The Signal, 1929-8-22, Page 6Q-Tburaday, August 2.2. 1429. Strength for the Sultry Days THE SIGNAL, SHREDDED With .til the' bran of the whole wheat Mental buoyancy and physical alertness come from eating the crisp flavory shreds of Whole wheat with milk. Delicious fox luncheon with berries. Outing, Golf, Bowling and Tennis Shoes sturdy' praai•a`. favorite- for n i • - fatu•y fal•r•; I pall.ri. lie :Vat. -t I' Slit). • E, or no n. boys and youth-. •fhe tui...•- and children are the colored and h• v are her. in the newest design. and ,, . _ for child rets include a vi'ry largo vitriet- - 1!i1 letting shoe•.The holiday N14,4'', t4 0411 -hi fr1.iii Ii1e beast a..sorltnent Al i+rir• •1. read. GEO. MacVICAR i HP. ['HAL i ILAL SHOP. MAN NORTH SIDE SQI ARF. GODERICH CLEARING SALE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS We have d. ;cd to sell out our entire stock of Men's Furnishings in order to devote our time to Cleaning and Pressing and Made -to -Measure Clothing. Commencing week. our complete stock of Clothing will be offered to the public at cost prices. This will be your opportunity to purchase first-class merchandise at bargain prices. The sale will continue until the stock is disposed of. TIMELY REQUIREMENTS: Bathing Suits, Golf Knickers, Outing Trousers, Straw Hats, etc. All at cost prices. W. C. SNAZEL HABERDASHER and DRY CLEANER West Street - - Phone 339 Sunday Afternoon By lr \ BEL HAMILTON, . e;,4tterfcb, Ont. ..rear King up Nn2).a, . hear our tin*. While at Thy `feet w'e fall. vol htu11hly with lushest cry '1'1. Thew for mercy .4111. The guilt is. '-. but grace 1. Thine, a► torn n• not away. lust hear Ins from Thy lofty throne Anil help vis when We pray. -J. H• Gurney. PRAYER Our Ileacettlh Father. help Its j.. 2w11e44 :n Plea. and rejoice 211 Thee, :11141 to co-operate with 'flew III that re•• enaprion for w 111•'1 the world 141 w,llt- mg. Clean.*. u- from all infidelity and ;cad u- with the spirit and fellowship .f Je•n• 4 lIris•t. giving u• .ten non' turrta-te- ..f the glory that Id to 1M•. -- -Selected. S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. 1st. 1,29. Lesson Topk-Ezra'N Return (o Jer- usalem. I.r.sun Nrsw5r-Ezra 7:6-1e; 8:21. ':3.31. 32. bidden ' Text -'Ezra 8:22. \\'.• .rad lu verse ' ;hat Ezra was .i ,I.•..v loluur et .Laron. the chief f11• wa• a man of great learn- ing. ':1 ready scribe 111 the lass ..f NI•..,•_;' The .P.•a% wily that he collert- e1 all the .. 1.:e, of the law ►1e• could lied and published an accurate edition of It. with all. the_l.r.pbrti-al Nooks. hiee.rhal and Is N•tfcul. that were gavel Ly ,IIcLN• iu.ry•ir:Moon. The term .,ria.• ssi.e an honorable ons., lett men In the c14eerute age of the Jew1-h rhurth 1.11.211 it to .. low level. Tlwy were •• trine,.. tn. the ler.r .r rhe law. but •::sugars for the spirit .t it. t'hrist ptomain .1.1 ;,, alu_t -.lain the-: "Woe mute y,.l2. , vita•• :old I'htri- we.,, Ezra War a man of great piety and ,;) zeal 112• 1•reparel hi- he•irt t. -.els the haw of the L.r4. awl n• .10 It.' that 1.. he made it hie be.i11(vs+ to r •ar.h the scripture. to- 21414 out the mind rind w111 of .God. Ile theca 11,41114. ou..14n; r .f doing as -online to 11:11 , La had ...light 'and funnel. 