HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-9-12, Page 7Door rheumatism Moder your work 46WHILE working In • Wyuarry as • driller," writes Mr. John J. Hogan of South March, Ont., "I was seized with rheuma- tism in the left shoulder. 1 followed treatments for some time without relief. I had heard so much con- cerning Dr. William Pink Pills that I decided to give them a trial. They were certainly the medi- cine that I needed for it was not long before I was as well as ever. Now I take them every Spring as a tonic." This is one of hundreds of CONN in which these blood - enriching pills have proved effective in eradicating rheu- matism_ Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your dhug- giet's or any dealer in medi- cine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Wil- ilams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. S ss 501 PLR soil DrMMlliams PINK PILLS '.. .utas NOLO •.- IN a, COu»T»,.• Fresh Bread Baked Daily THE SIGNAL, County and District Calvin Roger.. one of the pe -iter. of 'HowleL, dh.l recently in hie eighty: find fest• \\'. 11• Ftenr. ut 7Stlgr,e, 1,144 M41111.1 of his 4'11•set sheep at the To. runt" kahlbitloiI anti 4.011 .several va lee+. :Utes Ager. widow of the tate Frank J. 4444u+ler. ,lust In 1'urul.•rry low n- ettle. o14 August 27414, i11 her fifty- eighlh year. She leaves a ,..411, Fr.1nk. and a daugleer, Basel. 1101 Ii o• T11 Ell - berry.. Nlr, and M,. Iterit:int Noll. 11u11e1!. announce to „en(44444went .f their .htighter, IA•r,,.'. IN,r..the:l. to 4ion,uu \. lticlranll+•i . ,-..0 of \Ir. and 4Ir+. '1•hotull. J. It,. 4,, •I,:"a.'I'u,•ker•olith. the marriage to ',lite Ida... the -.latter part ,.r S,•pletu1se The death et L,Iwani Fr:u,k herpirk. 4'.!.44',4 by 41.•%. It. Snell, of Stuff'. The• happy co1144,- afl,rctnle. left for u honeymoon trip to Buffalo 411141 To- ronto. laud 4.11 'their return !lel *4'111 leave for t1,' West. 10 'make their home :it KaulYlck. Spsl, hwalh of Mr'.. 4'. 1,N. N'heekr of Iwuk robbers undor- 1'!w deu1 IM.'llliedl)%- fu 1141 21%lli.tn• ago a gang ot's took to practice their profession here. •hip ou \\' lNrs.hly' .UIg14st Edna May S.mudr/'n. oat* of Cecil W. They were composed for the most \\'I:ewle•r. hl hl•r 4*,ir:,-.lith year. t4'- purt of non-native.; derived from reas/vl hod beet, in filling health for' Southern Europe but with Unlled.l r •44•ruI 1110111 114.. SLI. %vasa horn et 4!c1. 1 States training. Unfortunately fur 114•:444' laud lived hl that neighborhood them their first hold-up resulted In 1111 leer life. 1n Jul,. VIA, she Ota. I the slaying of a thank employe. Their follow - with art lo" 1,1' II Wheeler, mourn us left arrest true ed., Four of conviction speedily.. xuted on it ire thew oldldrel, 1 the gallows. • N ifs and holm: a,"•her. - I Since that time, except for an oe- I'roposed Brantford-hineardioe High- wa)' cantonal sporadic outbreak, usually .\ deputation %%hi.'h moulted upon the1 staged by amateurs, bank robberies 7th and hold-ups hay.- been few and far 10001 GODERICH, ONT. Thurwiry. September 12. 