HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-05, Page 16 qr. 44.-,NaSta • 16-1411clawyt &IOW* Weanoodair November 4'190 Vishoi*fromILS„ with sbridg Osch and family and Yvette' ' mr, and Mrs. Lawrence "'severe burns to his arm and their midst. Tomtny Hogan is for St.' Joseph's Cominunity Mrs.. Leo Batte of For- Heffernan visited on Sunday Austin, Centre Line,. Michi- was treated ar the Alexandra Sparring a walking.cast after SchoOl was formed last week, raosa, Mrs. Fran Wilkes of _ • Strauss of Toronto visited down and family of St. Albert and Reita Sutter, Do-: Marine and General Hospit- breaking sOme bones in his They ire chairperson, Glenn Richmond Hill and David with John and Anne Shear- gan, and Mrs. Violet: Sutter, with their cousins, Rita and al, Goderich and released, foot. Gerda Hendrilts is.' Olson; treasurer, Lortaine Thomas. Yvette Heffernan treit, attended the j.5th wed- congratulations to. Gary wearing a brace for a fractnr- proPnY; secretary, Barb Janette, Leona and Anita from the area attended the Austin. Eedy, Members, Gary Prince John Howard and family on remained for a little visit, ding anniversary celebra- and Chris Courtney of Blyth ed collar bone which occured ' --:- - - A--- good ' "TefireSeritation— -antis' for Catherine-and Cyril - on ..the - iiiTV41-Orthilf -firSt " -diiiiiii0 sports-activity -at-the- ----andMaria-and Maria- lundayv• - ------.- - -.. Carl COurtne oz:, atthe pose of the committee child, Michael Christopher, 8 school last Week. ,, tea for Mary MacKinnon Community Centre on Friday y, son of Joe . lb 12 ' " Clinton A member of St. John raise money for playground Hogan attended the bridal reception at the Lucknow caped serious injury last November 2. proud -grand- the school ' last Monday the new equipment for the ' .largenumber • held at the home of her evening in honour of Cyril and Theresa Courtney,- es. Public Hospital, Sunday, :Ambulance Brigade, was at equipment. A parents, Fraser and Doris and Catherine Austin's tvven- Wednesday evening when Parents are Mrs. Elizabeth morning teaching first aid playground. Several children MacKinnon in Kinloss. They ty.fifth wedding anniversary. his sleeve caught in a power Battye of Blyth and Joe and techniques to grades seven from the area, Dungannon also enjoyed the 25th wed- Anita Hogan and Jeanette , ding anniversary dance for Hogan of London, and Leona Cyril and Catherine Austin, Hogan of Woodstock spent Walter and Mary Clare the weekend at the home of and daughter, Mary Luanne, their parents, John and Rita recently attended the wed. Howard. • Canada Swings Donds area safe; secure investment. They're backed by all the resources of Canada. The newBonds are easy to cash anytime:.. so you're not locked in. TEREST RATE PENALTY There's no interest rote penalty when the new Bonds are cashed after December 31, 1980-you will receive earned interest for each full month elapsed since November 1, 1980; GO D RETU . The new Bonds earn a good return'ri oh your money ,-101/1% every year for 7 years. REGULAR POLL BY DELOIti.5 Veil °Sq' Recent Visitors with Mts. Bernardine Kinney were her brother, Len' O'Loughlin of Rochester, New York and Kr. and Mrs. John W. Kinney and daughter, Susan, of Livonia, Michigan. ding of Louise. Clare and Terry. Svec at St. Michael's Church, Toronto. Louise is the daughter of Leo Clare, a brother. of Walter, This past weekend, the Clares attended the wedding Mrs. Nora' Sinnett orLynn and-Kenut—B-•-•maiat--Wryland i St, John's Parish, Toronto. the home of her son, Jim and, Antone and Delores Van Yvonne Sinnett and family. Bill and, Ann Van Osch spent the weekend. in Whitby and attended the wedding of Dorothy Lenders, daughtet of .Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lend... ers, family friends. of • „teachers were asked by the student council to dress up in costUMeslor the whole day. Mr, Dave Zyllik, principal, wmaaS t recentlyof named the Huron-Perth r , . System's Social and Environ, b—y-lyelores Viiirojeh—caental Studies- Curriculum committee. A playground committee 1 1 1 1 e e 1 1 1 1 NOTICE OF POLL VILLAGE OFLUCKNOVIr Notice is hereby given, to the Municipal Electors of the Village f ,Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, that wher eas more candid-ates have been nominated to the following office-than-the number required to fill 'such office, therefore polls Will be held at the limes and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such offices. OFFICE FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE [1 to be elected] [for the Bruce County Board of Education] at the Town Hall, Lucknow Saturday, November 1, 1980 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ADVANCE POLL take off 'shaft as they were unloading corn from'an upset wagon. He somehow manag- ed to free himSelf minus the clothing from the upper part' of his'body. He suffered They're easy to buy for cash or on instalments in amounts starring at $100 up to a total purchase limit of $35,000. And you have a choice of Bonds: There's the Reqular Interest Bond for annual income arid the • Theresa Courtney, Kings. bridge, KINGSIIRIDGE KURRICULUM The schOol has two "par. tially disabled" students in • • SAFE b SECURE Compound Interest Bond for savings growth. Buy yours today wherever you bank or invest. EASY and eight. Each classroom had their Hallowe'en party on Friday. Grades five, to eight had a costume dance at noon hour. These grades and their and summer cottagers enjoy the summer playground and activities which have been ' held at the Commanity School for the ,past two summers. Monday, November 10th, 1980 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Location at the Lucknow Town Hall The last day of applications for a certificate to vote by proxy is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1980, before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. A. E. Herbert, Returning Officer, Village of Lucknow. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario this 23rd day of October, 1980. ...INGSH.'DONDS W.:ON -SALE • 01 A* 111011ermatem001110.801‘.-- a E Dave Eadie For Kinloss Council During the past four years I have enjoyed working with the present council and town- ship employees. Once again I am seeking your support for another term as councillor. If elected I will try to give you efficient government that ensures the best benefit for your tax dollar. So 'remember on November 1IIth elott-DaVe-Dadia tb-r-TOWnsttlp-Ceurtclt. Thank you, Dave Eadie EVERY YEAR FOR 7 YEARS Good Flexibility Good Security - - Good-Return- ALWAYS GOOD! canard