HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-9-12, Page 4tessalortiesla
4.-'Pbnrtday-, September U. Pr29..
Men's and Young
Men's Suits
on sale at
Regular up to $30
W. C. Pridham & Son
"T7w.1,)••n ,•.41, N.,' .V..•(•"
Phone 57
A ear of (tooting anti Rod:
Flee y:hingl.-a jest nrrit••A
5x and 3x B. C. Shingles
44'.•4 our j.rir,•', before yr,,
Robt. Standish
grieve !tramline Society. The W01ssea'r
Institute w111 have a I"44th on the
W. Pep/. •r.umis,
1.1'4 L\4/ ,1. JA --?lets Robert )les. S. .trwstrul , of Myth, Is at tl►sal Past of Fib. Fire la la.
u'o i /li1R pRn'rEt r1Alg. to the -sue', ,lod on to Minerap lie. King. )lessers David King, John Keu•
where they will alike 411 extended visit edy and Sherwxu 4t.•uuhlger, of teal'.•
dtpttttla of alp (las Tell ata Glance .lith their sou, water.
Mss .Vile h, •u,sty, wli, haw been Mr. and 11rs. 1tus..d► Free and tam.-
.. -i
I f Nile, r visitor's house
r. were tw u t the h na
of Mr. ltavkl ldeN'hinaw'y on 8::txlay.
Mrs. 'H. J. Blake returned. Mawr of
Tuewluy last after speeding a few day
lu t;alerleh.
Mrs. Joseph O'Loughlin, of Detroit,
and ler brother, Mr. Isadore Griffin.'
of Duluth, were 11.44 ine•t- of \Ir•.
William McCarthy ••Ver ftlr week:et,41
They .•x11841 4444 ttwtd' other friends aid
Iw11rw.at aid 4114411.4 It( 711141•*.. It 1401111
twenty -live year,. (+144.44 114. 1;1'411111 left
Rorie •.:..I Marge ret and llifur•l. .)?,14reseut with her .frau Imre. rs, .(lf p uunsllg her u,•'. r rrett►rnirl to MO:
'rpOut •t few day, amotiK woo.,i is io g The captain ou a wudr.ra Ilaisr osio ,,„(soli loudon. moreuday.
w u, ser ugly ill.
frim In0
And look Into r cabluet and :ell at ► LI, ..y: \1l'! 114 Delve tk4,t t, of
11 rs•1 nt tar•- t town.
.tnderrntu. of 14.ler:n,, 4■onelee glance whether tire has broken out, ' x s•„
staidly with Mr. Geo.
Mr. awl Mr.. .tor .1ggttrw• have rc Kinlougl. I
the pulpit hi eattviu 1'iur,l rhun•h and also in'What part of the v.Wsel. food lits, hl, stelj*uoid.
turned Monne after ,:pw41dl14;t •t few ou ituaday`. Go into the hold of ,,it prup,•rll:-
nark• .•1 their 4snu4mrr e0li .' ori ilii-`1i.14h14,-I Terrlff returned toTo-
NI.••gni. w. 1. )tiller H Rutherford eQulpp••A ehlp and IlKh1 •••tgrr; 14 nous
.344'•4_ Itay• :end If. \fele 44444 at fire \ve.-'i' F1, i,• - lee:4 than tiva minutes 1 ,,. rapriln nit Mr-. \r.•-'.. I.e_gatt Iwv lyrrt vl4it-
llr- ! H. )h•\:e11t• is •t"i Li: •r Loidyn. the bridge can tell wi r, s",t are rug r, 4.i '•r t'glros,
4'44 l''.''a with friei,.4. :Uul relathe• _ ,0 moiling. In the eaplau,', ,ai•,u••t l3' tlr )Ietnoir. his uwthrr,
,1, Itoti•44, )t j, l,, - a 'erlea of glaem-iron ,d :,:r'•.-; olio
CREWE -• for each hold, thro 1, ur,1.4 air i+ "1''i \I tram 4. lli, were Mune
1'47y.:tniftou- :,re under way C•r the uK I,e ,i•: ,•r• ,' r4, Urs. )Gurxrs
of the ear memorial ..i t he
11 lasso 4 IUa1'F: Sept, 144. -,)ll•• t. ra Itoaelt. ''au ser nuthlug-..-x11 ,. , but tl lir I.... llaa•ltomiid, and her Nom 1.411..41.
