HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 1718. ,'Services aVailahle GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION RenoVatiblis, additions, cot- tages. Phone 357,3457, Whitechurch.- —3tf BILL THOMSON DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and. Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY —15tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 —40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand - Gravel Topsoil - Paving Robert Symes Contracting Lucknow 528-3047 —10tfar — BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING Bill Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 —17tf RADIATOR REPAIR AND RECORING SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528.3714 —33-40 • IN. THE ANT MARIE SCOTT, Lucknow • is now the Fuller Brush sales- lady for Lucknow and area:, Phone 528-2030:.-33-36 PIANO LESSONS for begin- ners starting in •September. If interested phone Mis. Debbie Culbert at 529-7120. —33 21', Personal moil.m • • om.o PREGNANT and need help? Free positiVe confidential support. Birthright. Call 351.- 1066 collect or 392-6541 or 432-7197. —40tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655_ SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS All makes and models, gard- en equipment, outboards, chainsaws and, sharpening. Cecil Little, R. R. 3 Wingharn (Whitechurch), phone 357- 1963. --21eowtf RICKS ROOFING We Do All Roofs Phis Barn Steel Free Estimates CALL 395-3488 —30tf CARPENTRY,. RetiONiatioas, -1VairST-udd jpbs, cement patios, curbs, Sidewalks, etc. Free estimate call 528-3.508 after six. POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning Planes, Panasonic Sound Equipinent, Recondi- tioned pianes for sale; used pianos wanted, For piano &Tag and repairs call, 395, 2982, -8tfar Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone'529-7691 AIIIIIAMMER • BACKHOEING --Stfar PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R, R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 Mrs., Murray Hohner, of Clinton. The marriage will take place Saturday, August 23, 1980 at 4:00 p.m. in the Ripley United Church. Re- ception to follow in the ,Ripley Complex. •••••= 1,•••• ,imo on, 30. In, memoriam HODGINS In loving memory of a dear husband, Oscar, who passed away one year ago, August 12,, 1979. You suffered much in silence Your spirit did not bend, You faced your path with' courage, Until the very end. In tears we saw You sinking,_ We watched you fade away,. Our hearts were almost broken, You, fought so hard to stay. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Irene and family. —33 NEABEL In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmoth- er, Irene Neabel, who passed. away August 17, 1979. Whatever else we failed to do We never fail to think of you. A smile for all, a heart of gold, One of the best the world could hold, Never selfish, always kind. These are the memories you left behind. The parting, was so sudden We often wonder why, But the hardest part of all, You never said goodbye. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband, Bill, and family. —33x 31. Cards of thanks ••••• ••••• onm. row. Irmo Emma reg. ammo •••• ememp Many favourable' comments have been received regard- ing the Lucknow Horticultur- al Society float in the Dun- gannon Parade. Council would like to extend their ap- preciation to all who took part in preparing and riding in the float. It must have tak- en many hours of dedicated work. It is projects such as this that makes Community work worthwhile, Once again thanks to your Society and all who worked to make the float possible. The Village of Lucknow, A. E. Herbert, Clerk-Treas. —33ar WALDEN - LIPPER'T Myra Marie Lippert Ripley and. Danial Ray Walden have Chosen the first day of their new life together on Saturday the sixth of September, nine- teen hundred and eighty. Vows 'at the Bethel United Church. 