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IneknoW Selland, Wodoeidity:, Augoit 20, 1980--Page
The Alignst Meeting, Agri--
Culture and Canadian Indu,s,
and got many snaps of the Mr, and Mrs. George
activities..there, Hawke of North Bay visited
Mrs.: Henderson of with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne
Brantford • visited on the. I)urnin and Mr. and Mrs.
Weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Elroy Laicllaw. Mrs. Hawke.'
Wesley Tiffin. • ' the former Janet Gillespie, is
Visitors with Mrs: Robt. a cousin of Mrs. Darnin and
Mowbray were Mrs Nebel Mrs Laidlaw. ' • • .
12 3
was held Wednesday even-
ing, August 1.3 at 8.30 p.m.
in Whitechurch Community
Memorial Hall with hoftess.
Mrs, Vies. Metcalfe.
The meeting opened. with
president, Mrs.' Agnes Far-
rier presiding and the Sec
retary, 'Mrs. Alan Falconer,
read the minutes and ,correS-
pondence and 'gaVe the firi-•
ancial report. It was decided
to quilt on Monday at MrS.
Johnston Conzis. '
The roll call was-answered
by bringing a recipe for beef
or'pork for , exchange. There
were 20 answers.
Mks Sandra Currie enter-,
tamed "with.' a, piano;' 'sole.
Mrs. Metcalfe told of writing
to Murray Cardiff arid receiv-
ing a copy of the British
• North America Act revised iri
1976 and the House of
Commons ,Debates.
Mrs. l,lgm Johnston gave
a talk On the two types, of
Earthworms. and their.' life
history. She announced a
contest ;to make a picture of ':a
pig out of' piece Of plain
paPer. The winner was Mrs.
Toni Day t and second Mrs,'
Rena Fisher.
A sing ',song of Country.
Gardens and. GloW Worm
was enjoyed with Mrs.' Ag-
nes Farrier pianiat.
Miss Sandra :Currie of
Point Farms showed slides of
Point Farms; Provincial
Park. It is close to Highway
21 and is •a 'recreational area
on. Laic Huron. In 1830"
Baron de. Tuyle bought the
. land along the:shore line. In
1840 the"' Bank - of _- Upper
Canada' foreclosed and sold
the land M small lots 'to
-farmers-;--in 1876—Joseph—Ent
Wright of England built
Point Farms Hotel which
burned after one seasen. The
new hotel Was 400 feet long.
In 1924 the hotel was torn
down. Pictures shown includ-
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emer-
son were visitors on Thurs-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Simon
de Boer, Miriam and Susan.
Carrie and Robin Bell of
Walkerton visited a few days
----last-week..with_their „grand._
parents, Rev. John and Mrs.
Bell, On Sunday afternoon all
went to the Cottage at Inver-
ed early settlement, 19th Elgin Johnston, Miss Merle Tommy MacDonald of Fort CLINTON 1 Milton Van
Century Hotel, Joseph Wilson and Mrs. Agnes Far- Nelson, B.C., son of Mr. and Patter, who resigned his
Wright split rail .fence, wild vier. Mrs, Tom MacDonald. A post as, finance chairman
life, Point Farms barn, Mr• and Mrs. Can Va Luu minutes silence was observ- of the Bayfield village
sports, nearby attractions. • visited on Sunday , with Mr. ed in'memory of Margeurite council recently citing
Miss Currie/ Was thanked and Mrs. Tony Straker and Lund and Hanley Drennan. persOnal reasons, was
and presented-With a gift by, visited their son, Wen in Grace was sung and a boun- charged in Gode rich
Mrs. Elgin Johnston. The Whigham Hospital. tiful picnic supper was enjoy- provincial _ court on
meeting elosed singing 0 On Saturday a work bee ed. „ August 1.1 with three
Canada and the Institute was held at the abandoried Following supper the counts of fraud involving
Grace. Lunch' was served by' cemetery behind theMen, children enjoyed games and $30,000, ,More charges
Mrs, Wm. Evans, Mrs.--Ag- nonite church. Several men aces which were organized; may be pending,.
nes Farrier, Mrs..V. Emer-
Mr. and Mrs.' if'. Taylor
and family of Wingham had
been visiting her brother
Rev: --Penny in Nova Scotia
and while there visited -Rev,
Lloyd Murdock, also a prea-
cher there. At one time he '
was 'a student preacher at
Whitechurch and Langside..
Lloyd had,the Taylors call on
the Emersons, who lived
beside the manse, to deliver
a gift.
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Falconer were at Strat-
iniron fr0m Where' the girls,
would return home on Mon-
Sunday afternoon callers,
on Mr. and Mrs, Victor
Emerson were IVIr. and Mrs.
Stanley XhishOIM, Mrs. Jinn,
Sheills, And Mis- Frank.
Grechlas, Milton.
