HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-9-12, Page 5VICTOR
Micro Synchronous
Radio with
A Combination Victrola and 10 -tube
Hear a demonstration of its .uhrt tority
Combination Electric Victrola and Radio $375
Radio Console, l0 -tube Set - - $255
Campbell's Drug Store
1AR.Ep 2.0116,000 MILEROBITUARY I erased is sutw•i ed by .,x daughter,. :
Mh.-e. Gertrude *411(1 Feet llurtIeib, of
Becomes; taalutlubber - After Spesldbsg Cotlerlch: Mrr. s. F: F:iu+t, uI ellt•hrll: Sert•tlrs lis linos chaph brit Sale '
Forty -Three Yearn at Sea. MRS. S. a esett1'F:tt '\tree. J. H. (',.melon, : \l.anftrd: Mr..'
rhath will be In clurge of the Minister.
o '1,. A0 1. a u. mid lira. l;aptaln Arthur Mat ravers nKing,the ( News of lIn :••,Ih ..f cert, N, m H. }kir, of f e l Henry' Sermon subjects; 11 a.m, "Mose.• at
who bur reacted to a cottage on the ,Cooper„, of Cllbtua.,unlr ret.utly from Becker, ut V kerb.:. Tee Asters and + •.i,,8 t''"
\a here .he was three brother; ale, -unite: !4r._ Hew, Hortb;" 7 t.tu.Compere
ceast e, En,la1,, after xp.nQing tor- tsyjnWlw h ilf•n•I ynl.ballt •.h,w.t *41111 1,1 1 chews,. nr
ty-'beer years at yaw, told a news- Nosing with her •., _enter, clr.. 1'rn•}-'\L•hut.otlllo1.:uu: \Ir.. \\'.'cl. Xiehtoe lil,u'cluck•
Paper representative that he had sail- Latta. Her death o n,ld.•u and unite gnu. et hlut!uu : I,:n id iinrlten.. ut 1110 ctnulltrvar of _Ir:u�' will I
,•d more that, two million win's, In t unexpeete . \I, , er, whose , Ilupler, N.l).:.14h.. ,N :wd Jac..b start
many t}an•ra. Kli.e and sultans, fain- maiden name e • Margaret lt+lnm,, I loth, t of 1►a allwood There are five the ue mills tuessage In '.i,•terla easel
,ua cricketer.., ru,1 emineut turn of wvs txru in i•:I', ,n,-11.11 t1„ Perth:grau,b",u' aid ,14,.. srpuddaughter. chur.h next Sltuday.;+nett in the t•,.o,
all kind" hay.• .,..ped with Ca talo ,.r ty, alw,ut sl\', ! •,,r pear• ago.'Ie.:rite late Mir. life:, i. wit. a mem- lug .the sulkiest will 1.e 'The Great
King, land when . tits last v.yaee he .,Iden+ her 110411mu,I , eel -tee -twit ..(tinea iter of Ow E.ance!i .1: . hurch. The 4 .181pa11,L The Sun.1 ei eeht"d will
Brought the titin... ,•oluulssloe home, of (lineal, she 14'at.•-.„,.•.1,,,,ahler, Mr.: thenal took iota,• trete hie hone•,
meet at a pen. instead .,f ;u lIN• fore•. at
Sir John Simon, e+. behalf of the pas- •Ladd, wLu Is lit z i.. ,•:,lltorn la for ,East street, "u '1'1,•-,t1, afterneen to 11,101. C
seuKere, annrunr• d that they had all the benefit of he' i�• •;' I,. \I r. Cooper Is l llug`lll�'hrie ll•_ 111.', tl `.1 iu,char. nge auxiliarye- The yotnr Knox •• lets h .1Ing .4 1llll be he,te %VAL `! B L A C K S T 0 N E ' U
ubserlbed to yl, •, ut him with a heft for ,the me • „ee e.:ttelp ui"•1, ( I See grandfather clock 're.rlpt of the nee,- woos tcif..r death, "f the sei'k.•-. :all l u• ..i lIsarer5 111 the lobate mem ou 'fw-.In t•
"1 sailed for Ile. of ) males In sail- hili word has sin .. ., sandal that were J. Wetetier..t. 'I:,I1 •-.. 1•. Came- smiler 17th, at 3.40 pea NH-. I;.... Furniture Exchange
In ships, In the days before there ••-a t.?a.•e.l in a'1:•11• \l. 4►111er. 11. J. Iheeled and T. ch•I1.nald *ill be In ti'lfe .11(11 Mr..
