HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-10, Page 1(
A Wink in the Dark
is about the same as trying to do
business without advertising. You
may know what you are doing, but
nobody else does. Try the effect of
Publicity in your business.
FOR TOWN COUNCIL '"nual It'ellegiatDautat tie c.ae rich
W. C. F. M. Company Plans to
Erect New Office
Ail the members were present at
the regular mrcting •d the town council
ou Friday night la -t.
The tax collector reported collection*
of11057 lu 1929 tate* shire September
The retro: of Maitland cemetery re-
ported three interments In the month
(•f Beptember.
Applica1110, for building hermits,
as follows, were referred to the fire
committee: Miss Lily Whitely, roofing
store on the ?emu re; Geo. (et -keret.
garage ou 11'llson street ; E. G. Smith,
roofing garage ou East btrect ; It. C.
Ib*lelethw'N1t1, uddltlon to dwelling
an ltayttl•Id road; L. C. Young, gar-
age, Harker street; J. W, Armstrong,
roofing 11weIhug, St. Ladd's ,creel:
Sealed Alllu, re-skUug (wetting, Al-
bert street; Mrs. C. A. Nairn. roofing
dwelling, Keays street; W. A. Chisholm.
Mew dwelling, Hayfield road; Fred
!'arson., roofing Store, Square.
A letter from the Western Canada
Flour Mills Co. intimated that the
(bmjsttiy desired to bultd a new office
building nu town property- Just east
ot'the lade rdnulig alongside the salt
block. and asked a lease of land suf-
ficient for this purpose, forty or fifty
Met square. The letter stated further
that the building would be a modern
one and would improve the appearance
of that part of the street.
The that.,
was referred to the
cemetery and parks committee.
Au algdk•atlou°from Mackey', Bread
Ltd. for a license to retail bread in'
the town was referral to the specie,
Oouudllor Bailie brought up the mat-
ter of Idle 42. 1'. R. bridge on Harbor
Hill. stating that eousiderable time had
letapswl sitwe the C. I'. R. officials
had promised to attend to it and still
there seemed to be no align of actkm.
Reeve Turner ,mkt 1t weer high time
that something was done. It war a
dangerous place; he had seen sereral
narrow escapes there..
A motion was passed Instrecttag the
clerk to write to the railway company
demanding immediate attention.
The Bnnnea easaaaltiii recommeaded
-flat the.tateneat of MDmishiesaOat
celebration tommlttee be retervt<d and
that the committee be thanked for the
refund of $S6 grant and the cheque for
=1't' 211 urpins Payment of a num.
.The Collegiate institute held its an-
nual sprrG: day on Friday tart at . M. (e• C. Needuatienns
Agricultural Park. In spite of cool
Nominations for omcere of the
weather, the athletes were lu good form setups Cance Club for the
,and several 4et•hool records sere smash- year were made at the club
ed. A number of parents and trirude on Tuesday night. Clarence Made..
were present to see the cotleglane per- aid, president, Sydney Palmer, ie!!*
form. • tar and J. H. Lauder, treasurer, waw
Morrison MacKay espturel the elected by acclamation. 1Eiecttott
Imes' senior champlmatt- • ; Victor El -
for other officers will take pin,r at the
Roe the lutermeliate rhampiutu,hlp.
November meeting.
and among the Junior boys Raymond
Bean wee the undisputed championship,
taking point„ in every event In the
Junior division.
In the girls' events Delena Mtt'retth
won the seulor championship aud El -
Welt O'Brien 1101111011 111e Junior girls.
The winner. in the various events
GODERICH, ' ONTi1';�,„'
The Nei
F. N'wlleembe Opening 011lee
Mr. F. Woollcombe is opening an
office upstairs in the Royal Bank build-
ing. turner North street and the Square.
for a buslnese in Insurance and audit-
ing. Mr. Woollcombe was for many ,
yewrw heel manager of the Royal (for-'
merly 1'nion i Bank. retiring recently
Judo, from the service of the Bauk, and It
Pule ranit-'l'at Pae 7' 5!4", Ray -1m gratifying to els nun}' frienda to i
wood Dean. Billy MacKay. know that he and his family are to re- :
Running high jump -Pat Page 4' main in Goderlch.
Surge, Howard Wittens, lee Mean. Correction in Prise Let
Running !road pimp -Ray Dean I
14' l4j" I'at Page, lottglas 31lddteten. The attention of The Signal has
Running ,bop, step red jump -Pat
Page 3:'' 1Ai". Ray peau.
Shot put. x11.. -Bill Sutherland 34•
7".Hay Dean. Pat Page.
ilei -yd. dash --Ray' Dean 12t% sec.,
Bill Sutherland, Hilly MacKay,
•G41t-)d. dasld-Ray Dean 2s.) se('.. Bill
S111her'aod Billy MacKay. ,
been called to an error which osecur-
rel lu the lest of prize-wItinrrs at
the (;stench Exhibition wlifeh was
puhlisliel 1n last week's issue. In the
general purpose clues of horses. for
matched team In harness, Mr. J. B.
Mustard was awarded first prize. Mr.
Mustard also had the best Iadivldual
4444 -yd. race -Hay Dean 1 min. 12' horse In classes 4. 5 and 6. In the
ee•.. Billy MacKay. list published last - weep the credit In
Half -mile r4144---Itay Druu 2 mid, 43, feces• tw•o came war gtreft to 1/r.
sec.. Billy MacKay. Philip Carter.11'hltrh'. ''
Champion - Raymond Dean, 30
points. ('allhien on the Hlglllway ,t
Intermediate a airs. 1b.bert Hedges, elf GoodeelP,t1
Pole vault--H1Ny Thomson 9' 2%" township. is in Alexandra hospital with
V. Flllot, E. Mero, a broken ankle. the result of a eollision
!taunting high jump -R. Groves 4' on the Provincial Highway. two m11w.
s?f". B. Thomson. J. Sutherland. ' east of Seaforth, on Sunday night.
