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the past.including Nancy Corti!' and ,*alerie.
Morningstar....• • •• • •
Mr, Webster thinks the pageant is' a
wonderful experience for a young girl. It is
-flan-opportunity.. to meet -people and many
send letters ...thanking hiin for tbe.---
worthwhile experience' and the apPortunity
to participate. • •• •
This year'S pageant says Mr. Webster
promises to be one of the largest and he Says'
the fact that the winner will not have tfie
chance to go on to the Miss Dominion
contest has .not marred the Lticknow
pageant. When the Miss. Dominion pageant
'was cancelled the Lucknow. Agricultural
Society immediately moved to acquire the
rights to the. Miss Mid-western Ontario
Pageant -and the society now holds the
Mr. Webster has spent many hours
travelling to towns and communities in the
counties the pageant represents, to ask he
girls who hold, titles if they will take part. It
takes more work than many people realize
and whilehe will help his successor in every
• way he can, Mr. Webster feels it is time he
stepped down.
He is quick to point out that he has
received co-operation from everyone in-
volVed in the pageant and mentions Dr. Mel
•Corrin who drives the car for Miss. Dominion
of Canada , in the fair .plrade and Mts.
HatOld Austin who has• decorated her cat.
He has remained involved with the
Agricultural Society as an associate member
in past years,beeause he feels their role in
our. community is-OOPortant, . , •
,So many communities have let little things'
like' their' fairs go . down, "lie -Says.:-
"It's the little• things -like fall fair that'
keeps 'a communitY together," he. observes, .
He stresses the importance of farmers to
our business community and to the fabric of "
our community •life. Farmers are far from
country hicks, he says. You have to be-a real
buSiness man to manage and operate a farm
these days: His respect, for farmers goes
back a long way, to the years he operated
businesses in Lucknow and it is one of tke
. reasons he became involved with the
Agricultural Society,
'Be is proud of the fall fair and wishes the
society continued success as, the Lucknow
fair continues to grow and maintains', its
position as one of the biggest in the area.
Called the "fair weather lair" beeause it •
seldom rains on Lucknow fair day,' Mr.
Webster points out the fair hasn't had rain
since the Miss Mid-western Ontario pageant
began.' Perhaps the pageant, as well as
being one of the feature attractions of the
fair, has also brought their good' weather.
Charles Webster, who was instrumental In bringing the MINI Midwestern Oitario pageant to
the Lucknow Fall Fair, is retiring this year after 15 years as pageant co.ordinator. Shown
with this:, year's Miss Lueknow Fall Fair, Lois Hanna, .Charles 'says he believes the pageant is
an opportunity for the girls to gain, experience and meet people. He is Proud of his
association with the pageant and the Lucknow Agricultural Society which 'has the pageant
franchise. [Sentinel Staff Photo]
Fair days promise fun
at 10 p.m. Music fin :4_1 will be z4,4440,44uKtUttnighteddi484414.*4''''"13Mrderrrihrroirtitiry at s
Fair days in Lucknow, September 19 and
20, will feature fun for all. The Agricultural
Society has a full lineup of activities
including exhibiK---contests, a parade,
rodeo, - a -Magic show, variety shows and -
entertainment climaxing with the crowning
of Miss Midwestern Ontario by last year's
queen, Vicky Bryce of Paisley.
The fair will be held at Caledonian Park
with exhibits and contests in the Lucknow
arena. The variety concert, magic show and
dance will be held at the Lucknow District
Community Centre. Miss Midwestern:Ont-
' ario•will be crowned at 10.00 p.m. Saturday
night at the community centre.
Harry J. Boyle, broadcaster and writer,
originally from the St. Augustine area, was
to be in attendance but he will be unable to
come due to commitments.
The fair grounds and exhibit hall will open
for pla g of exhibits from 9 a.m. to 12
noon, F ay and, judging will take place
Friday fro 1 - 6 p.m. The exhibits mill be
open to p blic viewing from 8 - 10 p.m.
Friday evening.
Local entertainment and a log sawing
''contest will be featured through the evening.
Stand up arm wrestling, a new contest at the
fair, Will also be held Friday night. There
will be, three categories and Robert Snary of
Shakespeare will act as referee.
On Saturday, the groundS will open for
placing of livestock and poultry exhibits at 9
a.m. ,and the grounds and buildings will
• open to the public at 10 •a.m.
A light horse show begins at ,10.30 a.m.
and the poultry and pets will be judged. The
poultry will be shown in the rennovated barn
moved'last year.
A -highlight of the two day event will be
the .maminoth parade which gets underway
east of town at 1.00, p.m., Saturday.
Progressing down Campbell street to the fair
grounds, the parade will feature the
Lucknow School Concert Band, the Kincar-
dine Pipe Band, Miss Midwestern Ontario
and the beauty queen contestants.
Leonard Patterson, president of District
10, Agricultural Societies of Ontario, will
officially. open the fair at the grounds
following the parade. Murray Gaunt, MPP,
will act as master 'of ceremonies. The
Lucknow Band will entertain at the close of
the opening cereritony. . '
Livestock and 4-11 judging will begin at
1.45 p.m. and the, children can enjoy the
rides on McArthur Shows Midway.
The Kountry Kats will entertain at 2 p:m.
followed by a matinee performance of the 7 • magic show with Dick Dean ilia ician -at internioatcttes g the Community Centre at 2.30 p.m.
The baby contest will be held at 2.30 p.m. • • , • and the tug of war gets Underway at 3.30
p.m. There are four categories: elementary
schools, teenagers, men and the new cate-
gory for ladies. Murray Cardiff MP has
donated a trophy to' be p&sented to the
winning men's team. There will be 10
pullers to a team with a time limit enforced.
Climbing the pole and the wheelbarrow race
will be conducted following the tug of war '
The rodeo gets underway at 4 p.M. and
exhibits can be removed from the arena
beginning at 4.30 p.m.
A concert featuring the Miller Sisters and
magician Dicky Dean will begin at 8.30 p.m.
at, the Community Centre.
The highlight of the evening, the crowning
of Miss Midwestern Ontario, will take place •
tte series
with Ripley
After being eliminated from the
Western. Ontario finals, the tucknow
Legion Interntediates have resumed
group playoffs. They are currently tied
one game a piece in a best out of seven
series with Ripley. Ripley won the first
game September 10, 6 - 4 and the
hometown lads won the second game 4
- 3 in 11 innings on Sunday night. The
third game of the series is tonight in
Ripley at 8.30 p.m. and they will
return to Lucknow for the fourth game
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