Ing D Y the rrtualu,• hat" ,..r: „f the Pref.,-
was any kid -glut • seamanship," he ' vault In Canto]. ,,, 1 %till not he 1'1911111104M. }'ulford ,rill give n rel
bruugt,t blots at
by 1erial meeting.
said. ,'Those wet- the Spartan days• ''q
There wee salt perk one day and salt - JHHdnight 'Theft. Reported st•rclw`. ' ,It \,.tact Nr•I 1'ult.sl
horse' the next. One small loaf o[churelt next Sunday ire 6 'Ione: to a.m..
bread a week, and perhaps a little DISK Icld.l �'I;I,'ll.tltlth I Some ten, ,' ,u,_ \Iouduy ,tight mens "Hi': 111'4"" 1:111(1 and clay+ —
flour on Sunday's. The other bread 11.. death a, n: London 1111 two plate- ;n ,eta msec broken luta uertluq. 1Vhat d.es illy twister ex -
was 'hard'—like dor-btecult, only not Saturday, Spleen' '' , if of MNs. Ellen 'and g,aal. ,1r ..:41 ,-' ..len, • At they Int• lee frntu uw ns a rla.r, k ::wml.rrY
AO nourishing as dog -biscuit, because itichards, tktngles, :1.• late \Ir. 11141 erint 4111 temp 1 '. 8;irehou-e In the h: the .iu ' be •h'tIr-I, :.t In the
It had nu. horse-n,wh In It. In place \Ire. letvid 1(1ch. I 1 iiyteld. toeeast side "f ;h.• to'w'n tweuly•tive fou:- do'n'e ,tl.b b}' Rev. 1'. F Iun•;kP. !'the
.)! horse flesh we had weaves. 'Than ,(•russl was in f ,.\„
-eighth yoslr. gUb81 ,•,w- ,.i ulot"r .11 erre 'rep l,11'111.`";
.• warship at 11 a.m, al,.i 7 ': e. Sun -
we had three vett* ut water dally, ,she had resliiwl i if, :feel 011411 team* tui+sing.
The triter wade hl: el ,lap s h,"d at 'a pent, y
but two quarts went to the cook for Iter year's a1M• wt.. m,:ywl tut:,slP trance t.. able Lnildlu_ In' 1 *Lei._ "' l'bP nt•Kular tut'-'' ,•f the Arthur
el.t months she 1:1e hinge of the door. Baker Woe' (In le of Knox church will, be held lis
drinking and that lug rue quart for Irish. Fur the 1"
drinking *411(1 waahluK \ve were not Iliad lived at 1...1•:• .h1• was 111 for t;aral,'e•. Itayli.•I I re.,,l. tans acne ,1thar .the lecture saute au (11•'u•!ay. s,y.tenl-
over-washed. Every s:'' 4 day there fettle a few der' ll1 ! - In'r dw1114. The piece (1111....•.1. 11.•1• the n.!,t...- e„,,,, bet lath, a ti p.lu. mlr li \sire ,a til
was a bucket of fresh . ',-r for flys dale Mies Rlchanle ,-urvh•ei by one the top part ,1f a • ••wldtetteet n.l.line I.e 11 charge of tate, tat 'ern xlldes to
cadets to wash in."