Running Broad jump -V. Elliott 14' when the ear In which elle was driving.
11"..1 Sutherland, R. Groves. with members of her family. was run
Running bop, step and ump-V. El-
liott 34' 6", B. Thomson, 8. Groves.
Shot put, 12 lbs. --J. Sutherland 13'
a,". V. Elliott. B. Thomson.
100-y 1. dash -V. Elliot 12 tree., J.
Sutlerland, B. Barrow.
22 •Yd dash -V. Elliott, 20yt� sec.
J. Sutherland, 13. Barrow.
440.yd, nue--1i. Barrow 1 min. %
sec.. J. Sutherland. R. Grooves.
Half -mute ,acct --R- Groves 2 min, 30
sec., It. Barrow, E. Mato.
]hila race --+1:, Grow ¢ min. di see..
E. Mem. R. Henderson.
Cbampio11=Victor Elliott, 116 points.
Pule vault ---It. SfeMhbrt 11' 1l ",
he Town
On Tttwda7 morning, ll(•toMeF Sth,
in Knox church, the marriage took
Mace of Olive, daughter of Mr. end
Mrs. Benjamin K. Allen, of Gcwlerich.
u Cassius Dean McCormick, sou of
Mr. and Mrs. Archltlald G. McCorn'ek.
d Albany, Indiana. Rev. R. C. Me
Dermld officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Me•-
Cormlek left by motor for Montreal.
where they will sail for England.
Albert Sebad�, of Stratford,
Sunday In tows.
6• rand MA's. Witmer 111141
■kenor Whitey spent the wet•k-cud 111
'Toronto. • i
Mrs- E. A. M111fsi ha. returned
from Detroit and has taken up rest-
deuce again in Godighh.
Mr. Vincent (le rte, neo left a
few days ago for has se :rel
n position there as rk. ,
1 of
daughter. � ch!
a t. r.
Mrs. !n
M H 7
Windsor, visited 31?. and Mrs. Wit.
Doyle over the weer-qnd.
Lt. -Col. and Mea, It. at. Trow, of ,
Stratford. were in town tel- week for 1
the marriage of are. Trow's wlster, ,
Miss once Allen. •
Mr. ,dud Mrs. g ►ell 1leldee. o1
F:xeter. visited with -' Mr. old Mrs.
Samuel Sh.ardown Mrai hot. 1u the
II.1;011011111 Exhibition."
Mr. Fred Weer. wbo l,1,• (wen to
Alexnn-re hospital fog nearly a tuouth.
l$ re.4,rtel to be *kilt; very 5:,tU-
taetory progress tido week.
Mr. and lire. J. Deleon stud soft 511d
MI.. A. Dalton, of Detroit. and Mrs.
I L. Niel tonne', of lea rehill. • visited
1 (fiends In town on teethe
MY. Chas. C. IIe, who had leen 1n
I -Alexandra leomital for severai weeks.
into by, another car driven by Jo..
Looby, of Dublin. Rooth bones in Mrs.
•Rodge+s' ankle were broken. The
other oe 'upants of the car escaped
with only slight injury, Roth ,care
were badly damaged.
was euttklently redver(d to 11e re -
mired to 1 1e home !tile mart.
air. and Mrs. B. ('lladwi(•k and ,
daughter 11101 M1M4 )1' i'e, .' Istoour- 1
.ens. of I).'trolt. spent a few (lays the
(rest week 1 slting frleu.H hI town
and at Khlgsbridra.
Ree. Father Tuns. McCarthy left ou
Tuesday aftsrpoon for Montreal.
I whetter he malls today for Rome to
splen.' the 01st tea or three yeara. A
tiiimher of his frlen4w were at the ('.
N. R. station to bid hhu farreell.
•air,. t:rummett, Aag,es.yt street. an
Saturday received tbe•sad new. of the
lath of her son -latah, ('harie. %'1l-
What About Your Printing ?
Do you give the Home Town
Printer a fair show, or do you send
your printing out of town without
giving the home man a chpce to tell
you what he can do on a similar order?
• The Liberals have 014e11011 committee
r,Mlm:. In the Royal Bank entitling on
North street.
The Catholic Women's 'le -ague is
making arrangements for the annual
bazaar, to be held Deeember fish.
The Women's 4l," iIt*l Ausllhtry 8.111 Track Events, Horseshoe Contest,
110111 its annual meeting 81141 talent tel
In MacKay 'H"II 011 Tuesday. t1.'tuher Concert and Dance Make
22111, at 3 (i cls•k. Talent uso(1ey wUl a Full Day
re --turned in that day. A full atteu-
,Innce i* reques!e 1.
The west sevtiuu of the 1hlryu Pres-
byterial Women's Mlssiouary Society
of the Culled church will hold its an-
nual conference at 4411000 street United
•hutch, Hlyth, on Wednesday, 4kiober
it1. \ hs1, P
w f Korea,
W. C. T. I'. Meeting It the priucipol speaker.
A special meeting of the W. C. T. C.
will be held in MacKay 11x11 011 Mos- • Aeeldmit or Sukide
clay,•Octuber 14th. at 8 p. m. Re:Mrrts A J„ells woman mused Pearl ltuse•h
of the Provincial convention now be- wile found 41rowued ill a cistern at
Ing held at \Vludsor wilt he given 11 loom. f \ Tuwusheiol near Bay
by Mrs. 4Rev., 'Blue Neil airs. Gel.
