HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-30, Page 25MR4 SUBMARINE, ' Franchise ' inciading' equipMent, lease, and leasehold.. improvemen- ts. No. 485.. * * * * ICE CREAM PARLOR. Commercial building with store. 10% mor- tgage, Owner will look at all offers. No. 490. * * * * * * * DRIVE-IN Boutique and Variety store: '4;400. down „ mortgage. Property is, worth the asking price. No. 504. * * * * * * * JOSEPHINE STREET Wingham. Large shop. Warehouie, showroom, and two offices, Cement, block and brick building.' `Owner will carry mor tgage fo uit purchaser. NO. 499: .* .* COIN LAUNDRY ,Better than average' `return. „All new equip merit. Butiness doubled from last year. ;Building can also be purchased. No.474. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 7. Real estate for sale 23. Miscellaneous 8. Real estate wanted 24. Business opportunities 9. Accommodation to rent 25. To give away 10. Wanted to rent 26. Births 11. Room and board 27. Deaths 12. Help wanted 28. Engagements 13. Wanted [genera] 29. Marriages 14. Employment wanted 30. In Memoriam 15. Tenders 31. Cards of thanks 16. Mortgages 32. Coming events DEADLINE Classified Ads 5 P.M. MONDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 5 pan. Monday for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED =110 per word, minimum $2,25 BUY 31111 78,007, otl Mill TliftOUGH ( -CLAISSI PI D ADS OPEN RECEPTION -Will be held for -lVTOust - Cotitts and Clifford kluffman, Saturday, August 9, 1980, at 9 p.m, in the Bayfield Com- munity Centre. Everybody welcome.-31,32 GARDEN PARTY Celebrating ' Allan and Evylene MacTavish's 25th wedding antilversary.at their home on August 9, 1980, beginning at 7 p.m. All friends and relatives welcome. Best wishes only.-31,32 GARAGE'SALE Saturday, August 2, 10 a.m.' to 3 p.m. Household items, furniture, garden tools, fishing rods, etc. Rain or Shine. • Tony Straker, Whitechurch, Kinlos.s sideroad 35.-31 CONSIGNMENT & RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, September 6 at the home of Mrs. Jack McGuire (Huron Auto Wreckers) 2nd concession, Huron Town- ship, 10:30' a.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone wishing to consign articles other than clothing, phone 395-2827 or 395-2791. Sponsored by the Huron Bruce Children Helpers (formerly sponsored by Olivet U.C.W., Ripley). IX:mations for the rummage sale gratefully accepted. Proceeds for adopted children.-31 ......,,,,,,,,. NoTKETOCREDITORS ..4,-,--,„,,,,,,,, ' IViacILXNNAN AND OTHERS • ' , In loving mdmory of a dead, daughter and sister, Sheryl Beautiful memories are' 'IL Notice to Creditors 24, Business 30, •in memoriam JEWELLERY STORE Plus apt.: Rent with op- flan, Now listed for quick sale. f40.•402, *• * •* • All claims against the estate . Mn MacLennan, who passed of ', , away suddenly: on August 3, ARTHUR BREVKLES. 1974, LATE OF Wheeler Street, Wonderful things, . BIJS1NES$ OPPORTUNITIES * * .* *. • OppOrtunitleB . • ...gm+ ...we - 31, Cards of thanks. ELLIOTT Our heartfelt thanks to all our, friends, neighbours and relatives who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. The beautiful service, floral' offer-ingS charitable donations, cards "and other kindnesses will always remain with us as a precious ineln or , 11, a-y-r-- Noreen, .1amie and Graeme Elliott..-731nx 32, Corning Events O., OvestOck BRED GILTS Yori x tandrace With clOsed herd csanditious, Original herd, constantly; being ROP tested by Quality. Swine. Breeder boars also available. Lau, rence. V*n don` Hama 524. 435Q. • Odor ' Lueluiew Sentinel, Wednesday, Tally 30,1980-PpRe17 Please Call JACK CUMMINGS 524.9624 OR BILL CLIFFORD • REALTOR GODERICH 524-8951 Ltickriow, Qatari°, Widower,' deceased, who died on 'or about April 10th, 1980, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before AuguSt 20th thereafter the undersigned, will distribute the assets of the said estate ha-ving regard to the claims of which the nndersigned then has notice, Dated July 25th, 1980. Walter Breckles •and Madelaine Laura Marie 'Haldenby, Executors,, c-o GEORGE S. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0. -31,32,33ar 20. Public notices ^ , THE ',ANNUAL Colwell picnic to be held in Pimple Grove Community Centre on .3. August 3rd has been can celled for this year.-30,31 WILL THE person who took the arborite, kitchen table from LtiCknow Custom Welding please •return it to Mrs, Velma Morningstar, RR 5, Lucknow.-31x * NOTICE- Th e Lucknow Public Library will be open as usual July 28 to August 5. It Will not be elosed for holidays as ad- Vertised last week .-31 erns ammo...a, mai.' dim =Now imam' morn 21. Personal PREGNANT, and need help? Free positive- confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066. collect or 392-6541 or 432-7197. --40tf 25. To give away COLLIE. PUPS to a good home, weaned, 7 weeks , old. Phone .395-5741 or 3950 . 2613.-31,32 _28- Engagements TULLY- HENDRIKS Nolda and Martin Hendriks, RR 7, Lucknow are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Rita, Marie to Mark Stephen Tully, son of Gordon and Barbara Tully. The wedding Will take place, Auguit 16, 1980; at Itingsbridge Church. Open •reception at Lticknow District Community Cen- tre.-31x MORRISON- MriePHERSON - Mr.' and Mrs. William ,Mac Ph erson, RR 1, Lucknow are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage • of their. daughter,. Janet Elizabeth, to James Morrison, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison, Calgary, Alberta. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 9, 1980 at St. Helens at 4 p.m. Open reception to • follow at Lucknow. District Com- munity Centre.-31 McCallum Agri-Fair ALFA-LAVAL DAIRY SYSTEMS, BUTLER STEEL . BUILDINGS AND. GRANULES EPPS PRESSURE WASHERS [across froth Zellers] Hanover 364.3376 • .WAREING In loving memoxy of a dear mother, wife and grand- . mother,- Vera, who paSsed away July 25,1976. People • se) seldom say k love And then its either too late or love goes, So,when I tell you I Wife you, It doeSn't mean I know you'll never go, Only, that I wish you. didn't haVe to. • LoVingly remembered by husband Bill, sons Kenny and Leonard and daughters, Barbara and , Lorna and familieS.-31' 31.,Cards of thanks .MeNEE We, would like to 'thank the Port Albert Bulldog. Baseball Team for sponsoring the POrk Barbecue and all our -friends who attended on July- 27. Also a special , thanks to. Donna and Jim Hayden for donating the pig and to Ray and Louise Brown for the use of their home. This was, greatly appreciated after Eric breaking his, hand while playing ball. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered.-Angele and Eric McNee.-31 GAMBLE I wish to thank my friends and relatives for car& and letters and visits' while in University Hospital, London. A special Ihanks:toatipley and District Lions Club.--Ambros Gamble.-31 RIPLEY DISTRICT LIONS We wish to sincerely thank the Lions' wives and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grubb and family for, all their assistance at our barbecue and to anyone else who helped. Thanks •also to the public for supporting us.-Ripley District Lions Cltib.-31ar 35th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Don and Barb Paquette wish to invite friends and relatives to. an Open House •at= their home, honouring their 35th wedding an niversary,Sunday August 1080 from 2-5 p.m. Best wishes only.-31 KINCARDDIE AGRIeviw.Tw..'so:CIErir AMATEUR. TALENT CONTEST For, infOrmation Or entry forms contact Mrs, Carinan McLeod, pox 554 Kincardine. Prize money, $410.00, Final entry date August 15, preliminaries., August 19,-31-33 SILENT AUCTION The Durham Art Oallery's fundraising Silent Auction of antiques, ' crafts and collectibles will run kern July. 29 - August 3. Opening night . Tuesday, "p.m.-7.31nic ..1111111011011011111010. Attention 'Farmers A. For sale 25 ACRES of standing mixed grain north of Whitechurch. ' Phone 357-3248.-41 ' STRAW, 40 acres of wheat straw and 40 acres of barley straw. Phone. Clete Dalton, 529-7124. -29-31 APPROXIMATELY 3000 big bales- of mixed grain straw picked up at the barn. Phone 395-5105,10,31 ANGUS __BULLS -• 13-15. months. Large framed. Yearly weights 1000-1200. A.D.G. on test 3.0 - 4.0 lbs. Burthlene Farms, RR 3, Mt. Hope, Ontario LOR IWO 1 416 765-2125.