11)20 —7 CRIME IN QUEBEC 3♦nt Itlll. utile KMewlr Because of swift and hurt* I'riudl)— No Killing In 4U2N. The Pruvtnco 01 Quebec has a Clanging law and believes In enforc- ing It. A5 a consequence gang rule. such as is common in Chicago and some other United Ste to cities, has never obtained a real -hold 'here, writes a Montreal oorresponde:K of 1 the New York World. Some six years "r le:borne. ....area .1, mous tirh. its Minister of 11igheay- ou-.4*lgu4.5 wren. in 1924, ti.' year of the his sixty-fifth :.- r. 1h-. 'a.,•.l lur,1 :,.kwl taut-eilon• of roads covering I Hochl•laga Bank . holdup, ten were Nrn s rrse:eut of the uelghl.,rbood .e{11G(,r.tl4e miles le. take.: ov,r by owl sentenced to death. Since then the -ince hi. -ea:4 1rar.. 11,• is .urvNvrl Department t.. forma 4'rov111clu1 4,Igh number has never "seeded thew is l,y lit, wife. cue Ana. .1....4.1.1a. a1 home, 'Way from ,Neutfl.rd to ,:Imlra, Li.to- - any ono year. Aa a rule. professional land our due:111'.•1'. 111'• 11. I.. 'Bruen.' Icl•I, \\'iugha u, and K4, :1 n14ur, cue ue•ting at the hiat•uatuo•I place with thugs glue Quebec a wide berth. That f Tenmte. S Is not only because it Is reasonably The Ihlbylro doe. Stnul.•y, lust tow .the Blue Water IIiChN11y. Hula• G. ceratin that eomwlsslon of capital ' of Its meed 441141 14'1 residents In the.11eun' Cave the deputation Online ell - crimes will be followed by detection, ,1011111 1111 .\111:11,1 Yl,t of J. F:rnUL'4.o4rageuent. 'speedy trials and the indiction of the Had lore in Hewlett lhr•r'tr.wl. 4411.. ea. sixty•fi'1• year, of are. war: the .1.1.,.' .1111 of 111E 1111" msec F:rent: aur% •p•ut 1.11 hi. life 011 tiw farm 4,, Staile' H. leaves 14 sister. Mr. IG,Iwrt \I'a'limiuy. and a brutler. henry Errsn. Miss }:colli• Pennell. .laughter of 'Mr. and Br'1110'. Beuco•tt. F'ordltl.-11. died Selee1I'' '1 11'1 of inflammation of taw brain. after an .1111,.-e of three Icewkr. Tb.• young hely ass in ler twent y-thlnl • ,r. For two year. 14le I tv1444141 ha . s No. 12. How irks and for the full twit:: term nils t4'. t`.4' .teff Slat, 'MI-. Marlen C. \\'ln.low .laugh• ter of Robert It. and the tete Niro.I I \\'Inalow, of Mitchell. aA. nulled 111 tmarriatt+' to Johnston IN I11tehltelti, of Wleghnul. •1.i, of. the 111'.'.4. Illrhlield 1 nue Mr. Ru.1ltl.ld. of \1,,•Iwll. Th.. .ere - y was performed by Her. V. Fytrll. .\It,rward4 a respltlwl w:l' Ijt•Id at 1111' homy of the, 1.1'614.'6 White! Mr.. 11. I.. ,.Irv, The hal'44 couple le on a holey 141,44-1 to luolu,le tilt. ste•Iu11 , ,rip ,in 1114' $$l. 1.1144•r.n•,' - I II1'r w,rldh:K 44Nek ppm. 111 the, he rt.,. !„rt of St. l'aul'. .Ulglir•au r:,nn•h. t\'i11411:4111. 4444 Saturday meolug. .\ug - u•1 al.4, of Franc,•s lirowu. daughter of Mr. anti lir,. James Brown. Kim .f:u•dine. and Holier' I 'er:.•k, sou of \Ir. and 11r.. Robert 14,•1',' k, Kinenr- din,'•, Iter. F. W. Seliali•,•r oat% inlet,. 51r. and Mr. F:ver►ck ::i' reside in \\' ingl:am. Zl'RICH \Ir, nod Nlr.. W. l,. Siebert, of %a rich, u1111ouuc,• IIN• 1'u• ugeu,e:,t of their y4.111101.1 d.iujht.'r, Le1L, Anna, to 4 t,r('uct• 111011maf, of 4i31:. s.m of \Ir. and Mr.. W. Il. Ilof'tu.o,, \If 7.',- rh'll. the nlarrir•rr 10 take place. 1111. ulout11. Tlir d4'at4, ,,.