HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-05, Page 25Lucknow Seeded, wednelukty, 32, Coming aVerita Livestock • 1.1•01;rr, fr.f OPUNI HOUSE Come one, come all to the set rains; serviceable age; • home .of Donalda McLean, Telephone 529-7936. —45x litit'en Street, Ripley, Nov- ember 12, IQ 4,1°. to 9 P•9?,, E. arm services Christmas specials and other -,- sPecial$ of Stattlitmue BERG STAIliE ucts. •,-45,46. EQUIPMENT REGISTERED POLLED Der- .......-,,r-..-,- .P.•0 ^.4 LUCKNOW SHIPPER I CUNITE,D CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship yowuritlhivestock BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or grqups of 5 or more On Thursdays ( From Lucknow Stockyards CALL • 528-3530 Home or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 'a.m. for ; prompt service kSK RILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF , REPLACEMENT CATTLE ; EYE THE WANT ADS FOR GREAT BUYS anNowifor inter' Ren0OtiOlisandRecRoom For following needs t‘tilieutr'1, '41:y and texture. • ceilings, kitOhen cupboards, carpet, clamatic R plus • siding and, windows, • Contact Eric Stewart 395-3255 Or -Gtemr-5284, NovOnlicr, . . 1980-4tage 1 kindnesses will long be.rem- '' embered. PLOUGHING AND. Isehel-MacPliel sow- , SILO FILLING .111111-114L- -45 -Phorte-529:7889-----:== 21. Personal 34 YEAR OLD baehelor to meet an nnattacit-• ed Lady, with tile desire that it' will. develop WO cidse personal realtioziship. The loneliest number in the world is one. PleaSe reply to P.O Bpx 355, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4C6. —42,45x 88173113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al-Anon number. —45ffnx HAVING A DRINKING -PROBLEM? 1p: Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton $81-3655. —40tfar PREGNANT and need help?. Free positive' confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or 432-7197. --40tfar 24. Sus. opportunities ENERGY DISTRIBUTOR • seeks DEALERS and SALES PEOPLE in your territory. We Offer the most complete line of energy management equipment approved for sale in Canada. For residential, commercial,. industrial, and rural: Exceptionally compat ible side line for electrical, heating or refrigeration con- tractors. .For further details call 519-655-2M —4546 _ MAKE. MONEY, in your spare time. .Learn Income Tax. Preparation, .For free brochure, , 'no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough DriVe, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4.: —45rix DISTRIBUTORS OFFICIAL Tests at San Bernardino, California showed improved engine performance and gas savings with out Patented Fdel Induction Systems - Easily installed in minutes and sells for $79 with a 30-day money back guarari- -fee.----No franchise fee • Investment secured by in- Ventory. For ,detailS write International Marketing Ser- vices, 3 Book Rd., Grimsby; Ontario L3M 2M3 or phone 416-945-5461. --:45nx 30. In memoriam NELSON In loving mem,aryof a dear wife, mother and grandmoth- er, Irene Nelson, who passed away, November 6, 1979. You suffered much in silence Your spirit did not bend, You faced your path with courage, Until the very end. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. Lovingly remembered by husband, children and grandchildren. —45x 31. Cards of thanks CRAWFOftD I would like to thank my friends, relatives and friends for flowers,,, gifts, letters and cards I received wine 141- a patient in University Hospit- al; also thanks to those who have brought us food since I returned home. These kind- nesses will long be remem- bered. Kay Crawford —45x tives, neighbours and friends who attended our 25th wed- ding.anniversary party in the Lucknow Community Centre and for the lovely cards, gifts and gifts of money sent to us. Special thankS to the ladies of CWL. memories of- this special occasion will always be cherished. Thank you all • again. Cyril and Catherine Austin _45 friends and neighbours for, their kind thoughts, visits, gifts and phone calls while I was a patient hi the 'hospital and since returning home. Special thanks for the food PURDON The family of the late Annie