HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-03, Page 48TOP SOIL. Lloyd Whytock. Phone 528-2006. -17tf NEW AND USED TRAIL- ERS, truck campers, truck caps. Large selection. Also parts and accessories. We buy, sell and rent. Morry's Trailer Sales, R. R. 2 Walk- erton ,'-364-3748. -33tf BEEF. By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On`Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your 9. Acc. to rent specifications HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A. DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. & Electric Lueknow. Phone 528-3112. -27tfar SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Manufacturer has new 1980 pools, regular price of $2790 now at end of season special of $1488. Pools equipped with pump, motor, filter, fencing, patio and walk around deck. Call Imperial Pools, toll free, 1-800-268- 5970. -34-39ar SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER Overstocked. Must close out all 1980' models and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and in ground pools of steel and aluminum. No monthly payments until 1981. Call Imperial Pools, toll free, 1-800-268-597G. -34-39ar DRY BAGGED SHAVINGS for sale. By the trailer load. 'Custom lumber - Millwork 'Ltd., Bolton, Ontario. 416- 8574882 Phone collect. -37nx room, large living room, newly carpeted and decorat- ed, eat in size kitchen, large glassed in veranda, private entrance, private basement and garden. Desirable loca- tion, close • to downtown. Immediate possession. Phone 357-2335. -37tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 528- 2113. --22tf FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE, three pc bath, oil heated, all insulated. Phone 529-7488. THREE BEDROOM house, 4 pc. bath, oil heated, all insulated. Phone 5297488. -36tf SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment; also one bedroom apartment, frig and stove, Phone395-5596-nr 528-3134. -36tf ONE AND ,TWO bedroom apartments in Teeswater and Ripley. Call Glennhaven Ap- artments, 528.3234, -28tfar THREE BEDROOM home in Lucknow. Spacious living area. Phone 528-2526. (after 6 - 528-3543). -29tfar TENDER FOR WINTER MANAGER FOR LUCKNOW ARENA Tendered weekly salary to include all necessary assistants. Assistants to be paid by Arena Manager. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All applications to be filed at Town Office not later than 5 p.m. Mohday, September 22, 1980.. For further information call 528-3539. LUCktiOW '& District Arena Board • •. The Huron County Board of Education roquiros SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Howick Central Public School R.R. 1, Gorrie Written application will be received by Mr. R.L. Cunningham Transportation Manager The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton;Ontario NOM ILO or Mr. Brute Robertson Principal ". Howick Central Public Sthool until 10 a.m. on Thur- sday, September 18, 1980. Duties to commence as soon as possible. D. McDonald Chairman D.J. Cochrane Director GUITAR LESSONS Beginners to Advanced Classical $4.00 Guitar Rental Register early For Fall. Session Call 357-3248 -36,37,38 Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING -5tfar • PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 -2tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES • Admiral-Stiles -and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY -15tfar CUSTOM BULLDOZING Reasonable Rates • J. A. CULBERT R. Rt 1, Dungannon Phone 529-7469 -30tf JIM MOSS White Washing arid Disinfecting To Barns and Buildings Of All Types 529-7650 " EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand - Gravel Topsoil - Paving 'Robert Symes Contracting Lucknow 528.3047 *-10tfar BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING BIB Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 17tf RADIATOR REPAIR AND RECORING SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528-3714 -33-40 PAPER AND OAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd' Park 395-5079 or Joe Allison 396-7173 POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock-- Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- tioned ,pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395 • 2982. -tfar • RICKS ROOFING We-Do. All 'ROO (S Plus Barn Steel Free EstimateS CALL-395,348a - -30tf 20. Public notices I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts incurred by anyone' other than mYself as of August 27,- 1980. Grace L. Graham. -35,36,37x The notice signed by Grace L. Graham is not that of the widow of Arthur H. Graham. Grace E. Graham -36,37x ATTENTION VETERANS EX-SERVICE MEN & WOMEN & DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. C. Wall, Provincial Service Officer, London; Ontario, - Visiting in the area. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regard- ing: (a) War Disability Pensions (b) Treatment- for entitled veterans (c) Application for Benevo- lent Funds -(d) Appeals against adverse original "applications for War Veterans and Widows.Allow- ance, is requested to contact the Service Officer or Secret- ary of the Local Branch, whose name appears below, not later than September 17, to arrange an interview. Irvine tedy, Service Officer. 1=37at. Palle 24-••-•'.1,4clicnow Sentinel,' Wednesday, September ,10,..1980 40 .4;•1!