The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-17, Page 27• Ft rrh tor 041%* F4 • TRIvirril 00004 • Senfineit WidnefdlY, September 17, 19$0--Oage 27 native people's rights 1 NAME r IWO WM OMNI MIMI NOM MIN IMMO MOM MIMI 111 El Please send me more information on the Constitution. LI Please add my name to the mailing list. ADDRESS CITY/TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE Sum mourn maim mum maw ars iron Mum I n min aim NJ BY GLADySAUSTON ',Canada that theY are anYhOdY in the world. He the PaSta the church at ''Group.who. had been ticlpate any 'Exchange swering the rdll call with their children to get the "The government gives followed and proved to be the• Indian, children. Such Co:. es, were, ex-;. an interesting item from' :education; to get the us a feW, dollars to keen us most--interesting both an .attitude could cause a pressed by Adeline "The Glad Tidings". strong WAY of living , in going but what we need pro and con,• lot of trouble but after Hackett. A delielOus After •the 'Call ' to order for them, as •they a lump sum so we could (because after all We some discUssion; the lunch was served by the Worship and prayer for grow older, to be able to build our own medical can't 'have our cake and parents were ,able to see,;„, ,co in ittee Hazel Adeline • Hackett, the stand • on their own two centre or' maybe our own eat it too). • things in .a different light 'MacDonald, Mary Brown scripture was 'read . by feet. What Tana. wants to school but this is, not During this time. and were ready to and Mar tha ' Huston who. Donalda Gassel, followed see , in .the future our possible the present Gladys Huston read tWo apologize for their hasty with,. PraYer by Gertrude Own native people time, . articles which Effie had . decisiOn:. Because of this Mackay- become laWyers, doctors, Tana feels ,the church taken from - the daily .' attitude, this particular 4- The minutes of the Arne and' teachers equal with his been a great help in paper regarding • a 4-H H Group could not par- meeting were read by ary (Donnie). MacDonald. Two cards were signed by fhe members for Mrs. Clark' Campbell and Annie MacKinton Thee topic from the Study Book on, "Native People What Rights?" was explained by Effie -- Sutherland -.taking the part of the Reverend Kenneth Stright of Rossbura, Manitoba, who is 'a minister of the Presbyterian Church. In the interview he talks with Robert Tana, taken. by Hazel MaePonald, Tana .carries' a number of respon8ibilities 'Rome and School Co-ordinator with the 12 ossburn Schools, 'Band Counsellor and the Presbyterian Churph's representative to the "Task Force on IndianWorks". When Tana was asked what 1.16 felt were ' his rights as a Canadian, as an Indian, he replied: "I think we have many rights ... away back my ancestors were thenative people of Canada and were 'thee first people in North America for many years. Our people lived without any interference.- We had our hunting, fishing, and our own way 'of life, from' day to day in a peaceful way, but when the people came from overseas they thought we were savages becanse sometimes we had to fight to defend ourselves. Soon when the ' govern- ment was formed in Canada, we were put on reserves where we were looked after. The government gave us treaties and rights which were pretty good and were guaranteed to us. There was free education; free medical care and no taxes (pretty fair deal, eh?) but we lost our Indian culture.. We could not practice some of our ceremonies any More; they even took our drums away. This world is changing fast, the governments are looking at things differently. There is a real concern of the native people of. The W.M.S.- of Knox, trying to take these rights presbyterien ,,Church in away from us, including Ripley met at the home of the reserves." Mrs. Hazel. MacDonald Tana.feels it is very on Tuesday._ afternitoni,mpnrtantAat as leggert with 21 members , to-day , theY encourage the students. -7crues-t-taninctr*----their-ehildrewaving-With----all feels the need for Rossburn, anyway, is teachers and parents to, helping the people, the get more involved with children and the parents each other; to get to know, to have some guidance each other and be able to. for abetter way of living. invited through an ex- Program, for a year Init" ' change'program to meet any other 4-H group Could with an Indian 4-H group., , participate, • Many of the White. A reading by Minerva Parents were against --Stewart was' enjoyed .by was filling in for Pearl MacDonald who was. .unable to be present and a social time spent. How long can a moustache grow? The answer is 102 inches, as a Brahmin /ndian named 1Vlasuriya Din, born in 1908, proved in measurements Made between 1949 and 1982. The upkeep cost him $30 per year. -from the Guinness Book of Astounding Feats and Events. The First Ministers of Canada and their representatives have been discussing changes to the Canadian Constitution. These proposed changes are important-to you, as a Canadian, and to the future of Canada If you would like to know more, please fill out the coupon below and send it to: Publications Canada Box 1986, Postal Station B Ottawa, Canada KIP 6G6