•erred a' 44etrolt on Septslul41•r 244,1 o1 ILerp::n, Well. a sice former well-known r'.141e11 of ''/.uu•i.l,. he having conducted a harmers a,, . furniture buauew herr for want' yea, 111• wife dIerl 111111111 1SISI.FY \\"IN' I:It IB,1NthtE11 ago. and for the Ixst 1 414. years be lasI lived at Detroit with members/ of Fn I A. Wood. of 1[owirk hlwnshtp• estrrmo penally, but also because Col. It. M. Blair, of \'auouver, who re received a gold medal and >Yl.lxsl iu'hls Gvully. 'Cwo /uu.. 4111,1 kale ,1•ugh hear F'41 14.11. lost hi. bunt and arty- crimes of lesser 41•111'1'1', such a1' rob- I,.1' survive. Thr nvum11l+ Nen• brought i berles of the partition41when armed, a gold trout the 4:uver11nwut of 15r411.11 hen' ;lar iutt.nurnt. iug ,tel, the greater taut of the Sen. I entailed by bolung trema of tm- , ,Ihlwbiu its uokuo%4lelgux•ut ut hl. ►vu's crop. 411»nu IhiIII pigs. nod uxrst p eek a lung "Inv". Mr•. Marr» 1'l-onment and W• application of the ,uh..,y ill tsulrlfshiug at ltf.ley' revrd of 111 iwple•u44,1 In u fire whleit p 1 Ilk all tkose 1 Geiger. of this village. 1•:1•" 1 xw+ly warted while threshing wa: in pn4 \ugta t . gums \ of lust week lash. Quebec Jco.es, s a and n triumph for Canada by w u14I1111 s 311M its tier seven!. •loth year. `throughout Canada. aro• appointedthe King'. Mize laud the [:rood .\g ' rho (Ire I 1•7•114' 1. ++urt•Ived by her husband, four f' Women Why Suffer Periodic Pain? Llazel up 'very gnlckly +111.1 ; Na.•• for r lit and consequently are not 4'u 1'n_ • ject to 114 popular e-hlm as express- gngae. Isssibki to Ret the separator 1.11 "uotlKh I od In periodically recurring eleotlons. -=�_. froth the fl41n41v to prevent it. drstnx-, They administer the law' as they And EXETER lion. troy vigilant .Kort .,n••41 nw,'r lwrhlg property to w Nell eualwrs were H•abitual criminals arm given a 111' W1111. hm :t•rf.r1.• .dndn•4 I t had sou• sled too ,I:nlghter-' J11.111 11. ., %Reich : 114oy-. of Preston. Ib•1:and and 51re. Blake Horner. of 4I.,'. too 'patio: • Samuel 111141 Nlrs. F:. McNlorehy, of W • 4'r It. —'- auto•. Sask. our s..u, Ret IG'y IN Ig , v bort lar. aunu11mr 4 Iharct•y, 114,• owner shrift. The number of convictions for Ile andi• pN4aor of til. p'ul'ed Ii,un•►4 nt had uo tl.ur:uses 11ud 1 R l this the elea44rnwlt of their daughter Pr,•eow of 11 w•h...l to North 'toy. of the segatrator, crlml•a and ser ons offences the n ... ..rit.. Marie. to .\11.111. P. lqI 11 John S,••'' \I•er1'i. 40"11 -,fp, died the policy nu \ll. Wood's prop•r r provinco, *wording to Quebec rein of Nlr. and Nits. .1. Rlc1rll. ,in \\'IuKlu, a ho-;•Ihtl .••l .1nL+•rt :'Isis Wired to .hurt tier before. 11. tier 4'f- year Book, an oQlcial publication, is I.n,lof the marriage to take 1. au is pal•• tit Th e ..._-inn Ilion r hr . t the r ark ort, 1.. extinguish Nm 41 N f Ph after 1, l r e( i;hit••:. %W illi bks ,'.•:1'6 he aa, t 4t.••n with' (oewil III WW1( 011 the n».f with tri unl-• u population. 400 p D •IIIIN T. i Sr rt I t the later Int 1 1 j compares attack f' i vmlKh• evil u t 1 1' f t4 4 in ey 0 18 t un art . 248 o t o to silt a tui Iv lt 1% e 1 Che' fl• 192 Tit...heath .,f NliI, Itaul,.•11l � r the o r11oh11uC 1111' Knottily' 1x 1 ManitoDa, 188 In u kat wl.h•t4 ..f the hie .toile It1411.9d. twenty- and 24' British Co au dl»•h,1'' r'.' 