with the ratite , .w .taw
constantly flowing. 001 : ,:111 1011 \4t ,,, • ►t'•. Frank itoluuer "me* Ontario to . nettle In the . met+ an
'I '. 1 Por:r•,ns ha. rrhlrtarl home of Ihplrr, is risllhiK her-11st,:r. lllx at trace t nd.:die :r -t .laughter. )Ir. and lira. the pylae-t411111111•lamb. 1'40111 '1e
"11,4111 • :r tori day.- to '1',•t ,• ,o.. Trios, 4•1lbere the hold there sued• td > ht"'ar. 11 .. \, t7ow HMisd4le: 111.. Mere •taht1eld 1443'.44 111141 •:4rt,' sheet, rich
+ .,t;ainst this black bark_-•"-•• I .• thin. with ar.ush+s. !Iasi ns. 4444 .:rosin i uud tat tl
I • liretuer nn• teddu,g :u:",d.••• 11r and Urs. Joe Dray, of liamilion, it trtcm.-ve• Ir M'
feithread lit 4,h:• ,•arta
lace ••u Thnr..lay nigh( i ,et1r the wt•ek<ud at Mr. J. llrn:try'.. 4,411"‘;',4"4,..1.4 Is a shielded.7';'.,t bel" II, .-, ,,t linsa a14 tlr:. W. J. (4474, un Falx thLs week \{'e hntae the
w .„'.ria. this wratl.er leru;; 444„r. Mfrs. Jo- Ilackett, of Leekioe. visit- •.'••„ turfy -x14 year.; grime club member: may ••4•111'4 tbrlr .hare
Hsu: lights ks ion a- cur
.,le. ill ptrtl7a«i. for the arena. 44•,1 4,', .tan:htrr. )ire. N'Uttwl lat7rr rent is pure there I4 4144 , ill•.11u !`.- )'' left tresses taut.,.. tilr•'44 the ribbon*, IR, !!out 'h0y ohly lied
•ser mate. Mrs. llael.4uttal s 141:.7• nt the Iioy„ \1 `:crit• •t:41r.
III', fJillott 11411 'r i+ ri:il(te with tutu. rcrn!:,. mate; but the moue •, ”'"44 1,i '.l;. la•", of l,urknuw, lllx Jnue I1 ,,''I. 1441•• Mar la40u
\L' :w,: \Jr.. Jus. Eudaid. or l.u••k-
%r4,44• 1 relatives 4., h.•trot4 awoke flown theca h, • •r rays•
_- a„rt 1■sot tilt+ week -end whir their make It show t: 6 hark I ,ri.ur took 4.107• at !lel. 111, Is now emkale-talo•. 11••4 many.
JO Lit:hn•r. Vit J. Swan. p alta q,h•m140r,'.nd of Mary Ito• (Heeds hope Io ire• her :mike :4 xl+•••!y
:, hoist fair rt l'aurry'a t'orurr- 01, like a m • • dauehtrr of Mr told \l , au a ds hoe rea4M •i t
There are other fir. •'•u4t de” , ;w•: ;,Truest
F•4.'Mlay. sepuratler 17. El••ryts"Iy vices also --devices t4,., ,. a I 1 of 14•h•lau• to \Ir John \It- ItMhahl 11,-W
background ll
1: 1'\\tfLLEit. silo 44.--\1r. fins • ^ale at the slightest cha7 lute-ra-
prr'a- 'r,., tl•Itur4i.y, s'nl of \I r. Jars. ,ni r\./ afire ,l•aa•tin: i t4,,• \laitl:tuil
liwitrr.un w•rrlces will be In•h1 ill !„nurd it. I: ,r , of E;ost Waw•auw.h. Rev. Pri.-1.terlai 11'. 11. S in ]1,11•.4•14 nn
\.rn-%••u! attru.lyd else 4'vua•liatt \a- tuns. It la after the otlj 7,7'.4 i'nrv1114
:11tH rx - ” -
4 rear ehnrc4. 4httofser 14(11. ,\iter-
t••m.4 F;tlstb Veto/tone.
e. To,,44 last w.7•i; 444,,411 ..'I1 444 at 2344 awl eveifun err- their pat's that the .
