The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-20, Page 7Ministry of Revenue s, reception. On 'Saturday, June 21, 1980, Wanda Gay Linner and Murray- Douglas Keith ex,! changed vows and rings before theReverend. John D. M. Wood in Victoria Street United ' Church, Goderich, The sanctuary was decorated • with: . peach gladioli, yellow mums -and white daisieS in • brass urns. The bride is the daughter of Edward and Audrey Lin- n& Of Goderich and the groom .is the son of Evan and Margaret Keith of Lucknow. r., Brian Keith of Tor- :onto, brother of the groom, was the orgnist,. The preces- sional music was "Trumpet Tune .and. Air" :.by Henry Poi:Cell. :`;Trumpet Voltin- tarY" by -.Jeremiah Clarke' was played as the recessional" music. ,Mrs. Flora Wardlaw of Toronto, friend of the :bridal couple, . accompanying her- self on the`guitar, sang "The Wedding Song" before the :'ceremony-and"The Greatest Oift" by John Greenwood dpring the signing of the register. -As part : 'of:' their vows, Wanda and Murray Sang "Longer?' by Dan Fog.: elberg. The: bride was given in Marriage by her .parents. She wore a !gown :Created; and sewn'by her. mother'f White honeYlove sheer .,which 'feat- ured a floor length Oat. with full- wing sleeves and -.cath . edral train.. The coat was trimmed with:satin cuffs and - Waist and was accented by .a lace stand up collar. The dress had a circular Skirt of the same sheer-and a bodice overlaid with lace. Her `waltz length nylon veil ivas;attach- .ed to a Juliette cap covered 'hi satin: and trimmed'' with -laCe, The bride - carried a cascade bouquet of f ` coral roses, white baby carnations, ----IStephanotis„ babys... breath and greenery. The bride wore ,a gold: chain and pearl necklace and bracelet-, i gift of the groom. Maid of honour was Lynda Hoffmeyer of Hamilton. She wore 'a Jerry Silverman de- signer original Cocktail length gown of searnist green jersey with full skirt, three-- quarter length dolman sleev- es and a high straight neck- line which draped into a .. straight neckline which drap- ed into alma cowl. Shelley' Warr of ,Goderich, sister 'of :the bride, was the brides- maid and was identially at- tired. They carried crescent: bouquets of White daisies, yellow ppm-porn mums, blue-green . carnations, -and baby's • breath accented by coral roses and White lace stramers. ... The best man was Dale Jougheed of Guelph and groonisman was. Glen Limier of. Goderich, brother of the bride. The groom and his attendants wore sandalwood tuxedoes with floral bouton- nieres. The groom wore a' gold initial lapel pin, a gift of the bride. , - Guests were ushered into the Churchhy. Jamie Hackett of St. ThOmaS, emisin of the groom,, and ten Winer. of. Goderich, - brother ',Of the : bride. . The bride and groom were driven to the- reception at Saltford Valle); Hall by Hud- Son Warr in his "1954 Chev. Coup.10-:,..de rolet Bel Air convertible of ' candlelight yellow with green interior. The bride's mother greet- ed guess 'wearing a floor length gown with full yolk,. three-quarter -length sleeves and blouson style waistline of blue-green floral illusion sheer. She wore an orchid with .a green centre. The 'groorn's'mother wore a finer length jersey gown in a. mottled pattern in vastel shades of pink, Peach and green. , The .dress had a draped neckline and ,three- quarter length gathered sleeVes: Her corsage was an orchid with a yellow matte, .Following family tradition, the wedding cake was crown-. ed with a. nosegay of coral roses and baby's breath • in the. same. crystal glass used by the bride's mother on. her, cake, thirtY-orie years ago. Master of ceremonies was David Keith. .of Teeswater, uncle of the groom. The toast to the bride- was given by carsan Loughra,n of Gowan- stown, relative of the bride. • 'The Reverend and Mrs, John: ‘Wood, who were. celebrating their thirty-third wedding anniversary that day, Were toasted by the: &win. Following dinner, guests were entertained by .'the