HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-03, Page 26Pontiac-Buick
Rage 2—Lacknow Sen:tinell, Wednesday, September 10, 1980
Residoots want crekirotwop4
West WaWanesh Town-
ship; Council met for the
regular September session
on Tuesday evening, Sept.
ember 2, 1980 in the Office of
the Municipal Building, MI
Thetribers attended with
Reeve Purim presiding.
The minutes of the regular
August session and two extra
meetings were read and
adopted on motion of Coun-
cillors Aitchison and Cran-
A deputation of three res-
dents,:freirr-St face'
Connell' abbut -having the
creek crossing their proper-
tieS returned to its original
course (altered a couple of
years ago). No decision was
offered pending information
to be received from the
Ministry of Natural Resourc-
Motion by Councillors
Hickey and Aitchison, "That
West Wawanosh Township
. Council' hereby authorizes
the issue of Building. Permits
to: R. Robson (house); F.
• . Thoeny (implement she.-d);A:
Stutzman. (laundry room); A.
Miller (Woodshed); A. Web-
ster (silo); and further that a
permit be denied D. and R.
MaeGillivray for .a barn,"
Arnold Mothers presented
his views to Council about
the old laneway at Nile which
gives access from the Ash-
field-West-Wawansh bound:-
ary • to the. County Road...
; Motion by Councillors
Hickey and Aitchison, "That
Applications for Loans under
• the Tile. Drainage Act; sub-
by R. Pilwin-and - L.
StOtzman are hereby, accept- By-law #iS, .1980, 'was
ed;" given third reading And
The road accounts Were ally passed on motion of
Ordered paid on Motion .of Councillors Hickey and Seeg-
Councillors Cransien and er. This hy,law impoSes
Hickey. .. • special annual rate, on a
The Clerk was directed ta property in West Wawanosh
+,vritelkelvlinistry-of-trans-- -4o-coveta-tile drain--.loan -r-
portation and Communica-
tions to the effect that ,Motion by Councillors Ait-
Council was of the opinion ChisOn and Hickey,.. "That
that the rental charge to the West. Wawanosh Township
Township for administration- Council hereby authorizes
al use Of the Garage office 'the payment to the Clerk of
remain at $600.00: $200.00 for services per-
it 14, 1980 was ' formed in administering two
g u. yin dam COmplete.d-taid .
ally passed on motion of Drainage Act, 1975."
Councillors Cranston and. The general accounts, were
Aitchison. This is the Lawlor ordered paid on motion of
Drain by-law, a Colborne Councillors Aitchison and
Township project. Seeger.
y- w itmits Bo
bridge -loads
ordered paid.
Council approved building
permit applications on Aug-
ust 18th 'for Weir ECken-
siviller for an addition to a
house and for Murray Hend-
erson of lot 75 concession 1 to
construct a house.
Court of revision was held
for the 'McMullen Municipal
drain which recommended
no change in the assessment
of lot 35, concession 2...Sub-
sequently, the engineers re-
port on the drain was adopt-.
ed and by-law 8-1980 which
authorizes the construction
of the drain was given third
and final madin.g. ,
The September' 2 meeting
of K.inli-}ss Council was' held
,in the municipal offices with
the reeve and all council
By-law 1.3-1980 was passed
on motion of councillors Mc-
Bride and Gihh which limits
the weight. of , vehicles in
tonnes. passing over certain
bridges in the town'ship. This
by-law supercedes by-laws
13.-1980 and 7-1978 and is
subject to the Ministry of
Transportation and :Com-
munications. approval..
General accounts for
$28,381.56 and highways ac -
• counts.... for...$49,569.58 were
1979 AiIII4
:2 ;door, beautlf01 silver with
grey landeu 'root , red interior
wit incitvideal. seats, 0,
Warranty, only 12,000 miles, Li g.
OZ8 773.
4 door„ 4 cylinder, 4 speed,
ziebeet rust proofed, sold,
serviced by McGee's' since *4oinf',
one year,Vvarranty., only 30,000
1177 VEGA
The best one around, mint con-
dition, 4 cylinder, automatic;
radio, chrome roof rack, white
mialis, wheel discs, 27,000 miles,
balance of factory 5 year/60,000
miles, engine warranty. Lic. No.
MNW 773.
.1 916..gAD*114:,
2 door, 4 cylinder, standard
transmission, radio, a very
clean , one owner car with
39,000 miles, economical, to buy,
economical to operate. Lic. No.
LHH 821.
lliiiversaillif %I tur _
1 Asecn. si,Ar 4_ 4
..,14.42v, •
t; 4
De;ogned for efficiency 'and ease of
operation, it has featuret such as a five
bearing crankshaft, independent PTO
hydrostatic steering, 12-speed
transmission, deluxe seat, and lights all
Included at no extra cost, The styling is
crisp and modern,
All Purpose Four Cylinder Diesel Agricultural Tractor
The Universal 640 °Hers-the horsepower
needed for most jobs around the farm
--- from fleld work to farmyard Chores.
Less wheel-slippage means more
economy plus added. efficiency Ideal
for plowing, loading, disking. and
healing 11 adds.up to efficiency. with
more weight per dollar than any other
tractor in its class, that we know of. See,
the Universal 640 and all other tractor
models that team-up with matching
implements to form a complete line of
farming units,
the Universal 640 DTC is a four-wheel
drive version offering added traction
for those tough operating conditions
You'r Ascot Universal dealer has all the • Up to 40% more traction on
details Ask him for a demonstration field stubble: 15% more
Put a Universal tractor to Work for ypu traction on concrete surfaces
When you buy a new Universal 2 or 4 W13: Tractor - You have the cho i ce an INTEREST REIMBURSEMENT UP TO MARCH .1; 1981, GR THr FAMOUS ASCOT ROPS CAB VALUE $1875.00 FREE OF
CHARGE. - H.P. range from [35 to 64) 2 and 4 W.D.
Riegling Farm Equipment Ltd.
7 miles west of Lucknow on 88 Highway
Phone 395.107
Henderson Lumber Ltd.
in Lucknow have the Materials
and information to Assist You!
They Have All The Items In Stock
8" x 8" Glazed Chimney Flue
8" x 12" Glazed Chimney Flue
Chimney. Blocks - Chimney Caps - Mortar Mix
Replace Those Old Locks With A
Weiser Lock
Passage Sets - Bathroom Locks
Key In Knob Sets
IrronleCalle suiwiNG
Lucknovi Phone 5284118
• a. 4.,
011111.111111111111m. allirci.M11.11111111eil
John W. Henderson
Ltimber. Ltd.