HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-08-06, Page 7CRAIG DITTRICH Certified General Carpenter Renovations.- Planning & Drafting CUSTOM BUILT STAIRS, WINDOWS AND DOORS R. R. #1, Lucknow, Ont. TeL 528-6842 esilr_os._Constructi Custom. Homes Cottages - Additions Farm Buildings - Renovations Free Estimates RICHARD LUCKNOW, 528.2726 BERT WINGHAM., 357.3053 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. For Inforniation On . TRUST. CERTIFICATES INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS•PLAN• STANDARD TRUST Call Their Representative LLOYD [HAP] HALL 528-2045 118111.1111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MacKENZIE and McCREATH FUNERAL HOMES A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ing to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Funeral Home at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 or Ripley. Phoor 395.2969 Garry Carruthers 395.5268 Day or Night Rep: Wingham Memorials 111111.111111111 Conley Construction LUCKNOW Cement Work Framing Renovations For Free Estimates CALL 528-2338 or 528-3324 INSURANCE AUTO - FARM - HOME COTTAGES COMMERCIA INVESTMENTS R.R.S.P. and Trust Certificates - Victoria and Grey - City Standard Premier Trust Companies McDonagh Insurance Agency Ltd. BARRY-ROD Phone 528.3423 or 528=2031 SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES ,ssomrsimminmimou 00 the co-opefatofs - KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT BOX 305 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1H0 TEL. 523-9589 HOME - AUTO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AGENT JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW ~usmess Directory tationammulminaMollu • Telephone 528-3913 Peaideft9 'Weettia9 KITCHEN REMODELLING' - BATHROOM REMODELLING REPAIRS WOOL:6TO' yEs SOLD AND INSTALLED QUALITY WORKMANSHIP - FURNACE INSTALLATIONS Box 309 CLIFF MANN LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS „ SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 BURNER SERVICE PROPANE FILLING STATION Products For Farm, Home and Industry DON RITCHIE ELECTRIC All Types of Electrical Work Generac Alternators Sales & Service R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 529-7568 1111111.11111111111111111111111111111111181111 For Your teed and Animal Health Needs Come to Stanley Feed & ,Supply RIPLEY, ONTARIO Phone 395-5955 111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111 WM. R. NELSON CARPENTRY Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free.Estimates No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528.2949 sammumommommis, R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square [Phone 524-7661] 111111111111111110.1111. 119811811111111.4 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Rep: MacKenzie Funeral Home INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. FIRST CITY TRUST CO. Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative- ALEX MacMAY LUCKNOW -REP. STRATFORD MEMORIALS tommamattamaamana Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res. Phone 357 7 1015 Guaranteed Service LUCKNOW APPLIANCE CENTRE SALES AND SERVICE CALL KEN OR PETE 528-2946 Box 580 Lucknow, Ont. minxisimmossisit imosimammaimimmi MacGillivray &' Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 380 Wallace Ave., N,., - Listowel, Ontario 291--1251 40 The Square Goderich, Ontario, 524-2677 Montreal Toronto Brampton Hamilton St. Catharines Port Colborne Listowel ' Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Goderich Telephone 529-7848 RR 7 Lucknow, Ontario CAMERON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION ComMercial - i ndustrial - Residential JACK CAMERON Letter to the editor Believes Tru To the Editor urnnist for the "Financial Post"/' wrote the following: "Foreign attention (to Canada) is mostly attracted by the ' French-Speaking 'nation emerging with glacial inexorability in. Quebec'after some 200 years of relatively benign subjuga- tion. Equally remarkable however is the fact'that Canada contains another nation vittualy lost to history, occupying four- -antl-aoronn three-quarters of its population, which tbe official bilingual jargon calk 4-Anglo- phones', They are the English-speaking Canadians, who have performed the feat of subjugating themselves." -1** With the 'willing help of Stanfield, Clark, Davis, and Hatfield, the, job 'of converting Canada to total French Can- adian control is now all but complete; Mr. Trudeau, the man who as Minister of Justice in 1967, propOsed that Quebec declare itself unilingually French., and, by so-doing disposessed half .a million Eng- lish-speaking Canadians of their homes and livelihoods, is now ready to impose on the rest of us, by decree if necessary, his French-Canada Constitution.' That piece of contrived legislation Will guar- antee French Canadian control of the ,,public services of all nine provinces outside of Quebec, Provinces whose total Francophone Population is 5 per cent of the whole. That same Conitinition will lock French-control of our Federal insti, Unions and legislation firmly into place. R will be the last step in securing for french anadians the country whose govern- ment has •already convinced the outside world that Canada is primarily a French- speaking country.. Hardly a single .country.- at a respon- sible level has had the courage to object publicly .to what is being done to this country. Why then do I object? I object because I have seen our once-proud country corrupted and bankrupted by one man in pursuit of his warped and obsessive goal. I object because bilingit-, alism has never worked anywhere and is - not intended to work here except as a sMokeScreen for the transition of jobs and .authority from English to French. 'And .lastly, I object because I do not want, to • live in a country in which all jobs, ail promotions, even the -laws- by which we live, are made for and by Ready% Canada which considers this, country to be theirs by Divide Right. At this point there is no trope , for English-speaking Canada unless Canad- ians take matters into their own hands, I am, snggesting that 'as of Labour_Day, 1 September, 1980, English-speaking Can- aria go on ,a general strike and stay on strike until lrucleau is forced to resign, and until a constitution can be framed by our Provinces in concert which recognizes Canada as an English speaking country, with one French-speaking province which can join us or not, on our terms. Nothing Canadians have ever done or will do will more effect the future of our lives and this country than to-consider, discliss, and then act as one on this measure to rid us of Trudeau and his destruction of Canada. Yours sincerely, V, Andrew L. Cdr. (Retired) Perth, Ont. eau, wants Lucknow Suatinel, Wednesday, August 0, 1980-,-Page nehiCanada. Ooverainent Public Service; Armed For- cs;'RCMP, and .some 400 Crown Corpor- ations :were being . put. into •French Canadian hands. In my second book "BACK-DOOR' BILINGUALISM"; I'des- cribed with proof the process by which the militant 'Francophone Associations, organized and funded with millions of dollars by the Trudeau Government, are now taking over complete control 'of our Provincial Governments, beginning with New Brunswick and Ontario. My: efforts were ridicnled by Government-initiated • propaganda and by other who chose to believe that, duplicity could not exist in Canada. • • - In the June 1979 issue of "Harper's, Peter Brimelow (Washington-based Colt, • • • For ten years now I have been t17in8l0 warn Canadians that Prime Minister Trudeate.s solereason for being in politics is, to turn Cariada into a French-control- led, and inevitably, a French-speaking • country. In n y first "book "BILINGUAL TODAY, FRENCH *TOMORROW", I described-the-st R-our-Federal ••