The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-06, Page 10KINGSVIEW FARMS Markel Garden 1 'Clete and Mary Louise Dalton ,,,. I d an Family 1,:•-• , i - For All Your Garden Needs i' Sweet Corn, Cabbage) Beets, Beans and Lettuce PHONE 1 mile north and 1 mica 529-7124 oast of Kingsbelds• lit'dON RI) 20 Sweet Corn, Onions, Tomatoes ' ---BiTookinit Cucumbers, Cauliflower, ete.,4.ING 'Inni)on THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS FL` ?•2 IIWY 86 IL A MOTOR HERE ANOTHER MOTOR HERE 95 MODEL 1279, Page '10--Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, Auguat 6, 1980 .. .Bridal:shower °flours len The Holyrood Women's Insitute went to Blyth ,on ThnrsdaY evening to ,see the play, John and the MissUs. McCue of Cambridge visited with Mrs. Agnes. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichol- ' son attended a Cuyler family picnic at the home of Mrs. Kathleen Cuyler at Kincar- dine op Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Seort visited on Supday. with Mr, Hiram. Pangbarn at Univer sity Hospital, -London,' BY MAY BOYLE. Miss Helen Weirsma Was honoured on Filday evening at the Pentecostal `church basement with a bridal show- er. White wedding bells and pink and white streamers made a colourful setting, for the event. Mrs. G. Van Sligtenhorst led in a sacred sing along and offered prayer. Mrs. Arthur Breckles then welcomed, everyone and ex- preiSed best wishes to the bride from all present. Mrs. Douglas Dahmer con- BY DELORES Van OSCH Congratulations to Lori Doherty, daughter of Frank and Isabel Doherty who was crowned Miss Dut gannon on Friday evening at the start of their weekenir Celebrations. The celebrations in Dun- gannon appeared to be a great success. The commit- tee in charge deserve a lot of credit on how smoothly ev- erything went. CongratulatignS to Dan and Mary Ellen Boel, who had their baby daughter Danielle baptized at St. Jos- eph's Church during the Mass on Sunday. The summer program at St. Joseph's. Community School has been a great success with several children attending each week. Miss Sandy' Orien, community school co-ordinator, reports that a beach-a-than will be held. on Sunday afternoon, August 17th; Starting at Part Albert for a ten kilometre walk which takes the walkers to the beach behind Mrs. Clarice Dalton's and back to Port Albert for a barbecue. Each walker supplies their own hot dogs and sponsor sheets are available at dif- ferent points in the area. Mrs. Frank (Anne) Rieg- ling and children, Craig, Todd, Lisa and Mark of Whitelaw, Alberta, arrived on Friday for a three week vacation with Anne's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Lucknow, and Frank's parents, brother and sisters, Mt. and Mrs. Carl Riegling and families of Ashfield. Frank may join them at a later date. Visiting a few days with Pete and Betty Van Osch and family was Betty's sister and husband, Albin and Rose ducted .a fun game with two chosen teams and two boxes of wearing apparel to see '"which-teanycoulthdress—the bride and her mother all ready for the wedding. It Proved a tie and Laura gave eachlady a book mark, Mrs. Stein and Mrs. Vanderhook each gave readings. Mrs. Fred Edwards conducted a fun game with quilting thread and lots of laughs., The' bride and her mother and her, sister-inTlaw 'were asked to take their places, also Mary Helen MacDonald. Benninger Of. Chatham. Joe and Thelma Van Osch and family attended a Moyer family reunion in Mount Forest on Sunday. On Sunday 'afternoon members of the Riegling and ridroondson families enjoyed 4 reunion at the farm of Max and Helen Riegling. Over eighty members attended from Alberta, Chatham, Ot- tawa, Ridgetown; Brampton, Missiisauga, McKay's Cor- ners and surrounding areas. The descendants of thelate Frank and Margaret Riegling of Harwick Tovvtiship attend- ing were John, Chatham, Carl, Ashfield, Margaret Of. Mississauga, another broth- er Bernard of ,Alberta was absent as was the oldest living Riegling member, Mrs. Frances Donovan, nine- ty-eight years' old and a res- ident of Meadow Lane Nurs- ing Home, Chatham. Four generations c)f the Edmond- son families were -present. Mr. Fares Edmondson of Chatham and the late Evelyn Edmondson have a family of eight, one of which is Fran Riegling, Ashfield; along with thirty-eight grandchild- ren and twenty-seven great grandchildren, most of whom were present. Everyone en- joyed a great time visiting, and