,...ni,•b {it si•wi eat 4,ni been rail: rife at 7.:41 p.m. The pastor. 414». t'. Qngulshers are 1,1111.
4143 ..,. the f3. !7) A'i:lrlou. ala1 Mous• for These are pipes whi,
n :e„ day.. rhes w'.r•k. tlr Irfr on t'. Katie, will orexrh at truth s.lrties. tombs of 4 valve, „
\lu-i,• furnished by 4'rewe choir.
.1.,,.„...y iii re}oto hid boat alt port the hatch or the ho
.',• -•ane. Tin' 141,11"143' nisei 44; or "'rrw•• fire has started, rad.
li.. \•'nils,.. m,4,44 clan. 1,.'m., Ili W.M.S. was held at the home of )Its. with live steam, In w
1......h... lana' Ku. • 1r from I.i..-4nr_e iii Uouary, the prnsidrnt taking .4141r1 '. Ilve. Or one can 1'.
:h.• l""es lily, 4.7rle.t. 11.• spend-.\ftrr .levotlollal ••xrre1"4's the 1...r.i'` through the eamr p,3'
1)1iN('ANNON .\ A. J. and !Ire. Sim osteo Mee John
penlni4 ) .11,,.• ,u14I lir. John \1.•t. e, I a'nmrd
4111. young people), rally .,.f 'hr }lair•
.::ti the .; t,. \lliN, Sept. I1. -Mt- tied land Ihwbyterlal lu \1441,111 • rhun•n,
al hold ti I \ i..•.ter Dumiu end young nom Brus.4•1•. 1111 Tww111S. Ills, : „• n
are can I, ..- ,.;rg 1'a.. are sighing this form -1144. of Pnd.ytery- and 1'r••.:,, feria
a hold I, ..sits Mr, and Mn. Rob( Dow
• rug a Ira* a, 1. hone tear Tlwru• prayer nag repeat...4 by all prr•s•1u. dioxide and attain t out
,ihlr. :aka is --4arl to In• h, 1,e.le- Mrt. X,ln44 mid rhe $.'rip Lure le' -en. wl:h negllble dams ••• saes it .I. J. Riau has returned Mous
44,1, :he end lit ,.,ext wtr•k. Masa \'toff aid )ins. Treleaven 4,'44' o[ Cargo. Or the hot n, • dsl • " ':-Itfuc her brother• Ur. 14.4
Tlie Young I'..41.W* Chi,. met toast readings. )lr.,Kahn. lest in pmer with a sulaalauc,' aha 4' : thI at 1►,•troir.
•nnd:d e' eveuft._ Tit( t,.pi, _whit, )Its. Slwnroel goner x rrndint. 114 lam.. t[ke t blank,' 4 •'..o ! ,rm 11; :lad Mrs. John.. of Itaytlrh4
.1.14.1 1 do with :ac ee,•,' re,7- ilii, assort h:1lie care a x14044 talk nit Itis- ,•to and amothen them. `' at /he hair• of .11 r. ted Ur..
Ito,. H. !t' elin4t114744 1rro.uge_ w,'r4,. .\ .4,44 t3' lnn,•h was Nerved v Milli..•isle Moriny.
Si'.{L FIERO /Xi'ItF' 1%F:R. 11 - Raba. UcK.•nrl• tale 11 r• Iter
rifer fl: attire 44141 of the •
:,yr•h are a4ft'lhliic the Lnulou
ASHF'IELD aks'O w-%ppMYlreatell 'rion•oOO o. i •itiun this week.
.x1 tiirn-hii. i• :flawed ;a.:''''.'r lap Prlbllu[ Irkta,•is '0 coil 11 r., !1'.1.1. Ihtaldwl, »lid
nd' scare : 4run;r. ate 1hn.klu4 \ liar•d anrn.bal tial .l+ •ur74tlon
The 1'411t.rt Stat• • :':went-
fflllag ri•,• x.u,rt .1S1IF'IELD, Sept. G. -The agerlee• ws „t 4:'•holer 74st tinuday.