stir. cern. J. E. L•, elf (:ulerbfit mat -tette :eel .ash r.;i.trr, bat oyer- 1"• 111 en on lu;lha and n eater will le -
Captain King described tour fear- land one brother. lticlgtr,1", of Io"kat a -until amount .'f .•:t -I, 11, th,• given Ly atter .\1rx. t3mi'' The coeur
some days trying to duds•• icebergs. ' filesekIle• (ilii. '1' n•m*41n- were, register ..•.-tion. Aimee... ;.u•t of ,1115 bens of the . Ieau duo -
and other
"We counted three hundred of them. 'brought to God.','••' ,::.1 the funeral Reaming mace rti-lto,l ::1.' a .nun "' ben 1,t the Mission
('i••r. tee int other
and one was nine miles tons and ;took Molt from i.lewr of de- mune}• u,k••n out of .1 r,•_{•• 'r - \Ir, ll ladies
three hundred feet high," he Bald• eresse1's sister, \I:.- 1segele, south jlerker i. of the reel'.•, mil :!,.' -•r
"Twenty years ago I, calculated that I.41reet, on Tutwdl� '',;- �I'1"l to ltuttaa It tl. ti of th11 :doling ,1111." I .s'ta'ler end I had sailed over 1,000,000 miles. and bund cemetery. }
then 1 had to give up the ea.culatlon. dueled the servk'•- . he ',.all -bearers anyone fi,,.IIiii it i..t-ked to .1)11111, ,,
In tate Raupura alone I Lay. done were Rite. Blair 11 l It -t, '. Jas. 'late wirb.hiu,. F:utnul.r to Ute 2:11
270.090 tulles, and altogether more ,Gilson and Ai15-'• Iiu,s. rear WtIS Ilethe ie llmib h_.tl The ii1 ..1,
than 600,000 In the last ten years. reax• .10 in the buntline.
•e ore „ "•,
My yearly average has been 60,000 miss F. it 10eiIIWF:L1.
miles, and 1 have been -thirty-1Is \l1 -'e Fnuteea 11 •: ••, '11y. '•l, the 1•'1,' bill ,.. da a 1o'u•rc.t.
Itutlua.•II, fir lista.• I..•a made,
years with the P. & O. During the 11e ,wtwt ,omits r.••',eut of rhe• I:oldthuri,P ;;neon•• at ItaytirLl
PHONE 90 GODERICH war I had .1* scraps wtth the enemy ( tato,., diel on c ,•..tn•,;ua -ah• lya• !,r"tion tato an l '..I„es•lny l,i_!,
whale runnlrigsttte malls to India, and.
was given the 40., and also a tetter at a hospital In Intern ,,'ug ,.11,1 radio, ca,+l, and other art,
and nickel -plate clgare,te caro from illus+•. \lis. Itrtl l !fru in the ,are ngortwl m15. 14
the Admiralty, suitably inscrlC••d." 4 „v"rnment oterti . 1 .1,•tey year. _ --- —
nud was -highly ,torn Jan -r.
Doings a
f,AN(UCf•'1:RtS PAST. nary let, Pelt. tit ' _ a daughter) tt" t the Waterfront
THE PARAMOUNT r F:dw',lyd ,and 1. 1: ',11w.•I,, ,.Call r1 , . I:eel„• 1•r••'1_i1g I ,1m,a11y
K — Explorer LettJournal'Outt Mea, -dart iRuthwsll 11x.1 Le•' Low• o[ *1*'.!r.--' ,. and optic,,:,• nInding ,ii.,
1'ost,fli.n• s,trluc 1... •n•inent . for ,..a• L"Is•1 r. \,), 1, tn..
1'.\I: 1 s.•pt. In \I r. :11"4 a Snartb, pears, Mail her re - she hat •atone, •.,o „„,1 ' ._ 1 .' I „•,1 n
ow: :ora ,
\Ira , nie.l•h are re,eudh,q +, Tucked away In a hon many trieu.h ht
Thursday, September 12. 1920.-i
If You Want
To Save Money
l3uv your
New or Used Furniture
, ,n,.,llc and 1",• ,-t 'I11111 1:1 '1.1,.
- Gaelo),, F:\Mbit,"1• century and a half, Il; fluite t. -1. -nee litrrar' ,•ir.-h•+. • her une on, ip eiu ,, ?