--31nx STRAW FOR SALE, in the field. Paul Hogan, 395- 5300.-31,32 magazines; newspapers only, td or boxed. Proceeds for camping.-27-29-31x CUSTOM COMBINING J.A Culbert, phone 529- '140.-301f CUSTOM SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing 529-7488 23tf CUSTOM COMBINING Spring Grain and Wheat PAUL HOGAN Phone 3955300 -31,32 CUSTOM. COMBINING with N5 Rotary' Gleaner, 4 wheel drive. Wheat, mixed grain, beans and corn. Reasonable rates. Contact Robert Emer- son, R. P. # 3, Ripley. 395-5115. -22-25 'CUSTOM CORN HARVESTING with three row self-propelled unit, 30 inch rows, phone 395- 5109.-31-36 CUSTOM COMBINING Spring grain Ray Hogan 395-5795 -31,32,33x C. Wanted LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO. LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. # LUCKNOW On Tuesdays, Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays FroM Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home, or 528.3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE ---39tfar TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE SILOS Oxygen limiting Silos with bottom unloader. Liquid manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088. -3tfar Farmers get your alterna- tors, disc blades, cultivator points, plotrgh-poirits -dog food. Agent for , KDIGSBRIDGE• FARM SUPPLY Vince Austin R..2. # 3, Goderich Phone 529-7240 -16tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT. Cleaners, Bunk Feeders,.Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395.5390. -30tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM. SYSTEMS, LTD. Amberley PHONE 395-5286 BUTLER" - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un- loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey-n-Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors. Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers. FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Rolle! Mills, -Blender Mills foi Ground Hi-Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN - Cable Barn Clean ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. WESTEEL-ROSCO . Grain-Bins -.1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON - Ventilation' Sys- tems. B & L - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders. CLAY Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. • AERO-FLUSH - Liquid Man- ure Pumps, Aerators, Separ- ators. • WE HANDLE EVERYTHING - ALMOST -21tfar FAIR M They last tillthe longest day They never wear, out and they never get lost, Away. • To.. Some 'she ;may be, forgntteri To others a' of the past _ But to us. who loved 'and lost Thanico' Hija7llT,E for tho4ght. her . runless shown during my Our .memories will always last. , recent stay in hospital: . . Special thanks to LuaknOw Sadly. Missed by Mom, Dad, sisters arid brothers:0-31 Legion Intermediate and Village Council. William R. Hiinte .• FOWLER Harald and Janice Fowler wish. to thank St. Helens and area neighbours and friends for their help, concern and gifts at the time of their fire. Special thanks 'to Lucknow Fire Dept. for, their prompt action also Mr. and Mrs, Bill Purdon for the use of their ho me, -31x 32:, Corning Events LUCKNOW CRAFT ' FESTIVAL Lucknow's tenth annual craft festival at Lucknow Arena on Friday, August 1, 1980: 12:00 noon to• 10:00 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 1980: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Free draws,every hour. Admission 50c,. Children under 12 free (if accompanied by an adult). Free parking. Meals for sale. Crafts, home made baking and fresh produce for sale. Many demonstrations. Spon- sored by Lucknovv Agricul- tural Society. Sepoy Sidewalk Sale both days. -27,30,3lar PAPER DRIVE Lucknow Girl Guides paper drive Saturday, August 9. No B. Custom work WHEAT • STRAW,' Whitechurch 357-1687.-31x D. Livestock FOR SALE - two bred polled herefo rd bulls. of serviceable__ _ age. Glenn Golley, RR 4 Wingham. Phone 357- 2359.-31 E.' Farm services