HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-9-5, Page 51 1
Thursday, September 5, 1930.--•a
Micro Synchronous
Radio with
A Combination Victrola and 10 -tubs
Hear a demonstration of its superiority
Combination Electric Victrola and Radio - $375
Radio Console, 10 -tube Set - - $255
CampbeH's Drug Store
9 are preparing tor the school fair to
Ile bele on the 1.th.
Phyllis Horton is attesdleg the
tiodetich Collegiate Institute.
MI•• Franck Quaid. of Detroit, spent
the week -end with 1101 :rioter here.
K1Xt:rtltltl1*4;i:, Sept. :4. -Thr Alpe
Ter. of SI. Joseph returned last week
• to take up their work among us for
'mother year. Ws- are furtunat` 144
art clog Sister Isobel, our_ higliewhu.l
tetel1rr. hack I,•ian1.
Sister :lora Goof Sister Maureen.
better kmaw. as. Margaret Joy mud
Helen !Mme....pent...pent a pleasantfew
day. awlug 14. and all were delighted
i to see them.
MISS McCardie, of Linwood, vielted
her lonelier. Iter. F. A. el. -Cantle. for
•1 fiw. day- re'eutlii /
• Mr. dlattyy Lamont. .f 1e -trop. 1a
epwuliug►u few days in this .ielnity.
110 wit. H.r.•1ut4tuitel by his grend-
eiild. itetty Ham,. who. .bent her h.rll-
olac• in lyrtr,H. but melds.. with her
auntie tie Mi'ar. Mary and ltri•lge't
, 1
lite k•. Klnq+t r4 gr.
Manella u'('uumor. who .pent most
of her-hulida.ye to \\'ewaioat with
Mrs. /Clientele her .ieter. i. hack for
..•herd 11Rah,.
C III Mel' stI %I i'rKlt4i.
Governments Wee and Fall, lout ,*ha fraught bark with them Mr. Jere N'hit•
Beal Nark oaf the hteete (3044 ytadd. II and Buster. who. spent a few d:tytk,
fly Or► -It 1e twee liy tate Heads ebb them
of D•}wrtsalat+• Mr... Ivan Nfeerar. 01 atr44throy, 1.
LUCKNOW. Sept. 3. -Drs. George
and Will M.•Gregnr. of Chicago, are
visiting retailer* in town the+ week.
Mr. and Mn. Fred Whitby and lube,
of Detroit. motored up en Monday and
Mr. and Mr*. Peery unit family. of
i k•trolt. are spending a few days' at
Mr Tom Drennan's. tlw goodottlii home.
Mr. std Mrs. Walton. of 4:•rlerlch.
with tone .f lwr •leder. end 11er hue -
band from le -troll. "per* Sunday at
111w1r OW home with Mics. Mary and the
Sullivan brothers.
■ Mie Helena }'(d,;)' returned Monday
to Detroit to -regime her teaching re -
illep m,ilbilItlesi.
Master Joe Pricy. who vent hie
haidnye on hies nnele Fel's farm, byte
eniriwol to the big •city. ,
\Ir.. Mow" is visiting ler .laughter.
Nr.. J. C. Milieu. toe
Mrs. K.•.Iw Had oro J. 4'., of Rattail-
, ton. spent Sunday among friends'
ciari4: at lwr home Marc. 411tri-o;
Saw laun,ln. w\ll+s }:,yah 1)u411iu.
When a general electlou results in Ur. and aloe. colas. Widener. of ..Ip, ,yr,.,,r n taste ork+ in Flhlt, r4'
a cheese of Goverament, says a writ- 1;111104T, Spent the ee•krud with Mroe rwith them. In „answers.ers, a new group of polite- Je.. Stiller. Mrs. M, ttruel home
clans with di er•tit alms and Ideas Seh'14.1 r.• -'.tenet here Teeel., t•,mgrr♦tl. 1'1 Ihu,galtunu, vi41tel H 1.'»
take over the management of he na- �There a- 14114' 4•11:1 114P 011 the wtaff•thi•y, 1:4.'I w.r•k with \Ir. and Mrs. G•4•
lion's affairs. IEy••a .viten the Govern- .c;tr. \Ir. Gordon Johu•to,, taking alt-. M,-Itobcrt.:.
plant in power Is returned, there is Itesae• alureiee: plate al fleet form Mr. $.►dart Seely and air:. Klein
usually a re-shufle of offices and new teacher. ..twit...( l'igerou, aitch., are floc guest
mN adv Dromotrd.