J.411115U411. The 4-401013 1r(v•ideut. Mrs.
A. T. Cooper, of l'Itntnu. will give on
whirrs_ There will also In• a pro-
gram of nitwit: and readings. Tim
public are ,-.ryllillyinvited 10 attend.
Rev. Father Campeau Leaving
•Publie School Board
At the monthly meeting of the public
school board, held on Monday night The county b
last. a statement was received from the Catera is arra -
Provincial Department of Edaestion
showing the apportiOnment'of legiala- in�• mraunitc 11n11. Blyth *rote. It reacts a follows:
flee grants and teachers' *npersnnna- „n Thnrwhay. 41,•tor4r 1Tth, nt 2 • o,i.M•k "11'herens rice greah•sl qac+tido b•-
tlon deductions, ae follows: p. m. Dr. F. J it. Forster, of (4tratf,nl, 1 fore• 1111 ynbllo• at the pre -rut time 1s
Total *pedal grant 011 a rtife*lcs, eel ae.eln ehe wee', 11„,i nn,i I,s„11 the Liquor Centro! Aet which rime
sent, of Battrom, Sask.. which o-currel
suddenly the alight befors m a heart
attack. Deceased's wife.. o survives,
was formerly WO *sale !anise (Iratg.
melt, of Godedd.
Duugauuou held its fall fair u■
Thur"day and Friday 11,51. and con-
tlnuel interest in this annual event was
shown by excellent displays booth in
the llve stuck classes and fu the indoor
departments. The attrudslace on Iri-
•h he soul
clay was fairly joint, thous, t
wr41 ti14r no donee kept many away.
The list of prize -winners is pub-
lished on page 3 of this %save.
Two horse races, a meu'ei foot raee
u• to u(• o nod a horseerhoe-pitchlug contest pro -
field. 4*I 4k -tuber 1st. al r. '1'oau,•
"(led guotl sport on Frl(lay afternoon.
bend had been away from hone. and Thr 4'Illl111 eveute resulted n• follows:
on returning in the (•cclltng found the green Rage
girl, Who bail been keeping house for \Ino (:rattan (4'. 0.u,k, Dungan -
him, buil either fallen or thrown her- point 1't a
self into the cistern She ton•. quite ,due Worthy 1\V. ('n',twell. Dau- .
dead 44'11011 removed. An loque•st gallium) 2 2 2
was held br.t'urouel' In' �haa of 4'line ()meet (Jus. Forster, Lucknow) 3 :t 3
lte•4'. .I. N. ('ampM•an, who bus Isru ton on '1urulny of thio vr.rk, the Jury Running Hale
in charge of St. 1'etrr'-. parish here bringing In a verdict• that oke- 1 Paddy Buck 1 Frank (terry, (;.Nle -
for nearly four years, bus been all- ceased cotta• to her deuth by drown richt 1 I 1
14,IIIt(M1 to the Hlesoedi Sacrament IMF. either 1.y acci.l.'ut or by her own 31 ,Is•1 4 crept Bloke. 41lntnu n _ 2 2
parish let (1nuhrm. and will ]ecce net. The body was taken to New (;, worthy tNelwn Culbert, 1110,
nest week for his new charge. Rev. Ila n,1 1rg nor burial gouuu.o I 3 3 3
Joseph A. Cook. of St. d'eter's $enil11-------- - - The ,,o•n's foot race had nine starter.
cin I d
y'. Laudon, w111 44'+ltml• temporary
{Vnvk of the 1.bntbtan c 1 ,( w'1 six tinishel; 1u the 1,411o44us�
urge of the parl.h hero. Fath(, •
Calliu•w.ss itu I.'' i1 • The wreck f nrd.r: Frank Savage. 11111 '41'iggio.,'
Cook is sIls•riotrutk•nt of 111e Rowell the 1.,1..' freighter '1.qull40n of the Eimer .10101 -?'.i. .\Nan L'••e� Boy
Carlton, w-104441. in 111e city of Inlndon. aiT %. Line w'n.. br,m¢II' her.' from 1:rriag?^n. I,. Schultz.
and a. ,14 -4 transfer to Y:ndrrlPh 1• Midland by the tug $t44,11,1044,r. (apt. 1 lu the korl.esloue eoutes1 Boa of
lmly of n temporary nature It le un• Burke. and later p1444 el on .\o. 1 dry • 1 1lensall w•1,• term in the singles. 1:1-
ileret.sM1 that he w111 eontlum• to carry desk. 'l'i.' n;eanu•r. it o,ay i,e-re idle'. •:o�1 of 4%inub:11n s.','oud, 110111e of
on the work of hl. office at I. lou.
North tit. United ('hunk W. M. S.
The Gletulser meeting of the W. e1: 5.
