HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-03, Page 34allow units contin
0-40ektiew Smtbeel, WednesdaY) SePtember 10r 1980
your ....stirhmer. • Mrs,:Robe:: The. September meeting
ffwin invited everyone. to the for 'Unit Z•of,the U.C.W. was
Sunday. School a.wards, and held., at' the home of Mrs..
• breakfast :September. Jean, 'Jardine on Tuesday.,
Mrs, Cliff Menary gave a September 2 with' an attend-
Mrs. Vernon Hunter was
hostess for the •September
meeting, Mrs, Russell put-
' ton convened the meeting of
18 triernberS responding-to-,,-L.I.LCKNOW U C.W. 111411'_.2 '
ray, Mrs. Beryl' Hunter an d LUCKNOWP-C-W.; UNIT 3 Mrs•. Gibson.. • ess, and 'closed the meeting ;-
Miss Helen Thompson. - • . Mrs. Alex MacNay gave r With prayer-...,'A A social• time
Mrs. Mamie Henderson , Ut niatt 31hteuchlionmeev,i yrn
of Mrs,
na iinly Ltereisftein
g rea ding -japaa;a
on, „
raciciusl pinned rose
m e
-paper on Energy conserva, 1,Ance. of .1,9, - • - -Mrs, Isabel - - • Lai "-Wilbur Brown-on Se
2 with 16 members' and-one familY.
temper_expeneticed by a western • • ' -
Readings, A Country
tic Malden-"' Mrs: Evelyn ,Cook.chaired-' being her 89th birthdaY and Lti CKNO.W .
discussed the Presbyterial to the'meeting assisted by Mrs. all sang "Happy, Birthday". • visitor present.:' . •
School Teacher, and Give • • $'
be held in Ripley. She will be Noma Campbell as secretary
in charge of the book display. and. Mrs. Shirley Bolt as
The devotions were intro- treasurer, ..
duced by Mrs. Button with The roll call proved. Very
prayer and scripture. The
theme was sharing .the yoke
of friendship.: She closed
with a poem on God's love.
Mrs. Gordon Morrison
gave the study book chapter
on the most Northerly Island
cif Japan, using a large map.:
Pointing out where the long-
..eSt .tqnricl in the world is
itii"‘built to the main land.
climate . is similar to that
of Maine, U.S.A. Lumber-
ing, fishing and fish drying
and base breeding arc car-
people attending.; Het') on there: The small
village of Erimo on this Attendance awards were
presented as.fellows: -Grade island is the 'location of the
only christian school and 9 and up, :teacher Ernest
Aekert - Kaye Morrison, Karl '
Morrison, Brenda Hender-
son, Diane Gibson and Ken
Grade 7 and 8, teacher
Doug' Kauftnan - Glen ,Gib-
son, Lynn. Alton, Janice Cook
and Sharon Struthers..
Grade S and 6, teachers
Mary 'Lou F'riestap and De-
anna Itcav,ie Jeff ACkert,-
Chris Irwin and Brad Pries-
Grade. 4, teachers June
Alton and Barb Henderson -
DavCayle_y,_ _ Craig -K au f-
man, Brenda Gibson, Angela.
Glenn, Arletta Glenn.
Grades 2 and 3, teachers
Nancy Gibson and Elaine
Irwin Heather Pricstap,
Robert Helm, Steven McEw-
an and Becky Ackert.
The September meeting of
the St. Helens Women's
•Institute took the form of a
bus trip on Thursday, Sept-
ember 4.
Forty-five' St. Helens
members and guests from
the Dungannon, Lucknow,
Wingham and Whitechurch
Institutes took the trip to
Parry Sound. Bus transporta-
tion was provided by Mont-
gomery Motors with Cecil
Garniss as driver.
The' tour headed through
Harriston, Mount Forest,
Shelbotirne, and Alliston to
Barrie where the group stop:
ped to shop.
Upon arrival in Parry
Sound, tickets were obtained
for the cruise on the Island
Queen V through the 30,000
Following lunch, the group
boarded the ship for the
three hour tour of the islands
where people can only com-
mute by boat or planes from
the mainland to their homes
or cottages on the iSlandS: It
was a beautiful sunny after-
noon and everyone., enjoyed
the scenery.
On the return trip,, the
group stopped in Barrie for
dinner at Ponderosa and the
Stone Crock restaurants.
On the trip home; chatter.
died down somewhat, as
most people were becoming
weary after a long and pleas-
ant trip.
centre in Japan. Skiing is a
favourite sport a'n'd a large
instruction school is located
on the 'island• where the
Winter Olympics were held
in 1972.
the roll call,' high' light of ' •
St. Helen
Mrs. Button closed the
meeting with prayer.
