HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-09-03, Page 2BAEHR BUYS
1980 DIPLOMAT 2 door
1980 DIPLOMAT, 4 doo
-1979.p0DGE ASPEN, &door,
1978 NOVA, 4 door, V8
1978 NOVA, 2 door
5234342 PHONE BLY111
ON. ouF.I'LOt
Mrs. Joan Robinson won
the house plant section with
26 points.
Tea was served by Mrs.
Ena Henderson and Miss
Liella Finlayson in the after-
noon and Mrs. Gertrude Tre-
leaven and 'Mrs. Elleda
Wightman served in the ev-
Sentinel Wednesday; Septeither, 3 1980,
. emonat service will atten
South KinIoss Presbyter- Rev, Wm. Munshaw was minister. Rev, Win. Bender- Chronicles 29;15 ,was an op-
ain Church was idled 'nearly assisted by Dr, Douglas MK- son also grew up in Lucknow propriate text for his them,
to capacity for the Comment- Donald, now retired to. Bruce and is well known in the "Crossroads", He developed
'oration Service for the South Beach, Rev, Wm. Henderson community. his message .around thoughts
K,Inloss Cemetery Board. It of Woodstock'and Rev. Alex Rev. Alex MacDonald'P occurring ,to him while on a
was ft* years .ago •that the MacDonald of Aurora. Dr, parents and grandparenti recent trip to the East Coast,
Cemetery Board was incorP. Douglas •MacDonald is a were also Lucknowites . aid It, came' to him that the
()rated and-..-thee' P-eittetual native-of-Lucknow.-where-his--„-therefore-he-hail & pPrsonal,.._pregent large citiesjitilifaa,
Care Fund established. father served many years as interest in this .service. • Quebec Montreal etc were
ports of entry for the many
early immigrants coming to
this land. Then too, they
saw many going the oppo-
site dir ction - back to serve.
~zliibitor at6tior"-.".s.
The .Lucknow and District
Horticultural Society held
their Flower Show and Tea
on August 20th in the Legion
There were 14 exhibitors.
The exhibits were judged by
Mrs. Fran Elphick 'of R. R. 31
Top exhibitor was Cath-
erine Andrew, Lucknow,
with a total of 75 points. She
.so entered the most exhib-
' its with 31 entries.
Mrs. Andrew won the
roses and dahlias, section
with 23 points and the veg
• etable section with 26 points.
Mrs. Margaret Mole won
the arrangement section with
25 points, the gladiolus ',sec-
tion with 9 points and the
annual section with. 16
Arthritis Society
plans campaign
Just what is The Arthritis more than 500 communities.
ritis andRheumatism Society_
Society? The Canadian Arth-
of Canada,. the Society is
Incorporated under the laws
registered as -a charitable (known to-many as C.A.R-.S.)'
organization under the In- has recently adopted the
come Tax Act. simpler name of The Arthrit-
The Society's Iwo main is Society.
aims are to help in the The Arthritis Society is the
acquisition and dissemina- only organization in Canada
tion of knowledge about the devoted to solving the prob-
cause, cure and prevention of lem of arthritis and to' the
alleviation of suffering and arthritis, and to assist the
health professions, hospitals, disability caused by it. Its
medical schools and govern- ultimate objective is the
ments to bring about a rapid elimination of the disease. It
and continuous improvement is a national, voluntary org-
in the quality of care for anization with divisions in all
arthritis. provinces. It has branches' in
_Shp loottkrithill 4177m WAIT „ mil,„ ,ll a all llox „ „ mamma moll ////////k
etitheritie Andrew top
Ow• Tlahrigser ccoentrer ihtrad ilifseshar:
of early settlers who contrib-
uted so, much to this 'area,
although some moved west-
ward as the country devel-
oped. In. .closing he, com-
mended those responsible
for the excellent condition of
the cemetery. Special music
was provided by Maigaret
and Marilynne Macktyre.
Following the service a
social hour was enjoyed in
the church basement. Many
took the opportunity to stroll
through the cemetery.
*from page 1
when such things arbn't
"I had research done
on it ' and there aren't
any,'' he said,. "'Alberta's
(royalties) are way
above what any province
has taken for any
resource, in Canadian
history," he. said.
He blamed the per-
petuation of the myth on
Western . politicians,
including many Members
of his own party.
"They have done a
disservice to Canada by
misrepresenting the
truth. We, need people to
tell the truth and be able
to work with other
people," Mr. McKinley
He thanked the people
of the, riding for giving
him a chance to travel all
over Canada4nd much of
the world.
"Thanks for trusting'
me through five elec-
tions. No one deserves as
much as I'Ve been
blessed with," Mr.
He and Audrey were
presented with a large
grandfather croak' by
riding president,
Margaret Bennett of
Wingham, and Whip Bill
Kempling presented him
with an inscribed silver
tray, and a limited
edition silver coin, struck
in honor of the Canadians
working in, freeing
several American
hostages in Iran.'
4' x11, ext4x 10'
ex try x 14'
Ready To Use Drywall Compound
Also Finishing Lime
Lucknow Phone 528.3203