!of Norte street 1'u1te41 ,hur•li wow Heel
Monday afte•ruesel. with a gmsl at-
tendance. After ter regular opening
service the study book. eltrums 1n the
went a -lore on t'rriskllne 11.1111141. ul.ucu I4.,sk'ri'h ulu11. 'I' he suave wen 1 with
Sault Si•. Marie, In 1H•-e•mie•r. 1927. 1t partner In each ease. wan In the
In the spring of 11Y. the bau.rell ! doubt,•, 4 .11;4-4 t1, the stone order.
wreck 4111+ released al of absn4l.nel ; In the boll W. E. Trelc:tceu had an
to 11w• •naderweiters. Ao 1u+ts• 1p.11I exhibit of the pr mets 01 the I.uek-
y,' now ',Aug made ,V11 11 :i 411'W or I new flour mills. and iu connection nab
(vnvPrtiug the hull Into n lighter. Thls thin held a comp•titi.in which .•lased
Will drdleud ups.: the eft. •o4ittuc 04'45 much Interest. (Inclose. were Inc diel
darkness." w•as taken by Miss Itnch- sary to mike the Bhang('• Tho Lamle on the weight of a monster sack rf
I anon. She s M,ke of the renewing at the tan Vital* bu111 to Great 11rit:lh1 and 14:1.11 flour. and seventeen"prizes were given
1 k
heart, the enlightening of the mind. not 145.11 11111; on the lakee. Ina spiv
the training of 111e baud and the it 1,-a! drlcen 0u au .'id., e.I -lion'- and
problems of health ad found in file suffered a great pounding by the %4:Uer•
Wewt African ielsd'I of It. United
Plane for the autumn thank -offering
were (Deceased and left to be completed
by the president aad Dusan secretary.
A reodadlon waL_�11oented by Mrs,
too'. and earegs 4hiy a standing
for the Lest pewees. Tule actual weight
of the sack was 4311.4 pnuldr, And the
elo.est goes. w'a' that of Mrm. J. .3
of LNkr Superior. At the tine tee of I Ryan. Dunguuuun, 431. Rey 1.rringt•n
tine 'elude attempted t0 e'en a. •e I and .Reg. 'UC(r, of c:wk'rlch, won .
nod having leseeige emend and third prises, each oft
and were drove 1 t
the dlstaace. estimating the weight ut ,42t1 pnl1W4
In tire evenlsg a eoneert was gives
Y, P. $ QatlttltntleO in the hell Ly ter Lyric Male Quay
The fifth annul conventiou of t�he�1tette, of Ll,tow•el, and was enjoyead
V. 1'. S. et Manua I'nrb1 7.aR�">•7 a large aidk•uce. The doings of the
Uri t ld united day ended with a dance.
p In n.ld'IUon to contribution. already
eek•r church on Fridac,
September 27th, roved both practical
and inspiring• The devotional periosts
atkaowletged. the board rem -teed a
11511: total general grant. ft.^,.s3A0-- sl,eaken will nuke part. I Into fnr('e by the vote of the men and l were xpleuQldly conducted by the Y. 1' f dentition of $Ill from (;Morse Sts•t?,.n
per rf accounts( was recommended, be -1. Colborne. 3t. MacKay. total, 1t430.9n. .T)451u•tion. for 1rafter.' w nut Ontario tn'10211: whereas the S?414tle! of Walton, Jnmr� street. \I.l'.
Township!4 .. rg, .ent451 before that vote w•as 111ke14 a' 11'ol1in5. of (:nun: Bend, n1.I4' ,111--1-,-.'41 I %Vest Iluron teachers lire meeting
Ihill' a George
wile w,taheN-t of I the het phut to promote h•ugM•r•Ocr. 'th. dlseu.'iau.,ltl the committee n•psort'. � in ....mention at Exeter on '1'hulrechor
hl a 1 to .aye the vrn111 of the I'ro-ine•. and I I'nrlrll.t dl•,ii"'iun grouts- were profit- and Friday of tide week.
. Roth r and I tp elle' nut the
boot-legge'r: wb•r.•n• I ably led by Sec. 4;. 11(411. of '41. t11rfn
l,.me', a three years' trial si-"hs for 11-.•11 nod ; -tre'L 4:odt•rich. Iter. G. Weir- of St. - air Will Weir h home from
:2:.:1:.vialahe:1:11::rwo3:htio, the hgltres Iucyr,a 44114 of .e•ndliie home 1 .3 nilrew'. 1. 11teh IIIyIh. Itev. \1'. •1'. Toronto fur two week: diol', ny'.
chiding $1500 to Hell Brook un the Miele- Running high Junin,--(. Naftel a .nll.rnuunatlm. .C1e0lr_: mn,mnt llac-
wolk. eontn(1. W.'. It. St,shtlrt, A. Colborne. ,41.1(4 to'whi .l board, 1141\41,.
The opine work1. ,,,wwittee repo•t...1 Running broad Jump -1t. Stoddart The Pnntraet with Ti. T1. Mzjnr as
that lenient "walk. were being built uurlOJ' 11 . M. MacKay, 0. NafteL mmslenl Instructor wn. renewed for
west stele of Keays street, Raglan to Rnonine hop, step and Jump -M. another year.
Blake. Mot s1dr of Keays street. Raglan ala Kay 34' 7'y R. St.sldart. 4'. The principal of Central eehool re-
te Blake, nod ea ' ride of William Nnftel. re-
ported for the month 11f Septe•nd4er ns
street. Britannia to ('ayley. x1111 that Shat 14111. 12 n).. -I). Mae'Kay 31' follows: Rays n„ reel 97o girls 19). total
the claim from It. F. ('arr regarding un li". K. 'Hunter. R. Ntoddart. - ILK .lverage iittendars-- boys Std,
accident 10 Mrs. Carr had been handed ' 14x1 -yd. dnn11-M. NI/IOC/13 11 1-3 see•.. girls 91, boat Pal. or 91.5 iw•r cent.
Penne Hank deplelta, 4410..33.
Fur Vi,torla w•b,44,l the prineip441 re-
tooled: Boy. on roll 1711, girls i52,
to the liability insurance company. 1. • p a enc, R. St(xl1 art.
