HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 20'• •
LUXACLAD Glacier White
18" x 18"
24"x 24"
24" x 30"
24"x 36"
St. Lawrence
and Masonry
In Stock
Stanleys :name
pink and .white streamerS
and wedding bells and the
blackboard depicted "The
poor poor farmer and his
wife”,,, a work ,of art done by
Tony Bedford.
The couple was completely
taken by surprise, and the
tables were all, seated with
invited guestS, Those going
to the headtable were Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Stanley, Luck-
now, Mr, and Mrs. R. J.
Kaake, Walkerton, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Stanley; MiCh-
igan, Mrs.. Everett Stanley,
Michigan, Mrs, Maretta
Weights, KinlOugh, MrS.
Peggy (Agnes Stanley) El-
liott of Detroit, and Mrs.
Abbie Russell of Walkerton.
The table was centred with a
beautiful wedding cake in the
shape of a horseshoe. A
delicious,hot , meal was serv-
ed which everyone did justice
Floyd Stanley was, master
of ceremonies and excelled in
his capable manner. Douglas
Stanley and Sharon, (Mrs.
Tony Bedford) favoured with
sacred duets and Doug spoke
so kindly of his parents and
on behalf of the family , pres-
ented them with two tickets
fora trip to the Holy Land in
the fall. Then the other gifts
were opened and everything
was beautiful.
Beverley (Mrs. Dan Tollef-
son) read a wen composed
poem written by a niece, Lyla.
Johnson, in honour of the
Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Stanley
were honoured. on Sunday
afternoon, July: 6 when fam-
ily, relatives and ftiends
COrniOUnitY Centre to. honour
Ezra and Lula on the Occa-
sion of their 45th wedding
anniversary. The centre was
beautifully _.decorated with
C- r:FIES11-11
14 OZ._
Open Six Days Friday tin. 9.00 We Deliver
Despite all those years she's
been cleaning and cook-
45 years, heck that ain't so:
ears fromfrom now they'll
still going strong.
That's what we, hope, 'and
that's, what: we pray,
400d Wishes; Good Health',
day after day.
Wherever you travel in all
that you do, •-•
Good Luck to you both' and
May God' Bless Youl
Cathy Stanley sang two
Sacred songs and accompan-
ied herself on the guitar.
Ezra very, fittingly replied
in gratitude to the family and
all the folks present for
helping them celebrate their
45th 'anniversary, He wished
God's blessing upon every-
one present.
Then came the wedding
cake, ice-cream and coffee. It
was truly an afternoon long
to be reinembered.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley
were residents of Kinlough
area before moving to Luck-
now upon retirement. Mem,
bets, of their faintly include:
Beverley Tollefson, Missis-
sauga; Douglas' Stanley, Cul-
ross Township; Floyd• Stan-
ley, Ripley; Leonard-Stanley;
Kinlough; Larry Stanley,
Mississauga; Art Stanley,
Lucknow; Sharon Bedford,
Heartiest congratulations
to this well-known couple.
"To Uncle Ezra and Aunt
Forty-five years sometime
Ez and Lulu exchanged a vow
A vow that made them man
and wife ,
And tied them together
throughout their. life
Just a couple of shnple "I
Without costing a thousand
or two.
They started their lives hap-
py and free
A couple years later two be-
came three.
Then came Doug to add to
their joy,
A year or so later another
In the next few years there
were three .boys more
Who could all drive a tractor
at three or four.
Shall we have another, Let's
give it a whirl.
Well what do you know this
was a girl.
So Sherry completed the
family clan,
Till they started with in-laws,
beginning with Dan.
Over the years how the
family has grown
There sure is a mob when
they all come home.
But that's when they're hap-
piest of all you see,
Grandpa's in his glory with a
kid on his knee.
They've lived on the farm,
Then they lived in town.
And like their kids they've
travelled around.
Even to Europe a few years
But home of course is best
you know.
Now Florida's nice when its
sunny and celd,
The life they live they'll nev-
er grow old.
Senior citizens they don't
give a hoot,
Ez still looks SO in his new
pin stripe suit.
And Lulu is still might fine
Wendy , Thomas graduated
with honours from grade
twelve at Mayfield Second-
ary School in May. She had
no finals exams to write.
Wendy is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas
[nee Lois Webster] of Bolton,
Ontario and a granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Web-
ster, Dungannon.
On. Tuesday evening, Aug-
list 6, a 'community -bridal
shower was held at St.
Helens Women's Institute
Hall to honour Janet Mac-
Pherson on her upcoming
marriage to Jim Morrison.
Jo-Ann Todd acted as emcee
far the evening. Introductory
music was played by Norma
Raynard. The entertainment
consisted of a song by Kath-
ryn Todd, humorous read-
ings by Beth Aitchison and
Edith Cooper, and a' piano
solo by Barbara Cameron.
Janet then opened her gifts
assisted by her sister, Gail
Caslick, and Joyce Chamney.
Jim Hunt of Elmira is
spending, the week- with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Cranston.
Duncan and Angus Mac-
Aulay of R. 5 Lucknow,, spent
a day with Christina and
Amanda Todd. The Todd
sisters then returned to their
home for the weekend.
Murray Lyons returned to
Western Canada after visit-
ing with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Lyons. Accom-
panying him on the return
trip were Chris Weber and
Mike Humphrey.
Congratulations goes out
to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Cranston on the birth of their
new son. Tenile's baby
brother was born on August
2, 1980.
Janet MacPherson and
Jim Morrison were married
on Saturday, August 9', 1980.
Congratulations to the new-
Don MacDonald, Brad
Humphrey, Tom Pegg, Joan
and Dave Black, Hugh and
Jo-Ann Todd and Wayne and
Kathy Todd attended the
Deep River Ball Tournament
on the weekend.
Edith. Greer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Greer,
Lucknow, graduated, from
the Registered Nursing As-
sistant program at Fanshawe
College, London, June 20th.
Edith is presently employed
at West Park Hospital, Tor-
John W. Henderson Lumber Ltd.
Lucknow Phone 528.3118