HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-06, Page 20WESTEEL ROSCO GRAIN bins, bulk feed 'tanks, aera- tion systems, in bin dryers, Moridge batch dryers, utility augers - 31/4 , 4, 5 and 6 inches, transport augers - 6, 7, 8 and 10 inches; up to 71 feet long, grain cleaners. LARGE LOT for sale on Stauffer Street, Phone 528- Phone Jim Harkness Equip- 2604. -32,33x ment, Harriston, 338-2821. -30-34 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large eat in kitchen and TOP SOIL. Lloyd Whytock. finished rec room with bar. -- Phone 528-2006. 17tf Call Dale Buhr at 528-2926. FAMILY TRUST CORPOR- SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, ATION REALTOR, 528-2926 'patient aids,, support gar-- °r 396-7561 '-"ar meats, convalescent prod- 9. ACC. to Tent ucts, etc. See Rieck. I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers 2 BEDROOM. Apartment, Square, Goderich, 524-7241. private basement; private --8t far glassed in sun porch; close to downtown. Phone 357- BEEF 2335.-;-31ff By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING ONE BEDROOM, down- stairs heated, apartment. Available August 1st, also bethsitting room, heated and -furnished, linens supplied. Oliver Glenn, Phone 528- 'Quick Freezing.Available 3723.7-31,32 Shop 528.3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 -40tfar TWO BEDROOM apartMent AY Allable _immediately . Phone 528-2625. --22tf THREE BEDROOM house in Amberley. For further infor- mation call 395-5305. -43tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, fridge and stove, d ki P 52& USED 3' x 5' SLIDING SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, available September 1; also, one bedroom apart- 1977 SUZUKI TC 185, good ment, frig and stove, avail- running condition. Tele- able September 1.. Phone phone 395-2741. -32,33x 395-5596 or 528-3134. -29ff Lucknow, phone 528- 3112,-31tfar COSY BUNGALOW in Ripley on double lot With mature trees, ,fully in- sulated, renovated, new heating, •immediate possession. Phone 395- 5318.-31,32 On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications • nuttows MEAT MARKET AVAILABLE now small LUCKNOW furnished apartment in Lucknow. Phone 395-5596 or 528-3134.-30d _:-OSTOMY, SUPPLIES-and ap- pliances. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Goderich, _524:7241 _ -7-8tfar HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer. T.V. & Electric Lucknow. Phone 528-3112. --- 27tfar ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Teeswater and Ripley, Call Glennhaven Ap- artments, 528-3234.. -7-28tfar glass window. Phone 529- 7524. -32,33x . • JOURNEYMAN Automotive G.M. Mechanic wanted im- mediately, $10.50 per hour, good benefits plus dental, 40 hour week guaranteed. Ex- panding Calgary satellite community. Call Hal Lust, Strathmore Motors, Box 262, Strathmore, Alberta, 403- 934-3334. -32nx WE REQUIRE an Automot- ive Journeyman for large car and truck Dealership in Northern Alberta. We offet, stable employMent, group benefits' and 'an effective hourly rate of $12.25 per hour. Community .offers ex- cellent living conditions, full recreation facilities and ex- cellent economy. Successful applicant must possess a Journey m a a-License, be-in 'good health and have •• the ability to organize work, di- 4Rn!--qe properly _andiwork well with others. A full compliment of working tools is required. Pining Brian Lewis, 403-532-8865 between 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. For full details write Mr. Lewis, c/o Trumpeter Pontiac Buick, 12308-100 St. Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8V 4H7. "This opportunity af- fords good advancement pot- tential' ' . -32nx G. M. DEALERSHIP requir- es bodyman, $12 per hour, good benefits. Contact Stan 403-227-5322 days or 403.- 227-2450 evenings, Innisfail, Alberta. -32nx 18. Services available IIMINIP MOM 1.11M111 .111.10 mum.....mm....- mom mum _ H & S WHITEWASHING Air or water cleaning fly spray and beetle control. PHONE 395.5695 RIPLEY 327-8201 CLIFFORD -31-34 JIM MOSS White Washing and Disinfecting To Barns and Buildings Of All Types • . 529.7650 1.7 .Aut~tian Sales---- 18: Services available 110.••• FLEA MARKET DEALERS. Indoor Mall having a Flea Market August 28-29-30, Reasonable rates. Heavy U.S. concentration. Send de- tails to the Times-Review, Box F, 240 Jarvis St., Fort Erie, Ont. 1,2A 5M6. -32nx PAPER AND PAINTING 20. Public notices Interior and Exterior • Phone Todd Park 395-5079 CLOSING NOTICE . Finlay or Joe Allison 396.7173 Decorators will be closed -46tf Thursday, Friday, and Satur- . day, August 21, 22 and 23. PORTABLE WELDING -32,33,34ar Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 -2tfar RICKS ROOFING We Do All Roofs Plus Barn Steel Free Estimates CALL 395-3488 -30ff • RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior and inter- ior renovations, cedar decks, rec. rooms, etc. For free estimate PHONE 395.5450 -13tfar 21'. Personal PREGNANT and need help? • Free positive confidential support:, Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or 392.6541 or 432-7197. --40tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 8813655. -40tfar BULLDOZING. AND LANDSCAPING Bill Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 --I 7tf ri.P• Mrs 19. Notice. to , Creditors ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of ARTHUR BRECKLES FOR RENT " Modern Village Home, three bedroom, im- mediate possession Opportunity to buy. (C8:1:11117.311 RUM REALTY WORLD, RITA ALLEN 524.8480 W.I. Hughes Realty Ltd. 3$ East St. Oadorich 524-8100 524.9131 • rage :20-400,Ioflow Seogoeft.W04110.40; 'August 6,,1989 BUY, SELL TRADE: 'ors .riENT: THINQUCM THE 1. Articles for sale S. Cars, trucks for sale Accommodation to rent ig,, Help Wanted. 