Mr. and Mrs.. William Ey-.
ans on Suriday, were at
Smithampton Park. 'where
they were met by Mr. and -
Mrs,: Ed Walker of Owen
Sound and held a picnic,
Jerry. Evans and friend,
from Hamilton Visited on:
Saturday With his -grandpar,
ents,-- Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr, and Mrs. Walter El-
liott and Karen visited Sun-
day, with Mr% and Mrs. Don
Campbell and family of Lois'-
Karen Elliott remained in
London for a week to Visit.
with her sister,Mrs, Paul
Laidlaw; Mr, LadlaW, Mich-
elle and Jason,•
On Sunday, August. 24 at
2.30;a Memorial will:
be held in Langside 'Ceniet-
My with Rev: John 'Bell
giving the 'niesSage. Bring
your hymn book and lawn
chair. If the weather: is too
cold or 'raining the 'service
will be held in Whitechurch
Mrs, Fred Davis and'Dana.
of La Salle. visited laSf week.
With her mother, Mrs. Agnes
Farrier. • "
Mr. and MrS. Tony Straker
On :.4Augrist .2, apProri- by Bob Birkhaug and J. K.
rriately 100 clan members Agnew. Sonic of the of
gathered at MacDonaId's kids enjoyed a tug' of war
Cedar Grove, Loehalsh. De,, with the Simpsonteam being
spite- cloiidy Skies and the the Victors. Tossing the caber
odd drop of rain, the rela- presented quite a Challenge
tives enjoyed visiting with to those who attempted the
each other ; once again. sport, but David MacDonald
The preaident, Finlay was On hand With :a chain
MacDonald, welcomed ev- saw, to lighten the load a,'
eryone,to-the gathering and little bit,
then conducted a Short bust- Later that evening the clan
ness nieethig. The new pre- gathered again at the Lila-
cutive for the up coming year now Community Centre, for
are: President, Mary Edith dancing to the music of
on Saturday held a. successful Birkhaug; vice president; Bill Norman thinsmoor. 'A stnal-
garage sale.• • . Johnston; secretary, Sharon ler number of neighbours
Colleen Farrier , 'of New lvfaCDougall; treasurer, Day- and friend's were present at
Toronto Was•married August id MacDonald; games, Art this year'S"dance due to the ,
9 to paresh Athtaria in Cen, La Grand and entertainment, many other activities taking
tury United Chinch, ,New . Finlay MacDonald. place in the surrounding .
Toronto. Providing music Five new members were, community. The evening
was her choir from Rexdale Welcomed to the Clan this drew to a close • with the
and a harpist; The 'reception year and-the -youngest-baby singing of Auld .Lang Syne
was held in the church hall. present was Jordon' Andrew, after which a smorgasbord.
They will honeymoon in: son of Mr, and Mrs. Allan lunch was served.
oper-Mrs:-:Agnes-Farriet--Andreoint' Clark. The
attended the wedding. oldest gentleman present
church Women's Institute, and Mrs. Elizabeth Stothers
ayfieidek Thursday last White- was Mr. D. A. MacLennan ri
meinbers who attended the was the eldest lady attending faces charges
Southampton Museum were the reunion. • •
Mrs. RUssel McGuire,' Mrs. Travelling the furthest was Bayfielder faces charges
in Toronto Sunday afternoon
to meet his aunt, Janet Hall,
at the airport,
"• Mrs. Scholtz of 'Wingham
'Was a Saturday caller on Mr,
Mm. TonyStraker
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Carl IvIcClenaghan
were Mr. and Mrs. 'wan
McClenaghan of St. Thomas,
0ii &Imlay, little Dennis
Alan, son of -Mr. and Mrs,
George Lubbers, was baptiz-
ed at the Lucknow Christian
Reformed Church, 'After thee.
baptism, 30 of'the relatives:
gathered at,Mr, and. Mrs.
Lubbers' homCfor dinner,
and Mrs. Joe Dueltz
arme of Gbderich,,
Mr. and
Mrs. rra ToannuS of Londo
visited with. their, parents,
visited. lb:~ a week -and
tended the. Highland Games
held at Fergus,
Jitn Ross who bought the,
Bill. Purdori farms on the
river sideroad, bought a herd
of Western 'Cattle, which
managed to break out. The
farmers in the .eommunity
had a big time assisting him
to round them up, •There is
• still one or two missing.
Mr. and Mrs„ Alex Craig,
Lana, Ryan and Jarret were
cleaned up the grounds.
.,Mr. and Mrs, Dave Gibb
spent the weekend with Mr.
and. Mrs,. John Gibb and
Ryan of Kitchener. •
the weekend broigh't her
"mother, Mrs, Hazel Purdon
of .
Lucknow, battle, She had
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidia*. Tan, Lneknqw, LYnn Eat-
Miss Cindy Moore on" coner, Sarnia and Paula Cox.
- Thursday was in Toronto at Wingham.
the Zoo. ' • . Mrs. Florence Furdon of
Mr. and Mrs'. Waiter. Wingham visited Sunday
Muere aud--eindr-recently=with Mr. and Mrs"r7Bill—
spent a day at. Tobermory Pardon-
Offices in BrarriptonaCtiatham•HamiltonaMarkham
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