Lunch and a social time
were enjoyed by all.
The Lucknow United
Church Sunday School held
their annual breakfast on
Sunday, September 7 with
approximately 85 pariints,
children and interested
Mrs. Harvey Houston pre-
ing by reading a poem, Your
Seeds Blow Into My Garden.
A note was received from
Pinecrest Manor thanking
the members for their visit
earlier in the summer, The
roll 'call was answered by
naming your first school
Sc awards teacher.
10 a-.m. Sunday School'
11:00 a.m.
Morning Worship
"Sacrament of Baptism"
Nursery Provided
f For Pre-School Children
--eCeramic Lessons
*China Painting
Jr. Congregation for
5 - 8 Year Old Children
Rev. Doug Kaufman
PHONE 395.5284
The devotional part of the
meeting was capably chaired
by Mrs. Grace Campbell,
assisted by Mrs. Beryl Hunt-
S au nd
given by Mrs. Annie Kirt- dainty lunch was served, by Mrs. Dexter followed`by a Bible name contest.`-Mrs,
rick, Mrs. Mary MacGi liv- • * • meditation and *Prayer' Houston thanked the, hest-
interesting, name your first
school and teacher,'
Several hyrnns vvere enjoy-
ed with' all:singing to music
on tape proVided by Miss
Helen_ Thompson, •
'COnvener --reports - -v,vere
Grade 1, teacher Jean
Kaufman - Mark Andrew,.
Dale Priestap, Lisa Kaufman
and Andrew Glenn.
F or nearly 150 years Ontario has
had a law making it an-offence to.
enter property where entry is,
prohibited. But now •neW.legislation —.
The Trespass to Property Act--has -
tonghened up the law to protect - •
Your rights . . .. •
Trespassers can now be. fined up to
$1,000. In addition, they can be ordered
to pay for damages they have caused. • .•
An important part of the legislation
-designates premises where entry : is
prohibited without notice, These
include your gardens, orchards,
vineyards, land under cultivation,
.• woodlots and fenced land. . .
Where notice must be given -to
prohibit entry, you may, use red - •
markings on gates, trees or fences.
Yellow markings may be used to caution
that only certain-activities may be. •
permissible. It is the responsibility of
the visitor to-find out what .you permit.
In the past, there was a great deal of
confusion regarding yikir responSibility
to people you allow' n your land, . • • .
Consequently many .farmers and rural ,
landholders would not allow recreational
activities on their properties.
• Now another new act— The ,Occupiers'
Liability Act-reduces. your reSponsi- '
bilityln a nutshell, the law assumes
that those who take their recreation on
ut paying a fee - most rural land without
Tough new laws will deter trespassing.
er, Mrs.. Evelyn CoOk •and
MrS, Norna Campbell. The
continued study on Japan
given by MrS.jardine,
preVed interesting... ' • '
ThelOstess was, thanked
for- .-giving• •ber .home and, a ..-
sided and opened the Meet-
treasurer and by the mem-
bership convener, Mrs,
Brown, and community
friendship convener, Mrs.
Reports were given by the
Mrs. Houston read an
article concerning the new
.mOderator, Rev. Lois Wilson,
Mrs. .Grace.. Gibson pres-
ided for' the pregram. Wis-
dom :was the thethe ef'devo-
tionk, The_seripture"was.read.
will take care for•their.(iwil safety.
A special sYstem has -been deviSed
you. to easily indicate which
activities youwill allow on your •
property.. A:Sign..naining. or graphically
repreSentingan-activity (for example, •
hiking). indicates that the activity. is •
permitted. The same kind of sign with
an oblique stroke through it means •
,that you prohibit the activity:
These new laws are part •
of a continuing program to
- -streamline. our legislation.
By clarifying your rights,
they affOrd you-greater
protection from trespass
and also reduce your.:----_
liability when you make.
land available for
recreational iptirposes,..
For full details, obtain
a copy of this free pamphlet. It's
available at many supermarkets and
liquor stores, or write to:
Cominunications Branch ••
Ministry of the Attorney General,
18 'King. Street East •
Toronto, Ontario M5C 105
carstai, Ant=a Nninitnir
10:00 :cm and 2:30 p.m.
L.UcK0C)1/V •
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a,m. CKNX
. .
Hon. FL Roy McMurtry
Ministry of the
Attorney -
Yourself a Little Time, Were
given by Mrs.: Kirkland,
'Mrs. MacNay gave two read-
ogs, Itelie've, in the World,
and a Prayer poem, Slow
Down.. , • " • ;
Mrs. GibSon- conducted -a,
Rev. Win. Munshaw
I.:IA.1W. Div •
11 a.m.
Combined Services
Church and, SUnday
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcome. -
1.• .