12. Help wanted ----- 3112.-31tfar -1-fd., Holyrood. RECOND ITIONED used 2132, even 7. Real estate for sale ranges, 1.22" 3 burner range, -32,33 • $39.95; 1-30" range, $125.00, . . . Greer T.V. &.Electric, 1979 GMC VAN, front and DITIONED26" color rear air conditioning, excel- television, $350.GreerT.V..& lent conditioh, safety- Electric„ Check- phone 528- ed, ready to go. Hilray Farm's USED RE C ON- 528- ings - 7. Phone THREE BEDROOM, home in Lucknow. Spacious • living area. Phone 528-2526. after 528-3544 ,-29tfar 52 8 314 Applicants please state ealary expected. Applications will be received by the under- signed up to August 12, 1980 at 8' o'clock for the position of School Crossing Guard for the Village. 18. $ervlOs aVallable ROOFING • ia 160ring ,and repair. Ft ev, e.st j:n)atos; PhOne :'395.276K--3O-.3a • ROOF TARRING, driiieway and baseinent sealing: Jam- es SymeS, 528-3233. ---18tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. &APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY If more information is required call 528.3539. AUCTION SALE Consisting of complete con- tents of home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aitchison with a small addition, to be held at WINGHAIVI AUCTION CENTRE next to L.C.B.O. Whigham SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 a.m. ' 34 Press back child's rocker; 2 Armoires; 2 pee. velour ches- terfield; bed chesterfield; dining table w. spirilz.turned legs; 6. P.B. chairs; 4 tier bookcase w. secretary desk section; 3 single beds; 2 dressers; antique cctitimode; 31 day wall clock;' 'antique Waterbury weight clock; an- tique Opeg projector. racliop- tican; Brownie 33 - 8 M.M. _movie-projectori-impressive---call-5-28=350Vafter sn'T. --LATEOF" Wheeler: Street, china cabinet and buffet; antique cupboard; portable PoLLOCKMUSIC CENTRE , cologLT.Y.i.pl.ec_tdcguitat; 2 , - IN RIPLEY - Niagara therrnocycIopads; Heintzman and Sherlock- humidifier; small tables; odd Manning. Pianos, Panasonic chairs; magazine rack; 3 Sound Equipment, Recondi- trunks; Hi-fi and records; tinned pianos for sale;: used wicker fernery stand; wide pianos wanted.. 'For piano mouth crock engraved "Jam- tuning and repairs call, 395- es Leask• - Dealer in. Snuff, 2982. -8tfar Toronto"; 2 oval frames w, convex glass; pictures; plc- ture,frames; mirrors; Singer sewing machine; Sears sew- ing machine; upright freezer; chest freezer; 2 door frost free frig; 24" electric stove, nearly new; Maytag dryer, 2 years old; automatic washer, -4 ,years -old; antique double bob sleigh; toys; selection dishes, glassware, china cups and saucers, incl. de- pression glass, Indian brass items; books; sealers; kero- sene antique finger hold lamp;. 6" bench saw w. motor; gatherings of a life- time of hand tools and num- erous box lots miscellaneous; snow blower; lawn mower; garden tools; numerous oth- er items. PREVIEW: FRIDAY, AUG. 8 2 -5 and 7-9 AND SATURDAY MORNING PRIOR TO SALE JACK ALEXANDER Auctioneer, 357-1442 -32ar PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL Dave McKEE 524-7774 NEW POTATOES, bring containers. Phone Jennifer 529-7328. -32;33 4. Articles wanted SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED tricycle in good condition. Phone. 395-5874. -32,33 POSTAGE STAMPS - Post Cards, for the collector, buy - sell. 'Call 395-3545, R. Pew- ell, R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont- ario. NOG 2B0. 28-35ar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976' DODGE TRUCK, '500 series, 15' livestock rack, only 30,000 original miles, like new. Call 395- 1 5842.-31,32 1078 ENDURO bike, 250 Yamaha. Call after 6 p.m. 395-5329. -32 MOBILE HOME at point Clark, for rest of Simitner season: Close to beach and store. Phone Lucknow 528- 3500, evenings. ,:--32,33nx 12. Help wanted LADIES! Would you like to get out of the house 2. or 3 hours a day. Service Fuller Brush customers in your area. Good commission. Phone 338-3548. P.S. A good opportunity for students. -30-33' MAN TO HELP with harvest. Phone Lual Farms, 528-2299. -32,33ar VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW A. E. HERBERT CLERK TREASURER CUSTOM BULLDOZING Reasonable Rates. J.A. CULBERT R.R. 1, Dungannon Phone 529-7469 30tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McBonald, RiPley. Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all tYpes Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand - Gravel Topsoil - Paving Robert Symes Contracting Lucknow 528-3047 10tfar . Custom Drapery by Linda, For your home or business. Call 395-5629 or 395-2765.7-31- GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations, additions, cot- tages. Phone 357-3457, liVhiteChurch. -,3tf BILL THOMSON CARPENTRY. Renovations, repairs, odd jobs, cement patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Free estimate Cecil Cranston RI1/42 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AH1HAMMER BACKHOEING -Stfar 11=11•1. Y.= "NM •••••• 41111111111 OMNI .0= •111111=1 • Lucknow, Ontario; Widower, deceased, who died on or tout ApriL Ifith,._1980,--must filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before August 20th; thereafter the undersigned will distribute- the assets of the said estate having regard to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated July 25th, 1980. Walter Breckles and Madelaine Laura Marie Haldenby, Executors, e-o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0. -31,32,33ar