Miss Niargaret M.Iptilli, has gone to „( air" 44444* air. D. T,sid. While lar
We look upon thvee leaders u our weezeem. where .he will take a huge l outer{. they Loll,' In the Tan ,110 Fe -
rulers, In a seas -they are. But only ..,•,. +•ours Ylblti14u. Mrs. D. ?eel Stanley nee
a sense. Parties come Into power Mr. II.•rb 1;r:.loani. of Toronto.1• \cols Hee 11•anying them •
. •
and go out .f power Policies ars la- visiting at hie honor here. Miss Marjory Leach. ,.1 Toromte.
trodu0ed, and abaadunetd. Mil: 1"atie Silverman• at \'�w slant *few d t • llen week 111e guest
dined spent the holiday, web Mr. and
Mr*. Hyde.
-The neer school at 5. a. Xo.''12 will
he officially opened on Friday, Septem-
ber It, at a o'clock km.. when a pro-
gram of .lee4•h44, tote...t di be given.
Mc. W. I.. Miller attemle'd the bowl- GEO. S T E W A R W
gut tournament fit Kincardine o, Mon- . Al ookls/
Mr. GeorgeRutlwrf.rd 'and Mr
Hewer Rutherford. of Flint. Michigan
Av. week -omit visitor. with Mr. awl
But the 81v11 Bervlce guru !V even %,,c 11
who for the pate few, months heel orf air+. J.It. Rutherford.
Brace Si. • Telephone 105 Gimlet-kb
$17.00• $17.00
6 only solid walnut cedar -
lined Chests at the remark-
way. and It is the Civil Service that epee vision: at the home of her stmt.! The teachers anvil pupil" wins I.I1•nt ably.Iow price of $17.00.
really rules us. )Ir-. It. Pearlman, left for her hoot,' holiday. in St. Ilt'l.•,.s have gees'to
There are comparatively few prises .,h Monday. !their respective :wheels: all.. Wilhel.e
In the service of th., State, and they air. and Mr
glittering n ones. Salaries r
not 344 a
•Y very a ,•, nn
.none are exceeding- 1 to Toronto
are not high, pe a- few days at
ly modest. Yet the Civil Retries is esti; with th.
oompaod of some of the most bell- )Ir-. It M.•('h
Ilan men In the land. They ars the air. :and a
masters of the sl:uation In their re- ,I••„t 4111' w/
spective departments• whatever party /Irilli:, and t
happens to be In power at the mo- the Mu+kok.1
meat omp:mic.l 1.
This efficient and smooth -running .1....f
.. Nell Maekeplie motor- I mite 1). Rutherford to Tinemine : c
s ,cert a mbar
o . , cur Woods -to rte
u Tut'eda d \ nl*•I au I Ir
y NJt 1 I Mtwm.' .1
the ekhlbltloe. They 1 Kitchener; Mia. Dorothy N',•Ieter t.
m \I I+. Jean Lung and Tilbury : all•• 7woW;, \\'elrAer To Tu- J
' 111 t •�
Ire, 1 emrron AfteeD".. .I41Vl11eichi Misses Gladys u„t Caro- FURNITURE DEALER •nd
r'k.•44d with relative. al line' Webb to Fort William: alieeel FUNERAL DIRECTOR
•ak in the 114)31 ttl1' .n Doreen ao.1 Jean \Wel.ter to Wing!'
Lakes. They were ae- heat hest •hood.' Mr..Mrliin1e Ram- I'llnn, 'tOrP :ia i, lies.3.)-.,.‘ „�' _t,
y Mr Clarence Maellown age n1111 \f r, ,Tuan Porten will attend - k"'
Ieh. 8t. ileleu:.e,uMnuatien wise d. Hamilton Street Godench, Dat.
o 1''' 1.twlutiun' are extended to all
. HELENS • - our yawaQ elude44t. ..11. lr,.se1 'e
elir111ab1v 111010 rlamltiationw'.
St. Helene ,,eboolloptees 4444 Tu4eIuy'
MIs. Glee Alton will Iave charge oj
the 1rpper"r,du and \I.-. Vera Timid n
.. ,'. 141 ire
a will
room. 1 11
alar tomer r n4' al .,
have charge of the ta11 s,•hool. Miss
1:. Leekhart art the No. L" w•hool. Mr.