\• .' Blends, , 411 7s• 44„•,.r:rtio,, i, .1sittield l'n'sbyteria1 - church , owned seal herd of of Is -,\4.4
r. Jules 4,441447 a •Irfr ui '41on.hty
ltd for net I'inu'day crena.:
at- f'ollo,rne 401574 141 , •emetery -Sunday were .ruultet.d 4r Iter, y, ,and+ 1s 44th to coni . g•• Fro” t 4,,ndoi hoopital. where he wi11 n„
1 May arra. of Kiulos.. 'two terry portion of the fur s,., world. :„ a roars of 4rrarlaleut.--
will ht ,,.•hl of :I o:•lo. k. X' •^ µ Lieu Alaska became p.•rt • of I7 i' 1.44(84 to 1. et•.. bred x d 4,,..'
E. D. Wei. •rs Is revhhl::;u_ 141. -emotes were given. y hr alisaou 1'irelr of the ,1'114 ..l
and Thr. were. h.•th The hlnhtli \\'ousey's institute mast the United States In the 1,4444 mash) tin,. a .awn roast at the tom., 1hw t'. Ir• lite ct elm 41:r4:411;44.....1 -114.".'
f a hr.::h..!
41 fait -, r, .•'er,rll.,g at the bottle of Mrs. i►un'ni .111, 4 7yrl• was variously estlnl„ , its brtwreI lir. laud al n. 4.l 1►iahrr .al Meu'ay id.'
-nit.-ittnuda74 Sim, r
s" it later
and 6 000' Mals, but
well.• ,sou "4'..11 ,Iny, septent cr :.111, with the
It talar greatlydim'. nine.. + ---r
- -__-s3'_ p., •i 6•i 1, Mrs. A. iter lett, in' the ehhlr Mr. nod )ars, L•he, Wake :tad 1 L1t,.t:Ir at It••er county i',.
ST.e Imestiew 4a rt of the Meeting In 1470 ',An. u3' war lighter Iteruier returned Mons out•\'^lie 1,u.hnnd is euruini; pall
4T, HELENS v .., 1tyrhilyd o o .fate t:',:.':.;,:11114";•.- .
sl yroer.u41 alai glce44, w1"h vision of the -L'. $. G' I'nes,lny (roto the N'.•,,t. NLrr•• tree
3'L • \. 4: 4. lluelerfzlr a. leuirr1,7 Iwrm t iattig the pi:•,+t hro m, nlliy 11 •m l:. ^It's l tn•nuy In n
• • • I' 1DYr,i \ Sept. ' a- NI. 1 I .o'rrel b, the 1n.Rew tail err the terms of t4,. :u tree,. Sir. I'aronl'. of the .\nai.t•1i144 .,, i•• • u,•t el.. .K4, ••f• if.”
Kincardine Fall Fair eampany had to''''P,;..."..'run 41 -444 ke 111 the l'uNwt .lin,,
\I, Kers, lir 4,r• 4,1 Valley, urr. 3';,:,•s• t -:nit nfenl's,n was spa•rt.
atno.411 of food tG•
e•ir ar,u«Iti. 1]r:, ,t- \S.J I f ,r -n \ d•1 d I •y laws R1111'lay 4.5 4.17 in'la•h,lt •
1~'444. & Thurs., Sept. 48th & 19th Ia i3'. tri. ,•t cbargr, matte. t.. I i:ible S..4•140,.
p. l 1 - ••
P J tl t. « will u„r•t 111 the ant. rf pr vis. a [or each s1 Itrlti.h ei.l F„r•• _l 11Y1
V Jae. Dun: -r, I. away of U I .
BIGGER and BETTER \I •Ianaald. Paramount. on Mr. to tee I:hth Injured. 1\e e
I' • to tart ,1,,,::,.,,. ,,.d r,t'lgher and Melt i
HobbyFair gab chow ro..l•y ci-it with her sel.t.vula•r 11. at ..41 •arty to 11•;,.11.4 •that t:.•u, •a;141144, n, _ Y - $peci-- :.. .w th.'t•p for nu higher shun the 1 '—•
,d a l,* • eh.'n. with a r,•ry niforUuuetelu„d•.•t •
RACES - Purse $350 00 ilei•:. In San Fratlei, to
tL.wre, j , f:. '1 • t1" I 11 r nr,• tlr• ``. !' tl .••I,t,nald. liluhtll', left p , S,turd:,r eteuiutr. \\'hila Quirt:
•4(044, at I4,.• ' , aastty reforms.