112' 'least -:e). was to give out w'luit lie had tak- u 11x. Ile set himse•If to tench Israel pile s111ule• inial }uJgm4ntw of the law' „t Moses. ' M. -c" In- Egypt. Kira in • Babylon, 41441--1..111 In inptit•1ty.Were wonlerfnl- ;1 011e( for eminent- .ercice- to the •hureh. It was strange that 'emit a man as F.zrn. stayed so long in Babylon Utter l.i• brethren were. gone ftp: lout 'God •4.11! him not thither. till lie had work for him to do there. 1VhPu lw Mit go the king .f Babvl.,, was kind to him. granting him 1411:a terer ins desired, t. Put 111111 into a capacity to serve hl• ..nntry. When he .cartel ninny derid- ed to accompany him. centering t.. re- side in Jerusalem when he was going to be there. The good hated et h2s GINI t, cup fl.Plc. 1141.1+•.1 mint 4• re: oil ,01 was upon ham and that made tt safer ., cup `Sowww open) -J., fur them to go than to stay. Nit .nl. , cup !4.114om Jw ,Eeiwarce did the king give ham permission to g.. 1 taldee lsN.n powdered sups Gieelioln. 1.) .n 111 1411411114 who has rip to J.'21wilem hut he gear him Add -„car and fn,ft Mire to mint rid wen flr-t prize with gladiolus at authority t. inquire iwto the affairs fir and let stand In warm place f.ri thirty tiny pro"F.n. .how ,-;3. slakes. Mks_ Jnllaali and Jerusalem. f1e Nieto 111- minute- • $watheld..1. 1'. ifunle. W. $. Itsede•Ii: tru.te1 111m with ns.nt•y which the Summer tMb-P.ly 1 -pike. W. g. Bowden. N11.4 FtwafM•Id. king and bis 1.11nn.ellors' hail freely 2 , 6x11, Hoer u 24I/1ti•.11e't4,1 among hi. •ubjt•rt•.' 4 tea -p -«nn- I•akb,R-)»rade. ay a, an offering unto the 4:,Nl .t 1 te1.)uXrn salt leriel '4l'.*• h:abitati.n is Jerusalem. 4 t14bie.psro_ batter 1:zea thatokfuhly acknowledged the ae cnpe, milk. s••aut g..,bu•ss .r God In thus inclining the 12 cup .ng.,r king's heart to supply himso I.olltlti-, I oranges, fur. Ezra' had r.ufe.sed to the kitlg 1:1,1141 riu.l 1 ,rang4 -&o11r8uuIDINCsirnm FARE AND WEATHER Put it on with PRESTON IBD -HED NAILS (as..., .bete' Specially oriented for use in putting on metal roofing. The lead on the heed nos ,tively seal. the nail hole. - making it w.ether- t.ght and water proof. No weshere: no more "threading"22cper lh. Free •ample en re yueet. Rib -Roll Galvanized roofing shields property from lightning and fire. Wooden roofs are easy prey. In 1927 in Ontario alone, $1,814,700 worth of property wan de.troyed by fre caused by spontaneous combustion and by embers fall- ing on inflammable roof.. Rib -Roll is abso- lutely fire -proof and water -tight. It protects your crops from dampness that is conducive to spontaneous ignition. Handsome; perman- ent; easy to lay on any roof. Has seven ribs to nail; others give less security. Take steps now to protect your livestock. crops and buildings. Write for a free Semple of Rib- Roll. ibRoll Prevent Spontaneous Combustion and have a Well Ventilated Barn' Warm, moist sir in an improperly •antiletelt hero produces conditions conducive to .pontenenu• Igtitinn Preston Venn- lotnr• for the roof •dlu•table oide.well windows and •p•riou• doom