4,111!r.11. 11.'1•:IVr1 W111.'h he ,4i'+tuulw u 4 Iron- In Alberta, tn, l•.hlrne townrhlp. ou .\u11ust G'tnl. war sixty •+'•••n yelp of aC.. IIJ- "iglu fw•t. IIB .11.411111"1 11" apt' tumble. Prince Edward Island and •14..,'. T I o 1 have wife diel "1„ year. two. btu he is .lar- Injury. by a '•ro•!„•r 141111 -1•%a•r4Il .i•:•• tn, Mon•l,c..,Y la.4 w,rk • 11 11••.•111.4,1 the Northwest err toliea n y ,vons.•d Na. fu her .e,euty fifti4 Y. better records. and these are due IGrrn its -:uu,Io' sh” emu.. to .. ('I1 'T IN mainly to the .patslty of population. I4on. i its infEngland. til. family t .1 %Ili.It n.i_., :..%.• I.r•u fiery .erects, ---- The percentage of couvlc lona to lu, 1,?r% ugtou. Porn -the,.• year, ... urrx•l li F:Ilraal»•til Ct.liva•. Mr. WW1 Mr:. l:,•'rn 11. WT. __ill Prosecutions In Qu,•bee 14' 911 per cent. .11 • 44.1+ Married to Mr: 1:l.- '- Iwghu•r I.•, ,h 4:elin:e the .turn- :u4uoltl,c. the ttlK:ig/•us•u1 "f a while for the whulN of t'an•da It la nit..,li.a hcelyy;thrlr• year- eco .\ k,•..1 Eleanort I'1' 4'r 78 cent 4f 17.219 con - Id Early Saturday uaornh... AngThel 0, :Slat. the 11„110' ell the f:u-u1 Of I.eou at Blake. 11'31, nearly 1n the... 411t. of thin clothe- the n!r- •r r.1'r than 1 IN tt Jeffrey. o Ran 1. . n u •n4 la uu the Nu•,•I 1 •f fin. I lq•1' 1 { 11 •st 1 1 \ rd, ell its ..alt.•ut rots ahi,'h -carted from a ..Nil oil stets. til" eau Elizabeth IKy.I News. '1'11" %nrl,11 fire rngico• 4yas,,-11,n,.-tell NILSNE will relieve perlodto pain, headaches, backaches, weakness, nausea, sleeplessness, irrttablllly, and many other ailments from whirl few women are entirely free. A won- derful reounstroctive Nerve Tonto. NILENE oan be obtained in oltD,er liquid or tablet form at 81..00 per bottle or boa. NILSNE LAIO*AT ORIEL LIWITED 126 W.Ilingtse ft Wast TORONTO r, ONT., CANADA —Sold by— CAMI'BEI.I.'S DRUG STOKE H. C. DUNLOP (The Kenall Drug Store) 11. DKRlIM:►NN llialfleldl Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas k 2 by 4 egg) 1 can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service x041 r•a5)elahlt' prices. L. FLICK Trl.phone 178j l:odrrich m ilei mils•„ it srrlv.rt .al 1111. 14,•4'144' 111," 1'1 a much r".I»s•tel lady. I�" fin• 1 •I,I made -11.11 Iw:,dwac 11011 little 'til could be done. Fortunately the wind iuC'w: s in :4 favorable dtrectloti .or the I ngo bard wsad,1 pr.dxlblyurav1 1% •g'' a I1br ora. Thr L.'., a1thal): 1' ft"r iu•nr nt... is a• _ wriollr• "n. Sly. Ilpinlonee out. - That's what you get when ordering your bread It contains the from us. purest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf to -day and taste the difference E. U. CLEVELAND I'lloni• 114 \y ••-t st keeper at !•' -�Nll v+ (:stele• *as yonugl ••t long Ile•%'. aDOu D hie • "nth she ri•sid"1 in Exeter to...did t. i„ true, of 11w .fur•• AN,uu. to 9'ho'Il• 11111, Allyn. -"u "f vletlons In the last ysar covered by h•4' e one -.01. 4 '44.. o11 the li. . ,.i 1' , .• r• nal.. or e , of til tuna .\II 726 oma report, 7 'r 791 r Nit,. F \r. he .1 d I t D - u^ht.•r . \ u co 41.4 •xi .Ir. 41 t4 which w : ,,. eel 4 h len • a ,•.a1' •hi• r Durr. did IAA.