\Wltsen Davie. of Tarn. will have i•
aha r.o,rf Belfast school, - .
3 r1e4' rout. ; M,•. I toroth.. \leQ11 144 o r
Machine is the backbone of our poli-
tical system. Without it the politi-
cians would be Y impotent as babes
The House of Commons could shut
down for sloven months out of twelve
and the Civil Service could administer
the country, but f the Civil Servt
"downed tools" for a week the result
would be chaos.
When a newly appointed Minister
takes over ons of tee great Depart-
ments of Stats, he .enters a realm
whose real rulers are the permanent
staff. He depends epee ttrem for ad -
annuli! t • 1 knowledge of procedure, organ
ST. 11F.L})XS. Sept. 2.--1►r. Will
M.,;reg.r and lir. Iles. M,l:r'egor. of
with .their I
r•hiex.o. are cbiter,'
Mr.. George smart.
Dr. Weir. air.. Jehu•rton and $\Ire:.
C. itolwrtsen,. 01 Auburn. were visitors
with Mrs. 1'la'rk re•14itly,
allow 1.1•44*') Miller :111.1 Master ; ;.r•
:en Miller were Iu Toronto" laeet Meek.
utyre. vice, now Hoer _
the nests of Mies- Muriel Hall.
Sir. and Mrs. Jive Wer and PIM. ••f Illation, and help It pMing into et •air. 1'01111111 1'amlvwu.•of Derrell.
d •
Week of Sept. 9 to 14
Ingerwdl. rout letlmer Day with \Ir tett- n weekeeni *boor with `'r. tui Gul•latlt'II 'IVa\\'\SIIIP Monday and TuelilbeS'-
• +► tact the polity of his Gu+ernmenl. ` ll v. townehi , uurll tarot 111 Itolme4- •
J.hn (►'Nell!. The Civil Serean• 1,a. no politics- \I r-. Jno. /':uowrm. • t tY1 ALICE WHITE
1111{1t1�11 ss.r'k.rod and Labor Day Pl•i4an. ornately. It Is his dety to give effect Mr. and airs Alf Webb had 1144 guests tulle, on Saturday l,'.,la•t.
included abater M. 1'is.sla from C,*Ir• to the policy of tee Government of fora few da'r \Ir: ,1� )Its, Clar•uec apltnuc- .f la+t 'Sono. ,read and file new screen ll.'Il i1 ,, a sensational
Tarter. ..f Grnyd \'ullry, whit were Mowed. (';uurty enan.e•r wrote re guecees. A ret�latien in-martu.+4, +par-
i }a:Itl'It\. Sept. 3. -Master Rich- ,rh h 1 remedy i►••ri. Datum' ; alar. T. the moment. Prlt'ate.lrb he may db-
-'' • J d wen Glares r •fiAd daughter caro with the pol.cy. Dart hs b there 111,' .n aisle welling trip, Gtr+. Carter cru.heol gravel on .eeme•••1►.n i and Cut kle, and pep. this iculn• al...un s
lt'• v• . I •ft 14.e•r until next 'genuine Irmo r. SE
an' rod, r•harnw t
..t Gra . . ,,
lam ,
g *.
1K d4t11Ck nnsite ids a being ., a un :n o.( \1 r. \\rb • G.
Gertrude. airs. Griffin e11.1 ,- 'l'e . to carry out her ln•.rectionr. He doe /'�
\bowl:' after ophiooling Irol1(iays b!'r'e• efisequenoleo Fee" and mks talo" so loyally. air, Sud -Mak 'IM r. W \\'.4..u•r. ..f nastlu.. The clerk nae llwtAlctwl- He ((�hOW ■ -Irl"
a•rm1' In ,.... burg attP alt! in- meth O'Connor, Meer.- It and Philip There have bee:. tuft« past, end teemed'. alt :mr.1 etre .fan \\'••Moor. enter 'recurs !d Ily.lr.. :'e.unt. in V
r..\Seton Jta.• I \Ir Icrot•Falrhrnk.th. .ulletors roll.
