HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-20, Page 20.5.0. A." 4..04 T.P.4. "I.,* le.". 1. Articles for sale 9, Acc. to rent 16, Tenders 1.40, Tendered weekly salary to include all necessary assistants. Assistants to be paid by Arena A/tanager. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All applications to be filed at Town Office not later than 5, p.m: Monday, September 8, 1980. For further information call 528-3539. JIM MOSS White Washing ,and. Disinfecting ., To BatnS and Buildings . Of All Types 6294860 H & S • • WHITEWASHING-. Air or water Cleaning* spray and bietle control. PHONE 393.5395 'RIPLEY 327-8201 CLIFFORD' —31-34 GUITAR LESSONS Beginners to Advanced $3.15 Classical $4.00 Guitar Rental Register early For Fall Session Call 357.4248 —34,35,36 CUSTOM BULLDOZING Reasonable Rates J. A. CULBERT R. R. I, Dungannon Phone 529-7459 —30ff TOP SOIL, Lloyd Whytock, Phone 528-2006: —170 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -8tfar BEEF' By:the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM. KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick. Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 —40tfar HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. Si Electric Lucknow:. Phone 528-3112. ---27tfa.r OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —8tfar - -PEACHES Pick Your Own Suitable for Canning MONTGOMERY ORCHARDS Opposite Drive,In Theatre Road, Goderich OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone .524-8588 400 GALLON MILK TANK complete, good condition; German Shepherd pups, mother very good watchdog, good with children, Phone G. Guichelaar, 395-5868. —34,35x COFFEE TABLE and two matching end tables in excel- lent 'condition. Phone 528- 2720. —34 SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Manufacturer has new 1980 pools, regular price of $2790 now at end of season special of $1488. Pools equipped with pump, motor, filter, fencing, patio and walk around deck. Call Imperial Pools, toll' free, 1-800-268- 5970. —34tfar SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER Overstocked. Must close out all 1980 models and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and in ground pools of steel and aluminum. No monthly payments until Mi. Calf Imperial Pools, toll free, 1-800-268-5970, —34tfar ;--31tf AVAILABLENOW small fur ry - nished apartMent in Luck-,„- nov, Phone '395-5596 or'. 528.-3134. —3.0ff MOBILE HOME at Point Clark,. fOr rest of summer season, by thee. week or weekend, Close to beach and store. Phone Luckrtow, ,528- 3500, evenings. —32,35nx THREE BEDROOM home in Lucknow. Spacious living area. Phone' 528-2526. (after 6 - '528-3543). --29tfar ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Teeswater and Ripley. Call Glennhaven Ap- artments, 52.8-3234, --28tfar • 10. Wanted to rent UP TO 200 ACRES good cash crop land, Rimmelzwaan Farms, R. R. # .3, Ripley, 395-5874. —34-37 CASH CROP LAND wanted for 1981 season. Top prices for large open fields. Also land for winter wheat. Apply. James Ross, R. R, 3 Wing- ham, 357-3895. ---34tf if • 20- -Lucknow SOntkielt Wednesday, August 20, 1900 SELL,TriADE OR RENT TilIPIOUGli THE CLASSIFIES ADS Ism!, 15, Tenders CUSTOM DRAPERY - By Linda For your home or business. Call 395-5629 or 395-2765. —31-34 DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Adritiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395.3466 RIPLEY --15tfar rec. rooms, etc. For free estimate PHONE 395.5450 --13tfar SANDBLASTING cathedral tone, used, in local __ Brickdeaningi Tuck pointing chapel; Barrymore French and water proofing Provincial chesterfield - ex. CALL cond.; 'oriental rug, 9' x 12', _ WhitesSandblasting excellent cond.; 3 pce. bed- whighano57,3637 room suite; colour T.V.; 33,34,35 BANFF, ALBERTA. Clean- bedding, ind. 5 homemade ing staff required by Chad- quilts; kitchen utensils and ROOF TARRING, driveway ton's Cedar Court and. Chart- much more. and basement sealing. Jam- ton 's Evergreen Court.Ex- TERMS CASH es Symes, 528-3233. —18tfar cellent accommodations av- MOBILE LUNCH ailable. Pleasant surround- Preview Fri. Aug. 22, 2 - 5 RONWIN CONSTRUCTION • ings. Only industrious 'per- and 7 -.9;. aiso Sat. morning Additions, exterior and inter- sons need apply. Contact prior to sale for renovations, cedar decks Linda Charlton, Box 1478, JACK ALEXANDER Banff, Alberta, TOL OCO, AUCTIONEER phone 403-762-3659. --34nx 357.1011 —34ar CAREER IN HEAVY TRUCKING, Now's the time' to train for your. Class A license. For interview contact ATA Systems Ontario. Lon- don (519) 43fi-4029; Hamilton (416) 523.0883; St. Cathar- ines (416) 685-6595; Toronto (416) 251.2275. —nx 1.. Articles for sale WESTEEL. ROSCO GRAIN bins, bulk feed tanks, aeraz tion systems, in bin dryers, /vIorktgetatth tryers7ntility augers 3%, '4, 5 and 6. inches, transport augers - 6, 7, 8 and .10 inches, up to 71 feet long, grain cleaners. Phone Jim Harkness Equip- ment, Harriston, 338.2821, —30-34 SWEET CORN„ Daniel D. Stutzman, R. R. 2, Lucknoi,v, —34x THREE METAL BEDS, one oval dining table, set of live seat and chair. Phone 528- 5742, -7,34 .HONEY Filling customers containers. J. R. Fear, R. # 2,' Wingham, 357-3656. —34,35,36 FRESH PICKED sweet'Corn; Anne orders S28-3913. —34 40' T.V. TOWER, booster and rotor;parlour wood stove and pipes; Singer floor pol- isher; quart sealers, Crown and Dominion; furnace vat- uum cleaner; extension