protect the barn from are danger, by keeping the air in eonetent circulation. They f•ull boat to keep the element. out. Write for Barn Door Tracks and Hanger Prrann botgalvanired four wheel Hangers and birdproof Harr 1...or Track ere the Inst lardwere merle for heavy barn door,. The /tenger i. •d,ueteble up and down, and in and out. This malree erection ,n stalely *het hundreds of builders will use N .cher tape. PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARNS the stronge.t horn on the market Thera ere more Prentan Banns in Ih. Province than .Il other metal horns combined Fireproof,_ roomy, well nm ventilstld, Anodee. To our knowledge. no Prr,ton Steel Trona Fern ht. ever been destroyed M lightning or spontenenus r-omhu.Non. Write today for our big Beni Book Over 1,0011 in Ooo.,4e Not owe lost Ihrm.gh lightning FjiS�Tz}� Products TORONTO Guelph Stever PRESTON, ONTARIO uODERICH, ONT. • Weak After Operation "After having an .operation, I was very miserable, weak. nervous anti very near unfit to work. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and uu,4 It alai baiter ,l helped ale wonderfully. 1 hare no weak spells any more. the pains have left me and my nen es are 11124 11 bet- ter. I feel safe in saving Lelia E. Pinkham's medicines have helped me wonderfully." -Mn. Wm. H. BeechteUer, Boa 143, Port Guile,.. Ontario. Lydia E.r?tnk1i m's Vegetable. Compound ..... 1 P .• 14,7 C.. l... M.., 1 1 ► „C .... a4W4. 0„N, MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES By Bett . I :., r l JelIted Carrels and Pea - 1 package Iem1, 1 rap boiling vs ai ehlp vegetable - 'Z talbreelmio I. '' _fr t . tea.)NNnI .al: teaspoon pa;, 1 cup cooked ca s. F•et1P pleas 1►i.wdte g.latii a 1« r: a.an•r. .1.1.1 vegetable .' .t- x•111•... vinegar. Halt. and 1,,;•r2ka • %Own .lightly chickened. ! in :., r.. • and )Naas. Turn into .,...Id-. OM; until firm. Unmet(' on . -,. lettuce. 1,:,2111611 with maynlmai.e. serve_ e.:ht. . Twe Emergent) Salad. ('11Ibag.• Fruit Peel orange.. remos nig :r. 1411224• akin. Cut Into one-fourth it, h 4.1i.•ce and then Into aegu.elt•. 1'.,.r .:192141 plates with flne0 ehrel.lyd .:,!'luage. Sprinkle with ury4r.g..• ee•guavut-. G rvr With French drea.lu:. l'he se it. I ".11..1 Peel orange., al,., .I aide ments. rejecting el %hire I11p.r -kin .arrange on 'select ! .,t.-. ....•r,•,( 442244 .1 "tat.. Mrs. Wm. lettuce. ((erni.h ni•b balls .f .retina !town. . 4111414_.• rolled In gra rel "TN lige rUtd.. Orat.ge a;!adI,,lIi. Fruit MFM Sauer fir Lamb ''"24*-. J. .hack. Ii ' 3. MCI WINS CUP AT FLOWER SHOW1 Finns Exhibition last 11 eels 111der .luspirea of IIortkultural Society The (tester *him under the 4u'pklts I' file GINIerlch Horticultural Society Thursday and Fra.lay lase attracted .1 large number of people 1e Ma.J►a7' Hall. where et very t•rtvlltable dl.play of bloom was on ethi batiou. The ger- gerns 0114110111e' WU% the leading fluter In the exhibition: but there were 142.,4 attractive displays id rowel. INuiaeaN, .»'tale.-, dahlias. phlox 411)4 usher gar- den favorites. ')'liere wa• a s)ee•11,1 (•x- 111141 of larkspur grown by wale..' chil- dre•n' from seed .11.Irlbptel • by the north -Mina! Society. Mr. George Lal11ht4aite..? 1:.