I '1'uu _jV1111' I,
ant , r•
.I ,T -cot w4'►•.' t1-1rt1'r -wiett M. 'e t
.,4v-i.we.,.,,,.�""P"a at i_:rtinrb.) I.444w ;1.4... ,Idorta•. } 11ti4.11un. • there no doubtagate, Min
\*harhl..•n, Sun,1ay.__Se September 1, ,ieorg4, i)renney. LI
wtial ...•r.- .- lU.ted by fare. J. frau, -Ilelr.lt; X.en11a
Amster. or King/41111e. A Peenwrial..101' Hogan. fr..ru 1111
window wail unveiled durl g the ser- 11m,t.1 I;an•ey. T.ro�40
vice• it, memory. of Mr ono Mr. Wen.
n O'Loughlin. litters who have : $red ..cry heavily
n IY('ortyur and upon their permit, -et ,,metal*. The Sirs. J,,.. It. Webster and ND. and Niro.
mitten. and }wl•tromp licated niachits. -. ,f high once •In-. 'turtle,tle'turtle,re. nt1y.
elect, has lee•.mt•
fore • , l
}Hoath 1
Mi•s l.Iireue \I:;bar nae baiday4,:
dDe intricate orga,.atuun of Kuv«ru- �
went, and the rugs aandprededente ! few day. 111.1k -t weewith her gram l-
de artmcuu •were likeaun-
to them.
ASHFIELD t� of their p
in annual affair, t1rok }dace at !bogie's • u In other words. flier were not un -111'
IM'IIi1 011 Morita,. September •2noL .\SH}'I}:LI) 1V ►1\'X-F17t1',.33'e{ h old Sara,rluy, August :11..4 -Ince It.•c. IL 4..
t the . their \\but
neither. Mr-. %Leer .
.\ oldie welling y't+ 44.).,,,nisl'll
.t .•leu.. at lig
b 11.14.► sot
•tore. . r. II !
There were over forty prer.e,t and d. 'Some
elks certain army vfttr••yi int a iehl unN,el Sir. Ger. .e, .I. al -
weather twin so warn. all enjoyed Nadal',
,S..mP days who had tot :l .,• en e r nun -14'
w a R o th
Itnr,.l " tool. "lien
Pherson and Mi.. Janet 11. \I F nein,
hely, at the lake. Roth Mr. sod Mrs. 'hang''` 1401 ."11.041 am mR a 4.zteh- commissloned om •1st to run their In . the hole --- Jls t m.o•Fari tie
•r+ of this township. Misr- May sommands.
Jar+. Cook ore over ...events year. of Stanley. of Ripley, takes Up her duties When a Cabine Minister holdingy.
-\ft•rwards the young couple left •.0 11'
are nod their /itildren and grand-
rand 11 S. S. No. 41; Miss Oiler Kilpatrick the portfolio of a tat•• department trip t. Toruntn, i)etroft nn,l other
rhe. He are wit far away. air. and i \ 1414 1 1' I r Kill•.trlck rises' In the Hoes. of teeeemoae and t••iu,- before settling on the _-r1sm1's
Mr. }Irate 1'os.k. fr W1r141+t.14•IC. were
present alt the gathering.
Settee,' re -opened on Tneelsy: A 11M1• Itu1y Kilpatrick cranes to with his ability. thew tmeher. Mbo. NI...Dowell. fromt before? tg-tor. With Nr. mei Mrs Con F.rhen. were not In, jogai In this x/nkM•r,
Myth. di at i1 iiXe\ li and Mime A { Rlr'kwlmMl t
;ajp i ode 1 * I Th. -r • 1 • au aw „. �1 Questtou put � h►b► t ►1 alt ,yptyk y,. Is►swwt wr,1'�Y4t1
t - }t, . M, t. as a mP farm near St. Helens.
they'd). Mr. Woe as prlm•ilx,l of Dun- deals adroitly wit!. an Intricate. mass
of figures and fact., we are impressed
gam,4nl wheel. Keine, of llamiltun. were a r•k-enol
\I r. Kolar ami hi- mother \I r..
11414 of Mayer 5:let:elle \less" lolly. Stunning,. 1-.l..ard, 4;r14.vS, 111141-+
Tmeu.hip Tn•asnrer S;1Jk.•ld waited -
oto the t"oum•1I asktle-f for a grant to
,;.ml.•rieh fall fair. \ grant of :t
woos voted. - . -•-
tow n-
•. a 141.Itu•• the , h
• . tl. f
Th, a 1,
s -
stip nominations in \,itember and the.
election In 4k'.•cmtr•r war otie.n...'4.
hitt ens left seer until ti. -tat nteethl:.
