HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-03, Page 12FRED "Sales Backed by Service" MAKE THIS YOUR YEAR FOR A DEERE SAT. SEPT. 6 *1499" 1981 FIRE $169900 *2299" *2599" 1980 SPITFIRE THESE PRICES IN EFFECT ON SALE DAY ONLY! Free Coffee • Free Donuts • Four Free Draws on. John Deere Gift Cerifficates in denominations of 5 25, 3 50, 375 and '100! ! I No Purchase Necessary! SAVE TWO WAYS! • _ • 11 • Save on our low, low prices above. Save on our "On the Spot John Deere Financing". No interelt till March 1, 1981. No payments till Jan. 1, 1981 with 25% down. Offer valid for qualified credit applicants only. Credit offer expires Nov, 30,1980. • Full factory warranty backed by our large parts Inventory, and competent service department. As an added service this year Mr. Steve Payne. a Johh Deere service representative will be at MeGee's during the sale to answer any questions you May have to ask on Deere's fine service, warranty, perforrriance and ia6tory mddiOcations. Come in and make the Best Deal Ever!! Deal Now for Delivery as Needed. Watch for the load of SnoWirtobiles kt front of our Dealership, 1980 440 TRAIL FIRE 1981 440 TRAIL FIRE Noot*mt 141:0-H17 1980 340 TRAIL FIRE 1981 340 TRAIL FIRE 1980 SPORT FIRE 1981 SPORT FIRE *1999°° *2299" $2399" *2699°° 1981 LIQUIFIRE • 1980 LIQUIFIRE REG. $3749 *3199 TWELVE HOURS ONLY 11/1cGEE AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. SPI1 355 Josephine Street, Winghern Ph. 30-1416 Stanley Feed Supply (the Ripley Chopping Mill) Weather For . the record each night for the past week or so the next day's weather has been reported as hot, hazy' and humid with thtinderstorms. Under these ideal conditions the corn stalks have been really shooting up. We •pan just see all those grain wagons heaped with yellow corn seeds coming into. Ripley in a few weeks. The yellow jacket hornets like these con- ditions too. They have every pear tree located, and as soon as a pear shows signs of ripening _they bite holes in it, chew up the flesh and Glib up -- the juice. In this way they . . are getting ready, for those folks drinking sweet pop at the fall fair booths. A bee sting •is mild to onef our them = so beware. Those •attending the funeral of the late Roddy MacDonald on Saturday were from Detroit, Cassia Price, Sally and Herb. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price, Mrs. Erwin Staeb; from Stratford; Edward Robb, Curly Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Valad, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Valad, Evette Valad, Karen and Michael Goforth, Beth Ruller, Elsie Simmons; from Barrie, Donna, Austin, and Shelly Stillwell; from Sauble Beach, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, Mr: and Mrs. Len Flood; from Toronto, Mr. and_Mrs.—Murray Cameron,; from. Wind- sor, Kenneth and Barry MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Graham MacLeod and Mr, and Mrs, Calvin MacKay. In Russia and some 'parts of Scandinavia, face slapping is a popular sport. The object of the game is to keep slapping untithne man calls a halt or is knocked over. According to the Guin- ness Book of Astounding Feats and Events the longest contest on record in' Kiev, Russia, in 1931, Was declared a draw after 30 hours. But records are meant to be beaten and at the Odd Ball Olympics held in Los Angeles in 1974, two men kept up the contest for 31 hours. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold (nee , Donna Elphick) who;were married Saturay evening at ---Lucknew, ---------- - Mrs. Gordon Finlayson, Mrs. Fierence MacKenzie, and. Mrs. Helen MacLennan were among many who at- tended the C.N.E. art Tor- onto. • • Services at " Aslaeld7X-eS'=;' byteran Church have been • conducted by Rev. Bill Hen- BY MARION MSS detson on August 17 and on August 24 by the ladies of the W.M.S. Rev. Hugh eat has been on'holidays. On August..31• Rev. R. D. 114,4140, Denald officiated. Lorne Luther for a few days were Mrs. Lloyd Brien and granddaughter, Michelle of RidgeteWn.. :Barry Elphick has accept- ed employment in London. ;to Fansh College for Lynn Elphic Many front this area at- tended the reception In Luck- now Community. Centre for Mr. and Mrs., Fred Phillips on Friday evening. They are residing in- the former Herb. --coneession-of-Huren--Town ship. 