HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-22, Page 5THE SIGNAL, Ih VAil1j 11) ;li'. al 1'•v'• 111,x! • t J 1 e I1 GODERICH, ONT. ipLL te Thursday, Au¢it•t :S, It..l -4 ANNIY111:1111! : To mark our eighth anniversary we are putting on a two weeks sale of all merchandise in our store Salet an c0ntlnues or two wee s commencesSaturday,, e to stage our Anniversary Sale. To show our appreciation of the patronage accorded `us during 7tthe pastth. aThis gill Oncet again it i. our privilege k\Near for two weeks, commencing Saturday, August years we are offering remarkably bargains in Ladies', Men's and Children be your opportunity to purchase merchandise from our regular stock at unheard -Of low prices, and we extend a cordial invitation to everyone to conte into out store at any time to lock over the real bargains waiting to he snapped up by the wide-awake buyer. Below are some of the outstandingmoney-saving values offered during the next two weeks at our store: Ladies' and Misses' Ladies' and Misses' COATS 1111 lk Table Cloths i floral designs. Excellent wearing qual All pure linen Table Cloths in ity. Sive 66 by 66 inches Anniversary .1 r `ale pre, e - - - Summer Dresses at CIl ea ring Prices Checked Dimity Dresses trimmed with organdy. Regular $3.50 value. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE $1.98 Dresses of georgette. washable crepe, trico- shene and rayon materials. Regular price $16.50. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE $5.00 They will soon clear at this price Prints Magog Prints in assorted shades and patterns. Fast colors. Regular 25c per yard. Anniversary sale price, per yard ---19c Potter's Print in assorted shades • and patterns. Fast colors. Regular price 42c and 45c per yard. Anniversary sale price. per yard Bleached Sheeting Fine, heavy bleached Sheeting. 8- 4 size. Anniversary sale price, per 75c 29c yard - Pillow Cotton Wabasso Pillow Cotton, 42 inches 1 wide. Regular price 50c per yard. An- 1 niversary sale price, per yard _ _ _ _42c Factory Cotton Factory Cotton, 34 inches wide. Regular price I8c. Anniversary sale price, per yard 14c' Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide, heavy weight. Regular 30c per yard. Anniversary sale price. per yard 23c Factory Cotton, one yard wide. Extra heavy weight and of even weave. Regular price, per yard 28c. Anniver- sary sale price. per yard _ - - - - - - 20c Table Damask Eui.: Linen Table Damask, two yards wide, floral designs. Regular price $1.45 per yard. Anniversary sale price, per yard $1.00 Pure Linen Table Damask, 60•in- che s• wide. Regular price, $1.25 per yard Anniversary sale price, per yard 85c 16. 4.1 $1.95 Ladies' Scarfs itegnlar price $2.25. Anniversary Pale price Ladies' Georgette and Printed Scarf - $1.45 Ladies' HATS Th.. !..1,3L••.• •,i Stinaner list - "tiered at a clear- ing prier Regular \:,IIIIM Ili, 1•. Rale p'rlCl•, earth 95c New Felt dats in latest shades and styles. Regular price $2.115 Offer- $198 i98 , ed ,luring our Anniversary Sale at... •✓V Ladies' Hose i.adies' Chiffon Nose in a -sorted shades. Regular sale price 11.50 per pair. Anniver- sary sale price. per pair 79c '•11'eldrest" full-fashioned Silk 1In.e. Service we -fight. Regular $1.75 per pair An- niversary sale price, per pair $1.56 Ladies' Pullover Sweaters Monarch -knit Pullover Sweaters in V neck style. Regular $3.50. Anni- versary sale price Ladies' Sweaters Lathes' Sweaters in black and white, birch white, powder amt whit.•, surf green and white. Regular price te) it3 75. anniversary sale prier..... GG• /.7 $1.95 Ladies' Gloves 'ilk Lilo es in ''Queen Quality." fancy cuffs Season's latest shades. Regular price 61.15. Anniversary -ale prier, per pair $1.19 Silk Bloomers .Ilk ltnhheltr. .