\I r' Id"••n, of Lw'know• of the not discover). of V11hC•meet hrntler. +V. E. 11' 4illIlham lr :::::,:.:1,, t•.lb,.,, •• 11
. ,,t „�.ttth her -friend clr•. Island, are the records of eeptaln scop sl -ter. \Its. I, . h. of nt •nor I ,
xi ..1:1,! - James Strang••'• explorations. Neta itir,ca, nn'I n u`•' 11- \\'hndfn• t „f '• -
41 - .I • is 't•'h11.aw 1+ yiattlet cities. have i i••aled, It to cit: '-,•-d, ' Ik't, h. al ,• of ut ,I, Mot t* ,•:I it !,este,
1.1r s• ''u•lo, at (:alt.-". that Strange and not ('aptalt, ' At 'was at en) owe 11 11„4111.111'11 .. I,:, . ,
\!r. 1 1'411104441 1s the gltest was the nrst '" arrive at this p.,'' of ,.1.1,4. tate; 1111(1 51 ' - • • wet jn+t 1'.• _ , •:•,!•!,
the Pacific c.,a-t t,1 which Vali . • cr
..f h.• • ,rmau li:tmiltn,, thi: a •year :,;;u, a'I'• ••ude.l the
M„. . ',afterwards gave his nam)-•
"funeral et her b, cur. 'r. •IL I', Int ,
11 , ';••bster,'whe 1s ,male After 1St) 4• ars arcttae": - •ds ,Rothwe11. Thr , -
ill►; 8' ! •.d ttw,14i..1.-Pint with have organised `a definite s. -at to .•(►Items '•u Align- s..' ermcut la- 1 ,.
her p locate .the tree h, which Str:u " '11f� It,44,l,. at its
\Ir ! rink Irwin. of ,_:,••le- posited the record et has visit. ANL, a
rid,. y with Mr. sad Sirs, one of the giant :Tees about Vat ' 'ITF'II \I.\ .\
1 ,.'! ;. 1 couver holds the prised hlsturic::i
\I: .1'1". .41e•1..
•.'i, "shed treasure, there is at present no Rifle, Uneh ,...room
w I Mr-. 1t. M 4Jidllin. cation.:Path .of Sister 'l
- 8trange's leurnal has ju.t a"me to Joseph'. tlrlilauac
\ • st.,nlec, ('11nolle light In India through the efforts of carr.', ter}• slid• • 11.' .1y hlk•1'0.1 1, .\ heats . u tt n tollius :.
Ila 1 k \I n IH•nnugh at- John Hosie, pcovincial librarian. at lug Men at tit. ]o roto God.- I t 1im,1• 1fie wn1e. Nolo w:1-bip,g- n,'
I. 1 del I I 'ouw' -
,t .1..11' h , . 1„ i, 1.1'111 1
I.\1111: 4.51 1'11• -„u,e 111,4'•. file• I'.-•1.
I !'y lbs \'•,'hero. I114..1cti,II 1'•'mpl.r,;
,i,b•, of St. ''•,„• r
,hhh ..t' 'ell• -nie:i lent+ ••r' 'T' '-.I:,t uta'
•vn•,•,: "u.i'1.•r;11•:(• •l:,n,ase at
1' et •11- '
- , t',• ,!•11,1
• curler
or it
the last dance of the
season at Jowett's Grove,
Bayfield, on
Friday, Sept. 13th
Music by Blur' Watt r
l aur last . hen. a t„ 1„-.r them
, 11.,. y.-.,'
t,1 1 •.1ihItl"1c Victoria, B.C. 11 relates that the rlcil. easter Adele. " 11g1 ,'t, the ler-. .1. Graham's fish 1''''
11. Laos. '0 1144fa.t• friend and disciple of Csp(aln Cgpk iia for the orphan in Goderu.a oud,w �� wMra the bow was ton,
, t ,,.,.alma
,t• -f 'Ir. and ?tr.. it. may tollowsa ylv to the Pacific ,.oast. t -h,. d4atr11t for ears •a)+: sin. ',Willi
nc::he.f lh,• aloud, .\ beat b•',
rtl,.li::. .•:- wtiL� While Strange, did not arrive until ,•-turned to •he e11nt1•'' after her •' o , ,.',clung. 1 t Chas. -'4 F:I?. ,l n. tl...
