HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-23, Page 17"T. "I. WI* • 20, Pub, ,"+••••,,F. *o'. 30, in memoriam PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or 392-6541 or 432-7197. --40tf WE HUMBLY apologize to all who Were overlooked, when we planned Barb's bridal shower last Thursday. Hopefully the upcorning reception Will' be an ac- ceptable opportunity to express your good wishes, Sincerely 0,M.B.-30 THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LIFE INSURANCE. Fee those with a thoughtful in- terest in the life insurance business. Sample copy from Box 365, Elmira, Ont. N3B 227.--30nx •••• vam, 22. Lost and found LOST between Lucknow and' Holyrood, lady's purse, blue and brown, containing wallet . and personal papers. Reward. Phone :528-3215. —30.x 24. Business opportunities TWO established Ontario Weekly Newspapers en- tering peak season annual gross bath papers 300M,, Asking $225,000 Write: File C, OWNA, Box 451, Oakiille, Ontario L6J 5A8.--30nx 28. Engagements RUTHERFORD - FINLAY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finlay of Lucknow are pleased to announce the 'forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sandra'Joan to Graham Lynn Rutherford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford of R. R. 2 Wingham. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 23, 1980 at 3.30 p.m. at Lucknow United Church. MORRISON- .BALLAGH Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ballagh of London, formerly of Belmore, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Glenda Jean ,to Lloyd• Gordon Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Morrison of RR I Lucknow. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August 9th, 1980 at 7 p.m. in the Lucknow United Church.-30 A TREASURE TROVE IN co THE WANT ADS • MONTGOMERY We would like to thank everyone who sent cards and flowers to us while in the hospital. Chris-would like to say a special thank• you to, grandparents Montgomery and Nicholson for taking such goal care of him for the week, James, Shirley, Chris and Greg Montgomery.-30 ANDREW A big thank you to the Lucknow Fire Department for their prompt action on. Sunday monring. Suzanne and Bill Andrew.-30x ed. —29,30nx WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Doug and Betty Bannerman, cordially invite you to their parents' 25th wedding anniversary on Fri- day, July 25th at the Kincar- dine Community Centre, from 9.30 - 1 a.m. Best wishes only. —29,30 MacDONALD REUNION The 51st MacDonald Clan Reunion will be held August 2 at Ma cDonalds Cedar Grover Lochalsh. Games at-3 p.m. Supper at 5 p,m,-7-31,32 USE WANT ADS Phone 528-2822 40TH ANNIVERSARY Bonnie and Ernest Ackert and June and Rob Shouldice cordially invite neighbours and friends to celebrate with their parents, Hilda and Raynard 'Ackert, at their anniversary in. the Lucknow Community Centre, Friday, July 25 at 9:00 p.m. Your best wishes only please. —29,30 RIPLEY CRAFT SHOW 80 , Friday, July 25, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, July 26, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Ripley Huron Community Centre. Numerous crafts available for sale plus home baking and fresh garden' produce, lucky draws, food and fun. --29„30ar BAZAAR Christ Church, Port Albert, July 26, at 2 p.m. Home baking, sewing, vegetables, fish pond, afternoon tea. —30 APPRECIATION NIGHT Friday, July 25th for Doctor and Mrs. P. J. Leahy and family at the Teeswa.ter Com- munity ,Centre. Dancing 9 to 1 to Ian Wilbees' orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. —30 OPEN HOUSE There will be an open house at the home of Mrs. Noreen 'Montgomery, Wheeler St., Lucknow, for her step daughter, Margaret, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.rn. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, July 26. Everyone welcome.-30x ALLAN Ki OVERGAARD . is pleased to cs4nciunce. the commencement of his practice OF CHIROPRACTIC at 197 Josephine .Street Winghom OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 357,02.4 15 . am. ....No 15. Tenders ONTARIO, GOVERNMENT TENDER TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR: THE' RE- IVIOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF AS- PHALT SHINGLES ON ONE MAINTEN- ANCE BUILDING. Building located at Point Farms Provincial Park; Hyw. #21, North, .R. R. # 3, Goderich, Ontario 524-7124. 