Recommendations o1 the e'bmmitter •'22(( -yd. dneh-M. MacKay 23')
were: Tiutt Bell Bro.. be bald $1:114t 1. MacKay, R. Stoddart.
en per engineer's progrte4 certificate 401 -yd. rae'e--M. MacKay 57 1,./ sec.,
on .idenulk (r,11strmc•tion ; that Leo I. MacKay, A. Colborne. 1412. girls 1(t_". focal 324. or 90.5 per cent.
Baker toe permitted to erect an electric Half -tulle race -I, MacKay 2 min. Awrmnts were referral 0, the finance
sign ou Hamilton street at the Gale- 111 .w•.. rest distanced. (rlmmltree with power to pity 1f correct
House Burned In
The (moiling
Stewart, about a
Salt ford, wins 1111a
11144.11 Are on Tueol
airs. Stewart owl.
v. ten the -tire oar
nelghboors gatlooted
11Pn,tw'4y 111:1• ,It11,
(epi 10 remove kl
I,,0 4'. The 4;,olrrl,
to the resew. tot
loss Is pard,,, ,,,
Colborne Government mole of liquor wit... r 1 r 1 Exeter 1 and KIVIN•. Rr4' 1 or e•
pot .11,11 I irate : vch.'re•n: .c,1111wtie. •,hoe that Lard•. of Sc:i(, rte. and 1144. 1t. It. Cum
erne' be done ex-' ('overnment control has re.ulte,t hl i nlrnir. of 1,4ouo11, n EnJoyollr sing- Mr. Darold Medley. rf !ik'uheitn,
o• contrite of the' the almond ,,n'nnlptlan of over f4s.- i .oh44s were conducted by itev. 11. t.• former!". of 4hsl.•ri.. 1. :breeding the
b fire brigade went the
worle of liquor 111 (Jut:trio: 1t'hltfield. rf st 1lele11•. Mud 11,'..•1t. I, Ion Nornni1 Sch...l Ibis year and
•• 11.1 do little. The wiwre. -11,0 '11,1•1.:t1110ta
g of money 14.11•, B. Cntnnnlug. 10•'- 4', 11. 1uiels. the due' 5n rie,4 ,1 1.•president of the 1.1t-
wl by lnsnnnle, a
dl.a.ter t.' life. 10 home. fe ordinary sp•4IAI-sleeker. proved elnenlldly in- entry swirly ..r the .4•h041.
•1 live
total 36R. Average attendanee�--1.4v-e • bi•lnoa. nod '(;(-i:ll morality. we. th.• splring. 114 .till •nked out( to fl
Is 1'enr Nene on the List? nwrelber' of North -greet 1'ulte4'rhnrch np t„ their IN•d.t.. give• tHrm 5•I,4c. Ne'w Elall Mrrrharrellse.-3lnoy 11110.
The election 1,.•.onl for Huron give.: 'Iv. 31. S.. do herby re.olve and pledge wholly to 1•hri't ..Mud t11 he•Ip bring ..f Mew fall pier. b:uuli n• %unr just
notice that 8Pps•:ii• in e/nrte(•tlon with nurseive. to diligently nn4 earnestly - 111. 141DR4an1 lIIi,,og t'i'n, by king beet, 1.11.s.51 into .4.44.14 he t11'' N. .A.
114 rnt4rci 9111 f,.r the tu of G.olr- fro' I now moll 4h•tol.er :kith pray nw• of present opt...thud;ie•. of vr,41-r I1,r11y 'I1/re.11'1111 'w'lll 14 Include,1 in
I the store -wide sale .tnnUig Thurs.
f C.ol 1,r in n..• unr 1 floe neo snot In •4 w t 114 r 17th
A pretty nlitimin wedding 44(I• soi-
4mnized at this 1 • of \Ir. and Ntr..
I. L. ,J1:3watt, Seaford,. on S41tnnlny.
tietoior nth, when duel, yonua4r
daughter, Sadie 1,441,411. 14400(4 this
bride o1 31r. ,Iingh shirr ('he'ni•y,
eldest soli of 31r. ,and \1r I'rnrsoti
NI. Chesney, of Seufortl: 1141'. ('hurl.'•
311144 4m, of Fatn(onilville 1'nitwl
elur,-I, (Adeline. The bfld4, who
44':0. stern fu jnnrriug4 by her father,
wn' lively In ta dniuly fru,k of yellow
,hlffru with rhino.taue• trimming, and
carried en arm 1M,wgn4t ,t 'Sun•
lalrst rose','Illy of the valley and maid-
enhair fern. Little 31i.m Phyllis Mitn-
11ing. niece of this bride, ,lreewal In a
dainty 'reach frock of peach crepe.
alien am flower girl. carrying a Imo-
k4t of Sunburst rico-boils. aleidel-
..0hn'. welding no(n•h wits played by
311-' 11111y ('hf'.ney. sister of the groom.
While the regt.ter ens being 44gmet
3l i.. 3argirrt 1'rotlnud, 11f 4k'dcrleh.
.ung "O Promise 314'." -After a wed-
ding breakfn-t. \(r tool Mr.. ('hesncy
left 1111 n motor trip. the bride travel-
ling In n brown .'mrnlble•. with match-
ing ne•e..(rles.
rich Inn. upon giving the usual bond 3111. race -1 MacKay 5 min. 3ti3y
of indemnity ; that the Metcalfe Con- 1'1'('•• M. MacKay, R. Stoddart.
