HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-27, Page 10byAb Wylds
• Fits almost any size window, even
8-ft. wide sliders.
• Insulates better than 4 glass layers, stops drafts,
warms up chilly rooms.
.• Easy to install. Hand washable, or dry clean. 5-year
• Helps keep summer heat out —saves on air condi-
• Attractive quilted pattern in bone-white color
brightens any room.
• Pays for itself in 2 to 5 years.
Five layers to Insulate
Decorative outer layers conceal
U' thick batting that surrounds a
reflective foil vapor bonier .
Pat Pending
3 mites East of Luc moW on Hwy. 86
Then 3 34 Miles North on ICIalessSIderoati 25
• 39241118
If you are not horne, a Notice will be left for you. If changes are
necessary, please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as
soon as possible, in the pre-addreSsed postage prepaid envelope
accompanying the Notice. For any additional information, please
contact the local 'assessment off ibe.
J. R. Costello
Regional Commissioner
Bruce - Grey Counties
TELEPHONE 371-1121 Zenith 64220
Regignal Commissioner,
,Huron --Perth COunties.-.
TELEPHONE 524-7326 Zenith 66560
Accounting 1 - ACC2104
Accounting 2- ACC2204
Animal Husbandry: Beef
Art A. Society - ARTS101
Auto Eloctronic.s
Aviation GroOnd School
Ballet Exercises
Courses vary in le
usually one evenin
September or early
Visiting this past week
at the home of Jack and
Eileen Carter in Ripley
Were 'Elmer and Jean
Meadows of Fairmont,
Actonipanying them
were''' Elmer's brother
Earl and sister Mrs.
Wilkens and friends Mr.
wed Mrs, Morrell. • ,
Jean, Meadows is the
ddest daughter. of the
late • Clara (Stratlylee)
CoustaViSon of the Pas,
Manitobe. Clara was a..
dOter of the late Charles-
and Mary Straildee.
1•Bss Mary Strathclee was
the first principal of
Ripley High School.
Also they visited while
here with Mrs. Gorden
Johnston (the 'former
Irene Strathdee) of Bruce
Beach and viewed the old
Strathdee homestead on
the fourth concession east
where Bette MacLeod
flow lives. While here,_
Bob Strathdee 'paid them
-Mrs. May MacDonald
of Tain Street in Ripley
and forMerly of the
eighth concession west in
Huron Township died in
Kincardine Tuesday,
August 19.
The funeral service
was held Friday, August
22, at 3 p.m. in the
MacKenzie McCreath
Ftmeral Home in Ripley.
It was conducted by the
Reverend Jim Bushell of
St. > Andrews United
ChUrch-in Ripley.
Final resting place was
in the family plot in
Ripley Cemetery.
The late, Mrs.
MacDonald is survived
by three sons, Stewart of
BelMont, Dan A. of the
Eighth Concession West
in Huron Township and
in Ripley; five
daughters, Donalda, Mrs.
Lloyd MacDonald of
Goderich, Isabelle, Mrs.
Jim Brooks , of Ripley,
Helen, Mrs. Bill
McCreath of Ripley,
Evelyn, Mrs, Mac
MacKenzie of Kincardine
and' jean, Mrs. Carrick
Coiling of Kincardine and
.formerly of Reid's
Corners in ,Huron
Township; " 26 grand
children, 23 great-
grandchildren; and one
sister, Mrs-, Belle Henry
of Huronvilla, in Ripley in
her 99th year, To all these
sympathy is extended at
this time of bereavement.,
John Wesley Irvine '
died Friday, August 22 in.
Kincardine District
Hospital, "
Born, .on. Saturday,
December 13, 1913, he
was in his 67th year.
The funeral service
was held at the Linklater
He is survived by his
wife, the former Olive
Walpole, one daughter;
Betty, Mrs. Don Paquette
of Kincardine and for-
inerly of Ripley, two
sisters Marian, Mrs.
Wilmer McLeod of
Kincardine and formerly
of Ripley and the .Eighth
ConcesSion east in Huron
township and Olive, Mrs.
Lorne Brown of Goderich
and formerly of . Point
Clark. To all the family
members, sympathy is
Prior to moving to
Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Irvine farmed on the
South Line of Kincardine
Area folks are glad to
see Mrs.' Dorothy Wardell
back ,home with her
husband Les and' able-to
be out again, Mrs,
Wardell underwent
further surgery_ in
Auctioneers Grant
McDonald of the Second
Concession West-in Huron
Township and Wallace
Ballagh of Teeswater
area held an auction sale
Home in Km-
on Monday,
5 at 2 p.m. It was
'by interment in
me Cemetery.
for Earl Lohnes last
Saturday in the east part
of - Ripley - corner of
Ripley Street. Included in
',the sale were the •
household effects, an-.
tiques, and real estate.
Nevi owners of the
-.house and lot are Kerry
and Wallace Houston.. •
The daughter Of -Mr.
, Earl Lohnes,. • Charlene
and a g
„.-Farreil' of Windsor were
Up for the Sale.