'Removal', .and replacement of shingles must be completed in accordance with the provii! sions of the tender documents. This building may, be viewed on July 29, 1980 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tender documents should 'be obtained from the representative on this date or from the Ministry of Natural Resources, R. R. # 5, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2WO, 3574131. Sealed tenders will be received until 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 6, 1980 at which time they will be opened. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Qntario Ministry of Naturp.I Resources FUEL OIL TENDER —Plainly-marked s-e' led tend- ers will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, August 20; 1980 for the SUPPLY 'OF FUEL OIL to Huron County Schools. SpecificatIon and tender forms may be obtained at the office of The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Al- bert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. McDonald D.J. Cochrane Chairman. Director. ---30ar Attention Farmers A. For sale 7 ACRES OF MIXED GRAIN standing. Phone 528-2941. —29,30x • APPROXIMATELY 3000 big bales of mixed grain straw picked up at the barn. Phone 395-5105.-30,31 STRAW, 40 acres of wheat straw and 40 acres of barley straw. Phone Clete Dalton, 529-7124. —29-31 B. Custom work CUS'T'OM COMBINING with NS Rotary' Gleaner, 4 wheel drive. Wheat, mixed grain, beans and corn. Reasonable rates. Contact Robert Emer- son, R. R. # 3; Ripley, 395-5115. —22-25 CUSTOM SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing . 529-7488 . 23tf CUSTOM COMBINING, J.A. Culbert, phone 529- 7469.--30tf CUSTOM COMBINING small grains, John Rim- melzwaan, RR 3, Ripley, 395- 5874.-30 D. Livestock SEVERAL age, Hampshire, Yorkshire, Hamp X York and Hamp X Duroc boars, bred York X Landrace gilts. Due two to five weeks. Bob Robinson, R. R..4, Walton, Ontario, 345-2317. —28,29,30 RED ANGUS BULLS farm tested or Guelph tested. Large selection. Free deliv- ery, sensible prices. Gra- ham's Red Angus, R. R. 3, St. Marys. NOM 2V0 (519) 284-1233 or 1467. —26-30 ZO commercial polled Dorset' ewes and ewe lambs; also one polled Dorset ram, 2 years old. Phone 528- 5045.-30 Turn to page 18. LuckneW Sentinel, WeclaesdaY, July 23 1980—Page 17 31. Cards of, thanks 32,-Coming Events HOT,OINS HORTICULTURAL BUS TRIP • ' 728—frAligiiirS7riefiiiiVe. - In Igvirig-rilem°rY-0f-a,dear----011, c'ls-e-:-Wile-rontributRd , .,..&nes...,entOnte.,_,SiOtsgeing. There Will be no story hour • and, daughter, Helen IVIarie very Much, seeing, other points or inter- during August; Starting Noble, who paSsed awayJack and Merle frOdgins .est. $6,90 per.person, slipper September 8 and 'each Men- 'three Years ago, on July 19, —30x , . • ' extra'at theStone, Crock,,St day thereafter Story Hour iS 1977, . from 1: - 2 p.m, -29,30 We .were not. there to say MeLEAN Because we loved you so The family of the late Mrs. well. ' William McLean(Bertha We never will say goodbye, Pierce) would like to thank .. Luelcnow's tenth annual craft To a wife and mother we the Rev. Kaufman 'for. his festival at Lucknow Arena on loVed so well, , . message- of .condolenee. the Friday, ' August 1, 1980: So good, so kind and true. MacKenzie. and MeCreath 12:00 .noon' to 10:00 p.m, That is. why there was only Funeral Home for their kind- Saturday, Augnst 2; 1980: one pattern made for you. . It's lonesome each day ness; " Elizabeth Robinson, . a.m. to . p.m. Free lo .00 s-00 - . . without you, . Jean Hughes and Belle. Mole . draws every hour, Admission It broke our hearts:to see you for . serving lunch at the 50e. Children under .12 'free go, ' . - Sepoy Apartnients following (if accompanied by an adult), But . if tear. .drops were a the service; .and -all others Free parking. Meals for sale. stairway.. who helped in any way at the Crafts, home made baking And m w emories ere a lane. time our bereavement. and fresh produce for sale: We'd walk all the wa y to ' of Many demonstrations, Spon- Heaven -,-30x . Doug and I would like to thank Tom and Joan Helm and all those who helped in any way concerning our.stag HOWICK LIONS BINGO and doe. SpeCial thanks to Eldon'Mann, president of the Will ,be held on Friday, July Legiori, and those :who 25th at 8.00 p.p. in Wroxeter worked at the bar: Thank CommunitY Hall. Admission you all: for coining. It made . $1.00. 