Running Race• -•Purse (33 -:1 al aha to eta: her many lu 1911 a treaty w.,- to moil. 4444 to the ati•iling'if 4,1- i G 1 l) . 1 ' E W A k T
1 1 R 1 1 , , 4414.1 7;11414 g 'a las Idnlarl
_ and Mr-. - The racier- are busy this week by r 101ted 9tatps. 7
o.n• r.N.ktiist-.-take. 'hem nnnht.ri frond
Japa:. and RuulO w : rJ
CONCERT— Blue Water Theatre 1• are ,•1-. Noting. in ares w-i,eat (1.171,. w»nr aur pelagic sealing in It - . :dc very tit..table pr(thet and in the 1 Brise Jt. Telephone 105 Goi' n.4,
!i. Tall. 41 Metro -ting their hue crop. our .1 the round+ in the heck of •
WEDNESDAY TNURSU:\l' Ocean and In the A41.: the "
\t' utte.• 1, I Mr. Ed. It.,•kett, of isetrott, who , • 41.11r ent'."41 .lis 1""13, pl.•rcing hos
Evening 8 p m Continuous, 7 to 11 ,•pk t,7t .', 1 _ I:ti,i' i second contract all' arm. Ride ntul 411111lillg up Into the arnipif.
•:'t forret” ; 44••;.•7 -• which differed mat .ear'.: ! 1 the /ddsir,' 1 r.•r'. selnhd w i. Nr "mild?'
J EMMERTON, J. J. HUNTER, first, had expired In .'•I .ad tiff t. • 4
President Secretary I., be heli. • e.,h,e.•:ay, Sept. " Government took oter - • entire Intro "r,111.'Ir nwrrd 4,y- tar., Yokes t••
• 1 II' .\ . • ' • w:i1 ire ho..: managemrat of the - ::1i,:y, res b,•td a"alerie/I in..pltal, where the wnnn•i
at that time was -lat. d at 8 little
alae tlreinarl. We are Omar,' to rq..r,
more than 200.0.a aatm$1*. (Iota- !bat be b now HePeo•tug favoeatr11
Dat 111vely few skate were latero Use at file .ren Mime•. i
neat few years 4 F;'ea(ter, in or.4't 40
7185 the h.•r.1 ....nee to 'nig In
tit uumhers, and s1. [hr's oaly Mall --,
have been ki!I,-t. The Dend• now 1. • •,:1:itffte7E. Sept. Na- lir tl
approzlmates :' '"47,'00. 1 .1'.4 • . ..4 LJOwoml. radio/ ed loony
M.: ,. ,,, :,iter ape/tiling m week titbit
NOT HOMAI TI(t. file. -..t nes- Father 1La',,r.141.. bore.
may 401 be
nec ary
SMALL ailments, •it neglected.
sometimes grow seribu.. On
occasion, an operation becomes
inevitable. It is wise to guard your
health continuously. Marlettt'. Treat -
swat i, a proved and 744,41,14 system
cleanser. It tones up the liver. pre-
vents bile stagnation and relieves
jaundice, chronic stomach trouble,
gastritis, constipation and other
d4'eases. 11 you sutler at all from
any of these symptoms you will find
14arl8tt's invaluable.
Flue Dollars per Treatment
Sold and recom mended by
end all other good
J. W. MARLATT & Co. Ltd.,
M1ss Eilua Itifehl.•. of ,W1ti•'.I, oho Toronto, Ontario
Write for unsulk,44 .r.•6,.1eta1.. re
alta. •u.'r•sxfl4I 444 4411u.ing first p1a..•.
lu tial .Market ta*I•ll.• -tseakine 44..114''-1
ide'r Ne 841.1411s of t!'• young I''",p14•'.
eociet5 i.4 the 4'n11ell • I,In•M, 4,111 K;•r
:u, al4411•.4. ar 'IP, eVe1,tmg 41144-.6111 nu
S.•pt.•mit40r 4it4, of the •fining I'eolds''.
ti.s•Irty of rhe In•a.l.•n Cohtenem,e.,
ILit.rt .ininh, r,. Ir 14.•!.1 in Sarula
Se .1.'lulr•r H; and 17.