Purderi wish to sincerely thank relatives, friends and neighbours for expressions of sympathy, through flow- ers, cards and letters, mem- orial donations and in various ways- during their recent bereavement. Special thanks • to the staff at Pinecrest Minor Nursing' Home; Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly; the MacKenzie and McCreath, Funeral Home and Mr. Don Darrell for his comforting words. Also the ladies who served lunch' at the Lucknow United Church. All was deeply appreciated. —45x STANLEY My sincere thanks to my family for the lovely birthday dinner and necklace; to my brothers and sister for their gifts and to my neighbours and friends for their gifts and cards. These kindnesses will long be remembered. Rosie Stanley —45 RITCHIE My sincere thanks to all who remembered me while in 'hospital at Witigham and Victoria. Special thanks to th6 Doctors and Nurses. Wes Ritchie —45x CASH BINGO St. Joseph's Church, Kings- bridge, Thursday, November 6th at 8:00 o'clock. Spon- sored by the •Kingsbridge Area Seniors. —45 • ,LSHARON'S SILKS 6151N.HOVSE FloWer arrangements and demonstrations by Sharon Alton at the home of Ken. Alton, 3 miles west of Belfast on Friday, November 14th, 2 - S p.m, Coffee and cookies. 1983 REUNION 'MEETING Committee members and all those hiterested, are asked to at en •a meeting at the May- fair Restaurant Banquet Room 'on Sunday, N Lucknow Legion Branch No. 309 November Dance Saturday, Nevember 15 9:30 pan Ian Wilbee Orchestra —45,46ar ATTENTION: LEGION MEMBERS BRANCH 309 The St.' Helen's Women's Institute invites you to attend their Remembrance Day Ser- vice at the St. Helen's Hall Sunday, November 9, 1980 at 2:30 p.m. ugiocMembers wishing_ to attend please meet at. Legion at 2:00 p.m. sharp. ---45ar RIPLEY CASH. BINGO Ripley and District Lions Bingo 8 p.m. Huron Town- ship Hall, /Ripley, on Wed- nesday, November 5, 10 reg- ular games of $15,00;. 2 novelty games of $25,00; one share the wealth; purple ball $40.00; 4 corners jackpot on 5 calls $20.00; jackpot $325,00 on 54 calls. Consolation and door prizes. --45ar CANCELLATION OLD TYME DANCE The Olde Tytne Dance that was to have been held in Whitechurch Community Hall, Friday, November 7, has been cancelled. HOW DOES YOUR LAB- EL READ? • REMEMBRANCEDAY SERVICE'" At Holyrood Township Hall, November 11, 1980 at 10:45 a.m, Everyone welcome. PUBLIC 'MEETING The Auxiliary fOr Winter Sports is holding a . public meeting in - the- Town ' Hail;' Tuesday, November 18, 8 p.m. All interested citizens please attend,-, —45,46' THE BRASS COMPANY ConteMporary and classical music; played by three of Canada's top brass players at Blyth Memorial Hall, Wed- 'WONDER STEEL building 40' x 100'. Ideal for mach- inery or grain storage. Phone 528-2071 after 6.p.m. —42tf ONE JOHN DEERE 700 mix mill like new with_hydraute auger feeder. Phone 395- 2852. —45,46 C.A. ALLIS. CHALMERS Motor; Phone 395-5380. —45x alomp, iainvi mama NImmt CUSTOM SWATHING Hay 'and Grain Ploughing 5294488-__. --23tf CUSTOM :---33tf CUSTOM PLOUGHING John or Grant Johnston Phone 529-7938 or 529-7129 —42,43,44x CUSTOM CORN COMBINING Phone 529-7765 --45-46 C. Wanted BUYING CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS , 'Custom Clowning ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL And Trucking • Lucknow Phone 528-3500 D. Livestock • yea., .1•1016 ••••••,, MAMMY 1111•1..... WEINER PIGS for sale. Riverview Farms, Lucknow. Phone 529-7214, --43-46 TEN COMMERCIAL Dorset ewe lambs, exposed to Com- fort Dorset ram; also young nanny goats, half Alpine. Phone 395-5328: —45 ATTENTION CATTLE Feed- ers - Order buyers working on all major Feeder Markets in Northern Manitoba, Ash- ern, Luitdar, Ste, Rose Du Lac. There--are-large-num, tiers of top quality calves and yearlings at-these. more 'information contact 204-242-2397. —45nx Cleaners, Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- iter Bowls, 'Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling., Contact Lloyd 3ohnston, R. R, 3' Holyrood,' phone 395-5390. —30tfar Farmers get your alterna- tors, dise blades, -Cultivator points, plough points, dog Toad.' Ag-e-tif 0:FA:AL KINGSBRIDGE FARM SUPPLY Vince Austin IL R. # 3, Godlerich Phone 529.7240 LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amterley PHONE 395-5286- BUTLER - -Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim. Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, :Catitiey-n-Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, Barn 'Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil- mixers. FARMATIC - Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills' for Ground H-Mois- ture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators, ACORN-- Cable--Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Man- ure pumps. WESTEEL-ROSCO-Grain bins -1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks, ACME, - Fan-Jet Ventila- tion •Systems. ASTON - Ventilation Sys- tems. B & L Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER - Li- . quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO-FLUSH - Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING-ALMOST ---21tfar Realty World W. J, Hughes Realty Ltd. 3954952 4% YEAR 'OLD bunga- low. Situated on a nicely treed lot in Point Clark. Two bedrooms, Beautiful kitchen cupboards. Utility room leads off 1dtchen, 1980 taxes $334.64. Phone Chris Holloway 395-3448 or 529-7268. M-37' 2 YEAR OLD brick and vinyl siding -flame. Redifc: ed, from $44,900.00 to $31,900.00, Stone fire- place in rec room. Three bedroms. Well landscap- ed. Located in Dungan- non. F•-151 WHITECHURCH - Light- ly treed lot for sale, Ask- ing $7,000.00. W-4 5 LOTS,, 96' x 362' located near Lake Huron. Asking $10,000 each. S-5 Call Chris Holloway 395.5952 395-3448 or 529-7268 YES! people DO reed!small ads YOWARE --- Hutton 98 ACRES: - Highway #4, 60 acres workable - no buildings - land level - balance bush. Asking $49,500. ' 96 ACRES on paVed-read in Morris Township - 60 acres workable - Good 2 storey house - Witt. Ask- ing $75,000. RRY-7.---Reiltrcet asking price on this 3 yr. old 3 bedroom bungalow on a one acre lot close to town is NOW $35,300. Features include large kit- chen with top of the line Hanover cupboards, broadloom throughout, laundry room on 'main floor. Oil-wood furnace with winter's wood in the basement. 100 ACRES half mile off Hwy. # 4, Teeswater area, 90 workable and level, balance in bush, older home, asking $85,000. 200 ACRES West Wawa nosh, over 100.level work- able, 35 acres maple bush. Mobile home with new addition, no barn. ONE ACRE building lot on Hwy. # 86 west of Lucknow. SEE US FOR HOUSES - Wingharn home $15,500; Belgrave home, $16,000; Lticknow area home , $13,900.we have othors. We need listings. I, MEL MATHERS Wingham Phon.e_351.4208 • Rep.Rtilt isUr , tsteliitr Broker, KluesrdIne WILSON I would like to thank friends, relatives, and neighbours for remembering me while a' -paiien al, London, and since return- ing home. It was greatly appreciated and, will always be remembered. • Lorna Wilson --45x CAMPBELL Many thanks to all for phone IS-AWOHOL-A-PROBLE in pant' family? Al-Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics.' Phone Walkerton 31. Cards of thanks 32.. Corning events PAPER DRIVE Lucknow Girl Guides , Paper Drive Saturday, November 1,5. Please have papers earls-by' 9 -a.m. No .inagaz-' Ines, newspapers only, tied or boxed.. Anyone needing- assistance ,to 'get 'Papers' to curb, call 528,3516 after 6. . Rural residents can drop papers at Arena between 9:30 And 10:30 a.m. -r.-415,46 ---brought to-the house.- These- ova rn IMMUNIZATION CLINIC calls, cards, and visits during BruCe County Health Unit nesday, November 12, 8 p.m.: my stay in University Hos- Infants, Preschoolers, Adults For.reserved 'seats call ,523- pital. 2nd Wednesday each month 9300 or 523.9636, —45ar --45x Dynes Campbell Next clinic November 12th iming...suimigun Bruce County Health Unit AUSTIN —45ar Attention Fanners Office• 3 - 4:30 p.m. A. For sale We would like to express our sincere appreciation to rela- MacPHERSON Lucky draw. Come and bring . I would like to extend my a friend. —45,46x B. Custom work sincere thanks to relatives, • • • '.•• • • • „ •