HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 12Johnston Bros.
[Bothwell Limited]
Phone Phone
Wardsville 693-4383 Komoka 471-3059
Dungannon 529-7947
Washed Materials—Crushed Stone
Cement Gravel
Crushed Gravel-=Road. Contractors
Experience Clarion
For the post while, we've been
telling you how good Clarion car
stereo sound systems are. That
Clarion is the world leader in
technical innovation and .sound
excellence. And how Clarion is
carrying on this tradition with
the brilliant clarity of our new
Magi-Tune"' FM section. But now
we've finished talking. It's time to
let our amazing automotive sound
equipment speak for itself. So,
whether you're a novice or an
audiophile, Clarion has an offer
you'll find just right for you. If
you're looking for better car stereo
sound, isn't it time you experienced
Clarion performance?
pE75113 Hi-Way Fidelity Series!'
Hi-Power AM/FM/MPX Cassette
Featuring our amazing Magi-Tune'. FM circuitry; Dolby' B (F=M and cassette) to eliminate tape hiis; auto' reverse; locking
fast forward/rewind; local/distance switch; 4-way balance
control; and much more. Regularly priced at 469.95.
SAVE $7995 SPECIAL $390.
100E083 Equalizer Booster
Featuring maximum RMS output power of 30 watts (15 watts per
channel); a frequency response of 10-30o00 Hz; front/rear fader
control; and more. Regularly priced at 129.95.
SAVE $20. SPECIAL,$1 09°5
12;:-Hludincove Senone1;
on Saturday were dinner, Monday afternoon with her
guests witir Mr. and Mrs. brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
Clifford YoUng, William and. ford Young,
Ken. They also called at Jim Congrafulations to Mr.
YoUng's on Satot4y vytire and:Mrs. •Ivan Riddols (riee
they were baling' hay. They Helen Weirsma) who were
lefrfor Toronto---mr-Mmtday—married-on-SaturdayTia,t h e
Where they would take a Pentecostal Church Kin
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Spring-
er, Russell and•Pam and Ken
'Young spent a few days early
last week at Burlington and
Niagara and also visited
Marineland. Russell 'stayed
at Burlington 'the rest of the
Karey Coughlin celebrated
her tenth birthday on Thurs:.
day with a, pienic lunch
complete with birthday cake
at the Teeswater Park. There
were 16 present „at the lunch.
Mrs. Len Coughlin and
Mrs. Agnes e man attend-
ed the meeting at the Pres,-,
byteriao Church, Teeswater
to organize a Vacation. Bible
School for the second last
week in August.
We are sorry to report that
Wobble Top broke 'a botie
his right foot in a haying
accident last Monday, 'Aug-
ust 4, and will have a cast on
it for' the . next four weeks.
Donald Egti land Sr • of near plane back to VancouVer, lough,
By urnAll YouNo
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Eng-
land Jr. Matthew and. Mark
of Vancouver spent the • last
two-weeks vacatiening -with
his parents, Mr., and Mrs.
On. Thursday, Kerry
and Bonny Boyle left for a
month's holiday in
Visitors this week in
Purple Grove with the
McCoshes included
Walter Collins, Margo
Ilipan and Tarn tn_y
Middlecamp and Gladys
Tania Farrell, John
and Joyce Farrell's
• daughter, had the.
misfortune to fall and
break her c011arbone on
Enjoying a trip through
Northern Ontario this
past week were Mr. and
Mrs, Don Dore:
Mr..and Mrs. Herman
Weller and family of the
Eighth Concession are
entertaining kienOs froth
their home' stbwri in
Ger many.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Sutton attended the. King
family gathering at
Purple Grove on Sunday
in honour of Wilma's
niece, Julie, who is
visiting from BritiSh
Home from a.vacation
trip to Nova Scotia. are
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Boyle spent the weekend
in Guelph.
• Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Don Forster on
the birth of their son, and
to Mr. and Mrs. Doug
MacDonald on the birth
of their wee girl.
Congratulations also to
Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Lockhead of Kincardine
on the birth of their
daughter - a new grand-
daughter for Burton and
Katherine Collins.
30% off
While Stock Lasts
Shovels, Pitchforks
Brooms, Rakes, Hammers
Pliers, Saws
Screwdrivers, Wrench &
Socket Sets, Rope Chain
Pails, Fence Supplies
While vacationing this
past week, Mr. and Mrs.
Don McCosh visited the •
following friends: Mrs.
Lila His lip of Alliston,
Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Knight, Picton, Mr.
Wallace 'Thomson, and
Mrs. Marjorie Curran of
Pete rboro ugh;-. - Mr .---- and.
Mrs, Graham Thomson of
Bellwood, and Mrs.. Betty
Orr of Arthtir:
Mr, and Mrs, Jerry Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
of Toronto spent the week- Young visited Sunday even-
end at their stone house ing with her brother, Mr. and
farm. Mrs. Reg Broome of Belfast,
Market Carden
•" Clete and Miry Louise Dalton
and Family 1;"•- . • i -•••
For All Your Garden Needs tivr(01.4 RD. 20
:SWeet Corni.Oniens; Tomatoes ' uRooKliw
PacUnibers„ Cauliflower, etc.:1,1:INGsttitibeiE
Sweet Corn,, Cabhage, Beets,
Beans and fiettuce,
north and l mils
east of Khngsbrldy.
Whitechurch. They also visit- Mrs. May Richardson and
ed relatives and friends and. Wallace. Richardson' visited
Langside Supply
3 miles east of Lucknow
On Hwy. 86, then 33/4
miles north on Sdr. 25
Experience it today at the