HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-23, Page 16Lucknow .Spotlitoli Wednesday, ,I.oty. 23,. 1,980 SELL ,TRADE. OB 1.2. 'Help Wanted .1.2. Help wanted TT.. •.",0 "."0' VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW A. E. HERBERT CLERK TREASURER Applications will be received by the under-' signed up to August 12, 1980 at 5 o'clock for the position of School Crossing-Guard for the Village. Applicants'please state salary expected.. If more information Is required call 528-3539. HELP- WANT E D 4 people needed 'to work immediately. 980. approximately to start. All applicants must have car & good driving record. Interviews only, phone: Between 11:00 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. WESTEEL ROSCO GRAIN bins, bulk feed tanks, aera- tion systems, in bin dryers, Moridge batch dryers, utility augers - 3%, 4, 5 and 6 inches, transport augers - 6, 7, 8 and 10 inches, up to 71 feet long, grain cleaners. Phone Jim Harkness Equip- ment, Harriston, 338-2821. • —30-34 BEIGE RECLINER. CHAIR, vinyl, good condition. Phone 528-3315. —30x BABY STROLLER with canopy. Phone 528-5243.-30 RASPBERRIES, limited quantity, H.M. Greer, 528- 5353.-30 LADIES DRESSES size 201/2- 241/2 , originally over $40.00, excellent 'condition, reasonable. Also, some dresses size 14. Phone 528- 6945.-30,31 FRESH GARDEN PEAS at Daniel D. Stutzman RR 2 Lucknovv, 1 block south of St. Helens -1/4 mile east.-30,31 USED FRENCH Provincial sofa and arm Chair. Asking $200. Phone 529=7783.-30 GOOD BTU air conditioner, new condition; lady's size .7 roller skates; exerciser. Phone 529-7741.-30,31 OVEN READY ROOSTERS, • $1 A0 lb. SWIMMING POOLS Entor_y_overstack.sale of new 1979 pools. These come coin- lete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing pump, motor and filter. Regular price' $2400, now $1498. Call Im- perial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970. —23-30arx BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET .LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 —40tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —8tfar TOP SOIL. Lloyd Whytock. Phone 528-2006. —17tf RENT A POOL Swimming pool tnanufactur- er will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool com- plete with walkway, sun deck and fencing; on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try before you buy! Call Imperial Polls toll free 1-800-26&5970. —23-30arx oak table. MODERN: 2 door Zenith refrigerator - excel- lent condition; Kroehler gold 2 pc. chesterfield,.- like new; 2 pc. chesterbed; 2 pc. vinyl chesterfield; 4 cushion chesterfield. STANDARD: 3 sectional bookcase w. glass doors; metal bed, springs; dresser w. oval bevelled mirror; 2 good kitchen sets; 3 coffee tables; end tables; table lamps; twin beds, dresser ancd chest; 2 wooden 'bedsteads; rocking chair; several chairs, including .6 matching press back- dresser bottoms; Westminster mantel chime clock; propane kitchen 'stove; barbecue; self propelled 22" lawn mower; a variety of dishes, glassware, etc., including 6 egg cups, 4 salt and pepper, 3 cups and saucers in elite Limoges France. Preview: Friday, July 25, 2-5 p.m. and 7.9 p.m. and Saturday morning prior • to sale. JACK ALEXANDER AUCTIONEER TEL: 357-1442 =MD SIUMF 40•11.11.11,11111.• MI. Mk. mmars 18. Services available J.C. ROOFING residential roofing and repair. Free estimates. Phone 395-2768,-30-33 30tf GUITAR LESSONS Beginners,Advanced $3.75 Classical $4,00 GUITAR RENTALS Register early for fall session. Whitechurch area. PHONE 357-3248 —30,31 PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL. DAVE McKEE 524-7774 20. Public notices MARY LOU'S BEAUTY LOUNGE Will be closed for holidays July 21 to August 4 inclusive. —30 On late Saturday ' night a Negro figurine with large white hat was taken off the premises of William Humphrey, Clyde Street, Lucknow. Please return the ' same.--30 THE ANNUAL Colwell picnic to be held in Purple Grove. Community Centre on August 3rd has been can- celled for this year.-30,31 w•!•}..0•......q eMW , 1. Articles for Sale PUTTING 1T OF WITH HONEY, 207 recipes for del- icious sauces, jams, juices, piekles-and more! Daing NO QSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See, Rieck. I.D.A. Pharmacy, i4 Shoppers Square, Goderich 524-7241: —8tfar 3,000 GALLON steel tank, suitable for grain bin. Phone 395-2821. —29,30 TEN H.P. DYNASTAR rid- ing lawn mower; electric start, 36" twin blade. Call Cecil Little,' 357-1963. —29,30 HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow. Phone 528-3112. —27tfar 2. Mobile Homes 70 x 12 NORTHLANDER mobile home, five years old, three bedroom, excellent condition. Phone 529-7857: —29,30,31 4. Articles wanted POSTAGE STAMPS - Post Cards, for the collector, buy - sell. Call .395-3545, R. Pow- ell, R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont- ario. NOG 2B0, '-28-35ar ONE WICKER fernery start& Phone 528-2118 after 6 p. in. --30nx 1974 Le MANS 350, V8 automatic, 4 dr., as is, needs some body' work. Reason- able. Phone 395,5435, —30,31x 1975 MERCURY, 2 dr., dark brown, immaculate condi- tion, 45,000 miles, new tires, $1500,00 certified. Phone 357-3248. —29,30 GOOD FARM TRUCK, 1967 Chev. 3 ton, '14' flat rack. Phone 357-3637 before 10, a.m. —29,30x 7. Real estate for sale REAL ESTATE LOTS & ACREAGE 29 Acres Netherby Road (half-way between Fort Erie and Niagara Falls) a stone's throw from the river. Phone: 716835-1165:-30nx ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Tegswater and Riplie,57 Call Glennhaven Ap- artments, 528-3234; •-28tfar SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment, electric heat, Car- pet throughout, fridge and stove. Phone 5283932. Av- ailable July 1. —24tf ONE BEDROOM• apartment, heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 528- 2113. —22ff • TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately. PhOne 528-2625. —22tf THREE BEDROOM house in Amberley. For further infor- mation call 395-5305, —43tfar 10. Wanted to rent WANTING TO RENT: 300 acres of well drained land, no more than 8 miles from Kin- toss. Phone 395-5842. —28-31 17. Auction Sales LADIES! WoUld you like to get out of the .bouse 2 or 3 hours a day. Service Fuller Brush customers in your area, ..Good commission.. Phone 338-3548. P.S. A good opportunity for students. —30-33-- E.C.E. TEACHER required Please send resume to Box 174, Kincardine, Ont. NOG 200. —30,31 EMPLOYMENT. OPPORTUNITY Mechanic wanted' for. Nor- thern Alberta G.M. Dealership. Wages:. $12.00 Per hour (under review). Transportation paid 'to Alberta. Phone 403 926-3732; 403 9 2 6-3 0 39 (evenings) ,-30nx r.RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior and inter- ior renovations, cedar decks, rec. rooms, etc. For free estimate ' PHONE 395.5450 —13tfar Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529.7691 AIRUAMMER BACKHOEING —afar RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528-3714 —28-31 PERSON TO ASSIST in hardware'inventory control. Typing ability would be helpful. Apply in own han- dwriting to manager)\ Lucknow District Co- operative. No phone calls please.---30ar PAINTING interior and ex- -ter2i9o1:3.0Phone 395-2821. 18. Services available GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations, additions, cot- .tages. Phone 357-3457, Whitechureh. —3tf BILL THOMSON CARPENTRY Renovations, repairs, odd jobs, cement patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Free estimate call 528-3508 after six. POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and. Sherlock- Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- tioned pianos for sale;, used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. —8tfar JIM MOSS White Washing and Disinfecting To Barns and Buildings Of All Types 529-7850 PAPER AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 395.5079' or Joe Allison 396-7173 —460 18. Services available MOBILE. SANDBLASTING 'Brick Cleaning Phone Wintglitun 357-3637 —29,30x DON THOMPSONI.V. & Aporwicts Admw Sales and Service Tower And Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY —15tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald; Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeawater Licensed Auctioneers Sales.of all types' Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 —40ttar ' EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand Gravel . Topsoil Paving Robert Symes Contracting Lucknow. 528-3047 —10tfar BULLDOZING • AND LANDSCAPING ' BM Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 —17tf PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in Shop repair work ' Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2020 ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement sealing. Jam- es -Symes, 528-3233. •-1 8tfar CUSTOM BULLDOZING 9. Accommodation to rent imomor own kn.. SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, available September 1; also, one bedroom apart- ment, frig and stove, avail- able September 1. Phone 395-5596 or 528-3134. —29tf THREE BEDROOM home in Lucknow. Spacious living area. Phone 528-2526. (after 6 - 528-3543). —29tfar 110W DOES YOUR SUB- SCRIPTION LABEL READ? 1. :Miklos fOr • •rent Opm• Ommi ,one, Aroma 0,.1t ,!....1. "P.M M..!!0! FRESH GARDEN PEAS for. AVAILABLE now small Sale'. .1/4 mile east. of St. furniihed apartment Helens at Edward Shetlers. ateknew; Phene 39.56596. or. 29,39:r sugar; Send: .only $845.. to: • The Storeroom, Box 509, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0. —1o4x ' AUCTION SALE OF INTEREST Antique, Modern, Vintage Furniture SATURDA: , JULY 26 11 a.m. WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE Next to L.C.B.O. Wingham 5. Cars, trucks for sale ANTIQUE; Round oak dining table, 6 chairs, buffet with 1974 318 DODGE Coronet —tilittaT 3 *ific:-Wiere-r suite, Stationwagon, 65,000 miles, excellent condition; full size air conditioner new paint, brass bed - good condition; checked, asking $1395. Phone 529-7783,30 18. Services available RICKS ROOFING We Do. All Roofs Plus earn Steel Free Estimates CALL 395-3488 14. Employment wanted excpn e „.,t.gas_mheage,rs.a.f.e_ty secretary_deskr_refinished. Ao-•work—in—in -Sehool — -- kitchen cabinet original' condition; sleigh bed, dres- ser and night table set; tulip wood table top desk; spool bed; Stradavarius violin, made in Italy; small drop leaf Turn to page 1.14 s . J.A. CULBERT R.R. 1, Dungannon Phone 529-7469