- 1'r lon•i n lad , •1 v were K -.'fuR , s %tn. leu ke•1 down rotate, the m,arriag, t I t 1. 1 45 per cent., 14.,4n :uoi \Ir It. Squire. ,nd Ir, a1»4ut Ih4 ,head Idyl month. Montreal, the metropolitan Elly. II , an r:. 4'. t. i• morin Miss Whittle M'•Matb 11.4, re•a, -,I has a population. 111. 1114111g. the eu- 0 It \\','6.•rt.n1, hating Islr,hawvl the •hot• {fled at the, I a %sip: to .\laska Nhil..441 mer. 11 4:0 ocean port and hav • large floating tea tome. Mr.. T. .1 , 1.-'4, left last week to population. It b, of course, subject kr her hunts in Toronto. wiser- a to the Quebec liquor taws. and wines 1',4'6011 1 41 i111.I"n l.IrhlKst'.h, 441144. 4 - • .•u111Pr 211.1, niter! Id - .1 :ht.•r. - F:14r4I1.r1,1. Isr•xlts• the loidl• "1 • • \\'....4;••, Poet:vitt. of \\'Ionil•- .4..I' -'•,u officiated. auk 11e dint never .'h:ui_,.I ,I„ ,•f hi ,•p n11 11ir r 1 I . I . ,•..•n t r 'r I tut r e g I lake.: :ma he who Daub to 1111.1 11111 14111' mi. ,h ,u loul- til•+I 'elf will not be rhari4:,.•,• "n„agt I” 1' ill rv•m.• what he re of u.•1'. 1 1+1'. 1Chi.•1„vl!• le after spending taw• ."lulu 01' virone• of upwards of 1.21)0.00 • 4.1' l'nrk. M.•118111 1••••': Is a cosmopolitan eummunity, an 1:11 I•radire of lar. W. It. 1141114.1a NEURALGIA? Neuritis ? Rheumatism ? TA wady \1,1 ermfuld erg. r. S quickly Chiaaf'•r., ` ran •field, Ont., vouches for tb ,n, S' a got relied him- self tfrem T notonly b but says: m)• swife was near!; crazy with Neu - mhos I gale her a 1 se of T -R -C's and she got relief in 20 nunutea." are equally good1 'r ,Neurit4s, Rheu- autism, Lumbago. Sciatica. 60c. and 91.00 at your drurR,st's• tae ��rd TICS CAPSULLS GODERICH INN GARAGE +FICIAl. -1 1:V1CI ST%Tit►N F(►K Durant, Hudson sod Essex, General Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service „'Nil invite . Electrical icaPens for All they .f1 Autos in Stock Automobile Supply, E14setrteal To anyone who can brings Car we can't rep= . HARRY BRADLEY PHONE 247 HAMILTON ST Read 11111 •e — '.,l, stet thaw daughters y4'.o1'. and beers are obtau,ah,r 1n all pts c I4.Sratiou 1hay was ol.wr'lrl . and places of refreshment, while hard 11- .\u +llllwrtaid 4r:11racti,.,, in \\n1:• Foilnwillg are the dates o ! on S4u1 111)- 4'st, the ' 41dk41uw-. "41'1 quos can be bought by anyone. h:uu pro, ••rty has I.v•n uu41,.n1 -4 d, 1. These eondlt1ons. I!! Is said, attract 11,,113.:, facing .1i•i.ne1 of W• s' .r,• -4,1441 rai,.sd fairs t” Ile li :4 i1: 11ur•-, tet• 41.I,.'ru„•n 11111 18.1111114 ':1.. the i11 4.'• •enft till, 4eIT: h•ry, alien. 414, n11.1n w was Kh.•11 b>• desirable as well as u;al,y undesirable I,rol.•ny. to \...1. \\'ilatt a' t' tl_urr f Rex. Sydney l,uviwro. 4.1 \\'iughrun elements from abroad for permanent-ll.,,nnd sumo,. Mr. ilati"a takh 111' SepT, 1 1)I- t:rnul Ben or temporary residence There 1e, In \\':1161•,'. .ton• at :I valuation. 1'1 Ile pt. 410th--Ca1horne taw -- t I t f petty f the I.•st 5,dsh Sept. 17th, 'Ashfield towndlip. N IN4i11.tN1 • SCHOOL FAIR DATES RUTH eonsequence. • a r amour u tlar;n;l store is our o crime and misden:'auurs to keep the ,,,.- 1i1.,,la,rth•. 111 til, toy u. 'Ube lent \Ir Anil Mr-. Peter 4xrdluer. 1,f [1111- police and the ma-ut, ates busy, but becomes effective 1• .tu January 1,. tl"N'. ut IticUl. 