S4,„.• .pdu.ter•t 'sale. u4nrry If other'
,e••uo'r didn't marry -.• „ ftri.. Sault !
I4aily Star.
Two Bands Special Attrn, tions
Yen. i ,,-, .lt
,7-41...; Jei+ hrothee. lir. .1. Iteeke't.
1 left or, tt',rtirs.lny for Detroit.
I- \4i-- 11. Middleton, teacher in S. s
\,•, /Kinranl,. ti.7t.rt with frien•1-
4 r. ',ing. 3' Ow 4:.:- '14 G•alerieli at r •- w•.•ek-4411'1.
---- - -2. -haw
Ladies' and Misses' New Fall Wear-
►k here, and with it come the 1 fashions to
A enhance, the beauty and gaiety of this new season.
Fascinating Cloth Coats, Frocks
ing Apparel Now on Display
and Millinery
lore.• 1„I 1•':47 Insj,
XWe have a new line of mens „l young men's QUIT. and I t ,, OATS for
fall wear. Latest styles In the sea n's popular shades.
You ill admire the new graceful lines and beautiful fur
details as sponsored in our collection of the season's finest
Cloth COAT'S. Conservative fIa'es and modified princess
lines are the outstanding features 01 Ilse new coat silhouette.
Fur has gained in importance. I he crush collar with
shoulder tendencies is widely shown. Notched collars re-
ceive genFral endorsement. Fur makes a frequent ap-
pearance on the skirt of the Coat. The new Coats for dress,
sports and business wear come in 'he leading shades of deep
red, hlat k, green. brown, beige and Hoe.
The new Dresses feature everything that 1- now
foh'ht• autumn season. Our collection of Dredges will
met' every taste. They are • of canton crepe. satin-
facel crepe, georgette and travel silk tweeds.
1 lie new fall Millinery presents more I , ,lie and
clef_, modelling than ever. Varioi!s 141 ipes are
Feat •,•d in every popular effect. Close -fitting models
in •',. for every matron and miss.
In the Men's Department
Ladies and Men's Wear Welt ide of Square
Phone 418 Goderich, Ont.
%rat, 4helk Does Not Live Up M tris
The arab .heck does not by an,
means lire up to his'romantlo repu-
tation. Instead ,of being a stalwart.
burning -eyed lover who has his way
with the girls, h. is found to he self
ish, cruel, and very smelly, kreptug
his wives under his iron rule. ua-
still wearing the clothes of
centuries ago.
Documentary evidence as to tills
lllueton-shattering truth Is found in
reports prepared by the assistant cur-
ator of the Field Museum, who led
the Capt. Marshall Field .expedition
Into north Arabia In 1927 and 1924.
lila findings show that the Arabian
sheik Is any hang hut an ideal lover;
that his wives are as slaves, about as
ignorant of itfe and culture as they
were oentuN"a ago; that whatever
romance enters luso an Arabian
courtship Is about as heart-warming
as any over-the-c„anter bargain.
True. the Arab youth will woo a
irl wl:h qi -h charming phrase's as
Thou art t4,o slumber of mine eyes.
thou art my food and drink.” Hut
true, too, ala., 1s the tact that the
girl's parents Invariably hold a Ma-
cumsion, we,,;.. 1547• health, physique
and beauty, and then sell her for a
price usually abort[ 500 rupees (more
than (300) 'then again, the Arab
bridegroom , me:imee does not see
the tarn of r.,3' bride-to-be until after
the marriage- and then It is too late.
\rl 1tultding i'YbJI.