The following aerlunt. were ordered
Re. Sturdy. sheep claim. :aro:
Heg Sterile. vatiling "h,r}.. lel: Super
imtendeut. pay coacher No. • 9, *Gl 4r'
.\.•11413 .n. 4140 1"•mm�mndatlnr, .f
Mr. T. 1►. Drown. the 1tetra rtmett .1
Ili:4,' I$ t auditor. gratel tip•. -.ani,.
resume her d„tles' a. 55 hat 1444 ae un:!r (ons
Iteacher In the .-out nus m 's.• u , . air. Jahn alcl'hrr+•n, au.l \1r- \\Till' :rr,v1'1 mot t'; he paid -:,4'l the owner
McDemald is tack a K �ts• r♦ coati Orr tlrt•ral, ensu e. thf pap Tie aatettaa . t'ttutle•rra etf wtaetwles1 Toruut..
.oar neighborhood. 11. 'We waiross '1'lle =sir.
n pl 1 th circum
A bin -full of Heat Folk's ('oaI in ,
your house serves notice on
Every cold wave that the Heat I
Polka are on guard.
And that it meant, instant death to
try and get in.
A phone call to 9)1 •
Will assure your holo • of thi• pro-
For Good Clean (mai
Phone 98 - Goderici
The Leading
Men's Store
Et'erythtng that's new in
Mens Wear
11:u,d Tai,,rn,3 atnl `;penial
I/r.lt'r to Veer �i.•aeur,,
Chas. Black
i'hntn•''1'1 (o,L-richt
4 -
The Shoes that wear so well are the make- tint arse
sold at, G. -o. MacViear't' Shoe Store. They have always been
Unions for their sturdy }searing qualities, standing up. and
retaining their appearance after ordinary shoe- have grown
shabby and out of shape. We find that it alw'llys pays to
give our custonwwra quality in shoes that we emit bark wit h
Our prices are always reasonable.
1 Tip Top Tailors' New Fall and
Winter Samples
The new woollens are more wonderfully desigfted
than ever, and embrace cloths from the finest looms.
Imported direct from the great mills of England
and Scotland.
May we show you the new ranges
You are cordially invited to inspect there..
Tip Top Tailors Agent for God. rich and tinnily
South Side Square, Goderich Phone 384
atter a w�}•s,a►J •Lit I En 11•1 deal w ea rt.•' aemalse a Den coon ,Get week.
. n.e rfh .renMlYlnn.
Sire 1 J. It••11Iw MINI J. ('• Kean'. I/ !n hies O Ce rhe }:vI1fi.illoll. , Connell lI IJonrn.•d to I.,'M r:, 'em-
- -
Hamilton, 0.4114.1 ala friends on the 71 ti stances to toe secretor; who unaware
ml linnday: it. Presently there hes i,efore ham al; Gtr. and Mr- .foo. Smith. of h,.derich, day. Deteh•r i. 441 1.'411 pro
Mr. Ilatetee .Hey. .f Detroit. was a the material' he 1%qulrb, prepared by !call.'.) on old friends hen• last week. H. (:. TTrOMI'SIIIN 1 ,• rk.
_nest et rice Dineen home over the the petwanent s•zperts of tee depart-, Mies ' '.• Clark returulrl t-. Sash
dello:' a sent. He can rioter hope to know s0
Memorial Window 1 ,,ached. -In tiw' leneh about any particular affair as
. a1m of the SN.both morning at a i those men, weese laces are spent
little emery church surrounded in , where he -wig, speed at mos: a few
.he dist te-e-by the petural green of years -and 11.11 without Int.•nstve
alae forret. and adjoining the home-1tzatnlas-
-oetil of the iHte Mr- and Mrs, Mitten' Although the burden of admin i;
St.Hher•, shoes many wore of Mende the sttethe Ountry ef s rests
from the community eltol adja.rnt
row„s Joined with the regular wor- Service. the salaries paid are small
In Bhtke 1.11144+1 ehur(11 mi compared with Gose enjoyed by men
Son,duy mondng. -•'Member let, a of equal cleveree•ss In industry or
beautiful memorial window, created fry Commerce or tr. some of the pro-
tl,r sniffier,. flintily to the nm)n,ory- tomatoes.