31. Cards of thanks FARRISH We wish to express our sincere thanks to frienda, relatives and neighbours for their acts of . kindess and expressions of 'sympathy in the loss of a dear son and brother. Mother, Ann and Lloyd, Bob and Ina, Grant and Lois —33 MacPHERSON My, sincere thanks to all those who attended the shower held for me in St. HelenS and for all the lovely gifts; Special thanks to the ladies who arranged it. Janet MacPherson —33x CALDWELL Thank you to the sympathetic nurses and special thanks to Dr. J. McKim for getting me on my feet, Also thanks to everyone who sent cards, flowers or visited; with a special thanks to my room- mate, Mrs. Laura McNeil, who helped me when the nurses weren't available. Pearl Caldwell —33 FARRISH FAMILY Our sincere thank you to all our dear friends, neighbours and relatives who gave so much comfort and support during our recent bereave- ment. A special thanks to Rev. Nugent for the beautiful service and the friends who helped at the. hotise. The • kindness that was extended will never be forgotten. Marj, Bob and Noma, Betty and Harry, Deanna and Vin- cent and John and Kate. —33x 32. Coming Events HARD TIMES DANCE Ripley and District Lions Club Hard Times Dance in the Ripley. Huron Complex, Saturday, August' 16. Boyds Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. Lunch provided. Admission $6.00 couple. Restricted to 19 years and over. —33ar YARD SALE St. Matthews Kingarf Angli- can Church are holding a community yard sale. Mis- cellaneous items, garden, produce and baking; also lunch booth at noon. It will be held at. Needham Tran- sport Building in Bervie, Saturday, August 23, start- ing at 10 a.m. Anyone having articles they would like to donate, please have them there before. 10 a.rn: Anyone wishing to have articles pick ed up phone 396-7600 or 395-3398. L-733,34 DRENNAN REUNION 'The Drennan reunion will be held at Ashfield Community Park on August 24, commen- cing at 1 p.m. —33,34 VACATION BIBLE. SCHOOL "Jesus Lord and Saviour" is the theme of our Vacation Bible' School, August 18 - 22nd, 2 - 4:30 p.m. at Lucknow Presbyterian Church. All children wel- come. Collection will be taken each day to help to pay the costs of materials. —33 YARD SALE Thursday, August 14, 1980, 2'/2 miles east of Ripley, concession 8 at fifth line. Child's car seat, girl's bike, dryer, bed, dishes, etc. —33 SHOWER A miscellaneous shower will be held for Barb Shelton, future wife of Graham Ham- ilton, on Tuesday,-.August 19, 8 p.m., in Mayfair Ban- quet Room. —33x CONSIGNMENT AND RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, September 6 at the home of Mrs. Jack McGuire (Huron Auto Wreckers) 2nd concession Huron. Township, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone wishing to consign articles other than clothing, phone 395-2827 or 395-2791. Spon- sored by the Huron Bruce Children Helpers (formerly sponsored by Olivet U.C.W., Ripley). Donations for the rummage sale gratefully ac- cepted. Proceeds for adopted children. —33,34,35 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend. the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit office, Wing? ham Hospital on Wednes- day, August 20, 1980 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride —33ar A. For sale MASSEY FERGUSON 300 combine with grain platform, pickup and straw: choppers. Phone 395-5036.. —33,34 SECOND CUT ALFALFA in stook, 500 baleS, will load. Phone 395-5237. —33 FENCING, complete line el- ectric fencing in stock, and on actual display in use, for sheep, hens, and cattle. Gal- lagher New Zealand Ener- gizers, powerful enough to keep predators away. Talk with us for proven uses. The modern lower cost fencing way. Elfence Ltd., BelwoOd (519) 843-5817. Hay Gauges, 220-1b. scales also stocked. —33x DION THRESHING machine with drive belt, in very good condition. Phone 529-7986.- -32,33 STRAW AND GRAIN from the combine. Phone Allan Miller, 528-2299. —32,33ar 30 SPRING EWE LAMBS, ready for, fall breeding, Phone William Dickie, 395- 5007. —32 19 ACRES of standing sec- ond cut hay. Phone 528-2333. —32 B. Custom work CUSTOM CORN HARVESTING With three row self-propel- Ied unit, 30 inch rows, phone 395-5109. —31-36. CUSTOM SWATHING PLOUGHING AND SILO FILLING Phone 529-7889 —33tf Turn to page 18. --RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior;and inter- ---40tfar ior renovations, cedar decks, rec. rooms, etc. For free estimate PHONE 395-5450 ---13tfar Luckn ow , Ontario, Widower; --cleeeas ecti-whoHclied-cm-or-- about April 10th, 1960, must' bellied with the undersigned personal representative on - or ,before August 