*traction Co. be requested to fix, up 4 )14mpfon-alnrr140n MacKay, 27
the north end of Wellington street to IM,1nte
ter 1at11114(tlun of the town; that the GiRLS' EVENTS
t'eskients on the east side of Colborn
*treet from Church street to Nelson
street be attested to cotStruct a stan-
dard cement curbing, under the super-
vision of the town council or its Sp-
Theme reports were adopted.
Reece Turner spoke of the rendition
of the (rtue•nt walk on the south •Ide
of Bruce street, The contractor*, he
saki, knew it bad gone to piers and
the leapt they .'Wald do -was to put It In
proper l•nnditl(on. The walk wan only a
year old. -
!Mayor IlacEwan admitted the walk
was in a dangerous condition and
"Mould 1s• attended to.
The matter was left in the hands of
the chairman of the public anrks com-
Councillor Croft give an oral report
oo hand matt.rs. So far thin year n
little over $.340 had been paid out on
account of the bend, be raid. They
were through playing outside tel. year.
but he believed prnetiees should be
Throwing basketball Into •hniket--
i e'Ienn M(1'reath, Ethel Cook, ]Madeline
Throwing basketball for distance
Melena Mc('reath, Ethel ('(ok, Marjorie
Throwlug baseball for dl'tnn •0 -
Marjorie Hetherington, Ethel Cook
IMlena Mt4'reath.
.Running broad jump-Deleua Me-
Creath, Ethel Cook, Marjorie Hether-
Standing broad jump--Tl'lenn Me-
t'reath, Ethel ('oolc, Marjorie Hether-
Running hop,4tep and jump-Delena
M,4'reath, Ethel Cook, Marjorie Heth-
Running high jump-Delena Mc-
('reath, Ma :eerie 'Hetherington,
75 -yard .lash-Ilrlein Nei reach,
Marjorie Hetherington.
('hoimplen-Dek'na MA'renth, 311
kept np through the mint,, *eylson. Throwing iaskpMrell into basket-
boy. erre anxious to purchase a Dorothy Horney, Ruth Curweu, Ruby
set of chimes and would like to get up Errington.
a tend during the winter for this Throwing haakefhall for distant---
Itube Errington. Marjorie Deer, Ruth
4'n rw•en.
Throwing bat.eball for dk4nnl'e-
Rnby Errington. Gree einem, Mabel
Edwards. -
Running broad Jump -'Eileen O'Brien,
Ruth Marney, Mabel Edwards.
Standing broad jump -Trace alas -
on. Margery Limey. Dorothy Horney.
80110h,g hop, step and jump -Eileen
O'Rrlen, RntIf Marney„Margaret (Irit-
fit h, •
Running high Jmmn--Eileen O'ltrlen,
Ruth Mirney. Maisel Edwards.
;e►,rd. drill-El11een O'Brien. Gefice
Mason. Msrgaret Griffith.
Chestnut race --Marjorie Deter. Mar-
garet erlfllth. Betty Jenner. '
be located, and mentioned the yard
nook raise--Mnrjnrle i)aer, Grace
hehlnd• the town hall. Almon, Dorothy 1Tnrney.
The Mayor mold this yard wan not (`hsmpdon--Falern O'Brien, 20 point,.
• large enough. end 1t was pointed Inst - Mixed Rvei
Backward and forward race -Ruth
purples.. They might pit on some
A motion woo passed that the baled-
ma,'ter be P1144ntrel for• three menthe
if a satisfactory arrangement as to
salary can 1* made.
Bylaw 'so. 33, re road oil asme4Mmenes,
was pawed.
The g1Patlon of the town weigh -merles
then came up for consideration. The
Mayor said he was Informed the Gov-
ernment might make a contribution
towards the purchase of new settle*.
mod he woe appointed to interview the
Department et. Itlghwaym 'regarding
this. '
Councillor Gould thought the council
should diseiew where the oenles *honld
that it was used for ether pnrpo*►s,
('otndllor Bettie weed that the new
melee shook! he plated on the 014
On a show of bands four voted for
this motion and font against,
The Mayor declared the motion
carried, remarking that the old site'
seemed to he the only one available.
The coundi then adi�rned.
With 1114' exeeptl,n of the aei•rnn1 of
Fred Seabrook. for 392.3.1 for pabntin_
extra room at Central school, welch
is 10 the looked into,
Wemen'. institute
The regular meeting rf the Women's!
lnstdttttr w'5' held in MacKay Hull
11n Thnawl (y last. 1t was 445.1.1.41 to
hold a miseetlnneone shower for the
Children's Shelter on Friday. 1k'toher
11th, and also to make n donation of
110 to 111e Shelter. A. the resp4n-e
to the appeal for the fend for neglee•e 1
plot• at the cemetery hn. been so .low
it wits decided to leave this m .iter
lover for a time. This eonelndel the
bUMlnew, ami a' It w -n. "Grandmothers'
Day" the entertainment...matinee pat
on a most enjoyable 001 -time concert,
Including a solo. a duet. a reading and
a chortle. Twenty -mix grandmothers
were present, welt ring old-time ('04-
tnmes. An old photo contest canoed a
great deal of fun, the prize going to
Mrs. Fowlie for guessing the greatest
member. Tb Mrs. Alex Craigle was
awarded the prize for the oldest grmml-
mother. to ,Mrs. R. Matheson the
]aloe for the young. t grandmother.
end to afro Sanderson the prise for
having the greeteet number of grnnd-
ch iidren.
Pullet the ansph'es of the institute
a two week..' lecture cmtr.P In food
values and (rookery will be held in alae-
KaJ- 11s11, beginning 4k•totr 14111. To
in -Hunte members the fee will 1e 23,.
and to non-members.10c. MIs. Stleter,
the Instructor, 1. sent by the 1►epart•
mint of .Agriculture. Any farther in-
formatknl regarding the class may toe
had from Mr...1. H. Marshall. eeeretary
of the institute.