12 Regular games for I would like to thank the evening $10,00; 2 Share the Wealth; everyone who attended thee.casion. Special thanks to one $25.00 Special; Jackpot Community Shower in my Betty Ember lin and $166.00 on 58 calls. urple honour, and for all the lovely Marguerite Sanderson for S. Ball $110.00; Door and Con- gifts:, Special'' thanks" to arranging the shower and all • Lynda, Josie, Sharon,lViuriel those who helped in anyway, sedation Prizes. ---,30ar and anYorie else who helped held -at the Mayfair with the arrangements. Your Restaurant. Thanks 'to those HURON CATTLEMEN'S tholi ghtfulness is greatly who attended and those who ASSOCIATION appreciated. Margaret sent gifts. Many thanks and Huren•Cattlemen's Associa- Montgdmery.-30x much appreciation Doug don, Beef Barbeque and and Barh.-30 Dance, Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre,- Brussels,. Wednesday, Aug- ustfith, 1980. Barbeque 6 -.8 p.m. Dancing 9 1 to "The Wilbees". BBQ and Dance - $7,00 per person, children under 12 - BBQ only $4.00. Proceeds from this function will be used for educational purposes. Tickets_available from township directors and the OMAF Office, Clinton - phone 482-3428. —30 • THOMPSON • 1 wish to thank our family, friends and neighbours, all those who sent cards and get well wishes, while I was in Owen Sound Hospital. Those who telephoned, sent flow, ers, food and treats, a sin- cere thank you. Mrs. Marjorie Thompson, Ripley —30 Sleeker% Store in St, Helens.. ,hi3s0.ftainilY: the occasion of our 'wedding_ FhOne early kir reservations, anniversary,. Also a big 528-3004 528-2524 528-2723 will be eloSed for hgliday JulY NOBLE neighbe!irS and, friends and or 528-3600, Sing songs and The.LucknoW Public Library • • 7-7-"' thank-You to our relatives, FIRE ,FUND Donations for the Harold and Janice FeWler Fire Fund May be left at' the Bank of Montreal, Machan •Herne Hardware, Lucknow or At , ORNRAIVI In loving memory of Percy Our sincere thanks to our Graham, who passed , away two sons, daughter-in-law, JuAlylw2a6ys19r7e4monbered by .LagravrOtdorren pla4dninJgOa4thrt; lovely picnic and party' on Thursday, July 24th from the Lticknev, Legion: Hall at 8:00 Host ancl_M.C., son of horse and biiggy MennOnite. wife, mother, grandmother to therTV set, Thank You'all at Elora Gorge, shopping and 21. Personal Jacobs. —29,30ar LUCKNOW CRAFT' FESTIVAL' STANLEY We would like to thank everyone who made our 45th wedding anniversary a day we will always remember and for the lovely gifts and our family who gave us a Bible Lands Tour to Israel. Also for the delicious dinner ' served to everyone. We thank the Lord for the fellowship we had and for the many years of Health and Happiness. Sincerely Ezra and Lulu Stanley.-30x just to bring'you back again. Sadly missed and lovioglY remembered by husband Jack, family, grandchildren and'mother Irene Smith.-30 31. Cards of thanks. MONTGOMERY MATTHEWMAN We wish to express tour sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in the loss of a dear sister and sister-in-law the late Alice (1VIcCallum) :Waldie Of Acton. Special- thanks to Fran and. David and Skip and Harry for looking after things at home while we were away. Your thoughtfulness and kindness hall always be remem-s bered. Art and Lil Mat- • thewman —30 BENEFIT DANCE A benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross, who recently lost their barn by fire, will be held at the Wingham Legion Hall, August 2, 1980. Dane- . big 9 to 1. Music' by the ANNUAL MEETING Ashfield 'Federation of Agri- culture are holding their annual meeting on Wednes- day, July-2-3rd at 'Brookside School at 8:00 p.m. Special guest from the. Department -of-Natural:Resources. Topic: Designated Trout Streams. —29,30ar 32. Corning Events OPEN RECEPTION for newlyweds Kevin and Lorie Falconer (nee Pardon) on Friday July 25th 'in Whitechurch Community Hall. Music by Tiffins or- chestra.' Everyone welcome.-30 "Foursome". Lunch provid- gored by Lucknow Agricul- tural Society, Sepoy Sidewalk Sale both days. --27,30,31ar