HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-17, Page 25If you are going to drain in the next two months you owe
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roth ollronnage
R. Ft.,1, Ripley o Ontario
General Exhibits. Complex open 8-10 p.m.
Lions BEEF ON A BUN Booth
Laetgow Sentinel, Wednermisyl SePtember 179 1[980—age 25
fair pl
*from page 24 farm on the 19th CEPIQIIt With sawing and Jim Vogan, MarY Gordon Scbtt of Ripley, horae after holidaying
The regular booth. will concession east is One competitions being held and Welter Black. who has, been patient in with their cousins, Den
,be operated . ;by the . block north and one block' at SatOrdaY's • Kincardine and District and Anne McCosh and
Women's Institute here east of LUeltnoW fair, it would be Mrs . 411 z eh e th • hospital, was, taken te Gladys Arnold.
and it is planned to in- Bill is a veteran of both timely tO Mention .that.`.MacDonald of Ripley ' 'Owen Sound General and 'Mr. and Mrs t ,D011
crease its size, : World Wars, being a Bill, along, with • another marked her • 92nd bit- Marine - Hospital • "on McCosh, Ken: Reid and
Then such Matters as soldier each tittle .in the 'chap from New , Brun- thday last 'Sunday. Her Monday for pulmonarY- Mt. -and Mrs., Frank
'advertising; the lunch Canadian.Army. , swick, were the aharrt- niecedr-Noteen-and---Jean---treatment: - ' were Sunday
'`eorrrtnittee---at the Per-fryears, he was a pions in the Canadian. Ivlac,Donald,held a dinner Mrd.. Marjorie Curran guest with. Currie
Saturday night dance, a fore** an in the Ford Army froth 1914-18, At party last Sunday noon at and Wallace Thomson -of Colwell and Anne Of South
ring for the, new goat ' Factory in Detroit.- that tinie, they were their home on- Malcolm Peterborough returned Kinlass.
show, the perking, and following his return from cutting trees ,in France Street. 'Guests were. Mrs..s. •
the place for holding Jcihn 't France at the . end of the for,. props to hold up the Jim Farrell . and Mrs.
Farrell's sheep shearing , First .:or Great 'World dugouts in the trenches. Wilson Farrell of Kim!.
demonstration Were War, as it was' then This was , day after clay sardine and Mrs: Bill
,few of the things called. Then he worked id work. , — McCreath: of Ripley.
discussed. . ,the Amberley area. Mrs. Olive Vogan, of Don and. Anne McCosh,
Mrs. Nina Wyld asked There is a house one Ripley and formerly of who spend, the summer
for help in getting the block east of Amberley en the FoUrth Concession in months at their farm on
jumps for the saddle the north side of Highway Huron town ship concession 10 east in
horse show. , 86 for which Bill made all celebrated her 80th birth- Huron township, are
Master: of ceremonies, the cement bricks.used in, day last Thursday Sep- moving back to their
Alan McLean, received its conatuction. • * tember 11. Her 'family house across . the road
infOrmation for the Elf- . Before going to the surprised her on Wed- from the cenotaph and,
ternoon fair program. Nursing: , Herne nesday evening when Huron Township halt in
With Bill McCreath Lucknow, Bill lived at the they gathered at, her Ripley.
recovering ftom surgery Nursing? Hoine on. home for 'supPer . and • a Mary and Joe FlUdder .
in St. Joe's Hospital, Malcolm Street in Ripley pleas atit e v eo;i n g motored down to. London
London, Jack ,Campbell where he helped in the together. Present Were, on TueSday of last week
or Ainberley was named' work there and was, a Jean and John Vogan, and 'hack ,,to ; on
in charge of the parade: 'neighbour of this writer. Linda, and Ken , Stanley; Wedneaday Joe had an .
Entries Are planned for „ . Everyone,-ins , this-'area- -Len— Vogenr E • appointment 7 with 7 his-
the Lueinow fall fair this extends : best wishes to Vines, Joyce and Jim doctor in University
the log . sawing com-
petition and the Miss Mid
Wedtern Ontario 'Beatify
Yes; next Monday night
will ,be,the work bee the
Ripley Huron"Complek to
start a week of activities.
Saturday for the parade,. Bill on this happy oc- Black Shirley, Amanda, Hospital there.
*Goat Show
*Wrist Wrestling COMpetition
*Frog Jumping Contest
° *Cattle Show
Heifers Sold
On the last Friday
evening's supper news on
Wingham radio C.K.N.X.
and compiled in Toronto,
both Ripley drover Allan
Ceiling.,and,.reeVe Mike
Snobelen, farmer on the
fourth concession west
Huron township received
mention for a high priced
group of heifers sold last
week at the _Ontario
LiVekOck Yards in
Obituary •
A funeral 'service was
held on Monday af-
ternoon of this week for
Spence McFarlan in the
MacKenzie McCreath
Funeral Home in
Lucknow, followed by
interment 'in;Greenhill
Cemetery there.
He died last Friday in
the Wingham District
Hospital and was in his
70th year. A native a the
12th concession east of
Kinlough where he lived
on the family homestead
with his' late parents,
Spence moved into
Huronvilla in Ripley just
a. few years agd.-friere he
met his wife Fanny"
Turner and both resided
in Huronvilla until they
moved into their new
home in Lucknow.
Tomorrow, Thursday,
September 18, William
Steer, a resident in
Pinecrest Manor Nursing
Home in Lucknow,- will
mark his 93rd birthday.
Bill was born on Sep-
tember 18,1887 in Harrow
Weald, England - then a
farm land community
now.the northwest part of
the city 'of • London,
England. Here he worked
at farming until he was 10
years of age.. Then he
emigrated to Canada,
coming to Huron
Township, to the farm Of
the late Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Campbell in 1907.
4-H and, SADDLE HORSE SHOW - 10 a.m.
Parade at 1 p.m. -Hanover.Pipe Band
• -Seaforth District H/S Band
Lorne Henderson. -Minister of Agriculture
1/4;: for bowie will officially
. open Fair
-Allen McLean Master of Ceremenles,
' Poultry Show Huron Township Hall
Sheep shearing Demonstration