•Ir .4 44.1 t UY,..SELLI .THRQUO 1.111E - CLASSIPPED A DS tr I 1101.0 1.01, Re!, ' 9. AccoM,, tojent 20' x 30]..or4 14' lii0b;Ftithice; water:nd lighting. , Phone 528-2900 or 528-2919. -37tf ' 10. Wanted to rent 12. Help wanted MECHANIC to work in farm equipment dealership, ex- perienced , preferred. Apply to RonStanley, 395-2434 -in Bervie. -36,37ar are preferred. For more draw--diagrams, good in mathematics, have typing experience, farming exper- ience, be familiar with Huron County and South portion of Bruce County. This is a good future for _the right nerson. We pay as you learn. Reply to Modern _Farming, Box 1272, Wingham, for an in- terview, stating wages ex- pected. -37 dog, cat, human urine stains, time at only $268.70. Call odours from carpets! Free ; toll free at 1-800-268-5970 KEYBOARD PLAYER (male brochure. Dept. A. Reidell or if within our local ; Chemicals -37-50ar -37nx FORD DEALERSHIP in prosperous, growing ' farm community needs aggressive licensed tune-up mechanic. All company benefits, wage negotiable on experience:- Send resume to Box 360, Provost,' Alberta, or call 403-753-2266. -37nx 1, Article8 for sale .1. Articles for sale STO,Ct NOW for •fall -:127,-FLUORESCO LIGHTS Planting;'good assortment afx-approiiinately 3 .feet long. bulbs. Plant now - have Contact Atlee Miller, 1/4 mile .beautiful: spring flowers. south of St. Helens. -37,38x Lticknow District CO-op. Phone 529-7953. -37ar GIRLS PINK SNOWSUIT, 24 - month size,. $15.00. Excellent USED FURNITURE, radios, condition. Phone 528-2737, T.V., disheS, and collect- -37 Ales. Now open daily. This and That Store, Main Street, CAPONS. Can deliver to Lucknow. ;35,36,37 Lucknow Wednesday or Fri- day. Wm, E. Andrew-, 529- LARGE ROASTING roost- 7577. -37,38x ers, oven ready, 8 - 10 lbs., $W0 per pound. Ready first USED PIANO, finish in good week September. Phone 529- condition. Phone 395-5343: 7548. -36,37 -37 r•-•-•••-•••-••-•-•-•-•-•-••-•4,---••••-••- ,. 2 USED 3/4 li,p. electric WOOD STOVES At pre-season special. ; motors; 5 - 18 inch barn fan; While present supply l some used steel for roofing. lasts, fuel efficient wood ; Phone 529-7509. -37x I. burning stoves regularly 1 E URINE-ERASE' saves carp- i priced at $489.00 now ets! Guarantees removal ; available for a litnited • • • ? LUCK NOW SENTINEL 1976 FORD 9000, 45 ft. Hi FOR SALE OR--RENT;-two Quick Freezing Available bedroom houSe close to. BUTTON'S downtown with immediate ' MEAT MARKET' possession. Apply P.O. Box LUCKNOW 22, Lucknow. -37,38 'Shop 528-3009 DUPLEX for rent in Lucknow Or If No Answer Call , two large bedrooms, built in 528-2112 closets and plenty of storage -40tfar space; modern 4 pc. bath- 1.5.Jericlers , 2275. 7-----37nx 13. Wanted [general] OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088'. -33eow 18. Services available UP TO 200 ACRES good cash crop land, Rimine4waan Farms, R. R. # 3, Ripley, 395-5874. -34-37 CASH CROP LAND wanted for 1981 season. Top prices for large open fields. Also land for winter wheat. Apply James Ross, R. R. 3 Wing-. ham, 357-3895. --34ff rt- DISTRIBUTORS or active in- vestors for fast growing fire- wood and services company. Potential unlimited for ener- gy minded persons. Join our team of experts. Reply in writing to Home Firewood, Box 141, Station B. Hamil- ton, Ontario, L8L 707. -37-43 CANADIAN TIRE, Parry Sound, seeks class "A" mechanic, or 4th year ap- prentice. Prefer scope exper- ience. Flat rate shop, 6 bays. Contact Paul East, Service Manager, 60 Joseph • St., Parry Sound. P2A 2G5. 705- 746-2133. -37nx 50% COMMISSION! Make extra money easily! Sell Christmas and everyday cards, jewellery, wrappings; gifts. Fast service. Particul- ars- and "Free • Shopping Bag". Write: Veribest, Bracebridge, Ontario. POB 1CO. -37nx .4 CAREER In heavy trucking. CUSTOM DRAPERY Now's the time to train for BY LINDA HATS, $3.16, available at the Boy, 2 1/2 yd. loader w/grap- information call DRUMLIN' . your Class ''A" license. For . For your home or bOsIneas Sentinel -Office pies.,_, g/_w 15,000 _cord...short_ _,.aJ _3_92-92_,Q.,:...,...3_6.1_ Interview-contact ATA Sys-- - - Calf 395-5629-or.395-276S- - - logging contract. PhOne 403- tems. Ontario, London, 510- -36-39 FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, 438-4029, Hamilten, 416-523- COPIES OF THE DUNGAN- 675-5506. .-L37nX Must have driver's licence to 0883, St. Catharines, '416- MACLYN MANUFACTUR- NON Special Edition are still available at the Sentinel 2. Mobile Homes drive car. Must be able to 685-6595,, Tdronto, 416-251- INC.LIMITED, :phone 395- Office, 25C- each. calling area 746-3340. ., Ltd Box , 7500 or female) for established 5 d , Ontario. piece band. To replace pres- 12. Help wanted ea member who wishes • to retire, Experience and vocals • • 1.8. SerVices 3352. Car Oiling; -fabricating and welding repair shop, 1% miles north of Anaberley, west off 21 highway. Open. Monday till Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m„ Thursday evenings until 9 p.m. Closed Wednes- days. -37tfeow PRIEBE H.J. & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATIONS CALL COLLeCT • (519) 364.4500 Res. (519) 396-7680 Kincardine R. R. # 1 Hanover, Ontario -19eow/ar 15.. Tenders 18. 'Services available AUCTIONE . Grant McDonald; Ripley Wallace Sallagb; Teeswater Licensed, AuCtiOneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-53S3 Tees.vvoter 392.6170 -40tfar