«lerleh t.%uship, had a d1splay of nese. 111141 sweet peas 24111.•1' nen' not mitered for cottmetl- tiu11. "rhe judged were Mr. George Stewart. of 1,4411. and Mr. W111. Ilar- ny, 11( Re.lforth. - Mr. J. Jack won the silver cup 114)1 ❑tel by Herbert 11'at.ra Co., of 'Peron for the mt•mller Winning flit' great antler of point. 114 the 4'x11262 The cup is to he held One year. e sign:ll's »pedal prizes for pang nen• w4111 by J. Jack. Nln. Wn, Ifob2neou and Mrs. NI'. J. .111.1re" Thi• prim lea : \41startlatae---J. Ji11'k. I'hlux 1•rnmmuudl J. Jnek. Mrs•. .1 e' stev:l(rt. NIrs. 1'111». young. e4/11,114.1 14111 ..f 4'ut Fluters -J. .luck. els, Claire ReygollI . • Mr -a J. t' NteWart. Ih111ia. Ithnr•1 -Mr•. J. e'. Stew art. Mr.. Pita.. Young 111r-. Geo. 1l T..NI. Isilriia 40e141141.g. Mr-. .1. 1'. Stets art. N12-4 Laura Salkeld. 11x[ilia (decorative, -)Ifs. Ilia -- 11". '1:1-11'. M. Knight. G1.. Down,. 1t4 -e• It. u. held. 11'ul, Coate..1. '1 F'td 1. tual.dragon- Mr-. 11'. .1. Andrew. I J. S. Howrie. Mrs. Tr.•mblay. ab:..a NUw Strang. 1 -'red 11a set'. Culle•tlon of Pan -ie- , .1 .1u.•1. Mr.• Wm. lt•4.his„n. Mrs. 1\'. J. ...abet. Petunias (double I --Fred Marker.. Petunia. (singlt•r--J. .luck. Fred Itarker, Mrs. W.•J- Andrew. Marigolds.- Nit,. 'Tremblay. W. NI. Knight. . Zinnias-- .1. .141. k. Mrs. Tremblay. Wake', Fred rke', '1'10- judger awarded a -pedal prize t.. Mrs. J. 1'. '•i'rW:art for a ale•w 411rietj of zinnia. The delicious flavour of SALADA has no equal. Do not be tempted by the price of cheap teas LADA" 'TEA Teeth Irons the gardens' Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNEK.11. DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service al all hour., day or eight. i'lI11N E7 ',tore 120 Kes. 217 amommismemmorte J. R. Wheeler Funeral 1)ireelor and Embalmer All call- 1.roulp2l7 atteh.led to • day or night.- ' l'IIUNES Stare 3I Ile -idea• a 3:�,w• 1).uuii•"u Street, G...lerch Transportation Service Long Din .nee Short D .lance Good. ,n Transportation Insured Fur,.our.• (yue11147 1 Efficient Op•ndor. Charges lea- -••IINb!P. satioh(Ctn Nl guaranteed. s. K. McMatb, .2.71r34, t'liut.nl Cen- tral. Operator, •t41t4N2, Central. Perennials .1-..Ilei •I1uu * 74lro. \\'u,. Reibinwon. Mrs. J. 1'. Stewart. Gladiolus 1111-14k/M*-=-\1'. 71. 12.24- .1.1.. 7411e. 1. SWa Oie•111. - I:Iadiulu• 1 . +)4215.., 50810r8"1 44--11'ui. Coats. W. S. 12u141Ien:-11. T. Edwnrl!r- Re) Gladiolus (2 splkew, - 1). -r F.dway,ls. J. Jack. Nin.. R. 4'. P..tel [benne. rink 4;billion): e2 spfkits, l-11. Eduardo. W. 44.1124.w(1en. J. J1a'k. White 1:Iad1••811. 12 "fake. 1 - Ni-- FwnRirld. H. T. F.dwlMs: J. Jack. $lotehe) ..r Variegated 1:11d4ulo- , _ ,•pike!,, --Wm. 1'.:11s, .1. P. Hunt. 11 T. Edwards. Yellow 4:lai! iol ll. 2 .14ke. I --'11'111. Kubin.Ii. Geo. a•ti .pike••* - Witt T. Edwards'. ,mike with .m..-! P.. iFMsa, .•111. T. , Mceeraa L - ND-. W .1. Andrew. - Lark -par 1 grown by school childrr11 from -e'e,) 411.erlbute1 by the }Iorticel- turxl Society 1-1.t.. Kenneth .1uck : nv. w,••"nd prizes. Norah ,lock. Wilbur and hilly Feil: 214e fourth prize.. 