HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-03, Page 29Region 3, Ontario, of the
National Farmers Union
presented a submission on a
proposal for a Potato 'Mark-
-eting,--AgeticyLiot ..Eastein
Canada, on Monday,-Sept-
ember 8th, in Toronto, to the
National FarM Products Mar-
keting Council,
The brief reconfirmed the
NFU policy for orderly mark-
eting'for all farm conarnodit-
; s iihasizilig irk in :the as,
well as farmers and the fact
potato marketing has, for too
long .lacked the advantages _today's highly Specialized
of orderly marketing. .‘ trading and, marketing Pract
Joe Casey, NFU Region 3 ises to have the best possible ,
Coordinator, said the . Main expertise in. those 'areas,
purpose thsbrief • was to thrmigh one central selling
draw attention V-tfo-ra-617 agency, . —
`that the proposal for a mark- The proposal would haVe
eting agency for Eastern an agendy administered sub
Canada does not incorporate ject to 'the whims of a -cum-
the necessary principles to bersome • provincial market-
Provide an orderly marketing ing board systein.
system and will only 'insti- "We begged consideration
tutionalize:, park ofAhe:National Farm ;Fr%
Mg. • 7ebtiii:Cirfo
He said the proposal does .alter the said proposal to one
not recognize a need in of a federal apPOinted Corn
Lined 99
Roper Grove pair
Cowhideglove: with Roper
thumb and dome fastener
on back. Features heavy
fleece lining for warmth..
Available in assorted sizes.
• ' .546-406
Fleece-Lined. 9
Work Glove pair
p igskin with
striped back,, full leather
thumb. Band style with
e_lastic across beck,
knuckle strap. Asst sizes.
. . . .546-482
Canadian 9
Green Coverall each
Easy-care polyester/cot-
ton. blend. Machine wash
& dry-no iron. Two-Way
zip front with fold over
flap. Two chest pockets.
Sizes 36-46. Shorts Reg.,
Tall. 546-695
Rubber Boots pair
Ideal for farm or home use.
Mid' length rubber boot
with steel shank and cor-
rugated soles. Available in
full sizes: 6 to 12.
Hunting Sock pair
Cosy blend of 80% wool
with 20% nylon for stretch,
Grey With orange top cuff.
Wood Chief
Airtight Heater with Lift-Top
Enjoy the economy of wood heating with the convenience
and efficiency of automatic non-electric thermpstat draft con-
trol. Large capacity firebrick lined firebox take 24" logt.
Baked enamel finish. Can use up to'/a less wood than con-
ventional stoves. 566-151
Fan for Wood Chief Airtight Stove (optional)
Gives you the luxury of warm floors. 556-152:.. .
Phone' 529.1953
e Cheyenne 4499 Insulated Boot pair
Regular-toe work boot is
foam insulated and leather
lined. Available in full and
half sizes: 6-13. (no sizes
121/2) 549-815
bicknow Sentinel, Wednead11Y, SePtembet -1198CF-Polge
pokao marketing agency
mission, with central author- Mr. Casey said the East, intraprovineial movement 'of
ity," He said the proposal ern Canada Potato Council potatoes, Otherwise,, any
omits assuring that every should cease to exist immed. Potential effacacy of the total
producer of potatoes will' . lately upon inception of a structure becomes inhibit,
receive equal . opportunity central agency, which Must ed," Mr,. Casey said after..
-untierthellairrandleignore—be-the-sole-and-final negotia- ---faildng-rnirianY-Pntato
or purposely not' include this tor for all potatoes, including ers in. Ontario, he believes
principle immediately re- those for processing, Quotas, they want a central selling
fleets a provision of suprein. if any, he said, should be agency providing it is a coin-
,acy for a 'class' =of growers. administered by the central prehensive, rstraight line •
"We are confident the wis- agency, and • not be negoti- marketing organization, with
' dom of the National Farm able or transferable among good expertise in pricing,
and transporta-
'w 'vanquish' poStitility "To be succesgritalit ion -,t6 --thaf.;one
of such a loophole in the ency must have full authority produce is not working at the.
plan". over the interprovincial and disadvantage of another.