins over fencing and en.
gineering studies on small
pits and aks that these con
cerns be taken into consider-
ation in the formation of the
new Aggregates Act.
Lucknow Girl Guides will
• hold another Paper Drive this
Saturday, November 15. The'
Guides have appreciated the
response by people of the
community in the , past two
gaper Drives they held, one
in the spring and the other in
the summer.
Proceeds from the past two
paper drives assisted finan-
cially with a camping week- .
end at Camp • Apeesh
OWen Sound for the Lucknow
Brownies and Girl Guides
and_their_leaderS„ _
Those wishing to give to
the Paper Drive this week
should have their paper at
the curb by 9 a: m. Rural
residents can drop their
paper at the. Lucknow Arena
between 9,30 and 10.30' aan,
Those wishing assistance
with boxing papers should
call 528-3516.
Area Day
Approximately 465 leaders
and advisors attended the
Area Day for Mapleway Area
of the. Girl Guides of Canada
held at Norwell Secondary
School in Palmerston on Sat-
urday. This was a day of
training and sharing for lead-
ers of the Girl Guide move-
Lynda Owen, leader of the
Lucknow Brownies; Gail
Cranston and Lori McKim,
leader of the Lucknow Girl
Guides; Linda Emmerton,
representing the Lucknow
Mothers Committee; Ilene
Greer; Maitee District, Coriil,
missiener; Carroll McKim,
'secretary-treasurer for Beav-
er Division and International
Advisor for Mapleway Area
and Bev Thompson, Beaver
Division Commissioner were •
those attending from Luck-
now. • 0461-
Appliances Will
Be Remembered
The Year Round
A Dishwasher Is Sure To P ase - Everyday Of The Year
Greer T V. & Electric
Phone S28.3112 r :,e, ' A r, Lucknow