11:,•1:,,,.1 Tren,bl1y. F:h,Inc Trembl14y. 'Ne.1uue itow.l4n. Watson Slietird.w11. hiss -h•adfa•r '-•.11fl.1enee in (:ol and fa . 1, sup Uat1•r •✓ F'rv1 R�Ittin4.bnm. . was a•hnined to sok protection as they Nils and -ifr fl.nr, INIkinR Isrwd.•r. A marched through rh4lrPurmi4+ cowl - KEEP +alt. With tile, of Haters rub in KEEP CHILDREN WELL 'vie•. two tabh-is«.Ir tenter. mud mix t. 11 Thor had uo pillar of .11414 41414 tare ,1.114.11 with milk. Roll out one-bnlf r!end theft). a, 1)24!2 titlher• had. lint luck Ihick.:wd .-044. with .111,111 .Is.r- l.•y believed that the power and fay- 11f orange )4»11)4 Mix sugar, orange rind. .r ..f God would 1.-omp.1117 them. s" 11114) nge 11111. Mit4r,and.orringleerin r- --- they lornyed mud faxed. end H4 wa'' third• .f it •s.r taw orange. 11.II Every mother know. how fatal the e• 1n 441 la th f Jar• R /• * re n ,, t 7 P t entreated for them In the a baking-Meth: panel 1 n 1 LR t hot summer months are to small OM- stn11 which wn• granted tTem they set h14ki11g-42411: si?lnkle with remafuinR Maui. ('h.ler, Infantum. diarrhoea. fell them liv the way. Hemel enemies. shwa thirty minutest. Serve with an am! on their long jnnrney. Nothing be- sllg,Ir:.urr.und with water, and hakefly-4nt4ry. .alfa and •t.mleh trouble. , are rife at this time and often a pri- ori! clone little life ie. Inst after only a few hours' Ilene... The mother who keep. ! Baby'. (awn Tablets in the 1.21.4 feel, safe. The oeraslonal use of the Tab - DURING HOT WEATHER lay 111 wait for them. 1n four mouths' ...range ..r h•ill'm sauce. time they arrived 111 JPrn•nlem, where r_ 111.- r..tel threw dao.. before deliver- ASHFIELD Mg the king". ..lama -.Ione min. the king'. 1)elltPllntlt.. 1' Ies.el from lets prevent wtomach 111111 1..114'4) trout. I'ommCntery. AFIILFIELI. August 11, )-'rhe ser- vice- in .\-1 1. d 1"rP.hyterinn chereh len or If trouble entrust sed4Pnly-as it on Salida,- n.1.- c.ndlietel toy the Rev. generally doe- -the Tablet, w111 bring WORLD MISSIONS (1Nti Mr. Don, of 'Toronto. Two very good the lNsby safely through. They are sold 112. Nord !Shall Not Return Unto Him I by medivine dealers or by 111,111 at 2 w•21he .S) 15 :Iran. ' tents a boar from The Dr. Williams' Vold The R'. NL s. Mfg at for home of Mr.. Ity Mr.. E. I- \Ien•r.ict-. Mow, central 1 'litheNr1. with the president. Mrs.' MPdl'•ine Co.. Itrnekcllle. (ant. India .fohn Ma. -)tae. la the chair. After the 5.14. HELENS From a village ,,ear ih.ln114.ar. 1°"1/1"0 part .f the meeting Wee over. Month 1110111. a lad ..2 f.,:,rteen was Miss lean MacLeod, from near Luck- ' taken to renting to work a• a coolie now. addre•s.•d the meeting. Her ad.; While there he learned to mad. and dreg. Was m..t interesting find was "T. 11H112\ . .\.g. 14. -Raft lfelen after some years returned to his v11- ern- •h e1;.yet. by ,111. F: Miller i. h1111dayln4. at Th.rn.1al. hip.. In hi. tether'. rend.. be .ass n • M{w R. Rs ie \in-KP..zio 2s home after Farm. the gale -t of her gr,n.lmother. Mr. .1. B. Rutherford. ronto.• W thnm.'of Galt. are ' of I'b19a's healing t leper. ile Was 2114 newts ..f \I r. 11'21...41 R'.sNl. 1.t' ,1 much intere.ted in the.. as on filet fort Mks. .1. 