HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-20, Page 12the same farMa and
places as the first group
;did in mid Tuly, These
were Charlie liooistna'S
Ripley Abattoir, Rodger
Farrell's pig farm, Dave
Collings dairy farm,
Allan GairibleS• :,mixed
farm, Ab \Wyk's bee
hives, Murray Culberts
dairy farm, Edgar
Hughes P dr cheron
herses, 'Bob and WendY
Scott's hen farm, and. Jim
Scott's sheep farm on the
4th concession, Alpo they
enjoy,ed trips to the lake
and to. Marj and Kenny
MacDonald's home in
The counsellors or•
leaders were Paul Dyack,
Bernie, Kearns, Colleen
Burns, and. Tara Bridges
Turn to gage 14*
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the res o e
Collins was ' born on route and Don and he
TueSday, November 8, completed the mail
1921 and died in Owen delivery and . box in-
Sound General and spection. At present Mrs.
Marine Hospital last Mae bore of Purple
Friday August 15, 1980. Grove is delivering the
Surviving are his wife mail on the 8th and 6th.
Katherine (Patterson), concessions or RR 4.
one son John of Pine Hosts Mutual• Aid
'House, Saskatchewan; . Last Thursday evening,
two daughters, Sandra August 14 it was the turn
(Mrs. Ed McGillivray) of of the. Ripley Firemen to
Ripley and Margie •(Mrs. host the Bruce. County
' Dave Lochhead of Kin Mutual Aid AsSiociation of
cardine and three all the fire departimnp,
granddaughters, also two in Bruce County.
sisters Helen (Mrs. Fire Chief, John Wall of
Jerome Schmidt) of Kincardine was the
Carrick township. chairman of this regular
(IVIildmay) and Doreen August meeting of the
(Mrs.. Glen Young) of Mutual Aid which was
Kinloss Township. To all held in the Ripley Huron
these sympathy is ex- fire hall. Fifty-five were
tended at this time of sad in attendance coming
bereavement. from:Saubl e Beach,
Last Thursday morning • Southampton, Port Elgin,
Ripley postmaster 'Don Tiverton, Tara, Chesley,
McLay was ' ac- Paisley, Walkerton,
companying. Burton Mildrnay, Teeswater,
making his daily. delivery
in Huron Township. Burt Also Roger. Farrell hadof the Ripley Agricultural thanks was expressed to
always ,had a friendly been trying to.get, a nurse Society waited in a dry the .Ripley and District
greeting and a few words in the area. He cont acted.: but .cool:place at the west Lions Club for ad-
especially as he made his Mrs. Wendy (Bob) Scott side of the • high school vertising the Fipley
way each morning to the of the 4th concession east while the rain splashed Huron . Fall. Fair, on their.
Ripley Post Office. He of Reids Corners, Wendy doWn Scattering those out• float in the Reunion
will be missed here. • also arrived after the on the adjeining 'ball parades at Kincardine
The funeral service at ambulance had left. But diamond. .Finally John and Dungannon.' John
the MacKenzie McCreath it was remarkable' the Gamble led the way over Gamble' reported that
Home in Ripley was held response of these folks to to the Huron ' Townhsip BobRutledge and himself
last Sunday afternoon', help in this emergency hall and it was nice there. had attendee- the.
August 17, 1980 with Rev. situation. Those out for the meeting Walkerton meeting about
Jim Bushell of St, From Kincardine were Don and Anna Knox shed and that
Andrews. United Church, Burton was rushed by Ma oT a vis h.,, Sheila everything w as
'Ripley in charge, am bul ance , to ()wen MacDonald, Keith van Progressing. The society
followed .by interment in Sound. Carl Funston der Hoek, • Grace Peet, moved to accept the, offer
the, family plot in Ripley dreVe Burt's mail-truck Jack and Janet Farrell, of the Ripley . JUnior.
Ceete John Burton d
The folks of this whole and formerly of Ripley. ,Port Elgin„John Gamble • and
community were shocked Burton's wifet Katherine' Slightly wet se Or et ar Y P on
last Friday- on learning arrived after the am- On.Monday 'evening. of 'MaCT4viShwer°
the news, of the death. of bulanoe left' SO right last week, August 11, the charge of the meeting.
Burton Collins of PUrple away Gladys' FUnSten folks attending the After the minutes of the
Grove, concession eas ove er a csm ,regular-morithly-meetini—J-nlY meeting were react,
• BY AB WirLDS Donald of . Kincardine Ripley and the ether 'at WYlda. Vice president
,bleachers in Memorial
Park and Janet Farrell
offered to, tell them. Also
the seats are to be
repainted the same green ,.
' Keith van der Hoek
reported on the heavy
horse class. ,The society
. accepted the invitation.to
have a decorated entry in
the ,Kincardine Fall Fair'
parade on August .30.
City campers
Last week the second
group from• the London
Memorial Boys and Girls
Club on Horton Street',..
spent a'week camping on
Kenny MacDonald's
grass farm at the Corner
of the Sixth, concession
'and the Kinloss Huron
From there they visited
Lucknow? Ripley and
of the mail to the. people Kincardine fire depar-•
of RR 4, Ripley and they tments. Also Reeve Mike
-had reached- the —Pirte--Si—lobel
River CheeSe Factory
stretch of road. Don was
making the annual in-
spection of the
mailboxes. They had
inspected and delivered
mail to the boxes of
Mervin Funston, Ron
Funston, Pine River
Cheese Factory and west
to Leroy Godfrey. Then
they turned around since
a new bridge is under
construction on the sixth
concession there. On the
way back to Highway 21
they were in front of
Mervin and Midge'
(Marg) Funston's home
when Burton said that he
had this terrible cramp in
his left side. Don went
around to the driver's
side of the truck. Burt
had completely collapsed
in a coma,
Don called to Mrs.
Midge Funston who
phoned to Kincardine
Hospital or the am-
bulance and help. Joan
Riley was next on the
scene. Then Carl and
Gladys Funston came
from their place on High-
way 21 to help followed.by
Roger Farrell. The
amlitilance from Kin.;
cardine with Dr. W.H.
Knox arrived. on the
scene and in minutes
Burt was placed in it and
taken to Kincardine and
District Hospital for
examination. One of
those in the am-
b.ulatice was Roddy Mac-
and Bert Elliott of the
Huron Township Council
All attending anjoyed a
fine roast beef dinner.
Doug Coultes barbecued
the beef .using one of the
roasting ovens in the
back yard of the fireball
then Clarence Pollock
sliced the meat using his
electric slicing knife.
Janice won race
One of the big water
events 'at the recent
Kincardine Reunion was
the open half mile
swimming races. Janice
Needham of the Tenth of
Huron won the event
finishing fifteen minutes
ahead of the other girl in
the race. Then one boy
completed the distance.
Seven other boys entered
the race but had to be
taken from the lake. At
the pool next day Janice
got three firsts and was
awarded a medal. Last
Thursday her brother
Larry arrived home after
attending the. Ontario
Athletic Camp at Lake
Couchiching for the past
two weeks. He was the
representative from the
Ripley District High
School. Earlier this
summer Larry placed
first in the 500 metre
hurdles at the Bruce Inter
School Field day. Jim and
Dorothy Needham, the
parents of Larry and
Janice were athletes a
few years back,' one at
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