a smorgasbord dinner was served. Carey, Joey and Carl Rieg- ling of Brampton are holiday- ing with their grandparents, 'Carl and Fran Riegling and their little cousins in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Girdeix and family of McKay's Corn- ers and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schleick, Hussman's Corn- ers, spent the weekend with their niece and cousin, Barb Redmond, husband Ambrose and family. Little 'Angela Breckles pres- ented the gifts which were all lovely, useful articles, Helen thanited—everrne--for kindness and she modelled bow hat which Connie f•an- flog had made oh a foil plate. Delicious, refreshments and punch were served stnorgas- bord style and a very nice` evening was brought to a close. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Fred Bloomfield of Eden Grove called on Mr. and Mrs, Fred Guest on Tuesday. Susan McTeer of PaiSley has been holidaying at the Guest home with Paul ine. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John- ston, Donna, Dennis and Douglas returned home from an enjoyable holiday in Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hal- denby and Sara visited 'with his brother Dr. arid Ars. Fred Haldenby and also with Mr. and Mrs. Jansen at Cochrane and with. Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Haldenby at Lon- don. Donald Barr of Waterloo and Roy MacKenzie of Osh- awa visited with Mrs. John Barr. • Visitors over the weekend with Edna and May Boyle were on Saturday, Mrs. Pearl Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lloyd of Burlington and on Sunday, Mrs, Mary Boyle, Miss Joan Elliott and MrS. Gwen Sheebottom of Len- and Gerald of Stratford visit- ed on-Monday. Donnie McFarlan is a pat- ient in the ,Kineardine and DiStrict Hospital where he underwent surgery We send our get welrwishes, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shel- ton of Lucknow (formerly of here) were to LOndon during the week to the funeral of their brother-in-law, 'the late Frank VVolliston. Frank and Betty have visited here sev- eral times and syMpathy is extended to the bereaved at this time. Miss Lea Anne Haldenby LLICICNOW CHRISTIAN • REFORMED CHURCH MINISTER MR. NEIL HAGEMAN Services 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX of. IAndon spent the holiday weekend at her home here, Many from took in the Craft Festival at Lucknow and, the. Old `Boys and Girls Reunions at Kincardine and Dungannon. Mr, Earl Percy of Mathe- son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Percy ofSt. Catharines visit- ed with Mrs. John Barr and other relatives here. Mrs. Don Bertrand and family spent the weekend with Miss Winnifred Percy, Bill and Brian • Percy. Joan had a booth at the Lucknow Craft Festival. LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A, M. Div. July 20, 27, Aug. 3 LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN, - CHURCH Auguit 10, 17, 24 and 31 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH 10 awn. morning worship Laurie Doherty is Miss Dungannon For all your building needs contact: Bere Bros. Construction CUSTOM BUILDERS HOMES 8 COTTAGES - ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS - FARM BUILDINGS 529-7894 OR 529-7177 Paying As High As ( 12 1/4% on 5 Year Annual Interest Guaranteed investment Certificates Top Interest Rates Through Such Trust Co. as Victoria & Grey - city Trust Standard - District - Greymac Municipal - Premier Also paying as high as I I% 0090 to 179 Days All Companies members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Rates Quoted as of August,1, 1980 Invest Through Rod McDoriagh, Box 250, Lucknow, 528.3423 '............ftesraisommftmomseromeimoomp ,LLICKNOiAt UNITED • CHURCH Rev. Bang Kaufman Mlnistei Schedule of CoMbined 'Services, all at 10 a.m. June 29 -Jab, 13 Soath Khdoss P. Church July 20 - August 3 Lucknow P. Church August 10 - August 31 Luclmow United Church Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 Year Old Children— EUREKA POWER .TEA • • • Eureka Deluxe Power Team with 2 motor power • Powerful upright carpet cleaning action with canister versatility. • Roto-Matic® powerhead with motorized Vibra- Groomer® beater bar brush roll thoroughly deep-cleans carpet like an upright. • Brilliant headlight and cleaning tools included. • Roto-Matic® Powerhead with all-metal Vibra-Groomerl Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow Phone 5284112