Mnndey and M. Griffith, Dorothy
Harney anti E. Jewell. Helena Meereath
and M. Edwards'.
Three-legged ecce-,Rnby Errington
and Marjorie Deer. Margaret Griffith
and Ruth Murney. Helena McCreath
and Eileen O'Brien.
The inter -form relay race was won
M 3 orm 71.
livening classes In Bookkeeping
Shorthand and Typewriting will he or-
ganised on Monday. (Fct4ller, 7th. 1r
7.30 p. m., In this Collegi-
ate In*tltute and will 1*
held thereafter on Mondays. Welne.-
tla,rs and 'Fridays, from 7.30 to 9.30
p, m.
Classes will also he formal in Com -
Inertial Art and held on .the above
evening.. giving instrnotlon In. print-
ing show 4arde, price card', etc.
These are splendid opportinitter for
young poen and women to prepare them -
wive. for InrVe'r and l tt.r vervlre and
greater remuneration.
The fee for *soh of the two Clerics
Is '1.o0 to fler'eedher 20.
J. P. H1:34E,
rich to be nee in the peer/fleet eke.. , that. Ii'ptrel :1114 guided by the Spirit for 110' Master.
tion 011 (h•rid.•r ::4•lh 44111 11. tfl4f4al " n r
,•1 to 31unday, u,•1.d'rr 14111. A wee- cast, our cot. hl the 4,4'.t interests 4.1 i
'ion of the ,v.11 •: of revision wilt i• unr I'rvryln4r.'
held on that day at R o'clock p. m,
In order to Ole Persons employed I Important Buaineaa ('hanges
during the day as opportunity of pee- Atlnono(rnu•nt 1' made this week of
Ing that their name' are on the list. the sale of the S. A. Gray drygossls
Every man or ,‘,man twenty-one bnslnese to Mr. Geo. AV. Se•hnefer, 14f
years of age :1011 a Brlttah 'subject 1141011. 1,1 r. Se•hnefer has been 1n the
is entitled to have 141* or her name grocery' busiue�s1 stn(e eoming 111
mite•red on the voter.' let. provided rich fire years ago. but he 1• not 11
be or she has liven for twelve months stranger to the drvg,ssl. budties e
a resident of Canada and for two having hail an experience of %evertl
mouths x resident of the eleet„rnl year. in that 11111'. itefer.. the wile'
Services f11 eourch next Sale
(lath will he in charge of the minister.
Sermon subjects,: 1I n m„ "Furthering
the Gospel:" 7 len . "ChrMt on ter himself w•Ith n number of e)mmnnl-
Shore." Sabbath S enol and 131110- ty retire -
activities, and 111 taking over th.
clesmrys of 3 11.e1"1`•
mwre•antlle interest renre-
Serrl(r. at this Baptist church ,(.„two in the Imolness of the S. A. (;ray
text Sunday as f4•llo-'-: 10 a. m., Billie Co. he carrie, with hint the goodwill
and c,onfi,kroee of the 14.11141' of (lis1e-
rich 111111 411.trlct In general.
Mr. S(-hnefer's his:ness ha. been
pur'haws1 by air. St. Geo. i'rlie mut
son Fr451. w10 are w•eht-k1111Wo
the Is..1.1)' of Goslerlch. mgr. Price. sr.,
wn. formerly ' 1n 1111510es'. here and
know. the grocery Mediu... from .1
No doubt they will receive a
fair ,.here of the medic patronage.
Mr. lonnld Gray, who 11:, leen the
rc.l.k•nt !muleteer of the S. A. Gray
I. leaving Pave anis nroplses 401
s1,. 4-410e of the world before settling
thrive igoln.'
he wn. connected with a drygande
business at Wingham. and nfter hl'
return from A4er'eas he ,wA. Ater•
manager for a large drygoods 111141
ren(Iy-to-wenr Loudnew In northern
Ontario. until (liming to (loderieh in
1924. Il.rel he ha. worked ftp n
thriving badness and has Identified
mr h4sol ; 11 a. 111. err•IaI service for
the 'HoySeont', 4'h., will attend in a
holy : 7 p. 0(., +•,1100 enhject-".t
YouLlt4_\Ian's Nobe• I'nrpao.e."
.Ann1 -e 'm•y. seer, i,c. will be Held
In the 1'1(11451 ,lure1, Port .Albert; on
Sunday Ik•U4rr 27 :1t 11 a. M. and
7 p. m. Rct'. .1. We -Ie 1 HertlPrt will
be the 411eaker for tine day. There
a 111 he myrrh' mn.te by the choir.
`The pulpit 1111 Snelay morning in
Victoria street ,Ion', to w111 1* es•ew-
pled by Rec. Erie I.. .lndersnn, B. -A..
of Blyth. The ec4ohe service 1s beingwithdrawn ,In 541 1014 of tit. annlyer-
wery at Union church. G(d.rl•h town-
ship. where atr. .Ander-0n will preach
of 2 p m. *11.1 4144x111 at 7. 30 p. m.
Th. sermon In North street Cnited
ehur('h nest Snndny morning will he
given by Rev. J. 1: ford, app the °e-
vaslon will mark Mr. Ford's eightieth
birthday annh-.'r'nry. Him subject will
Ise: 'The Recurring ;cid Transmitting
Generation." The 54r41(!1 of the day
will he as follows: 111 a, m., 3414.100
Rand, fellowship dn.s and Men's (91b.
