HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-13, Page 5Wonted NEW CROP BARLEY rill ul~' 1i i t VI Ali i. I .1 11,1,111 iii 1'1 •.1: 1111 '11 .0u .7•••=•-•• Tickets were sold on two market , pigs. Miss Joan Hamilton, Miss Lucknow Fall Fair, made, the four, draws., Winners were Leslie Rock- well, Rob Lowry, Greg Hunt-. er and: Nancy Becker. The.' Agricultural Society would like to thank all those who helped make thii year's, craft festival such a success. r F`r . anted Wanted MIXED GRAIN AND FLAX It's simple. How would you like to deduct as much as $3,120-or more-from your federal income taxes? • It's simple, Expand your work force by 'creating new jobs and yciu can also create a tax break for yourself.Up to $3,120 for each new employee hired providing that the job is created as a direct result of the EmPlbyrnent Tax Credit Program. And it's simple to dp. You just fill out one single-page form. Full details are available at your local Canada Employment Centre. Ernploi et Immigration Canada Lloyd Axworthy Ministre +Employment and Immigration Canada Lloyd Axworthy Minister Canadg S. with, chains at both ends," The Clerk 'was directed to write Bill' Ckerlt, TreasUrer of Huion County to the effect.. that West-- Wawanolli ,Teivriship Coun, cil is not in favour of maiFing quarterly pay, Ments to the Huron County'Board 'of Edtt7 cation rather than two, The Clerk was also directed to write the Chairnian of the Auburn Trustees to the effect ,that the durhping of garbage at the West Wawanosh, paSaI Site' on Wednesday, is to be discontinued . initnedi- ately. The road aceounts., were. ordered' paid onmotion of Councillors Aitchison and Seeger. - The :genral aecounts were passed for 'payments' on motion of :CouncillOrs Hickey and' Aitchison, down xucknow ,seannel Wechgesthiy; Augott lh-1,980-14agel estions Wawanosh council re: objection to clearing land West Nawanosli Town- ,ship: Connoil net for its regular session on TtieSizi4Y evening, August 5, 1980, with Reeve Durnin. presiding (body Shop); J. ThcimpSon: atid-three--Councillors---pres, (silo); K. Tyler (barn exten ent;Cetincillor:Cranstbn was stony; C. Boyle (barn exten- absent: •• Sion); Gaunt (granary);.D, The minutes of the regni4r, Errington (granary);. A. July meeting and 'a special. Webster (shed); C. Millian session on July 7th were read (shed); A. Miller (barn); D. and adopted on motion- of MacDonald (shed); and W. Councillors Hickey and Ait- Kinahart, (garage)." ' chison: Motion by Councillors Several deputations were".Hickey and -Seeger, ""That on hand to speak. to COunCil: West 'Wawanosh Township A. J. Sherwood asked about Council hereby, agrees to pay Council's objection to. his Mike Humphrey , $3.50 per Application to th6 CoutitY to hour for labour on roads clear some wetland bush during construction." • from one of his farm proper- tieS.' Gordon ,*:SChulti and James. Strefig joined authorization is hereby given 'Sherwood .tO :request Council 'for the installation of an extra to make preparations to have post at'the dtimp entrance as .some :black top road laid in well as aneW gate and leek, ,Dungannon. .Warner And told, Com:44 he felt .the. old 'fire truck, in fiytiburn, should be replaced with piece of equipment which would be of more use'to the a t village, Mr. Andrews was era informed that West Wawa-. nosh Township had nothing The Lacknow Agricultural to do with it, rather .that the Society sponsored their tenth chison and Hickey, "That items for the free draws Driver, preoecupation can West Wawanosh TownShip throUghout the two days:, , ,_ tinted Fast unloading - 'Trucks Available Premiums for top grades Flax received at both locations Receiving Hours Monday - Saturday 8 a,m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYBY APPOINTMENT Simbelen :For* Ripley 395.6167 Ariderspn-Flos...110., Lucknovi Council hereby , authorizes the issu.e of Building Permits to:,' L Pentland .(shed); Parent (sun porch); T. Stark Motion by Councillors chison 'and Hickey; 'That tendan estival fire truck was the village's to consecutive Craft Festival on dispose. of in whatever way Civic HOliday weekend.. At- they wished. tendance was down slightly Motion by Councillors on Saturday due to other .Hickey and Seeger, "That functions in the area. yVest Wawanosh. Township. Many crafters reported Council hereby accepts the goOd sales both days, 'All Petition for Drainage by available space had been Owners submitted by Ed- booked. Many spectators; ward Robinson and Jim Mess commented on the quality of and7signed.by,,Metsrs t . the, grafts. The committee inson and Moss and others. in has improved on quality the area requiring drain- rather than quantity the past, age. few years, Motion by Councillors Ah- The crafters. donated 37 Canadamployment-Tax-Eredit-Progra , has been extended, .t)