y Nowadays. when the prizes of then
.( their parents. was uucrilel.
eh1 Sunday. Sefrteml.'r i"t. tw.nrv- business world are/0 huge, it l4 not
Tice Hades- ago, r* 41w *Har \Ir. surprising t0 find some of the most
Sla fres Goat, I)repnlriog ur attend the brilliant Of our Civil Servants turn-
�•lu,mh wite•rin de wor.hip11e1 hi. e;,,1. ing from Government service to prt-
the final ,+nmm"n+.4:Ame t. hint. um.l vats enterprise Sir Josiah Stamp,
In -\pril .,f the year ale wtdrlt of afr.. Britain's enterprise
economist, is one
Stotlers wMred sway to juin itv, instance; Lord Bradbury. Is another.
jl.et 1441400. In he• 44111 mho m44d.• n- Both these mel: were In the Civil Ser-
e Rah t fur rhe a memory
of a menwrflh vice Both, t• -•1sT, are earning large
Rehm to tlw n,em.r o her hushxm . Incomes outside it.
y 11 3e�vlce as a
t t i tIIandel ant e
tarellbvs. aly,alte retro o teen 1n
Mr Wilson Wm.l- is in Toronto' 51, lhlor ' of the work. •
:noon .n Thnralnr after "pendl,.: her \\'1• et1Lrce heredity wtth'onr teethe.
.•nation with her mother. Nine •'lark. .-nt areement with 00r mietake•e. and 3-
51r. and Mrs. Percy Hyde and ,l3,i.b- 1, ••*T-er . rcdit ourselves with all nor
tete an.i Mr. Harold Hy d.. of Kilt
t1N [ i ecu
The Slot hers sons and daughters
N « talk of the Gv
rre•tel x most beautiful •Window. rep- protected occupation. ab 1.
uCoid age.
reeentiug the• Good 811e1)heM ill ,o Soots need no' 50117 ■
Hill, ...Mete setting Thoi war pla.wl It 1s assured. But, on the other r hand. .
ill !be n"rthe'a't side of the ohureh ro they have to reaonnce we th and.
+ the twittery of Moth parent... The ser
vary largely, personal amt4itlon.
These conditions attract ern of the III
.11 tow ..f lin A. fact were t charge
hlgheat personal character Unseen,
lief sbieRev. lit A. endo'. armee of unknown to NOW, they adh Unseen.
1 the (clot of the London nfere•u••g of our great to
The greatest Qf-
I the (*tilted church. a+Siwtal hyo the ours do sot' go to them, but t. men 1
ton+tor. Mr. Taverner. Mr. Agnew in In politics. They are the profession- a
Itreefing the 'erre oae'me•mblage cornet a ahs who serve under amateurs. .
I 11111117 plwt"ant re4r11eiion4'of tie What is their compennatlon' Per- guys in hie early life w'''1 1w wn• ea haps the knowledge of power, per- II
I :Methodist
..f the Ashfield circuit ..f Uu' haps the Ideal of public service. b■
Mrth.mll-'t t'bur•h. Two) i'""' Whatever it Is, 41 Is certain ghost they
solus were rendered to Mist. Marlin,, are the men who really rule us. And 1
gibbing.. .f (91ut.u. air. Stephen It. they rule us eery emclently, too. ■
S(nther, who represented the family. __
was cull(N to the LI,, form and eery 1-they
l?ekddlt't Fool Him. u
feelingly and eonclw• ouliuel the A Boer heck,. In a remote part im
eters taken jn pre -tenting the menthe- of the Tran,vae; ',egan to have doubt,
gal to tthtke rhar•h,
paying n hIgI. ,owing to nate 4epredatlone, as t0 11
11�tribute to their owe h?ems church 111m1 I the safety of : '0 he had s owed
:„ "Ile 1'hnr•1i," as the highest factor 1 sway under his d. A friend advta-
in the- life of the ,•.pnmuulty nn4 in the 1 cd him to dept -i; the cash at a hank a
adcnu,rment .1 oho• civilization. Mr. , in. the nearest 4,,,en and they would i
.tool' C. Spellers drew the yell a -ids. look alter It (et n. The farmer did in
Sud iimel the het L�S. the 0yr Ir•Ield so, Grog asked auk manage! what
:be Ir•:n*y of {�m• %% mit. an'I it. 'sIg- would be hi. se for keeping It 1
eilb ,'tte1�r fell oar 1Ile worshipper., the safe and sono an being told that t
dcdi.:Tory prayer war. offered. The far from there • Arg any charge, the
mpre•ssiv*' sere,,'„ followed. from the bark would pa ..'m 415 per annum, XI
text. ",� (00.4 11:441k• Is rather to he hP •'smelt a r:r and nnrut;ht aro 1
..loosen thfin great rMMr', and being money hark to a farm! .