l c.rr' 11 e. \I r. and \t r•. O. •
some years after Cook had made has r,„rk en Fu•117, eye. •,:t• pee -ieina el the i.e,,,,,,.. I•uibe t,. 14.•.,,•. n,••••
1.4.11•: 'ter• 1'111 !Cst•-bah-,W 1. n ,n.n. first vo'yage•ot expleratien, it billow ,1. eel' 1. .r sv,tper.lrh,•11 sbe leas
I thought that 11 was Strange alto taken w !:o•lrt ,.111-' icing aim"5t
a14 r"n1"rn ,, 111',' N.,'. -i... 4
penetrated the s111ud, the tint white iau-rata' It•forr e1N• s rel: (iv°.
•man to look upon Vancouver's site.. life - s. \il4.si+a:,- mt..,mt..,EIEn"stilt of the 11;::,sortten.strange tes how he displayed the lent,.rkh.1e $h. snrctt,.l The -teenier 1'„•,11„1, :,I,1
Union Jack stud took polsestdun of can+. .1.,1,• l.ynu, "f this (Thur"dny 1 ••'•..i!,.,.., 0;1'
by Inv' . 1
eau. ,.f 2'_4+44) all) • 0 , ' tett It,
the inlet and xnuhd "honrring It with •otlu. :, -ix brother, 1 f"11r quit ed'ct qour pterin, .a. 1111-1 'l -,'I I' I:e11„1.11pP '!1'r,:gluq 1•'., ' Ti,„
the ('h I tl :400101."i I inline ,teen, 11 ua
Any one can make a budget.
Any •••ne can keep within the en, t -
'•f that budget- if he tifeen't
have unexpected expe•n-e-.
The: one advantage of trad,ne with
the Heat Folks. %'.0 can depend on
it 'hat the coal you buy fr•'m them
come within your eyte•.'ta-
.tions a+ to prise, but will Ko ,INay
beylend your expects:ions a• to,
burning and heating. qualities.
Keep your budget dawn by buying
Feta coal from the llcat Folk..
For Good Clean Coal
('.41.! THE
Phone 98 — Goderich
The Leading
Men's Store
Everything that s ne u' to
Men's lf'c'it'
Hand Tailor :*tote Special
tlr,ler to 1 tl•m-are
Chas. Black
;'hone 219 (;n I-ri'-1,
•Ilii• 4.11)41•• that w'cur 4• well :Ire tilt' 11 It'-- that are
'told at (1.o. Mac1'icar'- `+hoe Store They lyse, always been
ramous for their sturdy wearing qualili•••, standing lip, anti
retaininit their appearance after ordinary shoe, have grown
shabby and mat of xliapa. We tinct that it al":lye pays to
give our customers quality in -hoc-„that we els•' born with
con fid !nee.
Our prices are always reasonable.
Tip Top Tailors' Newt -Tall and
Winter Samples
The new woollens are more won,lerfullt designed
than ever. and embrace cloths from the finest looms.
Imported direct from the great nulls of England
and Scotland.
May we show you the new range,
You are cordially invited to inspe( t then,.
Tip Top Tailors Agent for Goderich and vicrnily
South Side Square. Goderich Phone 384
"13.1"r.' 'e ' qu
• name of Qneo e - .,.,-. 1.0;"em11,,:ei.,l :It "I; -1. •
.''1,dnt4 -•I the• herb"r
station." Captain Strange wrote, "I nr : i, _ '•rat service In•Id
beat mane testimonials behind me of ii, , . 'IL, . he Sa,'red 11.
our having vislted and taken poss'•s- %. .I, t1i., - Itw4111e46 I,i_ - t 111111•
.inn of this part of the coast. In the ,, . „mitt. Her. .4. 1' \I
-' 'fly ,nf a !are;., tree, opposite 10 00P 1',,..„ - ..•minor•. Tine ' , ,1 O
"f the hut... I cut a deep hole in ,,, - 1 „....,,14 . ndw1, sl.ter • \ •.1.Iu
4 h, her felt- • • .rl.-
i.n•sent ,,
wheel 1 deposited topper, iron and
le ads, besides leaving the name of \,tett. _
ships and the date of our die- . . ,.L, „r her •i- ,
• ,,,1.-: \I -. 1 +nu and \Ir 1.