Amoig r' tatty wonderful inhab-
itants of 1:.- ,•stere Is the stickle-
back, which - ,emarkable as being a
nbat hull,.• The male seta about
building .e ,t. First he forms a
depressio^ • .he sand by rolling h1s
prickly ho . •,out therein. Then he
cmollatrrlaeen t - ;t1e fibres and other
i ,ng a "lest with root
add ail ere, leaving an open
spare !••, front door. Me next
selertm a and drives her into. not In. \I,p ...-• ,._- vont Uwe. to 111
14,• 114}.•;;4 \fter she has laid her tend yon. \li;•h lel 1•odort. Gratin, and
'4Ygs h• , 11 •y looks then' over and . ne hops• ' • '' yon In our wast ts•f .r.•
lO't.r anon • 4444 to add to aha num- long 4444:74, .
bee, oleo i , h botth-brid.•s may go , -
where :h He
takes ran• of t4,! 15111' 11;1.1)
NM amt ., . fathers this little Ooh
until tlr '• able to car.• -for -them-
selves. \.744 . ! •,•i.. t•• '.41
,hrht:nM1n.4- '•_ S:7 't
rid' r4,,'r ti'c-
\lu•t It. ANO to Spell. F'afr at I. his nark. •
Sip• !-,:-,•eyti go round i oastaa- )1 r4. H I:I,I ' ltd. leased 1.44.4
trio le, ,,y farm for ., 'ober of year. to Mr
word wr.; ,pelf ons* shoporol4c! fnbn' 4wnw
sign the, order alterations to be v'ongr ntl4 to lir. 74141 'Mir
ranted thin a week tinder peri- 11'111 Held. 'h, 04, the ldrth '1f u
ally of '. :r,
The N'. 1I. 4 of 4'rpw1. 1'utte,l rburrh
Lome, rh. \Ymr$* la 41emhids. held their regular m.n,thly meeting et
Amrrlcm ni,dal s the "1”"1"home ..f \Its, John Mettnry on
tlnn of e.emcalt,leadtae presentIn pro
assns!due- Thursday nf.•,-, ,■444 lest. 'tin the eine,
X output Lein,.. ..shod at more aa 'bey the N'. 11 s. Of F:r.klue i'rr+hy
(3 371 1414 roe um. terhnn rhnrrh.-Utueittennon. Iel.t their
regular risentli • 'at 14.,, home of 'lirs
Vi •-1 J. Pathan rrlh,rn.rt to Lon -
1..0 .n, thv„',y to realms. 1,4- .4n.7L•.
Peter'. Seminary. .
\I- - Par' .tut .lit tool n rl-i, frond
'.n•rher. 11r. 1L•arry Yonne, rf
:. i• t,. l:, -t weer.
%II' .1 hit fill Mote. .•t 1.4n41i411. 848.6•
ing t'f•it'to ..',r hnre,r..en'7y.
51e ,1.40•aud tri. 11teees R•'•r nod
4.•• t'onttay, of Sr,-,tford. were gue•a.'
• ars• e:errrn,h• 'v.'oin..r ever the
k 4'i,•!.
\1 n, F'i-4,.•r 1,1,11 Ler wits 4'hir,•ier
d f1.•4r.i7- ,44.11 serfs -.'hey'. 111.1
r fairing \ir. awl 11re.. Jim t'nurt
1!• alb! fldily.
tl F:thel .%1101 1/1 01r11t n 184 .'„ -
in ".••felon test .t'''4,.
•ter .n•ou Sullivan 4,n. • 111»•1•
-"rue 11111na4e7' ..r the T. J. Litman
I. for the ••1st 1444•k. to. the laetul•
,u ,,,oily nrr( Mkirit i3', t4,^ i.ight-
,rf 'I •mart,, and rl-!ting '•firer ...hat -
II, r,..44r,, :list 'rim Garrey, ish41.,•
an• Iter: 31:,r•4?, 1i.14,1 T••runt'. F:r
rift. 14.+1 w.•.•k.
we. of Strnthrnr. 5.1.11,41
the I•••.n, /:, ii I, .,• Sunday.
ll• dist lin .:ill, Lannon and 11r.
