HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 18D. Livestock BRED GILTS - York x Landrace with closed herd conditions. Original herd constantly being ROP tested by Quality Swine. Breeder boars also available. Lau- rence Van den Heuvel, 524- 4350. —l6tfar E. Farm services 01111•• LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEF:L-0 TORONTO --Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home, or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39tfar TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE SILOS Oxygen limiting silos with bottom unloader. Liquid manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088.- —3tfar Farmers get your alterna- tors, disc blades, cultivator points, plough points, dog food. Agent for O.F.M;A. KINGSBRIDGE FARM SUPPLY Vince Austin R. R. # 3, Goderich Phone 529-7240 —16tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 liolyrood, phone 395-5390. —30tfar 4 HOW DOES YOUR SUB- • SCRIPTION LABEL READ? FARM r. REALTY WORLD W.J. Hughes Realty Ltd. 395-5952 - RETIRE BY THE LAKE A perfect home for a retir- ing couple. Two bed- rooms, single car garage and a beautifully treed 100' x 100' lot. Located near Amberley Beach. Roads open year round. Asking $44,000.00. C-151 LUCKNOW - This four bedroom home has a double size garage big enough for your own workshop. For more info mation call for a showing. M-20 MOBILE HOME - 1 1/4 miles north of Lucknow. Three bedrooms arid a four piece bathroom. Must be moved from property. Asking only $11,500.00. 14-152 DID YOU EVER DREAM OF BUILDING YOUR OWN HOME? Well, we have lots available for you in Point Clark, Lurgan Beach, Whitechurch., Dungannon, Goderich, Clinton and the Nile. Call Chris Holloway 395- 5952 at the Point Clark office; toll free to our Goderich office 1-800.265- 7017 or evenings 395- 3448. POINT CLARK OFFICE HOURS , Open 7 Day A Week 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. 395.5952 42 s 60 House Trailer . John Deere self propelled 4-wheeldrive combine Two tractors, bean equipment, machinery etc. To be held at Lot 1 Concession 5, Morris Township mile south of BeigraVe, or 5 miles north of Blyth On #4 highway.or 7 miles west of Brussels,,Ont for RON KINGSBURY • Saturday, August 23 at 1 p.m. COMBINE - John Deere 6620 four Wheel drive diesel conibine vii/cab,' air,-Wydrb 'Stalk -drive completely equipped o ,.#213 - 13 ft. cutter bar head w /reel 9 ft. Sund pick up, straw chopper, new last fall, run 280 hours, #643 six row narrow corn head never used, to be offered In , one lot; John Deere #444 four row wide corn head sells separate. TRACTORS - John Deere 4230 diesel tractor w/cab, heater, air, quad range trans., rack and pinion rear axles to adjust wheel width, hyd.. outlets etc., run 2400 hrs, 18.4 x 38 T. bar, dual wheels. John Deere 2130 diesel tractor fully equipped w /550 + 1000 PTO, high low shift trans. rack and pinion rear axles, hyd. outlets etc., run 1150 hrs. John, Deere 146 manure loader w /six foot hydraulic bucket, sells separate from tractor, 15.5 x. 38 T bar duals, new firm SWATHER - .111C 176 self propelled swather w/ hay -conditioner,- 101/2 ft. header, pick reel and bat reel and rebuilt motor. BEAN EQUIPMENT - innes 570 bean windrower w/ cross conveyor, used one year. Mauer style four. row .",bean „ • MACHINERY, John Deere 7000 eight row corn planter w/dry fertilizer top loading auger, monitor, insecticide boxes etc., has planted, 500 acres [new this year]; 1HC 720 semi mount high clearance five furrow 18" bottom automatic spring reset bottom plow, spring loaded emitters etc; John Deere 3 furrow 12" trail plow W./cylinder lift; John Deere 3000 211/2 ft. wing cultivator by/levelling harrows; Kewanee 14 .ft. wheel disc; Tumco 24 ft. packer made by three 8 ft. packers hooked together; Caisa SOO gal. trail sprayer w/1000 x 20 tires, 349 boom; gas engine water pump; Turnco 12 ft. fertilizer auger; 2 large Turnco gravity • boxes w /extensions on heavy double reach Horst wagons w/12.5 i x 16 tires; older gravity box on six ton wagon; 4 row rowcrop cultivator 8s/rolling shields; New Holland 68 hay baler; six section diamond harrows wipole: pipe hay elevator: oat roller w/1 HP motor; small grain grinder; New Berg heavy barn cleaner w/260 ft. of chain and gutter covers; wagon and rack; 3 good farrowing crates. NO SMALL ITEMS. HOUSE TRAILER 12 x 60 FOR INFORMATION PHONE 519-881.9054 TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER - RICHARD LOBB Clihton 482-7898 —33ar COMPLETE CLEAROUT AUCTION SALE Of Existing Stock, Store