The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-06, Page 15angside Cemet BY VALETTA EMERSON ' . The Langside CemeterY meeting was held in .White-; church Community Memorial onWednesdayrJuly-30; The- minutes were read by . the secretary Mrs. V. Eniere son. She -also read a letter from the Ontario Association: of Ceineteries Inviting them to join. By show of haWds the audience;decided not to, join as present. • The treasurer, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, gaVe her report. Total in bonds Are $3,100. Balance S432,36. By show of hands the treasurer's report' Was accepted. The caretaker's salary was left at $20 for each cutting of grass. Mrs. Young and IvIrs„ Tiffin plan to paint the road fence. • =It was decided: to hold a Memorial SerVice the last week of August and the preasher to be. given .a gift... Election of iefficers includ- ed : Bill Eirans, • president; Cliff Young, assistant; sec- retary, Valetta. Emerson; -treasurer, Elizabeth Tiffin; trustees, Wm: Yonng, Elmer Scott and Bob Orr; caretaker, Fred Tiffin: :.Itwas decided to kill the few grorind hogs infesting-the cemetery. Fred' Tiffin moved the adjourn ment. We were pleased to vvel- come home Bill. Evans frOm Wingham and District Hos- pital on Tuesday. • After two weeks' holidayS from the nuclear plant, Alan Falconer returned to work on: Monday. Miss. Clara Milligan began work last week at Streets- ,ville. , 7 Mrs. Orland Irwin is em- ployed at the Wingham Mot- el in the forenoons. After having attended the Fermosa Reunion and enjoy= ing the free meal given -tn members of the Formosa Fire Insurance on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cham- bers, Allenford and. Mr. and Mrs. MelVille Dailey, Dob- binton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. Chambers of 'North Bruce District Women's Institute and Mrs. Emerson of Bruce South W.I. are members who have worked together in the past and really enjoyed their visit. On Sunday at the morning service at Chalmers Pres- byterian Church the congreg- ation received a surprise to see Rev. Jacob Kuiper and. son, Dick of Holland. It is over 16 years since Jacob Kuiper, a student preacher, preached at Langside and Whitechurch for a year. The folks were happy to see Rev. Kuiper again and to know _that sons, Raymond and. Paul are both studying in Holland. Son Dick is 16. Mrs. Kuiper was away visiting in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pur- don of Strkthroy accompan- ied by hig sisters, Mrs. George Tiffin (Isobel) of Lucknow and Mrs, Bob Mow- bray (Cassie) of Whitechurch last week toured Northern Ontario including Algonquin Park, and Sudbury. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Velma Falconer has been a patient at Wingham Hospital. She is wished a speedy recovery by the com- munity. Mrs. Eric Evans and her grandson of Hyde Park and MiSs MargarOt Moffat of Toronto were 'Friday visitors with: Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ev: •ans. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross atn1 Mr.—and—Ivirs7---Gerne Ross of Owen Sound motored ' to North 13attleford and spent two weeks With their brother, Kenneth., and Mrs. Rosa', .returning.. home Satrirday night: Mr. and Mrs. jOhn Gibb and. Ryan of. Kitchener Spent the weekend' with -his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Dave Gibb. Weekend visitors with.. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Elliott, Barry and Karen were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw, Michelle, and Jason of. Lon- don and on • Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, David Elliott of LiStoW el, Mr. and . Mrs, Patil Elliott and Jeffery of BruSsels and Crystal and Ryan Konings of Kitchener. Congratulationa to the newlyweds, Tom Vannus of Winnipeg .and Jane Laidlaw. of London who were married in Chalmers Presbyterian Church 'on Saturday by Rev, John Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb visited for two 'weeks with their son, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Gibb of near Wanesa, Mani- toba and Murray Gibb of Brandon. On their home trip they were on one of the planes not allowed, to land in Toronto Monday, July 28 due to radar being struck with- lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Berg of Tavistock, R. R. 3, were