„f • \Ir., Navin.
. 1,. ,.• N .. i'...13. 1-
\ I , : - i'- I :, • : Jerrpil a 11.1, ,
I,. ,.f
\iit,•he11 sad Stratford playtel
eltetnn yesterday for the chaunpion.h )'I1;;1.1 - 1iAR
of the IItineele•rth Itustem II le`ere. 1:.•ueral t:1+'tr
\litehell won the g:,ne, with tie see, ' ,•f tLe
or s t.. 6. Just how 7he.e two teas 1ei1. u
got Into the "finals' w'ou•d take sten., wwas,1
explaining. and there are those u'''
report., .
eat that Stratford leveed. have see 1
0halua1111,81 for Its urreiwatemlr'il.•• pi"ek81
conduct in defaulting eehedultel gine- the in.in ri•
However. the atton) Is oyer for 'le. ern - by
y4nr, and the sooner the Iluron-I•ertl,
the r1.I' ”
Lewes. season of 11149 1- forgotten the
• • • ' \t•
11ow about 11.14..\. baselatll for liger,
The l•ttronage might hr' letter thati t: Ir,,,. .tote,
wa. this year—it could not ix• worm'. -tote _-11:,11
• • • hl IIu•,•
The Itlack-ox go to Kincardine Fri , ",•,I ”
tiny of this week for an exhibit:"„ ' i=''•
game. 'l'hls is a return mltcl, for ,1„' ;
game Kincardine ph•ywl here •'u \L,> I.
dl•RI'I: 1
at the nett E
\I r, ('4....I.• Mit
ceulus inert, nod this
,IN•u fie- •le:ith ma•
bias ete4.it4C. 11.-
',IPxandre hn.pltal
death being dno 4
,y•k'.wI wIwt1 11P 4441• a
mettle eh11e eresein:i
-:o• square ferry -sight 1
. ,s sixty-e•lad,t year-
. .ern in the telviehip
of Ir,111)1y. (1W:Irie.
elle. IIP ,;Irrlr.; 1,11 to
an, f,nu...lrc
1, 01 n001•i11g L^ a
.,1 and for the pee in
1 Hewn a habit.? t ..
w•In, N -a- forte.,
1f aebriugyilte, p:,-
'e. 111 11...").The '
11(1114): ” 'Settee n• , Sla'ntn. 1 teak's! for
t rouxi., ”
I•.tl)5•: ':They ao• 111! husbxml'•-h:lt hr lin
f•.r men hardly
i„ ,
your '1.11811'1'5
late -t fashion
Hnmorist. Lnn.Inn.
On the flour's, of Gnawer
with a full line of
Fresh Fruits and
Kingston St Phone 116
Just A Reminder ---
To our old and new patrohs that Brophey Bros..
the okl ,eliahle• Furniture Dealers have- always
in stock for Four inspection the finest assort-
ment of
Bed Springs and ventilated
Spring Mattresses
Marshall, Fishman, Simmons and
Brantford Mattresses
They are the ilncat that may be seen in kill die larger
c'rtt' s. An inspection will convince you.
Furnit'u, sold --tether from catalogue or a personal
t'lsit to ,,nye facto? t' t4,-)wroon,, at rocicl,ottom prices.
Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers
\\ ,.51 - • Goderich
Huge New Stock IV1•
The S. A. GRAY Co.
the arrival and early showing of a
of Ladies and Misses new
An early selection is a Ns ire -election and e ■
cepiional value to olio the early huh ere. �
The S. A1 Co.•
We have more than 100 new styles to choose from
There are no tis o St) Iealike and yet each garment
ieitut es the season's nco% col mode-.
lie sure to tall this weed, and sale the new garments.
have ex -
■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ti■■■■■■■■■■■1111