music of 'Shannon" Guests Yon are eligible for an Ontario Property Tax Grant if*: • You are 65 years of age or older and •You paid rent or property taxes on your principal residence in 1980; HOW MUCH DO YOU RECEIVE?. UP TO $500, STARTING IN 1980. Lueknow Sentinel Wednesday, August 20,1980—,-Page 7 Cycle robber off bap.k. GODEliiCH - A road in 'Port Eight. block was Set up by Vie The Port Elgin branch Goderich op on High-; of the Toronto Polninipn bank ,tiold bywa-y 21 in Colborne was a. Township, on August, 7 in man wiald iag a sawect"°" shotgun. He osoapetl'on a atternp.t to capture a man tie -grey Itawasaki who made his ge,t-away ,plot9r95ide with $105,000 follOwing a bank robbery cattle bank's money: .434.aa. • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keith are residing at R. R. #•.• 4 GoderiCh. ' Prior to the wedding the bride was honoured at show- ers given by the groom's maternal' aunts 'at the .homt Sorry ive missed these navies of r. and Mrs. Chester Haelcett; the Keith family 'at Private donations' priOr to the 'celebrations the TeesWater "town tall; home of Mr. and. Mrs. Jack, Hoffmeyer; relatives of the Mr. andMis.lobert Stothers, bride at the home of Mr. and Dingonnon Mrs. Carson Loughran; Bent/1111er hin, Benmiller neighbOursancl friends in the community at the Saitford The Dungannon 125th Dfrthday Committee Valley Hall. Mr. and Mrs. bale Lougheed hosted a dinner part in. honaur of the bridal couPle:: • If you rent, your grant will total 20% of your rent or $500, whichever is less,. HOW TO CLAIM YOUR GRANTS • If yOu own your principal residence your grant will equal the amount of your property taxes or $500, whichever is less. • If you share your home with anyone other than your spouse, the grant will• be apportioned according to rent or property tax paid. EXCEPTIONS: Only one grant will be paid to a married couple or to Unmarried seniors .sharing accommodation. People living in homes for aged or similar insti- tutions are not eligible for this grant. A $50' grant will be paid annually to every senior citizen. ' Lorne Maeck Minister • All other areas? dial 1-800-268-7121. Russell For further information or bilingual litera- Depyty Minister ture call one of the numbers listed above, Ontario's Property Tax Grant applications were mailed'this week to all senior citizens receiving the federal Old Age Security pension. If you are eligible, complete the application and return it as quickly as you can. Your Grant will soon be on the way. These Property Tax Grants of up to $500 help offset municipal and school taxes for Ontario's Senior Citizens:There is also a Sales Tax Grant of $50 each for every senior citizen starting in 1980. For seniors, these Grants replace Ontario Tax Credits pre- viouslyclairned by filing income tax returns. were present from Saskatoon and Moosomin,. Saskatche- wan; McAuley, Grand Rap- ids and Winnipeg, Manitoba; and points throughout Ont-, ario• The bride -,chose for her going away outfit, an aqua- ' blue two piece dress With mandaria Collar, pearl. but 'tons and long Sleeves . with white accessories and a dor-- sage of coral. ',,roses 'and -baby's breath. The groom changed to - a' *three , piece brown tweed suit with a coral rose boutonniere. For their, honeyMoon .the couple mot- ored around southwestern Ontario PROPERTY TAX GRANTS SALES TAX GRANTS *If you receive the federal Qld Age Sedirity pension, an application form for your Property Tax Grant will be mailed to you automatically before September 1980. An information pamphlet outlining the program has been mailed to you. Your Sales Tax Grant will be mailed to you automatically before October 1980. • If you do not receive the federal Old Age Security pension and are 65 or over, plea'se phone our Information Centre toll-free'after September 1,1980 for full details. . • In Metro Toronto, mill 965-8470. • In area code 807, ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000. , Because Oniatio cares