'he home foilowoinn hegtesveeconinndg (Saturday) many of the same feJk at .a beef barbe- que at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 'Russell Phillips. -171-4. Phiek were guests .at a wed- ding on Saturday evening at Stratford, when the , Ver 'hoists now reside. Rita Ver- on Saturday, hoist was the 'bride. There were Several exhib- Finlay MacDonald and itors at the Ripley and grandson, Tommy began District Horticultural Show .motor. their long utor trip to Fort .,oh Tuesday last at Ripley, Nelsonto visit Mr, and Mrs. Mrs.Gordon FinlaYson being Tom MacDonald:— - one-of-the-principal-winners, Returning home from Cal- David Elphick had the mis-4' gary were Helen and Christ-. - fortune tohave a-.fire in his' ine Simpson after a visit with combine, while at work on their sister; Betty Anne* ' the Drennan farm. Davey and family and broth- . Mr, •and Mrs. Oliver Mc- ers, Alex, Charles spent the weekend in Sitnnsen; .;;*t_ LT, * 4 t , and" Mrs,., ' Several 'front the' area at- John McCharles and kyan, • tended the, shower for Leslie Recent visitors with. Mrs. Clift, bride elect, at the home Gordon Finlayion were Mr. , of Mrs. Mac Bell of Goderich and Mrs. Rod Finlaysou and 'girls • of Sarnia and Master John Finlayson, son of Mr. and Mrs. .B41 FirdaySen, also of Sarnia,. • Visiting Mrs. Emile Mac- Lerman was son, Jack of. Stratferd-JohnnYrsonof Mr, and Mrs. Jack MacLennan will enter University of West: ern Ontirio this month. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Diepenbeek were-guests at .the S Mann-Anderson wedding atttrxiarinjaieknoW. MrS".• Rhoda. MaCkenzie now working at Pinecrest Manef Nnrsing Horne in , Lucknow. 'from page 11 Elmer and Mrs. Thompson of Kincardine and her uncle and his wife Mr', and Mrs. James Kirkpatrick of Ripley. • In talking with Elmer Thompson last Sunday afternoon the writer' learned that Jim and Florence Kirkpatrick were able-lb stop in at the Hanover raceway last Saturday evening to see their son Bill Kirkpatrick. drive the horse owned by •Stewart Farrell to' a win. Bill has shown great ability to drive winners at Flamboro Downs, Hamilton all season. Grant MacKay of the Sixth concession east in Huron township un- derwent surgery-in-Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital over a week ago. He is still a patient there. During the past week visiting with their brother have been Mr. and Mrs. Allister MacKay of the sixth concession east, Mr. and Mrs; Wilmer MacKay of Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin MacKay of Boiler Beach. Friends and neighbours here extend best wishes to him. tena and Harold Wyld of Weston have been in Ripley for the past couple of weeks. They have been visiting with his mother Mrs. Minnie Wyle of Huronvilla, with their son and wife John and Karen on Malcolm Street, with brother Allan and wife Wanda Mae at Point Clark, with Bill and Nina and family at the family homestead on ,the sixth concession west and also with Donnie Wyld at his place on the sixth. While here Harold has been making im- provements to the house at east end of the street past Ripley . Post office and also extending the concrete driveway at John and Karen's house. Gertrude Kidney, returned to her home Tain Street in Ripley this past week. Gertie had 'been staying With Betty MacDonald in Creemore. Andy Sande has been on holidays • this past week from the Ripley Chopping Mill. He is at his tarn." in the Langside W hi te ch ur eh area. Assistant Lorne Eznmerton of Kinlough is in charge of the Ron tpley... Car: •