14sre flapital erimes, wr!r a4' homlddea. 11 1N wudrr..0Ud that Mr. Ile In - 'tel. ("rifler r•sldrilt tenor 1" 1 uroceil to letiod ,n. where Mr. Gardiner 1 beak robbertw..hold tips and the fuse. . ,will engage its rhe real "rtvte business are comparatively rare When they •19w 'tl I..s.•pb )tlothen , N"Ip w` partner -in- coeur 11 is n•ually found that the Der- 11.•,,."it•ut Me LI- '- aro criminals who have 1 ..1'l 44441)4' recently intend" petraton its Ila,v Sloth shortly nod will for a been drl'•m from their :,aunt, across time make Ili, home wit . u, • III i Ing n•m• Nies. SI -Nell. at Sarnia. Ile will 14• -'--ally Ju,tl, b Relit much nli-•.1'l its Myth. In a'pprt'h•:,aing them and sure and Nlr. 11n.1 ,\tr•. John (look•+ have certain In ''7 punishment, 'rhere has moved to I.,, 41"' when* N1r. Carni++ not ben a k:ling of the fir -4 rank her a Iso -Ile-:' nor a real ram* of In the drrobly•ry or olnr •fhb Bev. .\. Shore. the .\nglican re -tor. hold-up repo p ens wixr,l 4'i111 44 heart attack •one• year. d..y" ago. bot f, now improving. Frank M.tcalf, who 44' l fruit In- JOHN et'RNS' WIT. ..peetor for the Federal Government. the Thames 1, (la•e•tewt Saskatoon for eighteen yearn. le Why t imam 1 his 1 t •titer the line and who bear t„r. Ign-soup In St. d 11,41. ,414 the "Buy -at -Home” Directory on Page 2 ROBERT WILSON - — FOR-- --� the famous Fleury Plows, De Laval Cream Separators, Frost Fencing and Gates Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Muir's Windmills and Cement Mixers. Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines. 1;01l. rich, Ontario Ilatnilton :greet a 4116 y 45.14 4R, t t0,r0ml no N1*(%ARA es, -weitewd• ,p111.4 ir4 .s SI/ 1---A K��' • •u T.,r „ e,. .,..4'.r ♦40 8 TANGLE Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Erie on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada VVLaklmiae LAB Lone Steamers re train Of moo. m,tn,4mt AM4en � P lintel'.mei h known.. forted. atuetonms, excellent dining room Benne In,1 uwrtenm Attendants. Music And Dancing on the It rest shin "44 r ANDUR" Amman, gave a dnp__GAD _lsedLlne� sisay. Avo,dPt et n and m,l rveled � �. B.ral. >� Qetehlad Stanley, "Marvelled Tach wq, eery nixhq 1"'intt a 900 )si14Tits ,c4', �1ttnRtnrl5fila", 0. p m enema 7 40 s. m . t . S 7.) D. f4'' one 30411 ro September -411.. m., IIIsrlumNovemberlyth. nye,,K,u„teeethvwt Coneertlesa at Cleveland for Coder Pdet, Pat -la -flay. Detroit. pnl 84.50 one way - DOTALO to CLEVELAND - 4s 50 rd.,rip New 7est'J Auto. Carried 96.50 end up_ It 00 rd. trip Fern gs.00 Mee ny- Autoo§ STANLEY end up a• Year for /roue e. (68 Trionrk Tee TI?R Ct!V!LAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT (Ohre York Port Stanley, Claude II {llnummlT1111111111111TTII11T111111111111111�Ih+"�%�; H �llyllllllli>r *���" • at , :1. 1 1111 the N'ur1d. I. -•u ,•'url.•11"1 he ill -health for resign the position. He bus return.rl to 111. Monte here and 44 eamien birthday recalls to memory a .tory that used to be current about hint _ when he sal in Parliament as labor M.P. for Batters•'a. A Canadian and a citizen of til•• Watch the Health of Your Little United States 1'x41 been shown oyer St. Stephen's by Julie Burns, wh•' Ones at All Times was entertalnici them to tea and talk On the, errare. "What do you call No mother Ill 11 e8 111011 that her child this?" asked :h' �anthumbatltDe ,% ill r•1•a1N' 1411 ills to which hallyh.ed with a contemptuous lend childhood are -llhj..