11. Beckett. R.N.; nnr.el at R wa• 11 great .ore which he believed to 111112(4hor,I• Hat week. F4hr I. miring w'ee'k'. vacation. Is• leq.rny' He tame. to 15114141 wla•l' 2112• weak 112 i'lover 1'1411Py. - N11•• lila Humphrey 1.t the gn.wt .f the len flet '8me• frv.m. and all 4111.x12 1it IM:w *fedi1vo•1 41.12.1 her b• Mr. er. Mr.. GehrgP Walker. many fries;- is AshtPl*l. •Nle. 41414 Nit's. !tonsil,' .'lark 4141.1 von. 41' 'The ).5rrpw of the halt coned The farmer. ante their When! and Colin. of (►).ansa. aro the glia"t. of not me: t),e who nor exactly how their mother, 741r'. ('lark. it 4x44: they .11e knew tion! It had their cut 14wI some are b11sy enttloR Mr. and Mr'...11)s•rt Wallace. of liar - 'What left by ...me 'pie were their oats R'bnr' ilea ..f people were thea'.• ilPc. G .u„ Mrs. Ritchie. of Tact- rte. .►N'nt thP,werk-end with the for, Rill. they were Is.q.IP who wv.r•hl!, "lock. rl•I,. ,' .it 2114 home ..f Mr. 41414 m Nr. an and Mina Johne' Webster.? Niko only one (lel. who they 1.11141 111alP ern. It••1 k.r last week end. Dorothy Webster and Mr. anti Mrs. l*.. Smith. of Toronto. Rev. H. flPl(1. Mrs. Whitfield end Nir'. W. 1:, Gordon left on )1.ntiny .n . motor trip to To1N•rmory. MI.. Miry .Fane Irvin ilei NI{.. Taal: rx Mertht were holidnying with their: grandf14ther. Mr. W. Wields, la.! week. Mr. Latton. of K1,,.rr.binc, we. the Riles, of her daughter. Max .ia•. leer- jr.. last week. Mrs. WIII ii.Wle• 911.1 daughter.. lel•' and Mn..yof At. f nth,rine.. wP)P week-el'I v{•Itor. at Mr. John Web.; NII.• Mary C. Rutherford left Thera• clay for a trip to (nitimlais. where! she will he the guest of Mr. and Nlr.. William Dyer for two weeks. leaflet- wh1ch ha rend. of. the eccoun2 "'Pending 11 ...•4.k W111 friends In To-' Mr. and Mrs. or 1 *liver Hr•.ek, ('hfi1011 Fresh Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your bread from us. It contains the purest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf to -day and taste the difference E. U. CLEVELAND i'h.rlc 111 \\.-1 `1 to earth 141 the forma .f 14 man aid went nl«wt teaching email,. about ll'nven. healing the sl k and even raising the .lend. The youth thought :, great deal 2M.7tt all thi• .11111 reed the leaflet over and .ver. .1t 141.2 he •aid t. 1.1111 - .elf• "If thi. 1" the true G.NI. 114 1.141 heal my fo,t .s He healed the leper." So he began to pray t. Ifim for 184141 Ing nn.) •Nat to work t.. find out all he .0111(1 al.lnt (11211 Finally he went ant. N14dangur one dao 111111 met the Inilam pastor of the 1'res) l,'rla, church. .herr. Till- good 41.111 nske: him t. ..m4 t. the M•r11.-P in the ehnr.-t, and afterward.