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20-,-Lueknow. Sentinel, Wednesday, July 3O 1980
erwoods gather , or reunion
The 19th annual and 'program Committee, Nancy McInnes' family grandmother with the
reunion of the deacen-, Linda McItmes and Mrs, tree which was a project :.:•most , grandchildren
dards of the late WilliaM Kenneth Hutchison• shedid in high school was present, , Mrs. Marie
G. Sherwood , and : A MinUte's •silence was alsoon display• Morrison and *ingest
Elizabeth -Twatnley Observed in memory of , The games and cOn- person 'Present, Janice
Sherwood. was held on Mrs. Chester Finnigan tests were in the Charge 'Webster.' , • '
Sunday, July 20 at :the Who passed away during of Nancy arid Bob As none ,,of the • men.
Women's Instittile Hall 'in the last year,McInnes. Wi Ilia m could be' perSuaded to
Belgra.ve. • The program "which 'McInnes had the lucky partiCipate in arm
• After grace was sun-gT----wasin- the Charge-ofMrs-r chair; the -car corning-the-- wrestling-theladies=
everyone enjoyed a Dan •McInnes and NancY farthest,' John Johnstone; with Mrs. Allan Webster
bountiful noon lunch, This McInnes,. opened. with a eldest lady, Mrs. Marie asthe winner.
`was followed by i
a short .sng-song of ''old time Morrison; eldest gen- Races for the- juniors: • .
business period. . favorites led by Mrs, tleman, Gordon John- were won • by Jennifer
Mrs. Marie Morrison'WilliamMclnnes., stone;, tenth , persOn - Hut chl s on , Janice
Was elected honourary This, was followed by register, r Mrs. William .Webster, Kevin '"Webster
,.president. MiSs Myrtle two nostalgic. poem's , The Mcinnes, most pennies in , and Karen lylcIrmes.
Johnstone and Mrs. Dan Log Reuse Speaks and. purse, Mrs, : John Thor- : Because of the in-,
McInnes were re-elected The Old. Wooden. Tub by • nton;• . closest wedding clement weather, the
as president and Mrs, Dan McInnes, anniversary to the date.of races for the seniors were
secretary-treasurer Miss Myrtle Johnstone the picnic', Mr. and Mrs. cancelled,
respective ly . Miss .and Mrs. William ',Allan' Webster; 'number It Was decided to hold
Marion Johnstone was McInnes favored with a of 'Popcorn kernels in a • the • picnic in the same
elected vice-president. liUmorous •duet, She'll, Be jar, Donald Thornton Thornton, the location next. year
The lunch committee is Corning Round the,
Mrs. William McInnes Mountain, after • which
and Mrs. ,John Thornton; Nancy, McInnes . had
sports committee, Mr. contest which was, won by
• and Mrs. John Johnstone Chester Finnigan.
This was follO;xed by a Visitors during the iri-law Mrs. Rita ,Gopaul
terniediates. humoroUs . monologue, Week. with •Roy , and , of London visited the
Mandy Goes to: a Wed- Maureen Collins ..anf Farrells.
* • , •.• ding, by' Mrs. William - family were Mr: and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs.. Jim n o winnmg__ Mir Carroll and family of Farrell attended Pran's
Mrs. Gordon John- Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. girlfriend' wedding in streak stone, read a poem, We Sam Green of Arthur and Orangeville on Saturday.
Luc know Legion Must Bridge the Gap, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Family, friends and
Intermediate Fastball which served as ,an in= Hutchisotiof Kincardine, neighbours of Bob and
Team are' presently on a troduction to., a short talk Kathy Farrell is home Wilhelmine Faire helped,
four game. winning streak on , the Sherwood family froth Calgary for a week. then.' celebrate their 25th
despite the faCt the coach history by MiSs Myrtle Susan and Courtney wedding anniversary,
has. been laid up during' Johnstone. Myrtle -alio McDbnald, Janice Miller with a sorprise patty held'
this time. One might had a. very interesting and Tanya and Laura at,.,the Fair hoine
ponder about the strength display of family pictures Gopaul • all of London Friday evening, -
of his contract; hoviever and scrap books Per- spent the weekend at' the •
with early: season trial taming ta.ining to the Sherwood Fatrells. 'On Sunday
and error moves out of . and Twamley families. Daphine and her mother- .
the way, they have been.
playing some decent ball.
In this, winning streak,
they have defeated CARPETS STEAM CLEANED .
Clifford 2 - 0,.Wroxeter 8,- ._ 4
7; Ripley 5 - 4 and
Belfnore 5 -3.
• The Intermediates RINSERAMC
have two games left in Cleans better the regular season play,
-tine against Chepstow,_. ---T-N-T-WETTEft! tonight, Wednesday, July
30th, which is their last
game, before—the_
playoffs • start, ap-
proximately August 8th.
Grove • • •
Thurs. Fri., and Sat., July 31, Aug. 1 & 2
Table of Clearance Items
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