ta.or rather than other and R•'lrt.' ••
(Preemie ie 12:1 4. The name an.1 mem-
II Thus* IMny "Labels."
.,ry of air. and Mrs. William $tether. • ••Conservativ.-' ,'"Lab from the
are greatly honored In (beer seven .Latin "to keep." and implies a Nelle( I1
. „hp Men. who all 'stand high in their in adheriig to. 1 • old system rattler VI
"Moen enlllmg ane1 In their hone 411,41 ' than In maktna violent changer
wr•1a1 i..e. They nr• S. 11. •anther+, "Liberal" aloe, ,••: :res from the Latin,
:eerteeletrat rerr(wnnatit•e of Noasci and Implies a pokey for -free men. 1t : J,dm cation Rtnthen, Stole- The "Lahore has the obvious nn•an- v
;bei •,•honJe 4. hoof..,, 4 hl'.: lag -for thee, a n ' work
b . sPetinntant. Walker-
-arc 1'
Wedne*11ay' and Thursday-
Richard Ariel '4411 Ie. 4111•44. )lr..,k. pr.,
went n chapter from the lift' .f that
amazing Ir•rs11m11i1y'• JiumTully. Rei l:Moe
and a.ic.•ntnr,• in 1lwlwhi'in'in.
"Beggars of Life"
:Mermaid 4',•Ill..,ly
Friday and Saturday -
ti ,nn�
"Drif tw6Ou fry ,�'_.
.5 4'ohmhia Picture }:plc with a mi.
11tali o for uu+ti,1481 4'cellcne.•..
5I,-rlllaid t'„lur,ly
Matinee Sat. at 3 p, m.
utaI'■II■■IIullWRUU■uuuu■■®W NUN MIN
..' 11 : Mo.. Henry- Horten. A.M.
re, ill S1,AIMr., pltbllr ,...1111 1,11
• t •r ter Primo Eilee 1 conn'.,
.ml. 1110.: I4aai• - Stonier.. 1)e-
Irlrtme•nt of .\a1•icniture, Sn"k';Phew1111
Wilkie. Sark.: Mrs. it 11110441 4''r14pin,
Ill, •11111. sI -4,. The first four 11.1me1
nen. present 441 the /rremnny. The
•heneel .Paye church woe filled with
beintlfel flower., the day 4s•ing filen
the thlrtseeteMfh anniversary of
Bloke (•hnreh. •
P14. heck to first tslt.2341"/k►.
W. Irlm
F1 t- Li nit, II
taw out, ,lo. k, '0 toot f 1.250.000. i
De Nmre the crew trued I. better than `
the old .114 before y4q elehenee.
We charge heredity with our faults, l
environment frith oar mletekee. end O. as offset credit 0esrsetreswith all our 1/■■■■in■■M■■N■■•fi,�■■■�1♦11••11�■■•■11111111•alar
I vlre'wes.
The S. A. GRAY Co.
announce the commencing of
emnant Week
[ 1
Friday, Sept. 6th
We have now completed our annual stock inventory, and we find many lines
of odd merchandise throughout our huge dry -goods. ready-to-wear and house -
furnishing stock. These partly sold out lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Towels, Fancy
Goods, Underwear, etc., and short yardage lengths of Cottons, Linens, Woollens,
Dress Goods, Curtaining. Floor -covering, etc•, are taking up the most valuable dis-
play space in our store -and so
They must be sold, and sold quickly, to make room for the new
lines of merchandise arriving daily
Prices on all such lines are now hammered down to rock -bottom and EVERY
Our windows and counters will be filled with remnant values,
commencing Friday, and every clearing- line will have
a new bargain price to hurry it out.
Re sure. to call ant o1.lain your share of the bargain , values while they last
this r"m:ng week. '
.1 tore
The S. A. GRAY Co.