• t. .amain for n ran•• It Well he held for I11ih•rete 1'hri.flnn mean During the '-141w the Tm1tor asked if any of them cold.' testify from their own exp'rlenee•that Rod heard and :rnew4.r'1 prayer. To hi. R.tonhwhtnent hi- yelling man bee and .RIA • "i can 1 hail leprosy on my toot n great -sere. four niche• long. and 1 prayed to G1w1 t. he'll It. alnl Ile did, jtl.t a• ik• heeled the leper of 0141: 1.,k st It if yon do not )*llevP Me.' 41,41 he held rip his f.Not for e11 to see. Women Why Suffer Periodic Pain? NiLENE 41:12 relieve per -104110 pain, headachesbackaches, weakness. nausea. "1, .plasmas», irrellability, and many '-.her ailments froth which few women alsentirely free. A won- derful rev..,„trncttve Nerve Tonle. NILENE ran be obtained to either lit -Intel or toilet form at 111.00 per bottle or hot. NILES( tiiORATORIEE LIMITED t 21 WellIegtsa ft. West TortonTO r, CRT., cameo* -field by- ('AMI'ItI:1Jft1 1)0.1 0 MTORF: DIINIAIP (ThP Itesell 1/nog Wert) A. 1►KERMANN Mayfield) est Solicitous of Your Patronage CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPE West street, upstairs over Tebbutt's Hardware For Appointment Phone 23!) Oren (stomp by apeomtmenl 0n!r .•,arra a g•"•.I -t.ek of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds 814111 un applientb.1 Frank McArthur 1.1.1.CT It h I \ Telephone 82 West Strce "SPARA'S° FOR CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS. VEGETABLES. BUT- TER. EGGS. MEAT$. FLOUR 1'4 1:Ityl'21INA 2 1111'. IIF: T Silrerwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED trir y.11r prnteetlon ('n:: :n. 1'•' k 1r..un.l and 1••• Where Cleanliness is Paramount Spare's Grocery "The store .f Satipfaction'' Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 \\I 2F.:.l\ I .. 1\ I• 2'• TIME TABLE OF THE ARROW COACH LINES Effective August 1st, 1929 WOO,DSTOCK - GODERICH HEAD Dow` SUB -DIVISION READ CP A. M. P. M. Leave ;.(X) 4.15 ' • 7.20 4.:35 • A. M. P. M. Arrive Goderich Mile. 10 45 10.45 Nolmeaville '9122.2:2' 11:1.25 7.25 4.40 Clinton 12 1,4.20 1(1.20 ,,.4b 5.00 Seaforth 21 DO() 10.00 .b0 5.Oti St. Columban 23 9.55 9.55 24.00 5:15 Dublin 27 -9.45 9.45 8.15 5.1141 Mitchell 32 - 9.30 9.30 8.35 5.50 '' Sebringville 40 ' 9.10 11.10 R.45 6.01) Stratford 44 8.45 8.45 9.00 12.1:2 Shakespeare 518.30 8.30 9.10 f,.25 Tavisoo'k 54 *4.20 8.2(► 9.6.42 Hickson 60 2».0252 8.05) Arrive 9.4fi25 7.00 taave Woodstock fib 7.45 7.45 Direct connections at Stratford with Arrow Coaches"to St. Maria, London, Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Toronto. Direct connection. at Woodstock with Arrow Coaches for Brant- ford. Hamilton, Oakville, Toronto. (':\N('El.t.IN(; ALI, PREVIOUS SCHEDULES Fahlhltlon ehonl. of 2010 yelirw ae- somi a11(PII by the fame' Goldman ('o11-1 ter? Rand. of New York. will be heard In font concerts at the ('x4111414441 Na- t11mw1 Exhibition this year. Thi.. the meth colorful and largest choral organ- isation In ('»nada• appear. in the ('.11 .Pum on Angn4t 21, Amen", 29. Septem her 3. and Peptember 7. The School of Commerce CLINTON - ONTARIO offers you a Practical Business Training that has made it possible for our scores of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. There is a position waiting for you COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's Course and Special Courses arranged YOU CANNOT ATTEND A BETTER SCHOOL WHY NOT ATTEND THIS ? - SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 3rd, 1929 Write today for information. Phone Y98 B. F. WARD, B. A, Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal