HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-30, Page 21171-7 -777 •
Low prices & quantity discount's
4" under, 5/8, 3/4, and Drainage Stone
Backhoe, Septic Tanks, Area Beds
Dozer, Scraper, Leveler Available
For A Good Level Job
Call or See Freeman Olson
Dungannon, 529-7942
Olson's Gravel Pot
CAMPBELL STREET - Phone 528-7946
Mary 13roWn and Heleri
Waldersg. hold. piettic
On Sunday, 314 13,
1980 a large number of
descendants of Benjamin
ancl,,Sara Walden, London
Township - pioneers,
gathered from all over
Ontario at Walden Park
in Arva, Ontario for the
sixth annual Walden
. Wilfrid :Steele of Ripley
was the Master of
Ceremenies and
welcomed everyone, to
the picnic. Grace was
said by Carle. Walden of
Chatham and a bountiful
noon lifritheon- !was en-
joyed. Registrations were
read by Dot Scott of
-Hamilton and Myrtle
Walden of London. Edna.
Nickafor . of Hamilton
gaiie the' treasurer `s
report and spoke on the
family book which''
hope to have ready for
printing this Year. Ines
-. Carter -read letters froin .
a nurribei of Waldens who
were unable to attend.
closest to the date of 'the Steele of Sarnia con- picnic was Bruce' Steele ducted the after lunch -and the -folks with the
contests with the purple name tags put the
following winners. Dot puzzle together first.
Scott was, on the lucky Carofy.ne Nand Fred
spot. The youngest ones Walden condricted. races present were Jennifer and- games for - the Allen andL Danny children. Brtice Walden IVIcPherson. The, oldest coriducted a tour of -the lady. 'present.: was Sister cemetery at Birr, Ontario. Mary Phillip of Kingston. Where" the first' Waldens-The Nostrum fathily frpm in Canada: are buried,
Ottawa came the farthest then on to his home which distance and the windiest is the original * Walden
Walden was Frank homestead. . - Tr othen, ofe London, The. The. committee. for, the. lady 'With' the most i981 .piicnic is Noreen
children Robb , present was of Point Clark,
Jean Walden of Denfield. Joanne Bergey of Lon-
* don; Carolyne and Fred
Janice Reinpel of ' Walden and Brtree
Omemee—guessed the .---Walden-rif-Denfieldi -Inez-
number of jelly beans and . and Harold Carter of
Scott Bergey of London London, EcIna Nickafor of
guessed the weight of the Hamilton and Mary
watermelon. In-et Carter Brown of Sarnia.'
and Myrtle' Walden told Following a 5p.m. supper
"the •' best stories while the picnic ended with
winding thread. The everyone agreeing this
person with the birthday was the best one yet.
ibitors :Oy Croft..-Sho*...H.Ekttrtw4..
LueImow Sentinel Wednesday, July 30,1080,-Page 13
Mrs. Oliver ''McCharles
and attended the Ripley
Craft Show
Mr, and Mrs. Duncan
Thorburn, Mr. And Mrs.
Oliver McCharles, and
Mr. and . Mrs. Norval
eighty folk of the area
who enjoyed a bus, trip to
The Ripley Craft ShOW
was a decided success,
Conveners Mr, and Mrs.
Oliver McCharles and
c,orrirriittee members, Mr.
an• rs. a mar roo s,
Mr. and. Mrs. Dan
McInnes, Mr.. and Mrs.
Russ Phillips and Mr, and
Mrs. Russ Ritchie ex-'
press • thanks `to . all Who
participated in :any way,
Hundreds Of visitors
and buyers attended, the
show, 'to. see the .120 ar-
tists, crafters and antique
dealers do their thing, '
Larry Needham' played
the. bagpipes and
WelcoMed the people with
good Scottish music.
Donald Mason en-
tertained with beautifill
soft music on tape
throughout the show.
People attended from
many areas, very
. Province in Canada was
represented and 'hum
dreds from the U.S.A.
and several countries of
the world had their
alUtrrOri the registration
- list. Mrs, Kitty PurYes of
Lucknow had crocheted 'a
lace tablecloth -valued at
$250.09 to use as the, draw
prize, which was won,by
Mrs. Howe of Hanover.
Many people Were lucky
doer prize winners,
A good crowd attended
the auction sale of fur-
niture at LochalSh store
on SaturdaY. This was the
furniture of the,late Annie
and Frank 1VlacLennan
and of Mr. Jim Grant of
Chicago. -
Mrs. Gordon Finlayson
- returned home from
Guelph where she had
been on a week's study
Course in art: at the
university there.
Mr. , and Mrs, Bill
Parrish and family
started out on a holiday
trip and 'while in
Collingwood- safferer-
a heart attack and is in
hospital there."
Sympathy of the
community is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van
Diepenbeek in the loss of
their baby grandson; the
son of Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Stanley. Also sympathY is.
extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Art Matthewman 'in the
death of Mrs. Mat-
thewrnan's sister. This
community also extends
sympathy ,to Mrs, Bryce
Elliott and family in :the
sudden pass ing of Bryce. ;
Mr. and ,.Mrs. Elmer
MacKenzie visited in the
.Visitor's during ' the
Week with Mr. and, Mrs .
Don 'Robertson were Mr.:
and Mrs. Thor/ink:In
McPherson.of Teeswater;
Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur
Hearns of Hamilton, Mrs.
Linda, TaYlor Of Hanover,
Mr.- and 'Mrs. Gayle -
Halderiby of ArmOw, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim McDonald;
Jphanna and Cameron of
London, 'Mr. .and Mrs.
Leonard McDonald Of
Lucknow„ Mrs.. J.C.
McNab, .Lucknow and.
Mrs. GOldie Huston',
Ripley. .
Kathrine Collins, John
and. Marlene took
Chrissie Stone to the
airport in Toronto on
Thursday evening. The
boys left on Wednesday.,
Kathrine and Clirissie
visited' Mr. and Mrs.
Donald McLeod of
Kincardine for supper on
Tuesday. They also
visited Mr. and Mrs.
Norman MacGregor of
Kincardine and Mrs. Neil
MacLennan of Ripley.
Kathrine and Burton
had. as dinner guests on
Sunday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Young, Vicki
and David and Marj and
David Lochhead of
Kincardine also visiting
them Sunday evening`
places of interest, in the
area, among them the
Saugeen Valley Con-
seryation area, •
Fisherrnan'S"CoVe, where..
the only indoor swim-
mint—pool at a camp
grounds in Canada .is
Boyle is in Peterboreugh
this week attending
hockey school.
Lois and Ross Durnin of
LuCknow spent. Saturday;
evening with' Don arid
Marilyn Reid,
Josephine lViacTavish
of Luck/14;ov, Don and
Marilyn Reid visited Earl
Durnin in London
Hospital on Sunday. Earl
is about the same.
were Sandra and Ed
McGillivray of Ripley.
Kelly and Jorey Helm
of Tiverton had supper
with Deanna and Morley.
Scott on Wednesday
evening. '
Ben Scott has been
moved, to Kincardine
Hospital 'and is reported
as about the same.
Mr. , and Mrs. Francis
Boyle are away on their
holidays this week. Kevin',
oomrannitY and are.
hOlidaYing, their cot-
tage. Elmer hasn't been
back to work since his
heart attack in early,
1VIMPiMild 'MCC harles
Of Chatham Spent `the,
weekend with Mr. and
Stewart were : anforig .
urple Gr.o
,'a 1410,14 Roteitmea