lad- der; Quebec . heater. Phone 528-5404 after 6 p.m, —34,35 DELICIOUS SWEET CORN for sale. Deliveries made in larger quantities. Call 'Soft aline Kirkland, ' 357-3408. --34;35 2. Mobile Homes. NEW AND USED TRAIL- ERS, truck campers, truck caps. Large selection. Also parts and accessories. We buy, sell and rent. Morry's Trailer Sales, R. R. 2 Walk- erton, 364-3748, --33tf PARKWOOD 12' x 60', three bedroom mobile home in excellent condition. Priced to sell, Phone 395-3435 after 5 p.m. —33 70 BY 12, NORTHLANDER mobile home, five years old, three bedrooms, excellent condition. Phone 529-7857. --L34nx 4'. Articles wanted WANTED a buggy and cut- ter in good condition. For information phone 528-3609. —34 POSTAGE STAMPS - Post Cards, for the collectot, buy - sell. Call 395-3545, R. Pow- ell, R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont- ario. NOG 2B0. —28-35ar 6, Cars, trucks for sale MUST SELL 1974, 318 Dodge Coronet stationwag-, on, 65,000 miles, air condi- tioning, new paint, excellent gas mileage, safety checked, phone 529-7783. —33 9. Acc. to rent EIGHT ROOM HOUSE in Ripley, carpeted, newly dec- orated, large yard. Phone 395-5318. —34,35 •••••••, SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, available September 1; also, one bedroom apart- ment, frig and stove, avail- able September 1. Phone 39545596 or 528-3134, --29ff ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 528- 2113. —22tf 12. Help Wanted LIVE IN BABYSITTER for three small children during fall harvest; need references. Rimmelzwaan Farms, 395- 5874. —34-37 WANTED - LADY pensioner that would like a good home and companion; light house- hold duties for a man pen- sioner that owns his home. Apply. Drawer 17, Signal-Star Publishing! Box 220, Goder- Leh, Ontario. —34 BABYSITTER REQUIRED for two pre-school children in my home, two days a week. Phone 528-2737. —34,35 AUCTION.SALE Househoirtfuenitrire and Effecta for a Local Estate and Some Additioni WINGHAIVIAUCIION CENTRE Next to L.C.B4O. SATURDAY AUGUST 13, 1980 8 place setting Old Colony, also extra. pieces, ex; cond.; 4 pillar, oak case Pequegnat mantel 'clock; mushroom ker- esene lamp, bottom only; writing desk and bench; library table; stereo 8 track/ record player unit; records and tapes; Minshall organ, washstand; chest drawers; table top desk; pedestal table; 4 Windsor back chairs; unusual parlour table; large frost-free frig; dryer; 24" electric stove; large chest freezer; Hoover spin washer/ dryer; electric sewing mach- ine; treadle sewing machine; 2 metal beds; Samsonite card table set; several upholster- ed chairs; Cyclopad massage recliner; kitchen set; 2 period' • parlour' tables; coffee, step-. up & end tables; 6 Press Back chairs; 2iniFk cans; 6 plank kitchen chairs; oak arm chair; Kenmore vacuum; several floor and table lamps; pt. set Bridal Rose and Harmoney Rose dishes; pressed glass, Noritake china, etc., some pieCes very interesting; pictures; clean ormoro ***10.1!!1. Tenders. TENDERS. Bulk stipulated sum Tenders. will be received by the undersigned.until 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, :September 3, 1980, for the .construction the Huron County Health Building in.. accordance _with plans, and specifications pre- pared by Snider, 'Reichard and. March, 37 Allen St. W., Waterioo, Ontario. Plans and specifications are available from the above upon refundable deposit of $50.00. . The 'lowest or any tender shall, not necessarily be ' ac- cePted* B. G. Hanly, Cierk-Treasurer &' Administrator Catirt House The Square Goderich, Ontario N7A. 11112 —34ar 18.:Services available 'AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant MeDiniald, Ripley Wallace BaBagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 —40tfar ' ' • EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand - Gravel Topsoil - Paving • Robert Symes Contracting Lucknow 528.3047 —10tfar BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING Bill Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 --17tf RADIATOR REPAIR AND RECORING SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528-3714 —33-40 PAPER AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd. Park 395-5079 or Joe Allison 396-7173 —46tf GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION renovations, Additions, Cot- tages, Phone 357-3457, Whiteehurch, BILL THOIVISON .CARPENTRY Renovations, repairs, odd jobs, cement patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Free estimate call 528-3508 after six. POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE el RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Reeondi- tioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For ,piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982, » --tfar Turn to ipage 2i* •••ma Oa. ••••• 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, " private • basement;- private ' glassed In sun porch; close to -downtown-c-Phone-357-2335,---- PART TIME required for medium sized business. Written applica- tions should be addressed to: __Reid_ and_Associates, Box 300, Wingham, Ontario, —34,35 SALES CLERK including general store duties to work 5 days a week, Tuesday to Saturday, 9 to 6; every third Saturday off. Apply in writ, ing only to Box 333, before September 1. —34,35ar TWO BEDROOM house in good condition On Gough ' Street in Lucknow. Frig and stove included. No pets. Phone 528-2626. —34,35x