Leo!. 'nllti-,n are 1;.i1iig IA41141'.11 F:x-
ii1b1-- ,n 744. week '
V', Itr•".k+. of 4,.a,d,m. i- rlr'iting
lu •• ,r 4.arg. 11'44 '110104 the w-.•ntIwl•
7114114. up ,4 bit, so (41,17 hr 111114 ntnio
ethers nnrs •enjoy 4l11. 44471.44 of Luke
1141re ',r ., while longer. •
After Tv... ty•Ilse Years. After at;
nin"•t,•,. of twenty-five years. Mr. 1-n-
dnre Grithu returned) h. of■vd n flew
slay. r.•l,,•,4Ing 1140• ril4irlah,tnt►4•. of
1.,3' Ile, sl. Ile %:,• Heel ,m1'a11led
front 44•1roit by hi. „later. 14r•
4i'444nghiin Mr..;rifii is n 1•rettin'r'1
oil man .71 4 '04111•1l' \1411111•-•'
cliff rr! re -.•nn• i
f the" a,•.:rr• ,'tttta'*
of 191.. , !d.•n roe :404 tin• a'ri'l• lose
were 444--- ''-4 •rift of ),.nn,' .477.7
•Ionto, 11 ...ser. I.4o w'Ill ie.wer aril
nurbitio, „err' 44..1 sent -heal Iln.l lr
711.4 7114• 're first to r.•lltrn r„ 141.•
Ate 1111,. ,F: Ln;l•lin(' .4,, tlr.• torn
Rohr. Fitagrrsi r 447,11. T.
1 'nt'1'M:CHUiiCH 11r. and Mrs .tori Meyer. had ns
1),'4 gtM+r* se, smeller last ills Mary
'4V Il I'I'Cclll Reif. APIS. (l. -Ml.. and Mesunt .l''•'•p)) and Philip (1,1,4.
Mary 11,11,. of Tewswater, 4. *pen& of Itervlo, lar. Frank Simile. maul 114.-
letg the w'.4"...,.► at her hemp Isere, Marian F}IImrt, of lliveredele. tither
Mr :ami \I-... Wm. Rohlnann loft on friend• vl.ithig ;e the Meyer. home re
Saturday, 4l:i'x►at from Fort Mo\Moll, 'ert{tly were Mi -e. ,tgnr. and Mary
Douglas D. Major
1. C. M.
irntxter, Voss
•. 4. t
rid , .;C, in .:.4.rn (.
1'uh.rr •4.
Teacher of Piano
and Singing, Organ,
A feu' racanci. c
fur Pupils
Apply: Studio, Elgin-. Ave. '
or PI'one 264 -
$17.00 $17.00
6 only solid walnut cedar -
d Chests at the remark-
ably low price of $17.04.
• Store :i71r., 1tes.
Hamilton Street Goierielb, Ost.
Week of Sept. 16 to 21
Monday and Tueeisy-
Noah Beery and Gilbert Roland
,p•rgrou. dancing g,, ' 1 `;marring
hilly' .t romantic R•",..•. 7 .".I..rfu!
cabaret 44 a forgotten livid 11 •n't fail
to epe tri. vici'tic en,•,tiot,..'
George Lewis in "THE NEW COL-
Wednesday and Thursday_
Po. dynamic redhead present., a lilting
rte of Imw1.•rn tion". 1'1•p, .rice, sparkle
4141.1 rirac4 y abound in Orr chara.'t.•r-
itation .1 (tlr 2101 eenttirr 147.4.. You
:,rt- incited 1.. :.tt.•mt
Alfred W. Anderton
Fifty -live fel entries for
Termite Coaaervnutty examine -
newts law year. o.er 60 per cent
scoria( bears and first - class
Tuitions resumed
Saturday, Sept. 7th
.1 4, o. , ,,wane pupils
Studio at Mrs. J. Harrison's,
nppos.te Victoria
"DASHING COURAGE'. - • Collegiate
Friday and Saturday -
Jack llok with Betty Compsoo
At their boos in gripping drams 'rflove
scrimp dtdy---plenty of thrills-3e14,,n and
tenet• nientenl.*-rr.1uence. in G,chnic.ilor.
Ideal Comedy "SFLECTED"
Matinee Sat. at 3 p.m.
Milhinery Opening
On Friday and Saturday, Sept.
20th and 21st
Formal Display of Millinery
for Autumn
Showing the new bonnet line and flattering angles.
Felt and velvet are the/chief materials. Jewelled
pins, buckles, very flat ornaments and a tiny lace
veil gives the personal touch to the Hat.
You are cordially invited to inspect our stock
Miss MacVicar
Kingston Street - - -
- - - Coder ich