The t„pie of the Club. 'Tile DIfferenee
ietweeh Mistake and Failure," will he
Introdneed 1rr Prlm4l4a1 IBtoninoetse.
fhldlc Worehip at 11 n. t1,. and 7 p. m.
4'hirch school at 3 p. ts.
The ladle* of Victoria street United
rhnr(h have completed arrangements
for their hot moo* sumer on 184 even -
Ing of Thank*glving Day, November
-air. N. B. Flnrlty., of (pmt.'s, was
1n tolvn for a brief roll 11144)0
friends this week.
• I
14av4 your Pyem examined by our
well-known and painstaking epr.(In11e.t.
Mr. Tlughmen. formerly 0pt14al expert ,
for Kent,., Toronto. and Henry Mor -1
gan sad f'o., Montreal.' Thirty year.'
eeperlenee: nineteen years coming 1.'
(iodleri-h. You are assured of the
pent optical work to he obtained and
at very moderate met. We furnish
all the late style* of mountings, the
hent make of the Met makers, and
Dur prime are from $4.00 up. Two
clays only --Thursday. Friday. Oct-
et*, 1e, 1S. fume Perls. SMITH 'S
ART STORK, Oat rich.
3111414 1161 1:N .3 .1111)I )LF:TI ►N
Syu.lwllhy I' 141r with Sh.rlff 1'. G.
a11,1414t'o he lits ber4nc40((nt by the
d4nfh of hf• elder dnna1 •r, Mims
Helena Mlddie•ton, 4% 111..11 occurred
early Sunday morning 1:1+t at Toronto,
where she was on the 1 (Kling staff of
owlet pnb10' ml•heel 1Nreasel war
111 only a fees' d11y1. pier parent,. went
to the city on Saturday morning and
her !deter and brothers akin Were
with her when she poised awes. The
body was brought to 11.' home of her
parents at Clinton and the funeral
look plies. from Si. 1'atti's. church on
Tnr.day nftc•rtl.c,❑ to 1llntnn (rtn4-
Ivry. Her. L."('. Garrison. of Clinton.
was I4mblPd In the funeral eeTr1eP
by Hee. T. W ellnce n11d Rev. ,y. E.
M,Kegner, of Landon. ,Among those
present 'were scleral of the county
u19,htlm find air. nn,l Mrs. (leo. Stewart
And the Misses, Middleton from node -
rich. The ,M(x'nsel young lady leave*,
besides her parent', a ester. Jean, of
Toronto, and. (woo hr.there. George, of
New York, and Robert, of Toronto.
To Broaelrast Sinclair Speeeb
F'h.• radio .tati.n' %vlll entry t0 all
lint. of the 1'royloe•(• the a4dr•,Md of
els' 11011. 1t.. E. N. Shu lair. the 1/Marl*
I,I1M•n(I lender, which will be delivered
at the great Liberal rally In the Arm-
ories at 4)shaaa on 100 evening of Wed-
nesday. (w•toher 10th.
Thee 1,11a ions are n• follow.:
Toronto. 337 N1. 3159 Ke ;
('.F'.H.11.. Turoulu, 312 NI. ,11410 Kr.;
('. .1. 11. et., 'Louden, :Cin 3f 910 S4'.:
('.N.R.I)•, (Monti, 74x9 31. 11111 Ke. and
('.K.P.H., Midland, 21W M. 1 120 Kr.
.Mr. Sinclair 1M folluw'lllg the prams
dent of 1 5TW(I1N14 411141 lirl11. hi WW1*,
men In delivering the pica important
me..age of the eiimpllgn in hie own --
riding, (Ontario South. and Luber):4
from *11 over the Province are plan
ping to ler present. 31.0 or parades and
hue pmrtlew are being organized In the
n4jneent ridings find from the city
of Toronto, weep. grnul4s are coining
from more distant point.. '1'Ise Meeting
will start at x p.m.. under the chair
manship of W. A. Dryden, president et
111P South Ontario Liberal A.soelatiat1.
while this braaden'1. of air. Simmlair's
address 44'111 commence promptly at 7
o'elo*k. Eastern .hunch* time .
A11 roads lead to MacKay Hall Oe -
'ober 1>1
Greetings from Medford, Oregon
The• editor'. 1111111 un 141tllnbly laet •
brought n letter 4oclo.1r1 In nn OltP'nI.P
which bore ter petnulrk- 3t.'110.r1,
Oregon. 1 kt. 2, nil 4:e -
l,-ri t,. Out ,
(k•t. 5, and n' 5peeinl stump. "Firs
flight.' tietob•t• 2. 11,29 Medford. ()re-
rralai. SD11iicIpIl Airport." The letter
bore greetings iron the city .of Medford
HMI nn invitation to attend a celebra-
tion in July, 10410. of the formal open-
penhug of the new airport with a gigantic
aeronautical exposition. This new alr-
3'rrt. It IS staled, "take% the place of
Me.Ifon1's nirp rt which has been in
week*. since 1922 111111 which w'wt! the
ttristmunicipal airport in the Strata"
Attnel1451 Is a note from Mr. John 0.
Mann. who will be remembered by
mime render. of The Signal am a met✓ ^''
her of the Mann family who lived 0m
East street. In tele town, many' years
Ng„. Mr. Mann write.:
►ear Robertaon,--lf 30u are atilt
editor of The Signal thought yon might
he Interested In hearing about our new
airport, which we open tomorrow.
How 1s the old town, anyway? May
pay you • visit ere long. Rest regents.
John C. Mann."
4 1(