Monday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Victor Emerson. Some of the. Whitechurch Institute members will rem- ember when Whitechurch In- stitute visited Stratford Insti- tute. Mrs: Berg was the secretary with whom ar- rangements were Wade,' The Wernhanis of-Kontoka were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans. On Sunday a relative shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott for Miss Janet Mac- Pherson, bride-to-be. Around 25 relatives were present. Mr. and WS. E. W. Beecroft and Karen attended the Sinnamon family picnic on Sunday held at Kitchener and they also visited with Mr. and Mrs :.Archie Hertel of Kitehener.. . On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen ,Hey diddle diddle, Ms. Katz had a fiddle She thought thinking Lessons she'd take. But the sound drove her mad. When her playing was bad And her neighbors cried ".Give us a break!" So she called Classified speedily Knowing no Isaac Stern Would she be. What a load off her chest When a Typsy's request Came—She sold it And lived happily. Hospital. His many friends wish him a very speedy 'recovery, Mr, and Mrs, ReX Richard- son of Livonia, Michigan are. Hugh Sinnamon and. Mr.. and . Mrs, F. W. Beecroft and Karen. On Monday, Dave ivioffat, Elroy Laidlaw; Don Ross and Bill Purdon were 'busy at the manse painting the outside which gave the manse a much better appearance. Mr. and Mrs. George Conn and faniily of Sher- brooke, Quebec were last week visitors with his par- ents, Mr. and Mks. Wallace Conn of Wingham and form er residents of this commun- ity. Miss Faye Irwin of Chat- ham spent the weekend with .her Parents; Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin and family. Known As "THE GOOD NEWS COURIER" IT WILL BE IN LUCKNOW TI1URS. 9 - 6 P.M. FRI. 9 - 9 P.M. SAT. 9 • 4:30 P.M. At the parking lot opposite the Fire Hall Come and see - Come and browse VorMattittble-untl-Gtirsto-te Has Put a Kook Store On 'Wheels OPENING SPECIALS SEVERALITEIVIS 1/2 PRICE ROUNDUP° WILL CONTROL QUACKGRASS. THIS FALL, FOR A CLEAN START COME SPRING. Next spring,-nothing will be more important than getting in and planting as early as possible. Un- fortunately, that doesn't_ leave much time for dealing with quackgrass. Unless you apply Roundup® herbicide by- Monsanto this fall after harvest. Simply allow the 4 quackgrass to re- grow undisturbed in ;`)\ the crop stubble until the majority of plants are actively growing and at least 8 inches high (3-4 leaf stage). But treat before the first killing frost. Aic Properly applied, Roundup will":.,;F,z,,, be absorbed and "translocated" down into the network of rhizomes - de- stroying the entire plant, above and below ground. Five days after treatment, .t'ou'can resume fall tillage operations. . Since Roundup has no re- sidual soil activity, you can plant any labeled crop next spring_— without risk of crop in- There's never been a heybicide like this before. ALWAYS READ 'AND CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE LAI3EL DIRECTIONS FOR ROUNDUP HERBICIDE RoundupNis-o registered trademark of Monsanto Company. CMonsanto Company1480 RCN.15•80. . jury. What's-more,- - - many farnierS using Roundup as the key element in a quackgrass con- trol program, have. beenzble to achieve manage- able quackgrass control for as long- as three years. Don't think of treating quack- grass as one more chore in the fall. Think of it as one less chore in the spring. See your dealer about Roundup. The herbicide that gets to the root of the probletn: Monsanto MONSANTO CANADA, INC TORONTO, MONTREAL VANCOUVER, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY visited, with. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Forsyth of Walker- ton. • Rev. ; and Mrs. Clarence • McClenaghan retired to Kin- ---Trardine-on-Friday-And-spen a few days With Miss Mildred McClenaghan and attended the Dungannon 125th eele oration where he was. a preacher for a few years, Visitors on the weekend ' with. Mr, and Mrs. 'Carl McClenaghan and Mrs. Mary McClenaghan were . Mr. and Mrs. Mel McClen- aghan of Kitchener and Mrs. Eileen Parker and Mrs. Bev GranVille, Benji and Billie of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Pollock of Stratford were recent visitors with Miss' Mildred McClenaghan. • We are sorry to report that Earl. Wilkens was admitted on Saturday to Wingham •