Equipment, and Vehicles for \ JAYS DISCOUNT FOODS 259 Harour Street, Kincardine ° on SATURDAY, AUGUST 23,1980, AT 1;00 P.M. STOCK INCLUDES: approximately 30 cases of drink crystals; volume of detergent in 25 kg. bags; Kleenex tissues; garbage bags; plus many articles too numerous to mention. STORE EQUIPMENT-INCLUDES: cash out cOunter; 2' cash registers; 2 door .milk cooler with new unit; glass top ice cream freezer; 2 Office chairs; quantity of sheiVing;.. adding MaChine; flashing sign;: shopping. Carta. ; VEHICLES INCLUDE: one 1971 Ford, refrigerated van, unit nearly new, to be sold as is, if not sold prior to sale; one 1973 GMC van with 12' aluminum box, 37,000 original miles, to be sold as is, if not sold prior to sale. NOTE: Here is an opportunity to stock up on every day items at your prices. • Owner and auctioneer will not be responsible for accidents on day of sale AUCTIONEER: JOE METZGER — Phone 395-5482- -33,34 s. 0/1/.1010*IIII EVA. ITDONAGH REAL ESTAfEA INSURANCE LTD. 52S-2031 LUCKNOW I STOREY BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, % acre, paved road, 1 mile from Lucknow, $28,500. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, small Jot, 1 block from post Offia. Make us an offer. HANDYMAN SPECIAL . 2 room frame dwelling in Lucknow, $10,500. • 2 SERVICED LOTS - in Lucknow, measuring 66' x 165' in new subdivision. • Asking $16,500. NEW HOUSE - 41 2 acres, large "family room with fireplace, 2 baths, creek crossing property. I mile from Luc-know BEEF FARM - 508 acres, 3 barns, 3 pit and 1 Upright silo, and two 3 bedroom homes. 100 ACRES - in Ashfield Twp., good buildings, 90 workable, highway location. We ate in need of listings ROBERT camPatia FRASER MackINNON RES: 529 7417 R E S 395-2880 TRACTORS cat ruritiley Sales Yarn DUNGANNON SATURDAY AUGUST 16 11:00 A.M. SHARP More consignments welcome Auctioneer oortion.H. Brindiey • - B. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING • with NS'itotary.:Gleaner, 4 wheel drive. Wheat, mixed :grOn beans and corn. Reasonahle rites. Contact Robert Enter. son, R, R. # 3, Ripley. 395=5115. —22-25 CUSTOM COMBINING . Spring grain Ray Hogan 395-5795 Pumps. —31,32,33x WESTEEL-ROSCO Grain Bins 1350 to 250,000 CUSTOM COMBINING Small Grains bu.., Bulk Feed Tanks. / John Rimmeizwaan R. R. 3, Ripley 395.5874 —32,33 CUSTOM LARGE ROUND SLURRY-SLINGER - Liquid j BALING Manure Spreaders. Phone Bruce Rayuard CLAY - Parts and Service for 528-6144 Clay Equipment, AERO-FLUSH -. Liquid Man- , ure. Pumps, Aerators, Separ- ators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING - ALMOST —21tfar C. Wanted USED ROUND WIRE MESH corn crib with roof. Spike Bakker, 528-2026. --33ar , ACME - Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON - Ventilation Sys- tems. B & L - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. LYNN LOWRY FAR1VX SYSTEMS LTD, Amberley PHONE 395.5286 BUTLER Ring. Drive Silo Unloaders, Big. Jim silo tin, loaders, Volume Belt Feed- enveY-It',Feed—Cattle Feeders, $ingle Chain. Con- veyors, Barn. Cleaners, Os- walt Ensibnixers. FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer 'Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi-Moisture 'Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure E4 Farm services PLEASE IMREGARD: LAST.:WEEKIJ:'AP:'-fOR. EURNITURE, AUCTION AUCTIgN,SAkE• 680 .lasephine Street,.NorthiEnd'of Whighaut i'.$01..e Dates end Time: Thisqday August 14 9 , 6 I:06r 140g4t IS' 9 .9 Sopirdoi 'August .16: 9 WE' HAVE 'BEEN .INSTRUCTED TO 1401AbATE THE. FOLLOWING: , • • . Mens Insulated work bOots [by- Big. John,. BeeJaysj; , mens coveralls in grey, green, brown, and .beige;, work • Pants, and shirts for men [all the.abo40 in.ugeod thoice of sizes); mens casual western. shirts; mans • chords; ladles chords. ladies .velour lupin . ladieS terry dresses; U.S. top and Chieleans.'ehildronsjeans. sWeat . shirts; .mena and boys casuarsocks and work socks; and many, other items. . • THIS ISA 3 DAY SALE ONLY *. AND EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD TERMS - CASH, CHEQUES, MASTER CHARGE OR VISA arge Liquidation .Sale Of /liens, Ladies and Children's at the Winghon Sales Arena 357.1730 - WINGIIAM SALES ARENA AUCTION SALE itbobirkit 44/ 1,0•1//////// / // /////////// ////////////////H/ /ON //// / / /11 7he WAIMPF II /// / //////// /1/ II 11111/ 1/01//11///////////1/111//////// ///// CUSTOM SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing 529.7488 23tf Page Page 18—Aneknalif Sentinel, WeitaesdnYt August 131 1980 aaa,t rre, .aaaaa„, 11#,