•t. but she ran Than)... '1111 much t., lesou the severity of "Only the gr' alert these tmul444'. The mother .11,411 1.1 he world," said Herne: constantly on her gtlsrd to, Irretent "You can that ayriv 1'4,' a cla i m ever 4 ,hildhl»x1 ailments. or.kt they vowon piean$duan .nddeuly, as they Ur:Willy do. to ha'" the St. iaw chitin .1 In the Yankee, Ile 'Deihl. at hand to relieve thein. are y.. ever heard of the Missile- ; TI,uusands of mother: have found ha r you Baby'. Own Tablets the ideal .1.1.1'1.. y slept?" fol the little 411w.--thon'ntels of moth- ' I've seen 'horn Lawrence xl Burns' et. Away. keep the Tablet- 111 1l' *tower. "Tho ere ,11011.s. ns It safe44nnrd 114411411.4 the '11,1- water; the Mtliet'al-Dpi Is mil Rebut • ',len illness of 115144 little Mies. - stretch►ng Baby'.' own Table's area mil.! but "this Is liquid ht.tory." thor"ngh laxative. They rglalatl' 111, Liven Among Ducks. bowel,: sive the •4•411111011 fled flog- nton has chant.* of banish chi' tlp..ti111 and lattice-t4"n Mr. Thomas H break tip coli. mud simple (et.•r :44, 1 ail til•• water real In Sl. James' and i mak" the ,•ntting of teeth cosy. The Hyde' Parks, l 4•dou, England. and ,Tablets are absolutely gnaranteteI (re" he laves anion: Ids on Duck 1 Irma 411jnrio11.. drug. and may 1N• gi.te" Island In St. James' Park. lin has a .111. pwrreot safes. They 11 1••• s••4.: In charming l4tr!.,-"tag.- only a 511 1111...11 ' :' throw 1ronl toe Foreign (ime.', •nd mell,•11w dealers or by moll a' =�thwa leadtng from int. '•••pt for p' f River The fact of Mr. John Burne ha%dig hat lmlrrovel. recentlycel••brat.d his seventieth A WARNING TO MOTHERS river In the I,ox from The 1)r. Williams \I •1i co., ltr.it`kcillo. Gut. 1 lint' S•Wsl,s 1Ir, and NI Es. 4'. 4'. Itaur.I '. i, ," re - more., to tinrril•. whore the I4 :or 11'1' decided to pral•t 4.4'. 1111• 14.:4 .,, l '' Ina ,rntrtl for the three v11lmar . tt ...Neter. i F'.rlwi -I1 and Corrie. ntic 4Ir, and Nur'..•rn'g.' 11:1111' elehraterd tl.elr golden w•")1111,:' .111141,"' 1',)leer"41 pa"'"I '1 •' :U 4'41 September 14! after a brief ilh+e,s. 1104441 441 4411- f,4rtnerly -n w,•Il known resident of 4 rntdrrxlk. Int ha,1 1'`.14'4.1 it. Brits -ails 11* lied seven ...•-1r". 11e nil. In 1,1" se4Pnt y •.tuft, y""' SO%4'1 IitI Noll. 111111 danghler, rnr(lic het 11 K 200+ at more than 1.000 The death ,4f George Edam -de. a1lt.di taking the flu' nor-nrr"1 nn .\114411~( 2541,. removed nn sitting hens. old ,nu; respected tPrleh•Iu ..1 dhtaw•H. 1lellne (road at Mint le,. -„:."1 Na• horn In \Inrkhaut town ship In the 4+'Ar 18.11' nlnl 'atm• "ill' Scoot of ('a ,4da'R gn(A bullion b 1114 parent-, to this pert of the ••otnitry sow refined In the Mint at Ottawa. In 1.1,. early 4,'8Ps. over'('rty mar. — ago 11.• m"4"1 to tlnlewds. *her* h. - • ,ta. e":I40l in the pinning mill hn•l Jura Another c,•-. for sone time enol Afterward+ \I..