\,. ' ••1 - sal,• price, Iyer pair - - - - - \nniversary 95c A few ladies' summer Coats of tweed and tricotine.Some are self - trimmed -and fur -trimmed. Various sizes. All at greatly reduced prices during our Anniversary Sale. The New Fall Coats During nnr unniver.•,, Li tit- ' awl misses' Fall liy purchasing your Co:' ten to twenty per c.11', a,•Iect a Goat while the r t...it will h„I,1 any Coat • air u,.' Iiue .,I he ..0 •lisp!_,)•-.:. •quay -,ave • iron! • �+ .111e 11111 1,, .t it. i.•4. A •1, -- Ladies and Misses' Raincoats \1't• have an up- • ;adi• s' I►uro-Glosses Ruineoar - I will h.• „ii. r- ed at attrartive pri•• - „I1• .\rt ', •r. -an• Sale. - Dresses Children's Prii l'. colors. Ages from 2 t $1.75. Anniversary Ladies' Suits 1.•ir.•t t�, :l �. hrgu Lar 1.1earttat •lana¢ \ Ikr. --.-. I.. -t R.•t;ir'.ar pr...,. t,ri,•.• $1.39 trie.,tine :,: . up to ;34. 0.5 „ Sale at ----_- Chintz Heavy wet -gilt Chintz, one yard wide, various shades. Regular price 28c per yard. Anniversary sale price, per 19c Cretonne .4 Heavy weight Cretonne, one yard wide. Regular 50c per yard. Anniver- sary sale price. per yard _ _ _ _ . -- 35c Unbleached Sheeting Heavy unbleached sheeting, two yards wide. Regular price 65c per yard. Anniversary sale price _ _ _ _49c Unbleached Sheeting. 9-4 size. Regular price 79c per yard. Anniver- sary sale price, per yard_ _ _ _ . _ _ _62c Linen Towelling Pure all -linen Towelling with pink. blue and yellow borders, ers 18ri An- niversary Regular price perdy -20c- niversary sale price. per yard - - Fure Linen Towelling, 21 inches wide. Red, blue and gold borders. Reg- ular price 30c per yard. Anniversary sale price, per yard---_- _-__--25c Blankets Ibex Blank. • - grec. with him 1' sary sale price, e 12-4 size. %bite nn.l .ink border- .\ r $2.25 Reautiful par. white Blanket-. with pick or hhn• her ,r the ties,• • v.•reheek b cosy effect. Caricnt+ plaids. Theses siva. Anniver-Ir• price. per pair $7.75 Broadcloth Silk striped I'r tadcl-oth in different shades. Regular pr ice 81.39 per yard. Anniversary sale price, per yard 75c Many other 1,,:r,,rins not listed here Men's and Young Men's SUITS Tweed Suits in single-breasted style. Gray and brolwn checks, and stripes. Regu- lar $19. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE $15.00 Youths' and yot'rng men's Suits in tweed and worsted materials. Sizes up to 37. Medium and dark shades. Regular up to 18.50. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRiCE $14.00 Men's Suits in worsted and tweed ma- terials. Sizes range from 36 to 42. No two patterns alike. Cleaiing prices on these while they last .during our Anniversary Sale. Boys' Suits . Boys' Suits of tweed. Sizes 33 to 36. Four -piece • style. Regular price $16.50. Clearing at Balbriggan Underwear Alen'. Itantriggatt Combination-, in all pa",._., .1/..t. Anniversary .9le price, 1.4 wait . _ $11.95 Work Shirts 65c Nit n's Work Shirts, • It' brand. It. vita r 271 end I. Anitiver.ary sale price 98c Nlett's Work 7•Iiirts et plain I, :•• .Attniversary ',rice 89c Neckties Straw Hats Sailor Stras in the .tere for Men's Work Socks -ale price, feur pair- for Men's Silk Socks • 85c Alk anti lisle Stocks in fancy check-. Regular price 7.1c an.111.-ie per pair. Anni- A C. ver,air* -.ale price, per pair . Vans Fine Shirts srate collar., to match. Regular valtie tip te $1.39 Overalls plant Iduc. t,,iry sale price $1 49 Curtain Net Lace Curtain Net, 38 inches wide. Regular price 45c per yard. Anniver- , sary sale price. per yard 25c - Scrim Curtains• f),2 it tern.. at .pettralurtcc- 2 for 95c 43•ORNFIE For Best l'olue for 1 our Money Buy LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR ikk et Cornfield s PHONE 418 rm Table Oilcloth Striped Ticking Best quality striped -ricking. Reg- \ ular price 50c per yard:. Anniversiry 39c Flannellette Crash Towelling All I in, Regular price ?tie per '•ited ,.. tier pant tit. p•it LtiLl