20th; -thereafter- the undersigned Will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard to the claims of Which the undersigned then has notice. Dated july 25th, 1980. Walter 13reckles and IVIaclelaine Laura Marie Haldenby, Executors, cio GEORGE Jr BROPHY, Barrister & • Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow„ Ontario 140G 2H0. —31,32,33a*' ie. Notice to Creditors" NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims. agart the estate o ARTHUR I3RECRLES. LATEE. OF Wheeler Street, HOUSEBOATS Dual use Water or Camper. Be a' Dealer, Investment only play unit. Jonn's Marketing, 3105-30 Ave., Vernon, B.C. VIT 2CA. Phone 604-542- 5366. --32x PO,* 28, Engagements RETKUS - HENDERSON Mr. and Mrs. James R. Henderson of Lucknow announce the forthcomfrig marriage of their daughter ' Mary gozabettil to Robert IJoyd Betkus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Betkiis, of London. The ceremony will take place in the Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church; Lucknow, Ontario at 11.30 a.m., August 23, 1900, ,‘C cow enilie14 Wednetdly, Au`I r- 3i 19 '47.W — pr. 32„ ComIng Events C.N.E. BUS TRIP Buses will be going to. the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, August 26 to August 29. For inforniation call Merit, —33-3rY5artors at 528-300 August 15, preliminaries, ---AGRICARTT-URAL-IVIEETINO---Augus The Lucknovv Agricultural Society will hold their.regular • meeting in the Town Hall on Tuesday, August 19th at 9 p,m. Note change of date. —33ar FALL FLOWER'.SHOW Lucknow and District Horti- —32,33 cultural Society is holding their annual fall flower show SLIDE PRESENTATION slide presentation; Yest- in the Legion Hall, Angust The s 20, 2 to 5, 7 to 9. All exhibits eryear, will be shown ,at to be in by 9 p.m. August 19, Piullgeuest 5 at 2 pan. by K resit ManoronFrida. K. Exhibitors 'please pick up A exhibit sheets at Post Office. Dawson. Senior Citizens are All donations to variety sale .welcome to attend, Refresh- ments, will be' served. --33ar Refresh- table will be appreciated. Tea will be served. —33,34ar — DECORATION SUNDAY AND 50TH ANNIVERSARY You are cordially invited to the DeCoration Sunday and -50th 'Anniversary of the_ In- corporation of South Kinloss Cemetery on Sunday, August 24., 1980 at 3:00 p.m. —32,33 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Come to V.B.S., the happy, place to be, 9:15 7 11:45 aint„ August 25 to 29 at Christian Reformed ChUrch, Lucknow. All children, kindergarten age and over welcorne. —32,33,34ar 1411111111111111111111.111. Attention Farmers 20. Public' notices CLOSING NOTICE -.Finlay Decorators will be closed Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, August 21, 22 and 23.... 25. To give away TO GIVE AWAY to a good ' home 2 kittens, about 2 months old: Phone 528-2118, Carol Ferguson. —33x mmou• ammo ••••• openn imiogpo =mon d.,11 ••••. ••••i. mi•••• 28. Engagements MANN - ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Gordon And- erson are Pleased to' an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, 'Deb- orah Lynne, to Stephen Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mann. The wedding will take place at Dungannon United Church, Saturday, August 30, 1980' at 3.30 p.m. Open reception to follow in Lucknow Community Centre. de BOER - LAMBERINK Mr. and Mrs. William Lam- berink, of Acton, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. William de Boer, R. R. 1 Lucknow, Ontario, are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their children, Joce- lyn and Kenneth. The wed- -ding ceremony will take place D.V. on August 30, 1980 at 4.00 o'clock at Bethel Christiah Reformed Church, Acton, Ontario. —33x 24. Business opportunities 28. Engagements ROHNER COLLING r. and Mrs.. Harry Colhng are pleased to announce -the marriage of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Kenneth Wil- liam Rohner, son of Mr. and • 32.; -Coning. events , • 7' $410.00. Final eptry date KINCARDINE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AMATEUR TALENT CONTEST --For information or entry forms contact Mrs, Carman, McLeod, Box 554' Kincardine, Prize money, APPRECIATION NIGHT FOR Bob and Audrey McKinley Wednesday, August 2.7,1980 Clinton Arena & Commtinity Centre Advance Tickets Only