\ndrie, 41,„1'11)' The win,l 11:,s; olrrat.rl a well-dr111ing nwchlne. 111` (linage&. is survive, by Ma wife. four 41snghters (',4fl'aleueent anti two stet.. the Aon, nen. toeing the halo ,4f ii .i ,4n1y cue` of hie Children !now living Nl,.\n'IMN lc ken the do»•tor cal,! 'I here. lye reeled 11 ,-I,,,,” of,alr. (x. flu• roadN•;,y u b 5urrnundea by wajer. • a Its nam.` from the Ruck 141nnd fact that til' i. i.... In the park,. which delight 444011. .11 of v4AI'ore, build th.lr. nests , !i,” 54-444414(4 Island to the middle '!f II „sell (known to most N1 r. HInt,111 i• 01 til. 111,•44, '{„•ticanA, herons and cralten that 4n” In St. Jamen' Park and Hyd" rIo k and they look for him 1'v"1'l ,4' for their (nod. 111. illntpn knows u,nvt bt them by name. A Gigantic Incubator. A giant tileet!'lral incubator to axe on an (►ntirt„ farm 15 capable of r l n n, ,'hlckens ala tams, \\'Ifs.—Well. two. r in..re froth tow 11. .w-tl eellnl•P hard tical Ow , ruler'. 1 inose f01• of f:.,' ,i for4w•rI' . 141111'• 1'nttrrl ' hnn'h, \Ifirrr Saturday afternoon. 41! 4:41.1 Sept. 1sth—lit. Helene Sept. 111th—Wroxeter, vt.',4W'k toanstt:l' e.,2 Sept. 24th-l4•Igr54P. • Sept. 25th—Gnderich townr•idl'. Sept _7111--ltlyth. • 4 . 4'lirltnn rural. ('alt, 11 town. .11 an TOOTHACHE Bathe face with Minard's. Fal cavities with cotton soaked in Minard's. Sure and -quick relief. 71 TheGreat White Liniment MINARD•S "KING OF PAIN" LINimEN 1011 The Only Batleryless It:uIio wills Guaranteed A/C Tubes TUE ROGER. / h�AkgiommAkA.AkA\A.���411.Alk,A.A.AALA. .,A.ALA4 THIS is the latest type of the world's first successful A C tube—the Rogers. It is also a certain means of identifyinf every genuint' Rogers-Batteryless Radio, as this "cathode -type - tube is found only in the Rogers and is mads: and controlled in Canada exclusively by Rogers. , Thousands upon thousands of these tubes iia\ e been in active daily use throughout Canada for years and many of the original tubes—nos in use for the fourth successive year—arc practically as good as new! The A C tube is the heart of any electric set and 'the Rogers tube is the /only A C tubs' in Canada that has pros en its ability to gist: maximum service for years. The Rogers A, C tube is unconditionally u.r''- anteed to give satisfactory performance and it i, the only tube .so guaranteed. The phenomenal success of the Rogers lattcrylcss R adio is based largely on the quality, power and durability of the famous Rogers A C tube. You take no chance of heavy tube expense with a Rogers Radis. Let 1114 lleaaamasI r:al a the 19311 NIaadels ! Anis t1e of the new R -tube Rogers Models% ill bring to your borne what every radio buyer seeks—GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE. Radical new developments arc embodied in these models, yet they cost no more than other electric SRs—without Rogers five-year- old record of reliability and efficiency. Ask us to demonstrate theft judge for yourself. duel TYPE 30 RLCLIVInG SET5 MING Po(ilrvdyNl Adpis8roi, Illi M chit label rt ee-�ni,ivcd �Ro9err'1t R idis Iwr, 111 04-014? Ab.A.. 4 I 1,11,0.,-,• "4 r, 1 O. JOHANN, Dealer H. O. STURDY and L. ZINN, Salesmen West Side of Square Lon .•aopN., 1- Goderich, Ont.