Mr. and. Mrs. Earl
Lames are residing in a
home care residence.
Their address is Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Lohnes, 2760
Oxford Street, Crescent
Home Care, Ingersoll,
On Saturday evening
Glenn Boyd's orchestra
furnished the music for
the well attended
reception dance for Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Hoimer;
nee Carol Ann Coiling, in
the Ripley Huron Com-
munity Centre Complex.
Carol Ann is the daughter
Of Harry and. Evelyn
Coiling . of the Fourth,
Concessitm of Hiiron
After. their wedding on
Saturday afternoon, the
large procession of cars
livened up. Ripley after
the sale and , harvest
conditions left the main
business section bare of
cars and people early in
the day.'
Recent visitors ' with
Mrs. Reta Irwin at her
home on Ripley Street in
Ripley were her gran-
dson, Greg McFayden of
Grande Prairie, Alberta;
her daughter Marita and
husband , Dr. John S,
McLean of Agincourt and
their daughters
Catherine, Shannon, and
Dana, her sister Marjorie
and h.usband Ted Wild-
,fong • of Cambridge
(Preston) and also of
Lurgan right the foot
of the Fourth Concession
hill - the old school`house
which has been renovated
- and Marjorie has the
Yemen (Bradley) log
honse down there. So we
The field crop com-
petition in flax in the
Ripley area was recently
scored by Jim Richar-
dson of Walkerton, ac-
companied by fair
secretary Don
MacTavish. The standing
fields were scored out of
100 points. The results are,
as follows - Murray'
Hunter 93, Cecil Sutton
92, Jack Farrell 91, Gary
Courtney 90, John
Gamble 90, Jammie
Forster 88, Lucknow
Elevators ' 87, Jack
Campbell 86, John
Rinimeltwaan 85, Jim
Scott (Con, 4) 84, Bill
,Scott 83, Mike Snobelen
82, Bob. Blackwell 81,
Rick Smith 80, Brian,
Hooey • 79, Grant
McDonald 77 and Wes
Smith for a total of 18
It will be necessary to
show a plastic bag of seed
'at "the ,Ripley fall fair in
the Ripley Huron Com-
plex on Friday morning,
September 26. The plastic
bag can'be obtained from.
secretary Don
MacTavish. This bag of
seed will be scored out of
50 points and a prize
awarded. Then the above
field score will be added
to the fair score to give
the final field crop
standing and prize.
These competitions are
sponsored jointly by the
Ripley Agricultural
Society and 'thee Ontario
DepartMent of
Agriculture in Toronto.
Last year there were 12
bags of flax seed shOwn at
the RiPley fall fair,
Following are the
placings in the • Riplay
Agricultural Society field
-c p —c-o-m pe4-1-ti-on $
judged by jim Richar-
dson of Walkerton: Mixed
grain - Gary
Courtney 95 pts, Tom
Stevenson 94; ,Murray
93 14; Kermit
Goodhue •93; Dennis
Bridge 9214; Carmen
Bridge • 92; Grant
McDonald' 91; John
Farrish 90 14; ,
Needham 90; Lyall
HOdgins 8914 ; Jim Scott
4th, 89; John Gamble
88 14; Bob Blackwell 88;•
John C. MacDtmald 87;
Donald Farrell 8614;
Allan Farrell 86; ,Keith
Van'der Hoek 85; SteWart
Farrell 84; Sack Farrell
83; Gordon Patterson
9214; Bob Osborne 82 and
Cecil Sutton 81. '
• Oats - Mike Snobelen 95
pts.; Harvey Brooks 94;
Cecil Sutton 93; Jack
Campbell 9.1; Brian
ThoMpson 90; Stewart
Farrell 89; Grant
MacDonald 88; Elmer
Courtney 87; Jack
Farrell Lorne Ritchie,.
85; Lucknow ElevatorS
Turn to page 11..
Starting September 2,1,980, an enumerator,- carrying a proper identifica-
tion card, will call at your residence for a few-minutes to check basic
information required in determining:
• your eligibility to vote in the municipal and school board elections to •
be held on November 10 this year;
• the allocation of education property taxes between the public and
separate school systems;
• the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help
reduce local tax bills;
• the preparation of jurors' lists; and
• population information needed for other municipal' programs.
The enumerator must record such information as the name, age,
property status (e.g. owner or tenant), schOol support and residency of
all members of the household.
When the enumerator visits, please check that the information on the
Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify the
-Beokkeeping (Omni))
Business taw - BUS2101
Buyingend Selling allom4
Coaching Clinic (level 1) Th
Defensive Driving
Effective Super*Ision - Ach
Guitar (Introductory)
How, to.Keep Government
Off your.Back
Human Relcitiorix (OMDP)
Introduction to the world of
Accounting 1 - ACC2104
Business Law
Disco 'Dancing
Drawing & Painting
How to Start a Small Busk
Introduction to the World of
Mathematics - Bus MAT21
Photography '
Preventive Auto Maintem
Taxation (OMDP)
Japanese Cooking
Personal Investment Intl