HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-23, Page 7Y[
If you require financing to start, modernize or
expand yoUr business and are unable to
obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and
conditions or if you are interested in the
FBDB management services of counselling
and training or wish information on
government programs available for your
business, talk to our representative.
Mr,. and. Mrs.. Peter Via Sunday on a bus trip for two
Trevor- and Christine weelP'(1Ow.11 east .
—returned4ast-week.from-a-ten— Mr Bill'FotiPrt Who resid7
day holiday down east where es •at • the -„of' Mrs.
they visited with relatives, Blanche ItaMilton• is spend-
and friends., Timmy Stayed ing "oOurlo of weeks with
with his. grandparents in
mr, and Mrs. Bill Bennett
and family of Londpn spent.
the Weekend at their summer':
home here.
WS, $tan Blackwell of the
4th'concession had the mis-
fOrtune ,recently, to badly
spraia her foot and .year the
ligaments,- She is presently
one` crutches. We 'wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. Andrew Hamilton vis-
ited on Sunday with relatives
in- Goderich.
, Miss Nancy McGuire and.
Michael. Moskel of Kit-
chener spent the Weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. lack
McGuire and Brian..
Mrs. Edna McDonald and
- Andrew Badmen , of
tucknoW . visited recently,
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Blaak and Joyce.
Mrs. Blanche Hamilton of
BY tORRAM McGUIRE. Olivet and MO, ,CharleS An,. relatives in Hamilton while
dorsi* of Lneknow left on r Blanche is on. holidays,
A number front this, area
attended the .tractor pull in.
Lucknow on Saturday and
Whoever can make' two ears of
corn, or two blades of grass to grow
upon a spot of ground Wh dive only one—?
grew-before, would deserve better of
mankind, and. do more. essential
service to• his country,-than the -
whole race of PolitiCiang put
together. Witkapologies to Jonathon
SWift and Gulliver, I offer this quote.
Canadian fatiners have been
doing just that for 50 years or more.
Although the number of farmers on
the land in this country dwindles
every year, production.continues to
As a farm writer for more than 20
years, I have suggested on hundreds
occasions that. Canadians are
squandering prime farmland. Every
now and again, somebody disputes
m the idea. A . fellow far , writer
laughed at me recently for saying.
that, someday, Canadians will
grieve for, land that is lost to. high-
. ways, power c6rridors, Subdivisions,
shOpping plazas and ticky-tacky
Just last week, the owner of a huge
feed Mill Stopped me in the,bank and
laughed at my suggestion that
Ontario should take major steps to
preserve the land that isleft in the
"Hell, man, we can grow, grain on
rooftops if we have to, , ' he said: "We
don't need all this farm land."
So, feeling chastized, I pulled in
my horns and decided not to say
Much more about farm land
Until last week when Joe Hulse
head of agriculture and food
programs:.. for the , DeveloPment
Research Centre, in Ottawa, spoke to
tiie graduating class at the
University of Gnelph.
ought to knOW. Be is in a position to
see development in food 'production
around the world as the top dog in
Canada'S research and 'development .
aid to needy countries.
He maintains Canada is becoining
more dependent on food imports. He
'quoted an, old Italian proverb to the
effect that hunger delivers a:man, up
to his enemy. He feels this country
needs a . whole new agricultural
economic order because 75 percent
of the Canadian farm land taken out
of production in.the last 10 years was
prime farmland, the best.farm land..
"As• a result of our mindless
shortsightedness,, we are rapidly
.losing our self-sufficiency in both
fbod and Nei," he.said..
"Thirty • years ago, we .(Ontario)
produced roughly the same weight
and value of fruit and vegetables as
we consumed. Now, we import about
60 percent of the fruit and about 75,
per cent of, tfie vegetables we eat."
Startling statistics, eh?
Five• years ago, Canadians and
Americans were worried about a
global food shortage because tile
predicted deficit of edible cereal
grains was about 40 million metric
Today, he suggested, the, situation
is even worse yet few people seem
concerned about • it because we
continually allow farm land to:go out•
of 'production and give few in-
centives to farmers. to. stay on the
"From our best extrapolation, by
1990 the shortfall will lie between 100.
and 150 million tonne's.-- that is
between 2% and t1/2 times the 1975
deficit," he is quoted as saying.
Those are sobering figures. They
mean a lot of people -- three-
quarters of the world population? --
Sunday,; A good crowd was
reported despite the showers
on Siinday. ”
Work Clothing
Welcomes You Everyday
Open Friday Nights Until 9:00 p.m.
He said exactly what I have been will not just go to sweep hungry' at
saying for. years: The world is fast night. They: will• be more than
approaching major :food,. crisis. - --hungry._They will be Starving.
which will prove far more serious Think about that the next time you
than-the present energy crisis. 11e are putting out the garbage.
40 dears
Financial assistance
Management, counselling
Management training
Information on government
programs for business
See our Stratford Office representatives
AT: The Bedford Hotel, Gocierich, Ontario
ON: The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month (next visic
date! July 29th
FOrrin appointment or Nether Information on the
services call 271,5650 (collectl -or-,Write
1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario. "
Opening new doors to small business.
Alex and Ella Hackett
Were guests of Wayne and
Gloria Hackett, Vicky,
Shawn and Allison at the
Bavarian'' Inn •in Elmira
on Sunday the occasion
being Ella and Alex's 40th
wedding anniversary.
Dora and Steven Alton
spent a few days at.
Ottawa with Peter, Marj
and Aaron Levick.
Holidaying' With Doug
and Dixie Cameron,
• Jason and Sara is Dixie's
niece, Tawny Ruston of
Visitors this week with.
Gail, Ivan arid Danielle
Cranston are Gail'S
parents, Stuart and Pearl
Jamieson of Wiarton and
her nieces, Leanne arid
Alechia Short of Inger-
Mrs. Edna McLean of
Wingham spent a day
with her sister, Betty and
Harvey Ritchie.
Kirk Livingston is
attending Huronia
Hockey Camp at Pike
Lake Lodge this week.
tree branch or on a standard lamp post.
— Operate 24 hours a day for maximum effectiveness.
— Waterproof, and Weatherproof.
— Short Circuit Protection.
Dimensions — 21" diameter x 30" high.
Eliminates mosquitoes; black flies, gnats, etc.
- Does not attract birds, bees or butterflies.
— Harmless to humans and pets.
— Effective within a 100' radius (approx.).
Ludmow Phone 528-3112