HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-20, Page 13IM4 M
Market GarClon
Clete and Mary Louise Dalton
and Family .
For Al Your Gorden Needs
Sweet Cori, Obions, Tomatoes-, -
Cuctimberai Cauliflower, etc. 1KI*ISIIP11)(3E
Sweet Corn, Cabbage, Beets,
&tuts and Lettuce
1 Mlle north ondi rntln
east of kingibridwi
-/ •
/ RI). 20
y honored for years of servic
weeks and years to; come.
The ..Bank of Montreal in
Teeswater, and, the Toronto
Dorninon Bank in Winghatn
are accepting donations. The
University of Western Ont.
aria, will issue tax deductahle
receipts. Make cheques pay,
able to the . University of
Western Ontario, Re;. The
Doctor P. J. Leahy Bursary
Fund, For further informa-
tion. call Mr, Joe. King,
The evening was a grand extend to the Leah fatally
.tribute by the community to our deepest thanks and our
its doctor of 27 years. We all best wishes for the filtare,
On Friday, July 25th, Teeswater and , conimuuity
held a menagrable evening
honouring Dr. P. J. Leahy
and family on the occasion, Of
their forthcoming departure
from the community. The
doctor and his family, active
--ifiertihert. of Tees.ater for-2
years, were visibly moved
and honoured by this won-
. derful event. '
ApproxiMately 500 people
crowded into the Teesivater,
and Culross,Community Cen-'
tre to bid their .doctor fare-
well, and to wish him the
best in his new endeavours.
An , emotional atmosphere
hung over the reception line
as people waited patiently to
exchange a few words with
"Doe and Theresa:,
At 11 o'cock, "Doc" intro;
duced Teeswater's new phy-
sician, Dr. Marie Gear, who
expressed pleasure at being
present, On behalf of the.
community, Mrs. Kay Smith
presented Mrs. Leahy. with
an arm bouquet of beautifikl,
deep, red roses (compli-
ments of Flora's. Flowers)
and a boutonniere to the
doctor. Mrs; Leahy ;had ,a few
"share" their tattier," Mrs.
Leahy was thanked for her
cOmpassinn and friendship
through all the years of her
husband's practice. To the
doctor,: Weinstein aptly ex,.
pressed how we all feel when
he stated that he Ilirnibit
slepCeasier knowing DOC'
was here,
Doctor Leahy took, the
Mike for a few moments, and
his parting thoughts to the
'community were a request
that Teeswater continue to
.preserve the sanctity of
family life, and that it con-
tinue to be good- to its older
people, poSsibly the wisest of
its citizens. ,
After the speeches., a
delicious lunch was' served,
capably organized 'by Ruth
King ',and Betty Pennington,
Wilbee's orchestra provided
fine dance music for the
crowd, and late in the
evening, "Doc" played his
fiddle while Roy Pennington
' called for the square danc,
Teeswater will be proudio
Imo* that the donations COP
lected at the door have gone`
into the Doctor P. J. Leahy.
v4is from Oh.r-i7et
BY to."Am mcouiRE teaching career at Ripley
,. • . District School.
mrs, Remy Rowe. of Lio,, • Miss ,loYce. Black and Jana
°wet passed away on Wed, Black of the 4th concession' owe).
nesday morning in Listowel spent a few days last week en
Memorial Hospital. Mrs.camping holiday in Buffalo' -
Howe was well known to 'Christopher and ,cott''14e-
many in this area. She was Guire .spent last week with the former Mary McGuire; their ,grandparents, Mr, and '
and was raised: on the 2nd , Nits'i5111 Reeves and Susan
concession an the former of IlipleY.wi:die their parents
tiopSaendeYst,sniMychatah is rles extendwte away on holidays...
Congratulations to ' Mr,
ed to the relatiVes. ,. and Mrs'. Allah McTavish
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennet who recently celebrated their
and family of London are 25t li wedding.anniversry''
spending their vacation at
their summer home here, Cornfestheld Mr„ and Mrs.. Ron • Mc-
Guire returned' .on Friday MITCHELL - Oyez; 3,000
'evening :after spending a people attended the
week's holiday visiting With Mitchell .Corniest '80 on
MI% and mrs. Mark Burgess August 840, . but at Kitchener. They also spent tendance • was,. down down
1980 DIPLOMAT, 2 door
1980 DIPLOMAT, 4 door
1978 NOVA, 4 door, V8
1978 NOVA, '2 door
1975 DODGE- ROYAL ntiOivACO, 4 door.
PHONE 523-4042.
Teeswater and Community,
Further contributions to the
fund can be made in the
words to say, thanking .the . BUrsary which is beinges- .a. couple of days in Niagara considerably from a high
comMiiiiity for its long years tablished at The Faculty of 'Falls, . , of 7 000 in previous y6ars
of friendship. Jo-Ann Kirk- ' Medicine at the University of The community extends . Kinsmen president
land presented the doctor 'Western Ontario, London; its deepest sympathy to Mrs. Tom Strachan attribated
with a plaque engraved with
: Qntario, This is to encourage Katherine Collins and family. the reduced attendance'to
• the simple 'words; In Apprec the pursuit of medical .stud-, on the . passing Of her bus-: fewer activities and the
iation To. DOcior ;P...3. Leahy ies, including speech, phySio band, Burton. Mrs: Collins abSence of a hospitality,
and Family :-. Teeswater and . and . occupational therapY, recently retired from her tent. '
Community, 1980. , '' ' and all other diSciplines in "ailiamituna mmun muniniininaiiimaiiiiiiiiminnuinannunninniannaiiinitliniumnintliiillitultalllmillikillinflinnainnitlininiiiinimantunniunalninlonnaulunaitthat
Alan 'Weinstein, speaking the faculty,. It will be award • • =
for everyone, first thanked ed annually to a student, from, a....
' the Leahy children .fOr their
inyolvement, ln: local activit-
ies and their willingness to
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