HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-30, Page 2rage 2---Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 30,1080
Conuttentorate75th anniversary
Kii gsbrid a church building
The tiny hamlet ' of hour; but, those who'oldest Man Frank
Kingsbridge was bursting remained enjoyed lunch ., Sullivan who is ninety,
at the seams this past served 'by the 4-H club two; oldest woman at-
weekend ' when many Homemaking group. tending '-.1Virs. MOrrisson
descendants of the After the evening (nee Sullivan),., farthest
pioneers of St. o
Mass, the school gym traveller Jerry, Dalton of
Church, came *VI their was again fill ed. to California; 'largest
families front ,places as . capacity to hear and family ';1V1r.. and' Mrs.
--far-na-,--liforniarTexasenjny---7m-ore 1.01C131 -Kevin-Kramer Of-Elotao.
Washington, 'Illinois talent from the area. Sunday morning the
British Columbis. Master of Ceremories for church was filled 'to
Quebec, Alberta, etc, to both . afternoon and standing room only for.•
celebrate with the evening was capably the special Anniversary
present parishioners and done by Donald Frayne. Mass concelebrate4 'by
they families the The everting program Father Ed , Dentinger;
seventy-fifth Anniver- opened with musical natives of the' Parish;
sary of the Church. Not numbers and songs by the Father .Garvey,. Father
only was there .a large Sennett families; Dennis -Dalton, Fathers Tom and
community reunion, •but, and Cathy and girls of: Cyril O'Keefe and Father
this weekend made for. Detroit, Tim and Girdciat C:R,., Father
many family retmions daughter, Linda of Ash- icroetsch C.R. and: Father
being held as Well. - field and Patricia Scioto: C,R. Who. alse
Celebrations started on . O'Brien of MarYland.alsd delivered the homily.
Saturday afternoon at accompanied her brother' Members of ' the 4th
one o'clock with leading in a sing-song,. degree • Knights of;
registration .taking place Dennis ,Sinnett . sang a Colurnbus &Om, WinciSor,
in the Parioh Hall.. The song he compesed called Walkertop, Seaforth and
new History of "Annie Howard" which Goderich CouncilS
Kingsbridge Bootcs were had meaning for mem- med a Guard of HonoUr
on display for the first hers of this family; the for the: Procession of the
time and many were sold. McQuaid sisters' of Priests to. the Altar.
Seaforth were truly, The Kingsbridge choir
A soccer game took enjoyed when they played' very capably supplied.'
place be tW ee their' violins, ac- music under, the direction'
Kingsbridge and companied at the piano of Bill Van Osch and Miss
Dungannon teams with by their mother. The Denise Dalton at the
Dungannon coming ,out youngest 'Member of this organ. .
on top. group incidentally is only Following the Homily,
Everyone enjoyed six years -old! Father Sc into presented a
strolling to the school to Lisa Fiayne danCed the. scroll to Father . Den-
view the Historical Sailor's Hornpipe and Unger from The Holy
display of many family later on the Irish Father who sent a sPecial
pictures and_old pictures Washerwoman; Donna ApoStolic Blessing on the
of —yesteryear which Frayne provided• two occasion of the
surely brought back vocal numbers ac- Celebration of the
great memories. cornpanied at the piano opening' of the present
A craft booth displayed by Marianne Boyle. church.
by the C,W.L. was also Everyone enjoyed At the end of the Mass,
set up in the school where Brother Carl Vall's Mr. Clarence Ouellette,
many horrie made ar- readings. member of the 4th degree
tidies were displayed arid Mr. John Brennan of Knights of Colunibus,
sold. • London, accornpanied by Windsor made a special
Late in the afternoon a Sister Maureen Dalton presentation of a gold
short musical program sang two numbers. chalice to an honorary
took' place in the 'school Marianne Frayne sang thernber of that Council,
gym which 'was filled to two songs also ac- Mr. Melvin O'Reilly, also
capacity - with - the- -companying- -herself—on—a—former. native of
following participating: the piano.. The five Kingsbridge.
Dennis and Cathy Sennett, Stapleton..sisters also Mr. O'Reilly stated that
and girls of Detroit sang wit ,sisters
. also
he wilLdonate the-Chalice--
to be used in the'Chapel in
the summer home of
Father Lobeck Of
Goderich, who owns the
home in Ashfield which
was the former O'Reilly
homestead, with the
understanding that if and
when there is no further
use for this Chalice in
that, home _ it will be
placed in St. Joseph's
FolloWing the Mass a
Procession, led' by the
clergy went to the
cemetery for a brief
Memorial Service in
memory of the
forefathers, parishioners
and family members who
Turn to page 11*
Rev. Wm. Munshaw
B.A. M. Div.
July 20, 27, Aug. 3
July 20 - August 3
August 10, 17, 24 and 31
Lucknow P. Church
10 a.m. morning worship
displayed their musical also playing the guitar;
talents by singing and Bert MacDonald of
supplying • their own Gddericif again played
accompaniment; Mr. violin accompanied by
Warren Robinson , Joyce Courtney with Bill
Goderich, played his Johnston doing a little •
guitar and sang; Lisa step-dancing, Ned and
Frayne danced a Scottish Elaine Cote of Ripley and
dance; Donna Frayne Betty Lou Dalton all
sang two numbers ac- favoured with Country
companied at the piano and Western songs; Jerry
by Mary Ann Boyle ;, Mr. Dalton of California, son
Bert MacDonald, of the late Walter Dalton
Goderich, provided violin also sang accompanied at
selections, accompanied the piano by his aunt,
at the piano by Mrs. Bob Sister Maureen.
Courtney; Mr. Bob Ray Dalton and Father
Courtney gave a Mike Dalton also joined
saxophone selection also in by doing some singing
accompanied by wife, accompanied by Sister
, Joyce 'at the piano. The Maureen.
program concluded with, Prizes of souvenir of
a few Irish songs by Ray , Kingsbridge Trivets were
/Dalton. awarded to the following-
The crowed thinned a
little over the supper
10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.ni. CICNX
Rev. Doug Kaufman
Schedule of Combined
Services, all at 10 a.m.
June 29 July 13
South Kinloss P. Chureh
August 10 August 31
Luiknow 'United Church
Jr. Congregation for
3 .8 Year Old Children
On Sunday, July '7, St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Kingsbridge celebrated'the
'5th anniversary of the construction of its present builcling. In this picture, the
Honour. Guard of,tha Knights of Coltunbus form a procession leading to the
cemetery at the baCk 'of the church. A luncheon in the school followed:that,
including sports and games for the children. (Photo by Jason Ainslie)
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Bill's Place
Phone 528.2238